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rose is a rose
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THE BRiussints POST, MGT' 10, 1974-1
ogurt is favourite fi
tad •
r it •
The• •
V city
The number of Canadians who
enjoy yogurt is constantly
increasing. 'Naturaltsts' enjoy the
slight tang of plain or natural
yogurt, while those who are more
timid are discovering the wonder
world of flavored yogurts. As an
added bonus -yogurt, plain or
flavored,, set or, st irred (Swiss
style), contains all the nutrients of
the milk from which it is made.
Plain yogurt has fewer calories
than the flavored.
Flavored yogurt is ideal for
dessert or as a snack, and plain
yogutt can be used as an
ingredient in many foods. For a
quick, satisfying and nutritious
breakfast beverage blend it with
fruit juice. With vegetables,
yogurt is a natural. Add it to
mashed potatoes or serve it
separately with baked potatoes
instead of sour cream. Add a cup
of cooked peas andicarroisto a cup
of plain yogurt, chill and serve on
a bed of lettuce garnished with
chopped cucumber. Plain yogurt
may also be substituted for sour
cream or buttermilk in baked
products. food Advisory Services,
Agriculture Canada, suggest this
zesty "Yogurt Spice Loaf" as an
introduction to cooking with
1/2 cup butter
2 cups brown sugar
4 egg yolks
3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
11/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 6-ounce containers (about 11/2
oups) natural yogurt
1 cup finely chopped walnuts
4 egg whites'
Cream butter. Add sugar and
beat until fluffy. Add egg yolks
one at a time and beat until very
light. Sift dry ingredients. Add
alternately with yogurt to butter
mixture. Stir in nuts. Fold stiffly
beaten egg whites into batter.
Spoon into 2 greased 9 x 5 - inch
loaf pans.Bake 40 minutes at 325
degrees F, reduce heat to 300
degrees F and continue baking 15
minutes more.'
"My sincere thanks!"
Big, bright beautiful-Ca
:dessert fit for a Queen.
you take advantage of
topped with delicate zabaglione is a
Food Advisory Services suggest that
season and serve them often.
(Agriculture Canada Photo)
- is a strawberry
adian Strawberries
griculture Canada's
he short -strawberry
t seems strange, but also uite
ropriate that strawberri s are
member of the rose amily.
nturies of cultivation a' d cross-
eding have resulte in big,
ht beautiful berr s with a
eet taste an' delicate
ranee. No wonder. this lovely
t is a favorite 6f Canadians.
resh Canadian strawberries
soon reach The peak of their
t season so/take advantage of
it brief dppearance on the
Sefve them morning,
n and flight - sprinkled over
eal for breakfast, with cream
sugar for lunch and
skirmed into • luscious
sorts for dinner.
othing can beat the sight,
to and aroma of sun-ripened
ties fresh from the vne.
ever freezing sotne of this
ection for next winter is the
t best thing. For freezing,
Advisory Services,
(by Debbie Darling)
he Huron-Middlesex Liberals
a 'Lyndon cut the majorfty'
`Liberals have a majority'
bration after the polls closed
day night.
hn Lyndon may have trailed
,000 votes but his supporters
red' and whistled enthusia.s-
ly as he gave his views on the
non in an interview on CKNX.
prompted the first quiet
ent of the evening. Most of
Liberal contingent waited
nearly 11 p.nl. before
'Ag at the Sunset Golf and
rts Centre where beef done on
Pit And free drinks awaited
hose who had worked at the
S all day dragged themselves
nd With little energy left in
Agriculture Canada, recommends
using only top quality berries to
obtain the best frozen produce.
Choose fully ripe, firm and dry
berries. Wash,, sort and hull.
Berries may be left whole or cut
into quarters or slices. Pack, them
in dry sugar, using 1/2 cup to 4
cups whole berries or 2/3 cup
sugar to 4 cups quartered or
sliced berries. Label each
container marking the quantity
and (late.
Strawberries take on a special
flavor when served with
Zabaglione. It is truly a dessert fit
for a Queen. In fact, Queen
Elizabeth was served this dish
during her visit to Canada last
Strawberries with Zabaglione
3 egg yolks
1/2 cup' sugar
Dash salt
1/3 cup sweet sherry or
Orange Juice
`People are just too damn tired
to get excited,' one scrutineer
remarked as she settled back on a
The appearance of Prime
Minister Trudeau on the
televiSion screen however
rejuvenated most of the
It was after midnight when
john Lyndon arrived frorn Wing-
ham TV where he had made a
Stateinent. 'Some supporters had
been Waiting since 8i30 to see
thitni but any interest that had
died during the wait was regained
as he entered the lounge iri a
fruity of hugs and kisses for his
`JOIft4, we all love yOti;' one
white,haired lady said with alt
(Continued on ,Page 16)
3 1/2 cups strawberries, sliced
(1 quart)
Combine first four ingredients
and cook over boiling water,
beating constantly until mixture
thickens (about 5 minutes).
Remove from heat and continue
beating until thick enough to coat
a spoon (about 3 minutes). Chill
and serve over sweetened
strawberries. 6 servings.
rals celebrate national win