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THE BRUSSELS. POST,.. APRIL .24, 1974i43
ews of Walton
Irish family entertains at UCYI Thankoffering.
Mrs. Man McCall
The United Church Women of
Duff's United Church, Walton
held their Easter Thankoffering
Service in the church, auditorium
on Sunday evening, April 21, with
guests present from Brussels
churches, Cranbrook, Seaforth
churches, Winthrop and
Mrs. Neil McGavin gave the
Call to Worship. Hymn 440 was
sung accompanied by the
organist, Mrs. Ian Wilhee,
followed by prayer by Mrs.
McGavin. The scripture from
Corrinthians was read by Mrs.
Don Achilles.
Mrs. N. McGavin gave a warm
welcome to everyone. The
offering was received by Mrs.
Campbell Wey, Mrs. Murray
Dennis, Mrs. Glen McNichol and
Mrs. Walt Bewley and dedicated
by Mrs. McGavin.
Bradley Family
Mrs. Ray Huether introduced
the special guests of the evening,
The Bradley Family from Ireland,
who have been living in Clinton
for the past 18 months. They have
nine children and seven of them
participated in singing a number
of Irish ballads; they were
accompanied by their father with
the accordion. Mr. Bradley also
spoke of the conditions of Ireland,
and said you could still enjoy a
holiday in some parts, but not
Northern Ireland. They are quite
thrilled with the opportunities
here in this country, along with
the freedom and Canadians
should be more proud of this
beautiful country. Many asked
questions and Mr. Bradley
capably answered them.
He was thanked for his talk and
their splendid singing by Mrs. D.
Docken and presented with a gift .
of money.
Hymn, "The Day Th -on gayest.,
Lord, is ended" was sung arid
Rev. D. Docken closed the service
with the benediction.
A social hour followed in the
basement when lunch was served
by the Walton Unit.
" 4-H Club Learns
On Thursday evening the 4-H
members and leaders invited
mothers and friends to a special
meeting in the Community Hall.
The 4-H girls are in the current
project, Taking •a look at
yourself", There are four Walton
Clubs. They have been studying
tips on good grooming, storage of
clothes, skin, hair care and
posture. Their Achievement Day:-
is on June 1 in the Brussels Public
School. •
Mrs. Jerry Ryan introduced
Mrs. Beverley Cardiff, of
Brussels, Vanda Bauty Coun'selor
vho spoke briefly on her products
which were on display. Mrs.
Cardiff then introduced special
guests, Mrs. Blackwell,
Walkerton, and Mrs. Reidt of
Clifford. They showed a film on
Beauty Counseling followed by
facial demonstrat ion. The models
were Mrs. Joyce Van. Vliet as
senior model and daughter
Debbie, as junior model. This was
followed by a question and
answer period.
Mrs. Don Achilles thanked the
ouifsellors for their information
and presented a gift.
The draws were won by Mary
.Alice Ryan, Dianne Godkin, Anne
Ryan and Susan Humphries.
Walton II Meeting.
The fifth meeting of the
"Cheery Chicks" was held at the
ome of Mrs. Don McDonald oil
l a turdaYi April 20, All seven girls
.ere present and answered. 'The
:Roil Call "One aid Which will
Improve storage in my bedroom".
Vtnutes were read by Pat
cDonald. Achievement Day was. discussed, A committee is• to tiring some definite" outline to the
next meeting on April 30th.
Mrs. G. Ryan led in a
discussion on a beautiful
complexion, mentioning briefly
good health habits, upkeep and
As group work Mrs. D.
McDonald showed us how to
start our special project which is
to be completed at home'.
Mrs. Ryan then checked all the
record books.
Showers for Bride - Elect
Miss Carolyn Fraser was guest
of honor at a community shower
on Saturday evening, April 20th,
held in the basement of Duff's
United Church.
Mrs. Ken McDonald welcomed
everyone and announced the
program. Chris Achilles opened
with a step-dancing number.
Dena and Debbie Wey sang a
duet accompanied with their
guitars, then Mrs. E. Mitchell
joined in singing a couple of
numbers. A sing-song was
conducted, by Mrs. J.Van Vliet.
Mrs. E. Mitchell also contributed
a violin selection.
