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The Brussels Post, 1974-09-18, Page 12
1st prize 55,00 2nd, prize 53,00; 3rd, prize s2A fur the best white laver cake (not mix) with lemon filling and optional icing, 43, Thompson, and. Stephenson Meat Market donate 1st prize S5.00: 2nd, prize $3.09: 3rd prize Sip( for the best 8" square cake decorated for the Sept endei i. r birthday of a six year old girl, GIRLS' JUNIOR DEPARTMENT ]Ages 12. 181 44.Mrs, George Mutter and Mrs. Ken. McDonald will donate prizes for the best three articles I st prize 52,50: 2nd, prize $1,50 3rd prize SIM 1st article - 5 bran muffins 2nd, article - 1 date loaf 3rd. article - 5 tarts (any kind) SECTION M - SECTION N Please number each exhibit, Only NEW work will be accepted, Old or defaced work will he discarded. DIRECTORS -Mrs. Earl Cudronre, Mrs, Ken McDonald, Harry Colt. Mrs. Ida Evans. Mrs. M. Parish, DINING --- LIVING ROOM 1. Cushion. satin or silk. Any design. 2. Chesterfield Set, crochet (mounted) 3. Card table cover any design. 4, Centre piece, 12" approx. Crochet (Mounted) 5. Luncheon table cover 36" and t serviette. Machine embroidered. 6. Table cover approx. 45" x 45", any design. 7. Holiday place mat, serviette. place card and favor, 8, Buffet set, crochet. (Mounted) 9. Buffet set. embroidered (Mounted). 10. One article Japanese embroidery. 11. 4 Place Mats, new design. 12. Buffet. runner. Hand embroidery and hand-made lace, not work. All prizes 1 • 12 incl. Ist.$1.00;214.75c. KITCHEN 1.3, Cushion, cotton patchwork. 14, Cheery breakfast cloth. IS. 1 pr. oven mitts, any design. 16. 2 tea- towels, embroidered. 17, 4 Articles suitable for Christmas gifts. IS. 3 or more articles for bridal shower. All prizes 13 - 18 incl. 1st, $EM 2nd.75c . SEWING 19. Barbie Doll wardrobe (5 pieces) Mounted. 20. Cobbler Apron. 21. Halt' apr011 cross stitch on gingham 22. Mother and daughter apron, (practical) 23. Ladies Crimplene dress, any style. 24. Ladies Doubleknit .skirt. 25. Ladies pant suit. 26. Ladies or girls waltz length nightgown, any material. 27. Childs cotton dress (2-6) with sample. 28. Childs shorts and pop -top. 29. Girls pyjamas (4 - 8 yrs.) 31. Best article made from terry cloth. Prizes 19 - 31 incl. Ist.$1.00; 2nd..75c KNITTING AND CROCHET .32. Childs sweater (2-10) not bulky yarn 33. Infants Jacket & bonnet . knit. variegated yarn 1st, 2nd, : 1.50 1,00' 1,50 1100 .34...Infants jacket & bonnet, crochet (blue) ,35. Poncho, any size, any style 11 :0'000: '5 .75..77 '5 -, .36. Ladies cape, knit (P. crochet 1.00 ;15 ':'. 37. Ladies shawl , knit or crochet 1.00 35 38. Girls shrink, any design 1.00 .75 .39. Ladies ski mitts, wOol or nylon. knit ... 1,00 .75 40. Childs fancy socks ,75 ,50 41. Winter headgear, any sty le ,75 .50 42. Bedroom slippers, any style .75 ,50' LIQUID EMBROIDERY Prizes - 1st .75c; 2nt1..Sfte 43. 'Cushion 44. 4 place Mats. any design 45. Luncheon cloth, plain 46. Luncheon cloth, shaded 47, Tea towels (2) 48. Pillow Case (1) 49. .3 Articles done in liquid embroidery (manta BEDROOM 50. I pt. throw cushions I'm bed 51, I pillow ease, cross stitch 52. 1 pillow ease, embroidered 1st. 1,00 ,15 • 1.00 ,75 1.00 5,-I, 55. I Pillow case, knit lace 55. 1 oolored pillow ease, embroidered 56. Floor rug. braided . 