HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-10-16, Page 22• BRUSSELS 'OFFICIAL. PLAN types of commercial ues are noted in sub- section (d) above and shown in the Restricted Area (zoning) by-law., f) Implementation Commercial goals and policies win be implemented as follows: i) by a Restricted Area (zoning) by-law; ii) the Land Division Policy of this Plan; hi) the review of building proposals by Council; the development of a core area renewal scheme. 6: INDUSTRIAL la) Introduction Two industries, together employing 10 people are present in the village. Industrial development has been minimal over the last quarter century. Based on Brussels' generally amenable residential environment and the proposed installation of full services, the option for new industry is held open. This section provides therefore an area in the village as an industrial park. The industrial park, north of the railway tracks and east of County Highway #12 is well buffered from residential areas to the south. b) Definition Industrial classification of land shall mean that the predominant use of land in areas so designated shall include only industrial uses which are free from noxious emissions of smoke, noise, fumes or odours. Industrial includes wholesaling, service operations, parking lots, utilities, accessory buildings and open space. c) Goals The following industrial goals are adopted: i) To retain .the option for light industrial development by designating an area for industrial use. ii) To direct new industry to an industrial park capable of providing services of industrial standards. iii), To encourage industrial facilities to in- corporate design and landscaping facilities to maintain the high civic design standards set for other major land uses. d) Policies To achieve the above` stated goals the following policies are adopted: i) New industry will be located in an industrial park; ii); The industrial park area will be opened in a phased manner; , • iii)' Full services designed to industrial standards will be provided to all industries; • iv) All industries will comply with the Ministry of the Environment's effluent regulations; v) All industries will be provided with off street parking and loading facilities; vi) Where industrial uses abut other uses the onus shall be on the industrial use to provide adequate buffering space between the two different types of land use. vii) The municipality shall enter into agreements with new industries as to site plans, building, mat erials and land- scaping. e) Location The general 'location of lands designated Industrial is shown on the Land Use Plan (Schedule "B") Specific location of types of industrial uses are shown in the Restricted Area (zoning) by-law. 0 Implementation Industrial , goals and policies will be implemented as follows: i) by a Restricted Area (zoning) by-law; ii) the Land Division Policy of this Plan; iii) the review of development proposals by Council iv) the use of a developer's agreement by Council 7 OPEN SPACE a) Introduction A variety of open spaces exist in the Village ranging from a ball park and an agricultural park to the flood plain corridor of the River Maitland, The intent of ,this section is to provide and enhance open space opportunities in the Village. A number of recommendations evolve, including the acquirement and development of the River Maitland corridor and flood plain for public open space and the creation of neighbour- hood parks in the residential areas. b) Definition The predominant use of land designated Open. Space shall be for conservation and recreation. Open space includes flood plains, parks, playgrounds, tennis courts arid similar recreational uses and buildings accessory to such recreational, uses. Open space also includes the grass verge and treescape on either side of the road. c) Goals The following open space goals are adopted: i) To maintain and develope a hierarchy of open spaces ranging from Village wide facilities to small neighbourhood parks to the treescape on either side of the roads; ii) To maintain and develop both active and passive open space and recreational facilities; iii) To promote the natural landscape in the Village through both public and private open space; iv) To develop the flood plain 'of the River Maitland as a major open space area both for natural environmental protection and public use. d) Policies To achieve the above stated goals the following policies are adopted: i) In developing new areas adequate area shall be acquired for neighbourhood open space which will be designed to serve not only the new development but also the nearby existing, development; ii) Neighbourhood open space areas will be acquired mainly by way of dedications from registered plans of subdivision; and implemented by the subdivider; iii) Roadside treeplanting be provided for in new residential plans of subdivision and implemented by the subdivider; iv) Roadside treescape that is existing shall be maintained and replaced when necessary by the municipality; v) Where any lands designated for Open Space use are under private ownership, this Plan does not intend that this land will necessarily remain as. Open Space indefinitely or shall it be construed as implying the Open Space areas are free and open to the general public. At any particular time, if proposals to develop such lands, that are in private ownership are made and the Village of Brussels does not wish to purchase such lands in order to maintain them as Open Space, then an application for the redesignatior of such lands for other purposes will be given due consideration by the Village as an amendment to this Plan. vi) In areas that are under the jurisdiction. of Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, or that are part of the flood plain of the River Middle Maitland, neither buildings, nor the placing or the removal of fill of any kind, whether originating on, the site or elsewhere, shall be permitted in areas subject to flooding or physical 'limitations of any kind without the written consent of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. e) Location The general location of lands designated Open Space is shown on the Land Use Plan (Schedule "B"). Location of open space in the undeveloped areas is not shown but will be allocated during the development and approval of registered plans of subdivision. f) Implementation Open Space goals and policies will be implemented as follows: i) by a Restricted Area (zoning) by-law; ii) by dedication through registered plans of subdivision; iii) by acquistion bY the Municipality, Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Or other public or private agency or group .s 8: INSTITUTIONAL a) Introduction The location of institutional activities in Brussels is presesntly random and However due to the size of Be location of institutional uses is si the entire village and their locatio determined with a view of strengt overall form and living environm Village. • b) Definition Institutional uses means bui properties which are public or s and non-profit in nature, They commercial buildings and properti an organized body or society for p particular objective, c) Goals The following Institutional goals ar i) To guide the location of instituti so as to serve the entire Vii equal ease; . ii) To proMote where possible the I institutional uses in the core a iii) To promote the creative use of blend institutional uses surrounding area; iv) -To promote the multiple institutional areas and buildin v) To persue the concept of a civ housing municipal and other fu d) Policies Jo achieve the above stated g following policies are adopted: i) Major institutional uses established in areas designat tutional; , ii) The location of new major inst uses will be guided by Council, e) Location. The general location. of lands de .Institutional is shown on the Land (Schedule "B") 0 Implementation Institutional goals and policies will b merited as follows: i) by a Restricted Area (zoning) by ii) review of proposals by Council; iii) development of close liaison betw municipal government and other I government and various instil agencies and groups. 9: 'HISTORIC FEATURES a) Introduction The apendices of this plan obsery presence of many historic buildings Village and the intent of this sectio evolve policies for their preservation, vation was considered necessary a that many of the buildings selected w integral part of the overall aestheti b) Denevfiinroitntomnental charm of the Village, Historic features are those determin PCioaunn.cil and noted in the policy section c) Goals For historic features the following g adopted: i) To promote the preservation maintenance of historic building d) Policies their demolition and deface To achieve the above stated goal following Policies are adopted: i) The designation of historic features be made when appropriate by Coon ii) Any alteration of historic features be approved by Council; ci.iNi).R.fTehaetusfttoealstloi?owning are deemed to be hist Loorgthei Philipasnl Melville :mese cAi United kl rilee Presbyterian si Residencedehnu crech e hu:rjeah::T:C: wpeuY strPi inrsbi ;Cypress es n irssrYs W.H.Kerr Residence Jaamtneess SStt: St. John's Anglican Church :Turnberry St. St.Ambrose Roman Catholic Church:Flora St Archer Grewar Residence :John St. William Ainley Resiclence:Turnbetry 'gt, John Ainley ReSidence site :John St, Presbyterian rnsouth. o6uetish.co nCt nh eu ec ha Manse Core O:nWiTlittiarninb:ry. 'from St.tcithe north to Market St't°1 PAGE BB THE BRUSSELS tiOtt