HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-06-19, Page 9pn CHARGING FORWARD — Edith Pipe runs towards first base during the Brussels Bombers girls softball game. The girls ,were playing the Slabtown Stammers who fell to defeat to the Brussels team, 20 -15. (Photo by Pat Langlois) amity night planned r hockey players Correspondent Mrs, Chester Earl r. and Mrs. Chester Earl and y attended the Earl Reunion. Sunday at Atwood park. r. and Mrs. Doug Jess of lion and Mrs. Isabel Walker Toronto visited over the kend with Mr. and Mrs.-Percy hensoii. ss Betty Lynn of Toronto ed Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Lynn. r. and Mrs. Gary Crozier e returned to Kitchener where ,has obtained a job with dds". , Ken Jenkinson of Toronto Mr. and Mrs.Roy Foss of ville visited Sunday with Mr. Mrs, W, Krauter. and IvIrs,Robert tlingham attended the 25th wersary of Mr, and Mrs.AI ty in London Sunday. I's, Alex Pearson mpanied Mr. and Mrs. Ralph son and Mrs. Hugh Pearson ANT TREES! At Agri-notes (By Adrian Vos) Sunday Afternoon Entertainment' 2-4 "Silver Strings" Rain or Shine PHONE 527-0629 FAMILY PARADISE AUBURN fi.om Kingsville Will Sing and speak SE SURE TO HEAR THEM ,D . Wm, Fitch coming next Suntioy EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING itnE nuusgrus tostr, JO* IA > 04,4 Lawn 'Bowlers increase membership, use grant Walt Taczuk Hockey School will be in attendance_ as the guest speaker. Further announcements will be in the paper with the correct time and the guest speaker, Brussels people are asked to keep this date open and remember to come and hear an N.H.L. star who will be in attendance. to Hamilton for the weekend and visited Mr. and. Mrs. Ken Fife and Mr. Hugh Pearson who is a patient in Hamilton Hospital. Mr. and mrs. Don Dunbar and family visited Sunday in London. Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Schaefer and family of Goderich visited . Mrs. Geo. Dunbar and Mr. Geo. Dunbar in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dobson and family of Palmerston and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith and family of Elmira visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobson, Miss Susan Hall of Owen Sound is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall. Mr. and Mrs.Doug Evans and family visited Sunday in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Brennamen. Dr. W. L. A. Wardlaw of Brantford is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Wardlaw. On Tuesday, June 18th, the Area Track & Field Meet is being held at F.E.Madill Secondary School, for those students who were successful at our own Track & Field meet held at the school on June 7th. On Wednesday, June lOth, Grade 8 will be taking a field trip to the Huron. County Museum in Goderich, Grade 7 will also be taking their trig to the Same museum on Thursday, June 20th. Also on Thiirsday, Julie 20tH, Kindergarten and I and 2 will be holding Play bay at the ;school.. 5/ lawn bowlers and guests sat down to dinner last Wednesday evening' in the United Church hall. Dinner was served by the United Church ladies. A meeting followed with the minutes of previous meetings and a financial statement - read and were acted upon. A progress report was given tracing the activities back about a year and half to the present. The bowling green's grass is not in the best condition and the level of the land leaves something to be desired. However, it was decided to try bowling during July and August. The, club hopes that a job of filling and levelling and some reseeding can be done in September, The lights have been installed and the Often we read in our- newspapers that Canadians have no confidence in themselves and as often 1 have thought that they were writing bull. The people I meet are usually self confident enough. Now however, 'I'm beginning to see what those writers mean. It's not that we as Canadians have no self confidence, but we have no confidence in our fellow Canadians. I came to this con- clusion when discussing over the last few weeks export possibilities for pork. No one doubted that our pork of top quality, but many doubted the ability of Canadians (others) to' deal with Japanese buyers. Canada is the greatest trading nation in the world and couldn't be in this position unless Canadians are the greatest traders in the world. Let's not under-estimate foreign traders but let's not under-estimate our own people either. * * * * * * Can we rely on the figures Statistics Canada-gives us? Every three months a selected group of farmers receive a form to be filled out as to how much and what crop they grow, how, much and what kind of livestock they intend to market, etc. When those predictions don't pan out it is those farmers who were blamed for giving inaccurate reports. Mr. Patterson, a retired farmer from Blyth, dropped in the other day and told me that after having sold his farm several years ago he still receives this questionnaire regularly. The first question is if the farm has been sold and to whom. Mr. Patterson faithfully filled out that the farm was sold and does so every three months. If that information has been fed into the computer for several years, the number of farmers that sold must be disproportionately On Friday, June 21st, Grade 8 will be going on their class trip to Niagara Falls. Final Softbali Standings Fts, Flyers 12 Pile Drivers 9 Base Bouncers I Slippirr Sliders 6 Ding Bats 6 Grades 5 & 6 Motet Bugs 14 Banana Splits 10 Hot Rods 11) Broncos 4' L Wild Wackers 2 fence painting has started. A number of volunteers will be required to get the palace in shape for a club room. A fridge has been purchased, a stove ordered, and the club hopes some tables and chairs can be obtained. The membership fee was set at $5,00, for 1974 and members joining now are expected to pay the 'Initiation Fee' that all who joined have paid, club officials said. This fee was, $25.00 single or $40.00 per couple. This was a fund raising fee to raise funds for the construction costs. The meeting felt that anyone joining now should help pay for high. Makes one wonder about all the other statistics they churn out in Ottawa, * * ** * It's been said that a farmer is never satisfied and -it has some truth. Take the weather. As every one knows this spring was too wet and the farmer wasn't the only one dissatisfied. Now that planting and seeding is mostly idone that same farmer is praying for rain in many parts of our area. He is so much dependent on the weather that he is almost constantly worrying. But give him credit too, for if the weather damages crop prospects, he sighs and says: "We hope that next year will be better." what has been done and for what still has to be done. f A 'New Horl zoo s ' grant made ,possible the purchase of a lot of good equipment that could not have been obtained without some strenous fund raising and down right begging, members said. The money was granted on the strength of the large number of Senior Citizens in the club's membership. The bowls purchased by the club with these funds were to be rented to Seniors 'on a game to game basis until they find if they want to bowl and 'decide to buy their own. There are not many recreational activities left for the older people and this is one they can enjoy. The Club said they felt you,ng people are well provided 'for in a ' wide range of sports, recreation and play ground equipment. This lawn bowling venture was an effort to give adults a recreation outlet, especially the older ones. Tuesday and Thursday even- ings were chosen as bowling nights with new beginners invited out on Saturday afternoon for some practice and coaching from some who have bowled. As the grass is rather thin yet it is advised that flat soled or wedge heeled shoes be worn. Heels have a tendency to cut and dent the sod, making very bumpy bowling and are hard on the grass. Bowls seem to be scarce due to the many government grants to bowling clubs. The club will be on the look out for any bowls -that may be available. Anyone with bowls will be glad to loan theirs for the' practice 'sessions. Club members ask any one who may have bowls stored away in their attic or basement, to please look them up, and use them or make them available to someone wanting to bowl. family night for the minor key players in Brussels and a is planned for July 5th in the ion Hall. At a minor hockey eting last week it was decided isperse with the full banquet he arena . planned for July and hold an awards night at Legion on Friday night July le of the instructors from the ews of Ethel Visitors spend weekend in village Brussels Public School Grades & 8