The Brussels Post, 1974-10-02, Page 4News of tti, Family to Earl f from Mo Correspondet Mrs. Chester E Mr. and Mrs.Elhvoo family of Monk ron haw the farm they purchase and Mrs, Chester Eat) Mrs.' Earl have rented of the late Mrs. Annie P the winter. Personals. ,Miss Jean St daughter of Mr, and It Stephenson has su passed her registered assistant examinatioi recently in London, joined the, nursing Seaforth Hospital. Mr. Cecil Bateman is in St. Joseph's Hospital, Mr. Carl Ames of called on Mr. and M Struthers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.Les A Collingwood visited f weekend with Mr. an Robert Cunningham. Mr. Jerry Cardiff and S Petrolia visited Sunday w and Mrs. A. Cardiff, Mrs. isobel Walker of has been visiting with 141 Mrs. perry Stephenson, Miss- Betty Lynn of 1 spent the weekend wit parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gee, Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Molesworth (West) and. Stanley McDonald of Loud: were supper guests on Sun Mr. and Mrs. A. Bremner Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bre & Son of London visited wi and Mrs. Cecil Raynard. Every week more and, people discover what might) are accomplished by low cost Want Ads. Dial Bru. 887-6641. Ludington, .1. Veitch, Olive Cunningham. Pickling cucumbers: J. Porde, Mrs. Ludington. Ripe Cucumbers:Mrs. Howard Martin, Graham Work. Muskmelon Ripe: J. Vcitch, Mr s. Ken Johnston. • Sunflower Heads: G. Work, Mrs. Ludington, Mrs. Dolmage. Squash, Banana: Mr. Rassman, 'Mrs. • McInnes, C. Dauer. Special, Large Pumpkin: Mr, Rassman, J, Perrie. Retoember! It takes but a moment to place a Brussels Post Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Brussels 887-6641. TEXAN GRILL Sunday Special: ROAST BEEF $2.25 DAILY SPECIAL $1.60 Also Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Fries etc, — Me-out Orders — HOME-MADE PIES 1st Year Business Administration CO'NESTOGA 'COLLEGE OF APPLIED. ARTS AND 'TECHNOLOGY Results in groin. classes GRAIN FIELD CROP COMPETITION 1/2 Bus of Barley: Glen Coultes, Wm, Coultes,Qraetne Craig. 1/2 bus. 2-way Mixed Oats Barley: Murray Houston, Rae Houston, Wallace Black., 1/2 bus. 3-way mixed Oats, Barley, Wheat: Gerald Smith, Ross Veitch, Ron Smith, Stalks Ensilage Corn: Wallace Black, Doug, Machan, Graham Work. 1/2 bus, Cobs Grain Corn: Leslie Knight, Geo. Procter, Clarence McCutcheon. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL FEATURES Slice first cut Hay: G. Work, Ross Higgins, Murray Hoover, Graeme Craig, Harvey Craig. Slice Second Cut Hay: Elvey ' Brodhagen„1. Brodhagcn, R. Brodhagcn, Geo. Pearson, G. Work. • 1/2 bus. Field Crop Hay lst cut: Bradley Knight, R. Vcitch, 1 12 bus. Field Crop H ay 2nd. 'tit: B. Knight, R. Veitch. Sheaf of Stalks Ensilage Corn: Higgins,G, Higgins, G. York, G. Craig, Bob Higgins, FORAGE CROPS 1/,'2 bus. Ensilage Corn: R.Higgins, 13, Knight, W. Black, R. Veitch. GRAIN 1/2 bus Fall Wheat: Mrs. lohnston. 1/2 bus. Barley, 6 rowed: Craig, G. Craig, .1. Bowman, Smith. 