Carolyn, the bride-elect of early
next month was now called to the
decorated chair at the front, along
with her mother, Mrs. Doug.
Eraser, the groom's mother, Mrs.
Joseph Sullivan, of Brantford and
her grandmother, Mrs. Ethel
,Miss Mary Elliott read an
address of congratulations and
best wishes. The many gifts were
carried in by Debbie Van Vliet,
Janice Houston, Cheryl Fraser,
Cathy McDonald, Dianne Fraser,
Janice Van Vliet, Pat McDonald,
Susan Marshall, Sandra Marshll
and Karen Sullivan.
Carolyn expressed her thanks
to everyone for the lovely gifts
and to the ones responsible for
arranging the evening for her.
A delicious lunch was served by
the 8th and 16th unit.
W.I.Hold Annual Meeting
The W:alt-nn . Branch of the
Women's Institute- held their
annual meeting on Wednesday
evening ,at the Winthrop Church.
Institute Grace was sung and 39
members sat down to a delicious
turkey dinner at 7 p.m. served by
the U.C.W. of that church.
Mrs. Allan McCall, president
took charge of the meeting. The
Institute Ode was sung and the
Mary Stewart Collect was
repeated. Mrs. William
Humphries was pianist for the
evening. Mrs. Gerald Watson
expressed our thanks, to the ladies
for the boutiful meal. Mrs. Bob
Dalton replied for the Winthrop
Mrs. Don Achilles welcomed
two new members, Mrs. Jim
Blake and Mrs, Eleanore Liphard.
Mrs. Neil McGavin led in a
lively sing-song. The business
followed with secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Ken McDonald reading the
minutes of the March meeting.
The Roll Call was answered with
the payment of fees and the gift
for your Sunshine sister. It was
decided to carry this on in the
same mariner for another year.
There will be a bus trip sometime
in May along with our regular
meeting of May 15: The June
meeting is being planned by Mrs.
E.Mitchell and Mrs. H. Bolger
and it will be a tour and picnic to
District Annual
The District Annual will be held
in Gorrie on May 14th. The four
voting delegates,, Mrs. Gerald
Watson, Mrs. Harold Bolger,
Mrs. Ernie Stevens and Mrs.
Allan McCall. A donation was
voted to the Brussels Pall Fair
Board and it was Moved that the
secretary-treasurer be paid the
same as last year. The executive
will meet on Monday, April 29th
at 8 p.m. to plan the program for
the coming year.
Mrs. Herb Traviss and Mrs.
Emmerson Mitchell entertained
with several musical numbers.
The annual meeting followed
with the minutes and financial
report by Mrs. K. McDonald. The
auditor's report was given by
Mrs. Harvey Craig.
Standing .Committee
Conveners' reports were given by
Mrs. E. Mitchel for Agriculture
and Canadian Industries; Mrs.
Mac Sholdice for Citizenship and
World Affairs; Mrs. George
McCall for Family and Consumer
Affairs; Mrs. W.J.Leeming for
Education and Cultural Activities;
Resolutions by Mrs. Alvin
McDonald; Sunshine by Mrs.
Nelson Marks and curators by
Mrs. Nelson. Reid,
Mrs. Herb Traviss of the
Nominating Committee brought
in the new slate of officers. They
were installed by Mrs. Jan Van
Vliet Jr. as follows for '74-'75.
Past President - Mrs. Gerald
Watson; President - Mrs. Allan
McCall; 1st Vice President - Mrs.
Don Achilles; 2nd. Vice President
Mrs. Bill Humphries; 'Secretary:-
treasurer - Mrs. Ken McDonald;
,District Director - Mrs. Gerald
Watson; Alternate - Mrs. Allan
McCall; Public Relations Officer -
Mrs. Jim Axtmann; Branch.
Directors - Mrs. Jan Van Vliet;
Mrs. Don McDonald, Mrs.
Laverne Godkin, Mrs. Neil
McGavin; Curators - Mrs. Nelson
Reid, Mrs. James McDonald;
Auditors - Mrs. Stewart
Humphries, Mrs, Bill.
Humphries; Standing Committee
Conveners : Agriculture and
Canadian. Industries - Mrs.
Harold Bolger, Mrs. Mac
Sholdice; