HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-09-18, Page 11$20.00
Value $57.00
The following classifications and prizes shall apply to each
breed designated.
Class (1) Shorthorn
(2) Aberdeen Angus
(3) Hereford
Prize Mone3,
See, 1, 2, 5,'8 Me,: 10,00, 8.00, 7.00, 6.00, 5.00
Sec. 3, 4, 6, 7 incl.: 10.00, 8.00, 7.00, 6.00, 5.00, 5.00, 5,00,
Heavy Horses - Murray Hoover, Wm, Hewitt, Lawrie Black.
Ail horses judged according to their classes. No classes added.
Any horse not worthy of a prize, according to the judge and
directors, will be ruled out.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1. Best four horses owned by
one exhibitor, three years
and over 8.00 6,00 5.00 4.00 2. Single Wagon of • Express,
(must be hitched to wagon) 10.00 9.00 8.0(1 7.00 6,00
3. Single Heavy Draft or Agri-
cultural (must be hitched to
• a wagon) 10.00 9.00 8.00 7,00 6.00
4.' Span of Wagon or express 2 0.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00
6. Span of Percheron horses..
7. Span of Heav'y Draft horses
20.0C 18.00 16.00 14.00 12,00
Clyde. , 20.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00
8. Span of Belgian
20..01) 1
.8.00 16.00 14.00 12.00
9. Heavy Horse Tandem (4
horses) (75% for on tli t
25% for driving) 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 8.00
10. $100.00 Stake: For the best Heavy Draft, Agricultural,
Perchei•on, Belgian, Wagon or Express Horse three years
old or over shown on the line. Only one entry front each
exhibitor. Entry fee $5.00 to be collected by Directors:
$15, $13, $12, $11, $11, $8, $8, $7 , $7.
Light Horses - Ray Adams,
Harold Bolger
II. Single Roadster 15.2 or over.,
12. Single Roadster under 15.2
13. Road Teams
14. Single Carriage Hitch 15.2 or
15. Single Carriage Hitch under
16. Carriage Teams ....... „ •
17. Gentleman's Single Carriage
Turnout. Gentleman to be
accomplmied by a lady. Horse
value 50%. rig 20%,
equipment 15%, driving
15% • 20.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 10.00
18. Gentleman's Single Roadster
Turnout. Gentleman to he
accompanied by a lady. Horse
value 50%, rig 20%,
equipment 15%, driving 15% . 20.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 10.00'
19. Single Ponies (Hackney
excluded 10.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 4.00
20. .Single Hackney Ponies 10.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 4.00
21. Shetland Pony Teams 10.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 4.00
22. Hackney Pony Teams 10.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 4.00
23, Harness Tandem Outfit 75%
driving25% 12:00 10.00 8.00 7,00 6.00
24. Single Roadster race, open
class 11 and 12. '/r mile heat. 12.00 10.00 8:00 6.00 5.00
25. Exhibition Cart Race, 2
Exhibition miles. First 6
entries to he accepted. Each
driver to receive
By Ronnenbcrg Insurance:
Horse Blanket for fastest tittle
in Exhibition Cart Rare
1. Baby Beef tinder 750 lbs.
(On halter) 6,00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3,00
Baby Bcef over 750 lbs.
(On halter) 6.00 4,00 4.00 3,00 3.00
3, Pen of 3 Feeder Steers
tinner 900 Ins.. „ ...... 14.00 10.00 7,00 4.00 3,00
(Open to Morris, Grey, and
MeKi11.4) Townships)
4. Pen of 3 Feeder Steers over
900 lbs. (Open to Morris.
Grey and MeKillop Twps.) 14,00 10.00 7.00 4.00 3.00
• ' • 5. Pen of 3 Fat Steers over
1,000 Ills, (no restrictions) 17.00 12.00 9.00 5.00 3.00
6. Grade Beet' Cow and Spring
Calf, 50%., judged on cow
and 50% judged. on calf..
