HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-04-24, Page 14CLUTCH PURSES
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Mrs. Carl Johnston qtanke.1
Mrs. Mel Craig for her wonderful
leadership in the past two years,
Mrs. W. Stamper then took the
chair and asked for the c(),
operation of all for the corning
year . A program planning
meeting will be held April 26 01
p.m. at , the home of Mrs. Mel
'The May meeting will be held
in the. Institute rooms in the
Community Hall on May 8 at
p.m. The Roll Call is "A tasty wq
tee dress up not so tasty looking: food".
Wants What
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Want Ads
News of Bluevale
Teacher, from Zambia shows slides to WMS
Mrs, Joe Walker
Visitors from Whitehurch and
Bell-110re. Women's Missionary
l .Societies, and the Bluevale
United . Church Women were
welcomed by Mrs, Glenn Golley
to the April W.M.S.. m eeting held.
in the Knox.' Presbyterian Church
on Tuesday evening of last week.
Mrs. Golley also introduced the
guest speaker, Mrs, James Rich-
ardsone who is a shcool teacher
home on furlough from Sukasia in
the northwestern part of Zambia,
IN ( '- Africa.
Mrs. Richardson spoke briefly
before she showed her slides of
Zambia and its people. She based
her message on the importance of
0 0 prayer for missionaries, teachers,
and all workers in the mission
fields. She read from the book of
'Hebrews, Chapters Ten and
Four: Let • us therefore come
lea' boldly befrre the throne of grace.
- The children attending the
school in which Mrs. Richardson
teaches, are those of mission-
aries. About 90% of the children
are white and only 10% are
African. • The pupils come from
500 to 1000 miles to school and
are home only for vacation time.
The school is in charge of the
pupils seven days a week. The
location of the school is a
bush-like area. There is a post
office about five miles away as
well as an airstrip and a hospital
26 Acres
' -The school grounds include
about 26 acres of land. The school
itself is interdenominational -and
is divided into separate buildings
for juniors and seniors. , The
cafeteria, kitchen, science rooms
I and sleeping quarters also consist
of separate buildings.
1 Pupils rise each day at 6:15
a.m. and retire at 7:45 p.m. A
typical school day includes the
performance of morning work
duties, Bible study and working
on projects. Satudays are set
aside for doing craft work.
Walk to Church
On Sundays, senior children
walk to church about one mile
away and juniors have Sunday
School at their own school. Six or
seven Sunday Schools are con-
• ducted in the villages. The big
gift for perfect attendance is
canned fish or corned beef.
Next Door
Next door to the school is a
farm which provides the school
with eggs, meat and butter. The
students also grow vegetable
gardens. Common animals in
Zambia include the water python
and blue-headed lizzard. Army
ants tend to be pests; they will
destroy classroom curtains and
Villages surrounding the school
consist of six to- ten houses and
are occupied by Africans called
'Lunda people.' Lunda's main
dish. is 'mush' made from a root
called 'manioc', The manioc is
dug from the ground, soaked in
water, dried for several days and
then pounded into flour, It is
Mixed with water and is served
with a green vegetable or toma.
The pictures that Mrs. Richard-
son showed were clear and
beautiful. Mrs. Bernard Thonias
thanked her and presented her
with a gift,
hi the worship service, the call
to worship was given by Mrs.
Glenn Golley who read froth St.
Matthew's gospel, Chapter 28.
The hymn, 'The Day of Resurrec-
tion,' was sung:
Mrs. Wm. Robertson read
scripture from Matthew• and
based her comments On the
meaning of the cross and what it
meant for Christ to die and rise
again. The motto was 'He died for
me; He rose for us.' Mrs
Robertson also offered prayer.
Special music was provided by
a quartet, consisting of Mrs,
Glenn Snell, Mrs. Joe Walker,
Larry Elliott and Ross Gra'. Mrs.
Ross Hoggart accompanied on the
piano. The offering was received
by Mrs. ,Alba Mundell and Mrs.
Beryl Kirton with Mrs. Golley
giving the offeratory prayer.
The closing hymn was 'Rejoice,
The Lord is King' and closing
prayer was given by Mrs. Golley.
Mrs. Richardson asked blessing
and lunch was served by the
ladies of the church.
Image Seekers
The fourth meeting of the
Bluevale III 'Image Seekers' was
held on Tuesday, April 16th in the
Bluevale United Church base-
ment. Nine members attended
the meeting. Plans were made for
the club skit to be presented at
Achievement Day. Mary . Edith
Garniss discussed Storage Re-
sources in the bedroom and
Rosemary Schmidt discussed
ways of improving storage. The
members helped each other solve
their individual storage problems.
Miss Dayle Fischer spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Walker and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Horne of
Listowel spent Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh and
Mrs. J.J. Elliott accompanied
Mr. - and Mrs. Harold King,
Nancy and Patti to London on
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Fraser Haugh and Eileen were
Mr. and Mrs. James Darling,
Steven and Ronnie.
Saturday evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J.J. Elliott were Mr.
and Mrs, Fred Ohm of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Elliott and
Mr. and Mrs. C Mathers
visited Sunday evening at Huron-
view and with Mr. and Mrs. Rae,
Mathers at Goderich.
