HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-09-18, Page 13russets Fall Fair Prize List contd., One allele of cress el work ,,,,,, la Artificial floral arrangement for coffee table 20 Any amide made front nylon, net n1, ;itty flea hobby cra ft ideas not ro ro my ,,,,,,,, , , „ ,,,,, ,, SPECIAL- An article made front L.w, carton. priz„es donated by \to, Es elyn Stair Ist.$1.00 2nd, .65e 3rd, 350 ampDISPLAY 'no OM!' feel open to all organizations, Arrange o suitable display to represent a song title! • displayed on a card table, .All entries to receive $5.00 if High Standards are observed, Barb Dunbar. Sr, SPECIAL - By Citizens Class, men, or women, FAVOURITE CRAFT OR 110)318T Pries 52,50; 5.1.50: 51,00 SECTION 0 FLOWERS and PLANTS RECTORS - Mrs, Robert Grasby. Mrs. Wm. Hewitt. M rs. Lloyd hize S2,00 prize sz,0 Septemb er 8] mill donate prize Si,00 a accepted, mild, A:4 1.00 ,75 1.00 ,75 1.00 ,"5 I:00 Wheeler, Mrs.. Finch, Mrs, Sweeney, Machine Baskets nuo peeini Class. All OCrS. ur moy not nave handle. Please slate if in in specimens or arrangements must be live 4 , govngemen o, viewed front front uoless stated otherssise. No ex hibi t to be re moved until 4:3(1 p.m. Thursday'. SPECIMENS 3.15 Amer, White. 3 blooms Amer, Rose or Pink. 3 blooms Amer, Mauve or Purple. 3 blooms Aster. Red. 3 blooms Amer, Needle or Cactus. 3 blooms Aster, Powdcrpuff. I plant Peumias, Single. 5 stems Petunias, Double. 5 stems Zinnias. Pont Pont, 7 blooms Zinnias, Dahlia or Standard.-5 stems Zinnias. Fantasy or Cactus. 5 blooms Zinnias. Novelty. 5 blooms ARRANGEMENTS • Basket for Church 1.00 .75 .50 Arrangement for Coffee Table all round view 1,00 .75 .50 Arrangement of mums, I sided 1,00 .75 .50 Arrangement Geranium bloom for 1st. 2nd, kitchen, all round view 1.00 ,75 .50 1.50 LOO Arrangement for Dining Room table .50 LOD using asters. 9" to 11" high all round 1.00 .75 .50 .00 .75 Nosegay, doily and ribbon included 1.00 ,75 .50 75 . Wedding Anniversary Accessories 35 maybe used. Name your anniversary. 1.00 .75 .50 Cup and saucer arrangement, all round 00 ,15 .75 .50 .25 00 .75 , Arrangement in Tea Pot, all round .75 .50 .25 00 .75 . Hospital arrangement for tray ,00 ,75 . in disposable container .75 .50 ,25 75 ,50 Miniature arrangement not over- reach way .75 ' .50 .75 .50 .25 75 ,50 Corsage, stems wrapped. In plastic bag 75 .50 .25 POTTED PLANTS Potted Plant in bloom Pot of Baby Tears .75 .50 .25 -.75 .50 .25 Mot Geranium) Geranium, not less than two blooms .75 .50 .25 African Violet , sitigle crown. single flower .75 k .50 .25 owed] African Violet, single etown, double flower .75 .50 .25 Coleous foliage, any color.... .75 .50 .25 s t, 2nd 00 35 ) )0 .75 )0 .75 )0 35 1 1.50 SECTION P - HOBBY CRAFTS and iRHCTo s- Mrs, Evelyn Malt, M. CI r Ce 'j ill, it Mrs, George MUttet, Mrs, Machan. Send all pietures ready to hang. Scene done in oils since last fall.... • • Local autumn scene in oils. babied,. - 2.00 1,00 2.00 1.00 1st 2nd Pieture in oils, original 'landmark. 4, Copied painting. landscape or marine, • S. Original painting fruit .or flowers., 6, Paint by number tadult)„. „. „ „ ...... of Huron Count;' 2,00 1.00 2,00 1,00 100 1,00 2.00 1,00 Still life, oil opaque or water color, ...... 2.00 1.00 PHOTOGRAPHIC S. Six eoloored snapshots representing the Four Seasons of the year mourned on cardboard not to. exeeed 12 x 1.5 labelled , . „ . „ , . .. .. „ „ ,,,,, • „ 1,00 .75 9, Six snapshots showing places of .titteational, import:MT (colored • or black and white ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 1,00 ,75 Miscellaneous 10. Picture made from weeds or seeds ,,, , . • 1,00 ..75 11, Candle holder made front throw away articles 1,00 ,75 12. • A small article of Ceramies „ 1,00 .75. 13 „Article froIll polished rock 1,00 .75 14, Homemade candle for special occasion, , 1,00 .75 15. Novelty suitable for bathroom 1,00 .75 lb. erylic flowers. 3 in a vase. „ ,,,,,,, • • 1.00 .75 1'. Homemade shopping bag 1.00 .75 SCHOOL PRIZE LIST DIRECTORS - Mrs. Ross McCall, Mrs. Howard Bernard. Mrs, Bob Cunningham. Miss K. McNabb, Mrs. Ada Smith. Prizes in each section. 