HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-04-24, Page 16RE:- MAY 1st COUNTY
If Postal Service is not returned by April 30, May 1
assistance cheques may be picked Up at your
local municipal clerks office, (Unless, otherwise
notified) 'on Wednesday, May 1, 1974.
Town of Goderich residents may pick up their
cheques at the Social Services office, Court
House in Goderich.
Clients must provide suitable Identifidation. For
further information Call 524-2186
County of Huron Social
****MKSSINIZP4-*** Students research Brussels
, a
21. Tenders Wanted
Cutting grass at Brussels Ball
Park and behind Bath House.
Lowest or any tender not
necessarly accepted.
Apply in writing to Brussels.
Recreation, Parks and
Community Centre Board, c/o
Dave McCutcheon. 21-21-1
\22. Legal Notices
In ,the Estate of LILY MAY
CHIDLOW, Brussels, Ontario,
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the aboVe estate are
required to send full particulars of
such claims to the undersigned
solicitors on or before the 18th
day of May, 1974, after which
date the estate's assets will be
distributed, having regard only to
the claims that have then been
Brussels, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executors
In the Estate of ALICE
BLANCHARD, Brussels, Ontario,
claims against the above estate
are required to send full
particula6 of such claims to the
undersigned solicitors on or
Before the 18th day of May, 1974,
after which date •the estate's'
assets will be distributed, having
regard only to the claims that
have then been received.
Brussels, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executors
• 22-21-3
In the Estate of ALICE PEARL
KITCHEN, Brussels, Ontario,
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the above estate must file
particulars of such claims with the
undersigned solicitors on or
before the 18th day of May, 1974,
after which date the estate's
assets will be distributed having
regard only to those claims which
have then been received.
Brussels, Ontario
Solicitors for 'the Administrator
• 22-21-3
24. Cards of Thanks
Our sincere thanks is given to all
the relatives, friends and
neighbours who remembered us
with gifts, cards and good wishes
on the occasion of our 50th
Wedding Anniversary and for
making it such a memorable
occasion. — Mr. and Mrs.Carl
McDonald, 24.21x1
I Wish to sincerely thank everyone
who sent flowers, gifts and cardS
and visited me while I was in
Seaforth Hospital, Special thanks
to the nurses, Dr. Brady, Dr.
Underwood, Dr. Malkus, Dr,
Whitman and Mr. John Westcott,
Thanks also to Rev. Fred Carson:
It was deeply appreciated.
—Florence McCutcheon. 24-21-1
25. In Memoriam
DUCHARME In loving
memory of a dear husband and
father, Urban A. Ducharme who
passed away one year ago April
26, 1973.
Behind the smile there is many
a tear
Of the one we lost and loved so
Sweet are the memories
silently kept
Of one we loved and will never
—Always remembered and sadly
missed by his wife Margaret and
family. 25-21x I
26. Personal
Mr.' and Mrs. George
McCutcheon of Brussels,
announce the forthcoming
marriage of their elder daughter,
Barbara Vonne, to Mr. David Ian
Brister, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Brister of Niagara Fails,
Ontario. Marriage to take place
May 11th in Brussels United
Church. 26-21x1
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hicks are
pleased to announce the
engagement of their daughter
Carmelita Elizabeth Anne to Dale
Newman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Newman, Harriston. The
wedding to take place May 3 at
St. Martins • Roman Catholic
Church in Drayton. 26-21 x1
Every week more and more
people discover what mighty jobs
are accomplished by low cost Post
Want Ads. Dial Brussels
(continued, front. page7 ilk
famous all over. Canada, He-
boasted that he could get tip
steam in six minutes and proved
that it was so,
At this time, as well as the
' Vanstone Mill, W.F.Mann had a
flour and grist mill in operation,
near the site Of the present
Topnotch Mill. Both could be
operated by steam or water. An
earlier mill on the Mann site,
owned by a man named Grewar,
had been ravaged by fire.
A woollen mill owned by D.
McIntosh was also in operation at'
this time. It was located at the site
of the present public school with a
furniture ,faCtory nearby,
Another existing industry was a
planing mill, owned by J.
Bennett. This operation was
situated just south of the railway
tracks on the east side of
Turnberry Street.
In addition, there were a •
custom foundry, six blacksmith
shops, ten carriage shops, two
pump factories, a steam flax mill,
three tailors, four boot and shoe
The recent outbreaks of
Brucellosis in cattle in Ontrio are
not a cause for undue concern or
for the introduction of massive
calfhood vaccination programs.
''Reacting to the recent
increase in the incidence of
Brucellosis in the province, some
livestock men 'have been quick to
point out that calfhood
vaccination should be
reintroduced on a breed scale if
the disease is to be controlled,"
notes Dr. Howard Neely,
extension veterinarian with the
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
and Food.