Tuesday evening, Mr. J.J.
Elliott celebrated his birthday
when his family surprised him
with a, party. Those present at
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott's home were
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mathers, Mr.
and Mrs. Hardld Elliott,. Mr. and
Mrs. Marty Cretier, Mr. Bob
Mathers, Mr. and Mrs. George
Townsend and family and Mr,
and Mrs. Bill Campbell and.
family. Cards were received from
those unable to be present.
Final Euchre
The final euchre of the season
was held Thursday night with
nine tables playing. Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Mathers, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Campbell and Mr, and
Mrs. Gordon Machan were in
charge. Prizes were won, Al.
Breckenridge, Mrs. Harry Elliott,
high winners. Low winners were
Sheila Walker and Harvey Timm,:
Lucky draw went to Susan
Chapman. A delicious lunch was
served, assisted by several ladies.
The Recreation Committee would
like to thank all those participat-
ing to Make these euchres a
success ,
Unit 4 -
Unit 4 of 'Bluevale
served a noon dinner to tneMbers
of the W.I. at their annual
meeting held Wednesday in the
Sunday School rooms of the
United Church. Each member
revealed her Sunshine Sister and
had dinner with het. Mrs. Wm,
be Vos thanked the young ladies
for the delicious Meal they
Mrs. Mel Craig presided for
the meeting which opened with
the Opening' Ode, The Roll Call
was answered with the payment
of fees for the coming year.
Cancer Canvass
Mrs- W, J. Nicholson reported
on . the Cancer Society Canvass
and Mrs. Jim Armstrong reported.
on the old time dance held
Mrs, W.J.Peacock .read the
correspondence including thank-
you notes ,and several members
voiced their appreciation for.cards
they had received. Members were
reminded of the District Annual
to be . held May 14 in Gorrie
.United Church. Achievement Day
for Bluevale 4-1-I Clubs will be
held june-15 at F.E..Madill School
in •Wingham. Summary Day for
the Senior Training Course,
"More Ideas for Sewing with
Knits" will be held April 23 at
1:30 p.m. in the Wingham
Presbyterian Church.
The Institute was asked to
supply and serve lunch for Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Timor's 40th
'Wedding Anniversary on May 4
in the Community Hall. A
committee of Mrs. Ken
Chambers, Mrs. Harry Elliott,
Mrs. Gordon Mundell and Mrs.
Alex MacTavish will make plans
for this.
Selections were made for
Senior. • Training Schools, Short
Courses and Food Forums. A bus
trip was discussed but nothing
definite planned.
Members enjoyed a sing-song
with Mrs. Carl Johnston at the
piano. An interesting
geographical contest was cond-
ducted by Mrs. C. Mothers. Mrs.
Mel Craig gave the President's
address and thanked everyone
who had helped the W.I. in the
past year.
Reports Given
The Mary .Stewart Collect was
repeated and the secretary read
the minutes _of the last annual
meeting. The auditor's report was
given by Mrs. Sperling Johnston.
Reports of the standing_
committees were given. Mrs. K.
Simmons reported on Citizenship
and. World Affairs, Mrs. Cecil
Sanderson on Agriculture and
Canadian - Industries, , Mrs.
Charles Mathers on Education
and Cultural Activities and Mrs.
W. Stamper: on Family and
Consumer Affairs, Mrs,
W.J.Nicholson gave the P.R.0:
report and Mrs. J.C.Johnston the
curator's report.
Mrs. W.J.Nicholson, Past
President,' had •charge of the
election and installation of
officers, Mrs. Murray Jenkins
read the nominating committee's
report which was as follows:
Past President - Mrs. Mel Craig;,
President r Mrs. Wendell
Stamper; 1st Vice President
Mrs. Jim Armstrong; 2nd Vice
President - Mrs. Ken Chambers;
Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. W. J.
Peacock; Assistant Secretary
Mrs. Mel Craig; District Director
- Mrs. Gordon MundelleAlternate
District Director-Mrs. - Harry
Elliott; Branch Directors - Mrs.
Carl Johnston, Mrs. Bert Garniss,
Mrs. Wm. De Vos; Pianist -
Mrs.Carl Johnston:. Nominating'
Committee - Mrs. Chas. Mathers,
Mrs., Harvey Timm, Mrs. G.
Mundell; Public Relations Officer
- Mrs. Jack Nicholson; Curators
Mrs. Jas. C. Johnston; Mrs.
Graham Campbell; .Auditors -
Mrs. • Spoiling Johnston, Mrs,
Jack Wiekstead; Conveners of
Standing 'Committees:
Agriculture and Canadian
industries - Mrs. Ken Chambers,
Mrs. Robert Fraser;eitiZenship
and. World Affairs - Mrs. Ken
Simmons, Mrs, Alex McTavish;
Education and Cultural Activities
- Mrs. Harvey Timm, Mrs. Mel
Craig; Faniily and Consumer
Affairs - Mrs. Ross Nicholson,
Mrs. Wm. De Vos; Resolutions -
Mrs. Murray Jenkins, Mrs., Jim
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