1st. 75c' 2nd. .60c 3rd .5(1c with prizes for both boys and girls in Writing. Paragraphs and Notebooks, NOTE Please note size specified for am and posters, ' 1. The following categories only will be separate for girls and boys: ta) Writing and Printing (b) Paragraphs. Essays and Poems (e) Notebooks (d) Art 2. Since some entries last year did not indicate boys or girls without opening the flap, would each teacher please see that "G" or "B" is placed at the top of the ticket. 3. Please limit each category to six boys and six girls. 4. Please ignore any material stroked out on the sheets since it is superseded by item I. KINDERGARTEN ART "I Wish I Had (Fantasy)" e.g. I wish I had pink bunny cars 24" x 18". any media Boys and Girls Separate CRAFTS A party hat suitable for a special occasion - Any media - Boys and girls separate GRADE I PRINTING In pencil on grade one printing paper: God made the sun Anti God made the tree. God made ihe mountains And God made me, I thank you, 0 God, - For the Still and the tree, For making the mountains And for making me. CREATIVE WRITING Paragraph entitled "A Trip to the Farm" for Zoo, Woods or Lake) NOTEBOOKS Printing Notebook 75% filled. PROJECT WORK Scrapbook or Booklet showing child's work. ART Paint a Seasonal. picture on 18" x 24'' paper. CRAFTS birthday. Christmas, Valentine, or "Whatever" Hat, COLLECTIONS Vegetables of at least 5 different varieties. GRADE 2 PRINTING Print, 1 line high, on every other line - "Undersea", Page 208 of "The Story Tree". CREATIVE WRITING A paragraph of not More than 12 lines, beginning - "If I had NOTEBOOKS Social Studies notebook POSTERS Water Safety poster of one or two words, 12" x 18" any media. ART Cartoon Character, 12" x 18", any media. CRAFTS A Japanese Lantern, COLLECTIONS A collection of 8 weeds, pressed, mounted and bathed. GRADE 3 In pencil, en one-half sheet foolscap "Ring Around the World", page 44, Stories of Fun and Advetiture.(Divide into 3 verses by leaving a lime between lines 4 and 5 and linos 8 and 9) CREATIVE WRITING Pictuit,*with accompanying story, mounted on Sheet f2" x 18". Poeni: What Makes Me Feel Good (8 IMO() PROACT WORK Science Booklet fora unit of' study, writing and pictures to be dotie by the, pupil, POSTERS Health er donor two 12" x '18" paper, any Media, ART "Mc Helping Mother" (or "Father"), mounted on 21" X IS", in tempera paint, CRAFTS 3.0iiiierisioritil paper-strip picture or design. (Cut poet- into strips, IA". VI" or 1", form strips into a pleasing design dr pieitife; Pasta off litiMOi board 14" x• 22". COLLCCTiONS goys - pielttreS of rare ittoinefits 'spom, inotitited art bristO1 board Girls • buttons mounted on bristot board, Skies. of bristol board:- 14" x 11" NOTEItt10Ikg Workbook in any subject, at least % filled. WRITING GRAPE 4 In pencil, on foolscap, "The Jolly Woodchuck". page 402. Adventure Await5, CREATIVE WRITING Paragraph of not more than 15 lines - "A Storm". NOTEBOOKS Social Studies Project Book. POSTERS Topic "Keep Ontario Beautiful" (anti-pollution). Use half sheet of bristaboard„ 22" X 14". ART An outdoor scene showing some form of life; using tempera, size 12" X 1,8". CRAFTS. A spring scene, using cut paper, size. 9" X 12", COLLECTIONS Collection of 8 birds, coloured, labelled and mounted on half sheet of foist()) board (22" X 14") GRADE 5 • WRITING In pencil on. foolscap. write "Covering the Subject", page 295, Young Canada Readers. Book 5. CREATIVE WRITING - Write a "Story From a Pieture". (attach picture) about 3Q lines, in pencil on foolscap, POETRY aOrinRu1,Y1 8 to in lines written in pencil on foolscap. Poem should be about an NOTEBOOKS Social Studies notebook 1 unit. POSTERS Topic "Pollution". Done in any media on a half sheet of bristol... b/TRIITC1- "Cartoon Character". on 12" X 18" paper. in crayon or pastel. CRAFTS Paper mache animal maximum of 24'' Many one direction. COLLECTIONS A collection of related articles, suitably mounted. GRADE 6 WRITING In ink, on foolscap, "Indian Arrowhead". page 180, All Sails Set. CREATIVE WRITING Original Poem Write a poem of a month of the year, using the fetters in the word at the beginning