57, Floor rug, new wool vt(rn hooked o1,25 58, Yo-Yu bed cover, any Material. .......... 2.2, 59. Quilt, fancy quilting, edge finish to mutt. • . • 2..2'; 60. Quilt appliqued. any design.. , „ • • • 61. Quilt, ottehworic. nal-000f pattern included • • 2.": 62. QOM. novelty, from odds & ends 2.4;, 1, Best quilt done inliquiSdPettiCibittikSlery ..... 2- _. 4h 100 I q 2, Table elOth, 45 - and over, date in liquid .2.00 1•00 enibroider. .., ......... 3, Burlap wall hanging, out of Canted tlook. 4, Mrs. E. Mitchell 'donates gift eettifierite for inlaid embroidery. (Prii.e. dt.m ,at,ed. . f,),' I') ,. .., 00 1•00 la aiido Mi's. A, Siiiith ti list attiel6 dune hi- tiquid embroidery titiyekEiilsV:ET also tor most ljOi=points in classes 43 ' - srie new ekhitflibt lot "Nest (al 1"st, s'.00 Voileht by Simpson Soars 'will be 0'01 a 12 points) in sectiort M and N. No. I • 42 mla pillow case. crochet edge (white a colored lace) ..1,00 1.00 1.00 1,25 SECTION 1 - VEGETABLES Directors - Fred Uhler, Rae Houston. lack Bowman, Win. Hewitt. Doug Hemingway 6 Onions front seed red 1.00 .75 .50 • 6 Onions front seed yellow ,00 ,73 .5(1 6 Onions from dutch sets .75 .50 1 Quart Onion sets ,.00 .75 .5(1 1 Quart Potato Onions .t())(1 )) .75 .50 I Quart Pickling Onions MO .75 .50 5 Pickling Heels 100 .75 .50 5 Gherkins :1())(1)) .75, .5() 6 Ears Table Corn,Bantam .75 .50 A collection of Corn named var ..• 00 , -75 5(1. .75 .50 6 Ears Corn any variety Table ('urn . . , MO .00 3 Heads Curled Savoy ,75 .50 2 Heads Drumhead Cabbage 1 .75 .50 2 Heads Oxheart Cabbage ..()11(11 .75 .50 2 Heads Red Pickling Cabbage 1 .75 ,50 .11(1 )1(()) '''s , 50 1 Pumpkin yellow field .75 .50 2 Heads Cauliflower 1.1 2 Pie Pumpkin .00 151 2 Squash .(A.O.V.1. .. .. -3 ) .50 ?Squash Hubbard .75 .50 • Large Tomatoes .00 (.00 ,7'5 ,50 Plums or Cherry Tomatoes .00 .73 .3'0 i Quart White Beans. large , .00 . .50 'it rons .(1))(1)) ,7c, 50 1 Quart White Beans, small (.01) .50 Quail Butter Beans. any varlet \ .... .00 ,75 .50 Vatermelons .00 MO ,75 50 . 3 '' able Ctlet1111 her ... 1.1)11 .75 ,50 Pickling Cucumbers l Muskmelons. ripe ..(()(1) ' .00, 30 .75 ,75 .50 .i ilipe Cucumbers ) .75 .5,0 00 .75 .5(1 . 1 Squash (Banana).00 .75 .50 Special - Largest Pumpkin .00 .51) Heads Sunflowers 1/2 Bps. McIntosh Apples- . 1/2 Bus. Northern Spy Apptes......, 1/2 Bus, Delicious Apples. , 1/2 Bus. Tatman Sweet Apples.......... Best Bus. Fall Apples. nained(A.O. V.): .. Best Bus, Winter Apples. named 0.V.) 6 Qt. basket Crab Apples 6 Qt. basket Fall Pears 6 Qt. basket Winter Pears „ Class 1st. 1, .Fruit, cocktail, homemade . .00 2. Whole canned strawberries . „ .90 3. Whole canned raspberries .90 4. Peaches.. , .. - .. „ .. , „ ..,. .90 5. Pears ,90 6, Dark Plums .90 'T. Applesauce .90 8. Rhubarb and pineapple jam :90 0. Marmalade. any kind .90 It). Peach t jinn'. plain , . :90 Ii . Rasobeity .1 aiii .90 12, Frozen strawberry jgiii .90 IA. Elderberry Jelly , , . - , ....... - .90' .90 2nd 3rd .70 .40 .70 ,4() .70 ,40 ,70 ,40 .70 .40 .70 .40 ,70 .40 .70 ,40 .70 .40 .70 .40 .70 .40 .70 .40 .70 .40 ,10 I-I. C;rape .lelly ussels Fan Fair Prize List contd Sheaf Oats,. 6" 'Sheaf'Barlev, 4 4,00 3.0 2.00 IMO 4,00 3,00 2,00 1.00 SECTION 0- FRUIT Directors - Fred Uhler, Rae Houston. jack Bowman, Wm. Hewitt, Doug Hemingway 4.00 3.00 2,00 4,00 3.