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C ** * ***1000.0***.*** 0 ii a e a Tv lis tings •••••••••••••••••••••••• OBITU
7:00 Apple's Way
8:00 .Mary Tyler Moore 8:45 Mon Ami
.8:30 This is. The Law 9:00 Friendly Giant
9:00 Cannon 9:15 OECA,
10:00 Special: Is There ,Life 10:30 Mr. Dressup
After Youth? 11:00 Ed. Allen
10:30 One Pair of Eyes 11;30. Luncheon Date Pt., 1
11;00 The National 12:00 I'do.s. The Mouse
11:20 News 12:30 News
11:45 Mery Griffin Show 12:45 Movie
TUESDAY 2;30 Edge of Night
8:00 OECA‘ 3:00 :Juliette
8:45' Mon Ami 3:30 Take 30
9:00 Friendly Giant 4:00 Family Court
9:15 OECA: 4:30 Hi DiddleDay
10:30 Mr, Dressup 5:00 Hogan's Heroes
11:00 Ed. Allen 5:30 Partridge Family
11:30 Luncheon Date Pt,1 6:00 News
12:00 Mac The. Mouse 6:30 Truth or Consequences
12:30 Noon Report 7;00 Lawrence WEIk
12:45 Matinee 8:00 Carol Burnett
2:30 Edge of Night 9:00 Movie
3:00 Juliette and Friends 10:30 George Hamilton IV
.3:30 Take 30 11:00 The National
4:00 Family Court 11:20 News
4;30 Mr. Wizard 11:45 Mery Griffin. Show
5:00 Hogan's Heroes
5:30 partridge Family FRIDAY
6:00 News 8:Q0 OECA
6:30 Truth or Consequences 8:45 Mon Ami
7:00 Rhoda . 9:00 Friendly Giant
7:30 Circle EightRanch 9:15 OECA
8:00 Happy Days 10:30 Mr: Dressup
8:30 Police Story
P.3f) Front Page Challenge
I 1:00 Ed Allen
11:30 Luncheon Date Pt. 1
10:00 Up Canada 12:00 Max The Mouse 10:30 News Magazine
11:00 The National 12:45 Movie 11:20 Western Ontario T 2:30 Edge of Night
'Tonight 12:30 News.
11:45 Mcry Griffin -
3;00 Juliette
3:30 Take 30
8:00 OECA 4:00 Family Court
8:45 Mon Ami 4:30 Dr. Zonk & The Zunkins
9:00 Friendly Giant
9:15 OECA
5:00 'Hogan's. Heroes
5:30 Partridge Family
10:30 Mr. Dressup 6:00 News
11:00 Ed Allen 6:30 Truth or Consequences
11:30 Luncheon Date Pt. 1 7:00 Barnaby Jones
12.00 Littlest Hobo 8:00 . All In The Family
12:30 News
8:30 M*A*S*H
9:00 The Tommy Hunte.
2:30 Edge ofNight
3:00 Juliette
10:00 Under Atta ck
11:00 The National
3:30 Take 30 11:20 News
4:00 Family Court .
4:30 Dr. Zonk c.k The Zunkins
11:45. Mery Griffin
1:15 Movie
5:00 Hogan's Heroes
5:30 Partridge Family CKNX Movies
• 6:00 News
6:30 Truth or Consequences SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26
7:00 Gunsmokc 1:20 :'Breakfast at Tiffany's''
8;00 Nature of "fhi ngs Audrey Hepburn, George
8:30 Music:intent Peppard.
10:00 ,Preview SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27
10:30 First Person Singular 11:45 "Ten Gentlemen . from
11:00 The National West Point",-George
11:20 Weather, Sports ' Montgomery, - Maureen
11:45 Mery Griffin O'Hara.
THURSDAY 12:45 "Big Street" - Lucille
8:00 OECA Ball, Henry 'Fonda.
newspaper column had already
been written.
