HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-10-16, Page 19n to re view a TIAL established all of which le lug run. A mai potential f ;el's serves as rrounding far her order cent d Seaforth to t lain trade area els in a region ir determinant nd applies in [al developmen will change d by Brusse rrounding orb commercial a s the function rmers. 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The categories of land e described in this section outline descriptions of posed and existing land uses. a) Introduction The residential component is the most dynamic land use in Brussels. The basic configuration is one of three residential neighbourhoods. One north of the river and one on either side of Turnberry Street, south of the River. Each is well established and connected to the core commercial area which serves as their focal point. Each is capable of expansion. The intent is to provide for new housing needs within and adjoining these residential neighbourhoods while preserving and enhancing the natural and built residential environment. b) Definition i) This category contains a full range of permanent housing types. For definitional and locational policy purposes, this range is divided into four groupings: low density : includes single family residents medium density : includes duplexes, triplexes, town- houses, row houses high desnity : apartments special types : includes mobile homes and apart- ments in the core areea in conjunction with retail establish- ments. 10 This category also includes the following compatible residential uses: home occupations, open spaces (parks and natural areas, places of worship, nursing homes, health clinics and neighbourhood commercial and service activities, provided they conform with the policies of subsection (d) below. c) Goals. The following residential goals are adopted. i) To provide for a wide variety of housing types and prices to satisfy the varying housing needs of people through both private and public actions. ii) To promote the creative use of design and landscaping to allow the mixing of densities, the integration of new structures into the older areas without a loss of harmony and the continuation of the existing natural landscape. • d) Policies • To achieve the above stated goals the following policies are adopted. i) In low and medium density residential areas the predominant rise of land will be' single family residential and duplexes and duplexes and semi detached. However, the medium density uses of row houses and town houses will be allowed in limited numbers. When allowed, their design shall complement and not deter from a low density environment. Such medium density uses shall be considered and approved by Council on a proposal basis and shall meet the following criteria: - low rise in nature and not to exceed two storeys; - all parking to be off-street; adequate landscaping and on-site amenities will be provided; - adequate notification of surrounding landowners prior to approval. ii) Conversion of single family homes into multiple family units will be allowed subject to the provisions of the restricted area by-lavv. III) Residential uses will be allowed within the central business area above or behind commercial' uses, but must be provided with adequate off-street parking facilities. iv) All residential uses will be provided with and connected to municipal wat er and future sewage services in the confines of the sewer area. v) New subdivisions will endeavour • to protect natural features and proposal for new subdivisions will show existing natural features and indicate those to be removed. vi) New residential development will be allowed in all residential neighbourhoods both as infilling and expansion. Expansion of residential areas will be by registered plan of subdivision, will • be staged to maintain a continuous urban form and staged to the availability of required municipal services. vii) If the supply of residential lots falls behind the demand and the private market cannot meet the demand, the municipality can acquire, service, sub- divide and sell land. viii) Mobile homes or house trailers will be allowed. HOvvever, mobile homes will be located only in mobile home parks, and such parks will require an amendment to the local restricted area (zoning) by-law. In establishing a mobile home park the following criteria will be' met; - mobile home parks shall, wherever possible, have access to a major road; - adequate off-street parking shall be provided; -ample provision shall be made for play- ground purposes and natural open space; - every mobile home park shall have immediately 'within its boundaries a buffer area of suitable size which is land- scaped according to good design principles and in which no lots, buildings or structures shall be permitted; - all mobile home units shall be connected to full services. , ix) Home occupations will be allowed and will be continually monitored, by licensing if necessary,' to insure compatibility with the residential environment. x) Neighbourhood commercial and service activities will 'be allowed in residential areas provided they serve mainly the residential community, are designed in, harmony with and are compatable with the residential surrounding. In all cases the establishment of such uses will require an amendment to the zoning by-law. e) Location The general location of lands designated Residential is shown on the Land Use Plan (Schedule "B"). Specific location of types of residential uses ar e shown in the Restricted Area (zoning) by-law. 0 Implementation Residential goals and policies will be implemented as follows: i) by a Restricted Area (zoning) by-law; ii) the Land Division Policy of this Plan; iii) Plans of Subdivision; iv) the review of development proposals by . Council; v) the use of a subdivider's agreement by Council. 5: COMMERCIAL a) Introduction The central core area its the established general commercial area of the Village and neighbouring townships of Grey and Morrie. This core area comprises four blocks fronting canto County Hwy. #12. A highway commercial area has established north of the railway tracks on the east and west side of County Hwy. #12. The intent of this section is to contain general commerce to the core area and highway commerce the east side of County Highway #12 north of the railway tracks. A core improvement programme is recommended as part of this intent. • b) Definition Commercial classification of land shall mean that the predominant use of land in the areas ' so designated shall be buying, selling; leasing and exchanging of commodities and supplying, selling and exchanging of commodities and supplying, selling and leasing of personal, business and recreational services. Such' activities shall be located in the established commercial areas of the village. The commercial function includes two groupings: i) a wide range of general commercial uses which are located in the .core area; ii) highway commercial uses such 'as motels, service stations, car sales and servicing, farm implement sales and servicing and other uses which because of space demands are not compatible with the compact nature of the :core area. c) Goals The following commercial goals are adopted: i) to retain the central core, as the general commercial area for BrtisSels and its surrounding trade area; • ii) to promote a compact, well-defined core area in which an attractiire pedestrian environment is developed by stressing the creative use of. design to integrate new structures into the predominantly older ones without losing the charcter of the existing built and natural environment; iii) to develop and implement " core - area — improvements to the buildings, building facades, sidewalks and parking and to introduce landscaping so that the - core area fray remain viable, competitive and attractive area within 'which to shop. Such improvements to be initiated jointly or singularly by the Village Council and/or the business community. iv) to separate general , and 'highway commercial use areas; d) Policies' To achieve the above stated goals the following policies are adopted: i) General commercial uses shall be permitted only within the central core area. The central core area is defined as being the area designated commercial on the land use plan generally in the centre of the village on County Highway #12 and shown as general commercial in the zoning by-law. ii) Land division for infilling will be allowed. iii) Prior to issuing building permits for new buildings in the core area, Council will review the design. Until such time as a design by-law is evolved, Council will ensure that there is an aesthetic harmony between the new building,and the original architecture. This harmony should be achieved by a continued use of brick on new facades, a continuation of the general facade height of the core area and a continuation of window opening proportions and spacings. iv) On-street parking will continue to provide ' most of the core area parking facilities. v) Highway Commercial uses shall be per- mitted only within areas designated commercial on the land use plan and zoned in the following locations: - west side of County Highway #12 north of George Street to the Agricultural - east side of County Highway #12 north of the railway tracks to the village limits. vi) Adequate off-street parking facilities will be' provided .for highway commercial vii) Landscapingateas and on-site amenities will be provided in highway commercial areas. viii) Where Commercial and Residential uses ' abut, the onus shall be on Commercial uses to provide adequate buffering space between the two different types of land use. ix) All commercial uses will .1 be provided with ' and connected to municipal water and future sewage service in the confines of the sewer area. . e) Location The general location of lands designated Commercial is shown on the Land Use Plan (Schedule "B"). Specific location of pattern to g to the Village rnenting note es. live servicing 'RESIDENTIAL