12.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 3.00
7. Pen of 3 Yearling •Heifers
under 800 lbs. for feeding 12.00 8.00 5.00 4.00 3.00
8. Pen of 3 Yearling Heifers
over 800 lbs. for feeding.. 12.00 8.00 5.00 4.00 3.00
Class 2
Class 3
I. Shearling Rant 6.00 4.00 3.00
2. Ram Lamb 5.00 4.00,, 3.00
3. Champion Ram
5.00 4.00 3,00
7. Pen: Rain Lamb, Shearling
Ram, Shearling Ewe: Ewe
Lamb 5.00 4.00 3.00
Class 7 (One entry per' exhibitor)
Swine - Graeme Craig, Clarence McCutcheon, Bob Higgins
Same Classes and Prizes For
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
f. Boar. 1 year old or over... 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00
2. Boar, under I year and over
six months
3. Boar, 6 months and under
5. Soto, under 1 year and over
4. Sow, 1 year old or over
Champion Boar
six' months
6. Sow, six months or under
Champion Sow
7, Pen - 1 Boar, I Sow over
I year, 1 sow under 1 year
and over six months, 1 sow
under six months
THE; BRUSSELS Otist ,SEPTEMBER 197.411 1st Ind 3rd 4th 5th
1. Bull born .Ian. 1/72 to Dec, 31/72.
2. Bull born Jan, 1/73 to Apr. 30/73.
3, Bull born May 1/73 to Aug. 31 /71
4, Bull born Sept. 1/73 to Dec, 31173,
5. Female; ealf foOt born 1971 or Calf tO horn oil/or
After Jath 1/74,, to be judged as a unit in any class exhibited.
6, Fernald born J an, 1/72 to Dec. 31/72,
7. Feinale born Jan. 1/73 to July 31 /73:
8„ Female born Aug, 1/73' to Dec, 311/71
q. Herd of four (4) animals owned by exhibitor both sexes to
represented,..10.00, 8.00., 7,00, 640, 5:00,
t0. Champion And R
Champion Bull Rosette.
I Champion and Reierve Champion Feillale , Rosette
Exhibitors allowed two entries of either classes 3 Of 4 (Bulls} and
6 or 1 (fethdtes)..
Other classes one entry.,
rules and regulations
Oracle Cattle Jack Cardiff,
Jelin BOrteSchafiSker
Class 4
Classes For Each Above Breed 1st 2nd 3"rd 4th 5th
4. Sheartmg Ewe 5.00 4.00 3.00
5. Ewe Lamb.
6. Champion Ewe
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00 •
2.00 1.00
Sheep Graeme Craig, Clarence McCutcheon, Bob Higgins
Class 1
1st. 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00
12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00
20.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 10.00
12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00
12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8,00
20.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 10.0(1
If receipts are less than the awount required to pay expenses
and prizes in fall, the Directors shall, after paying expenses,
deduct from each prize a proportionate amount exclusive of
membership and other deductions, and thus avoid incurring a
The Society will not hold itself liable for any accident
happening at the Fair or any costs rising therefrom.
Exhibitors will he awarded only two prizes in each class of
livestock and poultry and only one prize in all other classes.
No prizes paid until after Nov,1, and all cheques not valid after
sixty days.
4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00
4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00
4.00 100 2.00 LW
4.00 100 2.00 1.00
4.00 3.00 2.00 LW
5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00
Rules - Afl pens of cattle must
be dehornen.
Class 7 (One entry per exhibitor)
Entries of eggs must be in place by 11 a,m. on the first day.
Live poultry 11 a.m, second day.
Each exhibitor limited to two entries in !hie poultry.
Directors - Emerson Mitchell, Wilfred Strickler
Prizes will be paid for single birds unless stated otherwise
cock and hen, cockerel and pullet. 1st 75c, 2nd 50c., Class I
Adult or Children (Open)
Coops furnished free.
1, Rhode Island Red:
2, Plymouth Rocks barred.
3, White Rocks.
4: Rocks A.O.V. (correctly named).
5, Leghorns white,
6, Leghorns brown.