Mr. Cochrane outlined the
details of the care given the youth
stating he had in his possession
signed statements front the
principal of the school, the
teacher of the physical education
class, and the attending nurse at
the Clinton Public Hospital attest-
ing to the accuracy of the care
Mr. Cochrane said that. "In my
opinion the injured student was
treated quickly, sensibly and in a
manner that was in his best
interest,-aid the adverse Criticism
to which the school and the board
have been subjected was totally
Asked by the press representa-
tive at the conclusion of the
meeting Friday as to whether
they would stand for re-election at
the December municipal election.
the following trustees responded
in the affirmative: Vice-Chalet-hart
Wilfred Shortreed of Walton;
Alexander of Witighatitt Kenneth
Cooke ; Clinton; Mi s Mollie
"Kutider, Seafotth Ratty Rayter,
Dashwooth Herbert Thrkheim,
Zurich and John Westbrook,
Clarence Mc) ohatd of EXeter
said "Too early to decide." acid
8:30 Queue
9:00 Les Egregories
9:30 Professor Kitzel
10:00 Spiderman
10:30 Junior Talent Hour
11:30 Rocket Robinhood,
12:00 Abott & C.onstello
1:00 Howie Meeker
1:15 Mr. Chips
1:30 Reach For the Top
2:00 CBC Sports
4:30 Sports Week .
5:00 Bugs Bunny
5:00 Stompin TOM'S Canada
6:30 Chico The Man
7:00 Paul Sand Show
7:30 Maude
8:00 NHL Hockey
10:30 Philadelphia at Vancouver
CFL Football B.C. at
12;30 The National
12:50 Provincial Affairs
12:55 News, weather,Sports
1:20 Movie
5:30 OECA
10:30 Rex Humbard
11:30 It is Written
'12:00 People's Church
1:00 Focus on the Farm
1:30 Country Canada
2:00 Sports (TBA)
4:30 Sports Week
5:00 Music To Sec
5:30 Hymn Sing
6:00 Wonderful World of
7:00 Beachcombers
7:30 Irish Rovers
8:00 The Waltons•
9:00 Sunday Drama (The
10:00 Documentary:I.E.Stone
10:30 Ombudsman
11:00 The National
11:20 Western Ontario
11:40 Movie ,
8:00 OECA
8:45 Mon Anti
9:00 Friendly Giant
9:15 OECA.,
10:30 Mr. Dressup
11:00 Ed. Allen
11:30 Luncheon Date Pt.I
12:00 Max The Mouse
12:30 News
12:45 Movie
2:30 Edge of Night
3:00 Juliette and Friends
3:30 Adrienne at Large
4:00 Family Court
4:30, Dr. Zonk &- The Zunkins
5:00 Hogan's Heroes
5:30 Partridge Family
6:00 News
6:30 Truth or ConSequences
An opportunity class has been Herbert Turkheim of Zurich
organized at A.D. McCurdy and Mrs. Marion Zinn of Lucknow
School, also a senior opportunity were named to the Educational
at Howick Central Public Leave Committee which will bring.
School consisting of 16 boys and in a report by December on leaves
girls who receive practical requested for 1975-76.
raining as well as academic The administrative staff were
:nstruction, using the portable as told they could have November II
a classroom. as a holiday the same as the
Kindergarten children at Blyth pupils, teachers and clerical staff
are attending classes in their own in order to attend Remembrance
room for the first time in several Day services,-
years, The auditorium stage is D. J, Cochrane, Director of
not being used as an instruction Education, advised the board
area. The library is now in members that the editor of the
operation at Colborne Public Goderich Signal Star had made
School and will be at Blyth's "a very inaccurate report" in her
school later this month. column, Dear Readers, on an
Instruction in instrumental accident when an arca youth
music is being given four times a sustained an eye injury in a
week at golmesville School, in 35 basketball game at Central Huron
minute classes. At a total cost of Secondary School at Clinton on
$1,30/ for the year, 29 instru- September 13.