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 4:00 3.00 2.00 4,00 3.00 2.00 4,00 3.00 2,00 4.00 3,00 2,00 4.00 3,00 2.00 4.00 3.00 . 2.00 SECTION H - ROOTS and HOED CROPS Directors - Fred Uhler, Rae Houston, Jack Bowman, Wm, Hewitt, Doug Hemingway All potatoes must constitute II quart basket Early Potatoes, named Late Potatoes. named S Feeding Turnips I bus. Table Turnips 5 White Field Carrots 5 Half lone Carrots 5 Long Table Carrots 5 Blood Turnip Beets 5 Long Red Beets S Parsnips 5 Wint er Radishes 5 Sugar Mangolds LADIES' DIVISION Past l'resitlelit 1)011g1IIN I It'111111,!,,, President , Mrs. Ross Bennett 1st Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Ihtrold Bolger Assistant Mrs. IL Craig Public Relation., Reporter Mrs, Earl Outwore DIRECTORS Turnbull, Mrs, Harvey Craig. Mrs. Clare ‘'eitch, Mts. Urban Ducharnie, Mrs, Ida Evans. Mrs. Margaret Parish, Mrs. Leona McDonald. Mrs. George Mutter, Mrs. Earl Cudmore, Mrs. Robert Grasbv, Mrs, Lloyd Wheele". Mrs. Wm. Hewitt, Mrs. James Main. Mrs. Clarence Yuill, Mrs. Harold Bolger, Mrs. Ross McCall, Mrs. Howard Bernard. Mrs. Roy Kennedy, Mrs. Clark Matheson, Mrs. Thomas Finch, Mrs, ,lohn Armstrong, Mrs.D. Dunbar, Mrs. '1'. Baker, MI's. Golf, Mrs. .1, Conley, Mrs. S. Sweeney, Miss K. MeNab. Mrs, R. Cunningham Entries Will not be accepted after 12:3(1 SECTION K DOMESTIC FRUITS, PICKLES; CASSEROLES, ETC. DIRECTORS - Mrs. William Turnbnll, Mrs. Harvey Ctaip,. Mrs. .1, Armstrong All jars lutist be tightly sealed no Wax Canned Fruit - Pint JarS 15, Dill Pickles. 16, Nine Pay Pickles................... 17. Bread and Butter Pickles 18. Whole Beets, - „ ...... • 19, .Chili Sauce 20. Pickled. Beans .90 ,40 ,90 .70 .40 .90 70 ,40 .90 .70 .40- ,90 ,70 ,40 .90 ,70 .40 Prize for most points in pickles in class 15.20 , a relish toy donated by Mrs. Wm. Turnbull. SPECIALS 1. Box for shut-ins. apPearanee to count, Not more than eight tinkles , j st..„.,51,00 2nd..,...., .60 ,3rd. 40 Donated by Mrs. Cudmure 2, Collection of 4 varieties of Jam in small uniform jars in gift basket for shot-in, 50".. for a ppearance. 3rd I st „ 7.nd . „ _60 40 .51,00 Donated by Mrs. Wilbur Tornhull 3. Five ways to serve eggs-on a tray. 3rd 40 1st ..... -51,00 4. Best fruit salad plate.2 nd 2ntl 1st 40 • 51.00 Donated by Mrs. Wnl, 1 ( ' i ( t 1/rnb ul1 ,3311 5. Small casserole supper dish WITH.6.n(E);:eat, name ingredients. 1st ..... „ 51.00 .3..i rrtdli .. ... ....40 , Donate2dult)ly Mrs.H. Craig 6, Small li, )1k I Of 1)111 a to salad, garnishe d 25"1, for appearance. 1st 40 SI .00 Collection of 4 kinds 2nd .1(.Ily - named - small jars. 1st 51,00 40 8. Sit. different ways to 2nd, Canadian Apples. 1st 40 Priz,..s1 1.-10!(r)6, 7 ;,td 1i donated by Blake Bros. SECTION L - DOMESTIC SCIENCE DIRECTORS - Mrs. ('(tire Veitch. Mrs. Conley. Mrs. Urban Dnchartne, Mrs. Douglas Hemingway. Mrs. Baker, Ininbar. Please' put 'tumbler as well as section and article name on entry tags. All bread to he baked the pies ions day and in loaf pans. Bread. butts and cakes without icing brought in plastic bag's. Layer cakes to be displayed on cake plate Or [Oil covered base. Base to he one half Melt larger than cake. BREAD Class I . Loaf while bread, entire crust 2. 