7, Leghorns A.O.V. (correctly named).
8. New Hampshire.
9, Sussex A.V.
10. Orpingthn A.V. (correctly named)
I 1 , Wyundottes white,
12. Wyandottes A.O.V. (correctly named)
13. Batitanis, clean legged ornamental.
14, Bantams, booted,
15. -Bantams Game
16. Runner Decks,
17. Pekin Ducks
18, Rouen Ducks.
19, Aylesbury Ducks
20, Embden Geese.
21. Geese A.O.V. (correctly named).
22. Ducks A.O.V. (correctly named.
S doz, white eggs, ,
5 doz, brown eggS...
5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1,00
5.00 4,00 3.00 2.00 1,00
DIRECTORS 8ntfiterson Mitchell, Jack Bowinati,
Doug Fraser
V: bus. Of Alfalfa Seed
'A bus. of TirnothY
1/2 bus. of Red Clover .
VI bus, of Fall Wheat
'/u bus. of Barley, 6 ROwed ,
1/2 bus. of Qats,. . . . .
IA 'bus. of Mixed Grain.CiatS,Barlo
1/2 bus. of Husking Corn on Cob
VI bus: of Oats 'Wheat. and Barley.,
I Sheaf Wheat, 6" . ,
104 10 LO
3.00 2.00 140 1.00
3.00 100' 1.00 1.00
IA% 140 146
3,00 2, 00 1.00 1.00
3.00 106 100 LW
3,00 100 LW LW
S.W. 1W LW 1,00
100 100. LW 140
4.00 3,00106 1,00
Wednesday and Thursday September 25, 26
iitely live
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You, "
3 all that
of your
r all the
aid come
silent ... Gerald Smith .. - .... , ..
st Vice•President „ , • ......... , .. . . Fred Uhler
and Vice•President „ ... . ... ... . Graham Craig
retary-Treasurer ..... , . ..... Edwin Martin
urray Hoover, Gerald Smith, Lloyd Wheeler, Graeme Craig,
ersoa Mitchell, Bob Higgins, Fred Uhler, Jack Cardiff. Merle
eon, Ray Adams, John Boneschansker, Keith Williamson.
jack Knight. Harvey Craig, Jack McDonald, Wm. Hewitt.
bert Grasby, Cliff Dunbar, Eldon Wilson, Murray Huether,
geMcCutcheon, Jim Bowman. Wm. Perrie, Glenn Huether,
,an Yliet, Jas. W. Smith, John Wheeler,Wilbur Turnbull,
k Bowman, Graeme McDonald, Wm. W. Smith, Harold
was, Clarence McCutcheon, Wm. Blake, Charles Thomas,
Steffler, Russel Knight. Jim Mair, Wm. Turnbull, Murray
rdiff, Roy Turvey, Roy Williamson, Graham Work, Douglas
set, George Procter, Hank TenPas, Don McDonald, Stanley
per, Douglas Hemingway. George Mutter, Wilfred Strickler,
one Black, Harold Bolger, Norman Hoover, Hugh Pearson.
The Directors of the Brussels Agricultural Society are pleased
present their prize list for the 1974 Fall Fair.
They wish to thank all those who have helped make the
ussels Fair a success by giving generously of their time or by
nations of cash, merchandise, and advertising. They also
press their appreciation to the exhibitors for their co-operation
the past and hope that they will be present at the 1974 Fall
air. The Board extends a cordial invitation to all to visit the
ussels Fall Fair on September 25 and 26.
erald Smith
eavy Horses - Murray Hoover, Wm. 'Hewitt, Lawrie Black
girl Horses - Ray Adams, Harold Bolger
eef Cattle - Jack Cardiff, John Boneschansker
rade Cattle - Jack Cardiff, John Boneschansker
cep and Swine. - Graeme Craig, Clarence MeCutcheon,
Bob Higgins.