merits have been tented. Partici- Mr: Cochrane repotted he
pating students are payi rig $45• received a telephone call from the
each and the students' council, Goderich editor outlining the
local Women's Institute and mother's version of the incident
service- -clubs have assisted to and asking for comment. He said
provide some equipment. he interviewed school personnel
James Bishop; a teacher at aid the administrator at the
Seaforth Public School, was Clinton Public Hospital and called
highly praised and thanked in, a the editor to "fill her in on the
letter from Mrs. Wayne Ellis for details of the incident" -which
taking some of the students on a apparently were riot in her
.amping trip to Collirigwood - possessioh, He WAS ihfotthed the
11;45 Mery Griffin GLENN L. IM
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29 Glenn Laidlaw R u
12:45 "Where Angels go died suddenly On
TrOuble Follows" - October 14, from a hea
. Rosalind. Russel, Stella his home in Cranbroo
11:45 Mery Griffin Born in Grey Towns}
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30 the late Daniel Hueth(
wife an, 12:45 "Holly and the Ivy" -. his life
Ralph. Richardson, Celia until April of this year Johnson.
11:45 Mery Griffin moved to his newly ere(
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 in Cranbrook.
12:45 "Marcaibo" - Cornel Surviving is his wifE
11:45 Mery Griffin'
Wilde ,,Abbe Lane
riothseoln Murray ooff Cam s
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1 three sisters, Mrs.
12:45 "The Monk" - George (Marie) McTaggart,
Maharis, Janet Leigh. Mrs. Lyle (Evelyn)
1:15 "War and Peace" - Kitchener, Mrs. David
Audrey Hepburn, Henry Miller, Seven Isles, Que
Fonda, two granddaughters, Sa
Funeral service was c
Tracy. Smiles
Tommy told a falsehood, so by his minister, his shocked grandmother took C.A.Falconer, at the N him on her knee and explained Funeral Home, Brass
the consequences of lying. Wednesday. "A tall, mean man with red
fiery eyes and sharp horns grabs Pallbearers were Wm,
little boys who tell lies," she London, Maurice C
said, '"He takes them to Mars
where they have to work hard' in Kenneth Fischer, Jack
a deep hole for fifty-years. Now, Gordon Engel and Fred
you won't tell any stories again, Flowerbearers were
will you, Tommy?" nephews Brian Huether a
McTaggart. Interment
m 'yr , Grandma,Gyou te
,:es mrepbelitetd Toerthman-
Brussels Cemetery.
I do."
News of ‘
The South Huron Chtistian Women's Club held a Sot
Se.rvice in the Chapel on Sunday evening. Mr. and MI
Luther of Hensall, led the singing and devotions wi
Thanksgiving poems by Mrs,Pearl Erratt.
.The Lakelet Women's Institute were hosts on Wednesd
afternoon for the October Birthday Party. Mrs. Lyle Man
was emcee for the afternoon and introduced the vatic
program. Mrs. Helen Reidt provided the piano accompa
ment for the musical numbers which included.a rythrn bat
.with kitchen utensils, guitar and vocal solos Evelyn Harriso
electric steel guitar Marlene Heinbecker; vodal solos by 4 ye
old. Neil Murray and a sing song led by Mrs. Marra
Included in the program were readings by Eva Ferguson an
three skits by members of the institute. Following the singin
of "Happy Birthday" gifts were presented to the 2
celebrants.Tea and birthday cake were served to 15
residents and guests. Mrs. Irwin, one of the celebrants and
personal friend of several of the institute members, expresse
the appreciation of the residents.
Earl and Martha Heywood, of Wingham, who are we
known to many of the residents, entertained on "Famil
Night". The Heywoods sang several of the songs they hay
recorded and although there wasn't sufficient time for Earl t
demonstrate his magic, they hope to visit us again in the tiCa
future. Mrs. Lamb, formerly of Wingham, thanked th
entertainers on behalf of the residents,
John Henderson of Seaforth,
"Maybe." John Broadfoot,
Brucefield said he was retiring.
Mrs. 'D. Wallace, Goderich,
Mrs. M, Zinn, Lucknow; and
Donald McDonald, Brussels left
the meeting early,
Chairman E. Cayley Hilt,
Goderich, at,d Charles Rau,
Zurich did not attend the
You have
to walk
before you
can run.
the Canad,an movement br Pet6D^0,11114$
Fitness. Cti plur heart yon know h'stigh
Huron Board of Ed. starts Opportunity classes