"In the light of present
circumstances," Dr. Neely
continues, "farmers are nat
urally wondering whether they
should vaccinate their cattle
against Brucellosis or not. Our
feeling is that each case should be
considered on its merits, in
consultation with local
veterinarians. The incidence of
Brucellosis in Canadian cattle is
currently 0.07% and the problem
in Ontario has been limited to a
Use sterile soil
to germionate
Although there are many
sterile soilless mixes on the
mark& these days, some home
gardeners prefer to germinate
plant seeds in topsoil.
"Topsoil must be properly
sterilized if it is to provide a good
medium for seed germination and
plant growth,"• says Burke
McNeill, a horticultural specialist
with the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food.
Sterile soil helps to prevent the
development of . disease
organisms and weeds.
You can use the oven of your
kitchen stove to sterilize soil , if
you wish, Preheat the oven to
180°F, Place the soil in' a shallow,
flat pan and leave it in the oven
for 20 Minutes. Cool the soil to
room temperature, and it's ready
to use.
Sterilizing topsoil does not
entirely eradicate weed and
`disease problems, but it helps
control them, It's a simple
process that should help
gardeners to grow bigger, better
plants indoors.'
.':..i• Innen t
tidying Lesson`
TO drive a baby buggy just
tickle its little feet!
shops, six general stores, five
grocery stores, two hardware
stores, four tin and stove stores,
two drugstores, three bookstores,
a corset factory and two
Last, but certainly not least,
brussels. boasted five hotels
which were "without exception
the finest and best kept to be
found in any temp,. in the
province". The Revere House, a
pink brick building, was situated
just south of the railroad tracks on
the west side of Turnberry. Street..
The Tecumseh, was built at the
north end of the business section,
The American and The Queen's,
which still stand, ate within a
block of one another on the west
side of downtown's main street.
Finally, the Central, was built on
the east. side of main street, just
south of the Queen's..
It can be seen from an article
written in the Brussels Post,
1886, that Brussels was viewed as
a village with a bright future. The
article was entitled "Brussels: A
Glance at the Town - and its
few outbreaks."
Federal authorities have moved
into the areas in Ontario where
problem herds have occurred and
.quarantined, tested, slaughtered
and paid compensation, as the
situation warranted. Farmers
should be assured that both
affected and unaffected areas are
being constantly monitored.,"
'The recent Brucellosis
outbreaks are not the first to be
recorded since federal-provincial
programs drastically reduced
incidence of the disease in
livestock through extensive
vaccination. Since that time, wide
scale test and slaughter programs
have kept Brucellosis outbreaks
to a minimum.
If, after consultation, a farmer
and his veterinarian decide that
vaccination is required, it is mdt
'important to remember that only
heifer calves betweeti the ages of
three and six months should be
Nett,' tiaekage 0 pounder
From Schneider's •
Business Interests Some 011ie
Causes. that Contribute to. ifs'
It said of G,A„Powell, Dry
Qctods, Millinery, Furnishings &
Co, that, "probably no business
institution in the town has done
more to advance the mercantile
interest and attract trade to s
Brussels than the progressive and.
-enterprising business".. Harry
Dennis, Harness Maker a n d
Dealer in' Trunks, Robes an.
Valises" turns out work second to
none - in the province". it
employed four people,
• Some of the o ther
establishments mentioned were
the salt block which employed
twenty-five people, ..
G.A.Deadman, druggist, and the-
Ross Bros. Merchant Tailors
which was established in 1884. •
and employed twelve. George-
Howe's woollen factory, situated'
by the river at the present site fo-
the • Medical Building was also
noted. It turned out 250 yards per ;
day and was driven by a 38
horse-power engine. It employed
eighteen people. Straehan Bros.
General Merchants had bought.
out Smith in 1881 and ran their
business out of what is presently
Dixon's 5 to $1.00 store. 'Filially
the Queen's Hotel was praised as
being "one of the most efficiently
managed hosteleries in Ontario"
with over thirty sleeping
As can be evidenced from these'
Written accounts, Brussels was o
prosperous village in 1886, and
yet; even then the insidious
population decline had begun,
population of 1,800 in 1882 had
decreased by over 200 in 1886. By'.
1891, this had further diminished
to 1,204.
Although it is impossible to
know exactly what happened to
cause this decline in population,
we have discovered some
contributing factors. McIntosh's
woollen factory was not (:
mentioned in the 1886 article. It is
most likely that it had closed
clown prior to this date. The
furniture factory had ceased
operating also by 1886. A
whalebone corset factory had
comdee amni ds gone w
it h i 80' s. e
1 to
changing trends in fashion.
(Conthiued next week)
Brucellosis limited to
sporadic outbreaks
Bakery Grocery •
RAID 14.5-oz. $1.29
AYLMER CATSUP . . • • • • • 20-oz, 4*
VO6D 2 for 290
lbs. 4 Free Delivery 2 *
Phone 887-9226
VR,ston's 24-oz. loaf Reg. 440
Sliced SANDWICH PREAD • • 3 for $1
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