1..1a1hrown bread. entire crust .3. Loaf fruit bread, entire crust 4. Buns. 3 kinds clilsea, plain cloverleaf. Iwo of each 1.50 1.60 ' .75 5. Coffee Cake. (bread dough) round lop with cinnamon and brown sugar 1.50 1.00 .75. 2,3. Tea Biscuits. seven .75 24. (mini, S(.111411V5. SeV011 .75 2.00 1.50 1,00 • 2.00 1.50 1,00 1.00 .75 .50 3.00 2.00 1,00 1.00 .75 .50 1,00 .75 ,50 1,00 .75 .50 1.00 .75 .50 1,00 .75 ,50 .1.00 .7575 .5() 1.00 .785 .50 1.00 .75 .50 1.st. 2nd. 3rd 1.50 1.00 .75 1.50 1.00 .75 1.50 1,00 .75 CAKES 6. Angel cake (not a mix. united) 1.00 7, Angel cake (cake mix. uniced) 1.00 8. Fruit cake. dark (linked) not cut 6" x (1 .* 1.50 9. Fruit cake, light (inflect!) But ell( 1.5(1 10. Banana layer cake, boiled king 1.00 not a cake miX I I. Pumpkin loaf, no fruit or t ints 1.00 12. Carrot Loaf 1.00 13. Date and nut loaf 1.00 1.00 14. Nut and cherry loot', tnot yeast). 15. Gum Drop cake, not iced 1.00 16. Chocolate layer take (cake mix) 1.00 ieing optional I 7. Queen Elizabeth cake shown in a 8" square pan (with original icing of brown sugar. cream butter anti) coconut). , 1.00 18. Single layer cake decorated - for 1.50 Christmas , appearance to count 10. Light iced cop cakes, seven. not a mix 1.00 20. Raisin scones. seVell .75 21, Shortbread. seven pieces .75 22. Muffins. seven. bran only 75 ,Ito raisins or dates: PIES (Not)o he made with prepared fillings) 25. Butter tarts with raisins. seven 1.00 26. Raspberry pie, lattice top 1.00 Raisin pie. lattice top 1.00 78. Pumpkin Pie 1.00 N. Cherry pie covered 1,00 30. Apple pie. cot eyed. no spice 1.00 31. Peach pie. cowered 1,00 32. Lemon pie. meringue topping,not sponge: 1,00 CANDY 33. Chocolate fudge(t en pieces) 1,00 34. Maple cream (tett pieces) 1.00 .35. Turkish delight (ten pieces) • • I 1,00 .75 .50 .75 .50 1.00 .7,5 1.00 .75 - .75 .50 .75 .50 • .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 ,50 .75 .50 .75 .50 1.00. .75 .75 ,50 .50 .40 .50 .40 .5() .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .75. .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 'Sc) .75 ,50 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 BRUSSELS FiosT sEptemgeR 18- 16/4 42 , Bt,users Lroint rirstitito ttecompatly. SPECIALS 30. Special by .1 . M.Seh twitter Ltd. 1st prize apple pie, . . 5 1 lb. cartons Crispyllake 1st prize chocolate cake 5 1 lb. cartons Crispyflake tst prize butter tarts 5 1 lb. cartons Crispyflake An empty carton of Crispy flake shortening tinist be displayed with each exhibit, 17 , MeCortniek's offer the folloing prizes for the best Graham Cracker Cake made from the recipe on the package of MeCorntick`s Graham Craeker crumbs, 1st prize $7.00:: 2nd, prize $5,00: 3rd prize 1.00 CI'ttelbUry Schweppes Powell Ltd.. makers of Fry's Cocoa, offer the following prizes for the best iced or froSied, eight or nine ineh chocolate layer cake baked with Fly's cocoa. Frosting may be chocolate Or other flavour. Entries must be exhibited with a t'ry's eoeha label. Otte pew to any One contestant, 1st prize $5.00 2nd, prize 53.00; 3rd prize $2,00 39, Mr. A. Grewar will donate 10 loaveS of Superior Enriched bread for the,c•st letnoti pie. 40. Simpson-Scats will donate a special prize to the 164 wirifiitig the most points in Section L. - 35 for $10.00. 41. William Neitsott Ltd. offer 2 lbs. ehocelates for best chocolate cake made with •Neilson& Jersy cocoa. Empty tin must