of the lines. Paragraph - Cut out a title from a newspaper or magazine, and' write, on foolscap, the story it suggests. Paste selected title on paper. NOTEBOOKS 1 unit of Social Studies' 1 unit of Science POSTERS A "Health" Poster, on a halt' sheet of bristol board. ART "Living Places" - a past, present or future dwelling Of any race, 12" X 18", any media, CRAFTS Any object made from toothpicks. COLLECTIONS Any collection suitably mounted. WORKBOOKS Any workbook, except writing, at least 75 0 1, complete. GRADE 7 WRITING Approximately one page of foolscap ' ' Before the Dawn'', Page 72. High Flight PARAGRAPHS Letter: Thanks to - relat'we ('or birthday gift Story: First pet-son viewpoint - mystery At least 1 page of foolscap Poem: Regular rhyme - not less than 12 lines - any topic NOTEBOOKS Geography notebooks - I unit History notebooks - 1 unit Science notebooks - 1 unit POSTERS Man of some part of North America showing the travels of an . explorer in Grade 7 History, Size 1 7 " X 1W' A RT Picture depicting Newof Eranee.lneluding at least one person. Size: 8' 2" X 11". Any media CRAFTS Paper Mackie. any object COLLECTIONS current Events scrapbook: a variety of items from for one month. GRADE 8 WRITING In ink, on foolscap. 2 verses and chorus of "Jamaica Farewell'', page 64. Songtime 8. CREATIVE WRITING giography of a great Canadian - 2 pages of foolscap. Business Letter • Summer job application. Original Poem - l i ce form or blank verse, at least 16 lines. WORK BOOKS Mathematics workbook. at least 7504, complete. NOTEBOOKS Science, History. Geography - 3 categories, I unit of each. PROJECT WORK Special project booklet, any topic, at least 20 pages. POSTERS Map of Hawaii. Alaska, South American or Central American Coutttry, showing sonic aspect of geography, e. g. landforins. climate, agriculture. etc. Ott I sheet of bristol hoard, ART A Meal scene in colour, pastels on 18" paper. Identify Itteation. CRAFTS' Egg Sheet Mosaic. bristol board. 9'' X 12", mounted. COLLECTIONS: Girls:. Fabrics mounted with sketch of picture of suitable item of clothing, Boys: Comic book characters, cut and mounted, • .For both - use I sheet bristol board" BAKING Grades 1 - Seven utibaked cookies made front Cereal. 2! An after school snack an toil plate. 841!IkPlIt'e6 of fancy sandwiches suitable for b tact: 2 each of 3 tatletle, laic, not ;2nd-75e. 0; 2nd, 75c tcrial. Calendula, 6 bloom Cosmos, 6 stems Dahlia. Large. 3 different Dahlia, Ball or Honeycomb. 3 different Dahlia, Miniature Porn or Cactus. 5not over 2' ' Dahlia, Basket, at least 4 different varieties Gladiolus, 3 different Marigold. French. 10 small • Maiold, African. 6 large Pansies in Bowl, their own foliage lst, 2nd 3rd .5 .50 .25 .75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .75 .75 .50 :25 .75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .25 .75 ..50 .25 .75 .50 .25 .75 .50 ;25 .75 .50 ,25 .75 .50 .25 1.00 .75 .50 .75 .50. .25 .75 .50 .25 ,75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .25 '.75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .25 SPECIALS Thanksgiving arrangement for using flowers and fruit 75 Prizes by President Gerald Smith , . 2.50 1.50 1.00 Mantel arrangement using Mums and Glads, Prizes by Mrs, Robert Grasby and Mrs, Lloyd Wheeler . . ,, ,,,, 2.00 1,50 .1,00 1, Roadside 13eautv. arrangement of Weeds in disposable plastic Jug. 1st prize donated by IvIrs.W .1-iesvitt 00 2,00 1,50 1.00 HArid Tea Roses, 3 bloortis. 3 colorS... 1.50 1.00 ' .75 ,50 . Hybrid Tea Rose, Any Peace, 1.00 ,50 .25 50 b. Hybrid Tea Rose, Other than Peace . - . , 1.00 .50 .25 50 Rose Prizes by Brussels Horticultural Society 50 To the winners of highest number of points iii SO classes 1 - 46, Eaton Special, Tu the winner with second highest titimber of points i ii 'etsrseehsan idis;v0ti4(leh, McConnellete Nurseries Ltd. donate a 53.00 newspaper 2, Four ways of serving apples. Grades 1, Pita 2. Font ways dl using cheese, displayed on ttay.. All articles must lie covered With, plastic wra0. MISCELLANEOUS I .Grad 3 ii6, s Oit• A picture usiiig.klt, tHE IIRUSSEL8, itotitti ttotemilett il, 1014- 4 tv