1/2 bus. mixed, oats & barley: • ,. Work, M. • Houston,Tom Warwick, R. Houston. 1/2 bus. Husking Corn on Cob: B, Knight, R. Witch. 1/2 bus. Oats, Wheat & Barley: V1, Hoover, G. Smith, R. Vcitch, N. Hoover. Sheaf Wheat: E. Rassman, R. irodhagen, E. Brodhagcn, irodhagcn. Sheaf Oats: E. Brodhagcn „I. Brodhagen, R. Brodhagcn, E. Rassman. Sheaf Barley:R. Brodhagcn, J.Brodhagcn, J. Brodhagcn, E. Rassman. White Eggs: Mrs. Doug. Machan, Mrs. E. Ludington, John A. Perric, Percy Adams. Brown Eggs: .1. A. Perrie. FRUIT Apples: Blake Orchards of Brussels swept the 'apple classes. Fall Pears: Jim . Bowman, Houston; John Perrie Winter Pears: Emerson Mitchell ROOTS & VEGETABLES Early Potatoes; Jim Bow- man, Mrs. E. Ludington, Mrs. D, McInnes. Late Potatoes: Mrs. Howard Martin, John Boneschansker; Mrs. Ludington. 'half Long Carrots: Mrs. Lulu Kerr, Mrs. Ludington, Mr s. McInnes, Long Table Carrots: Mrs; McInnes ; F. Breckenridge, Mrs. Ludington. Blood Turnip Beets: Mrs. Lud- ington, J. Brodhagen, Reuben Brodliagert. Long Red Beets: Mrs. Ludington, Mrs: McInnes, Mrs. Heimpel, Parsnips: Mrs: J.H,JOhiistoilO. Winter Badishest R. OtOdhagen, RaSSMAil, Mrs. McInnes. Sugar Matigoldst Mrs, Mc- Innes, Mr, Rassman, C. Deitner. ' VEGETABLES COM nt octal Featit re i Mrs. LuditigtOil, Janet Veitch, Mrs: Dolitiage, ()Wittig from Seed, yellow: Jo Brodhagen, Brodlidgen, Mrs. M. Jacktin. Onions Prof:: l)uteh SeOt Jitii BoWnian, Mrs. MellitieS, Mrs, Dolltage: 4-,.."TflE, BRUSSELS POST, OCTOBER Ken H. G. Murray The Stratford Centre of Conestoga College will be accepting registrations for Year I of the Business Administration Program for a few more days. If you are interested in entering an interesting and rewarding post-secondary program, give us a call at 270 Water Street, Stratford, Telephone 271-5700, Onion Sets: Mrs. Johnston. Potato Onions: Jim Bowman, Mrs. John Pcrie, Mrs. McInnes. Pickling Onions: Mrs. Ludington. Pickling Beets: Mrs. Kerr. R.Brodliagen, .Jane( Vcitch. Gherkins: Mrs. Ludington, Mrs. .1. Perrie. Table Corn Bantam: Mrs. J. Perrie, Mrs. Ludington. Mrs. Joh us tone. Av. Table COrn: Mrs. Ludington, Mrs. Johnstone, Mrs. McInnes. Collection of Corn: Mrs. Dolmage, Mrs. Johlistone. Drumhead Cabbage: Mrs. Ken Johnston. Oxheard Cabbage: C. Deitner, G. Work. Mrs. ,Meinnes. Red Pickling Cabbage: Mr. Rassman, Mrs. J. Perrie, C. Deitncr. Pumpkin, yellow field: Mr. Rassman. Mrs. .1. Perric, C. Deitner. Pie Pumpkins: Janet Vcitch, Mr s, J. Perie, Mr. Rassman. Acorn Squash: Mt. Rassman ; Mrs.Dolmage, Janet Vcitch. Swuash Hubbard: Mr. Rassman, Mrs. Johnston , C. Deitner. Large Tomatoes: Harvey Craig, Mrs. Breckenridge, Jim Bowman. Plum or Cherry Tomatoes: Vera Hastings,Janet Veiteli, V. O'Rourke. White Beans, large:Mrs. Johnston. White iteattS,Stnall: Jim Bowman, Mrs. McInnes, Doug Hemingway. Butter Beans: Mrs, Johnston. Citrons:' Mr, Rassman, Mrs. Doltnage„ Mrs. 'Ludington, Watermelon: J. Veitch, Mr. Rassman, Mrs, Ken Johnston. TAble Cucumbers: i9V1