ultry - Emerson Mitchell, Wilfred Stickler
aM - Emerson Mitchell, Jack Bowman, Doug Fraser
oats and vegetables - Fred Uhler, Rae Houston, Jack
Bowman, Win. Hewitt, Doug; Hemingway
lice and Parking - Lloyd Wheeler, Jack Knight. Glenn
Huether, Merle Freeman, Ken McDonald, Jim Bowman,
John Wheeler
nance -Jan van Vliet, Harold Bolger, Edwin Martin,
Gerald Smith
rounds and Concessions - Wrn. Turnbull, John Wheeler,
Don McDonald, Jan van Vliet
tertainment and Dance - Murray Hoover, Gerald Smith,
Graeme Craig, Fred Uhler
hoot and Sports - Mrs. Harvey Craig, Ken Scott, Jim Prior,
Jim Axtmann, Luella 'Mitchell, Mrs. Ross McCall, Mrs. I.
Wilson, Mrs. Robert Raymond,' Mrs. Ken McDonald
ickets and Gate - Merle Freeman, Frank Carter, Harry Goll,
Graeme McDonald, Clair Long, Ross Cunningham, Charles
Thomas, Doug Fraser, Harry Bolger, Jas. Mair, Roy
Williamson, Murray Cardiff, George Mutter
Advertising and Publicity - Gerald Smith, Harold Bolger, Mrs.
Clarke Matheson, Mrs, Roy Kennedy.
All exhibitors taking a prize of $1.50 or over will be required to
cave S1,50 in the hands of the Treadurer as a membership for
ext year, All persons taking $10 will be required to leave $2 and
SI for each additional, $10 taken,
All stock and every article exhibited must be the bona fide
roperty of the exhibitor. All partnership entries must be
entline, All grain and seeds, roots and vegetables, plants and
Bowers, dairy produce, provisions, etc, , must be the property of
he exhibitor, the growth of present year and produced on his
farm or holding; no exhibitor will receive more than one prize in
one section thereof, unless otherwise mentioned in the Prize
All articles shown in the indoor department must be entered
and in the Hall by 12:30 o'clock of the 1st day; and all entries in
theautdoor department must be entered and on the grounds by
12 o'clock the second day. LATE ENTRIES SUBJECT TO 20c
PENALTY, All entries for Special Prizes and Special Attractions 10 be subject to the same restrictions.
The Secretary will be found at his office at the Show Grounds
from 9 o'clock each day.
Exhibitors will not be allowed to interfere with or dictate to the
Judges while in discharge of their duties.
Any person showing the same animal twice in the same Shoiv
except on special entries, or in any way endeavoring to impose
egen the Judge, shall be deprived of any premium whatever. No
exhibitor shall be awarded two prizes for herd cattle or pen of
11 °0 or sheep,
Exhibitors shall not be allowed to remove articles from the
building or grounds until 4:30 o'clock the second day of the
Show, Grounds and buildings are to be cleared at 6 o'clock.
All parties exhibiting, thoroughbred animals must produce
Certificates of Registered Pedigree to Judges on day of Show.
Animals and articles taking nrizes will be distinguished by the
Jild,ges attaching cards; lst,RED: 2nd BLUE; 3rd WHITE,
ll members of the Society
k l e n e ri; Asyticket. Other parties to'pay $1.00 each; Children not in
Will be furnished with one
SOc adtnisSion Car 50e. An• ' societypietrishon i n terferihg With ,Diree,tors,o.r other officers of the
e discharge Of their du ties will be surrirnardy dealt \kith,
An • • Any exhibit& lodging a protest, Must Make it in writing and it
must be w the hands of the Secretary befoye -6 p.m. on
Wednesday following Pail'.
While Directors Will take every possible precaution under the
teh‘r:doniStances to secure the safety-of articles sent tO
should themselves must take the risk of exhibiting; and
any article be accidently injured, lost or stolen the
fe ec`Ots will give all assistance in their powers towards their
;.'?verY, but will not Make any payment for the Value thereof,
;10 'Director IS perMitted to exhibit any artiele Without
T moving his Official badge.
Edwin Martin
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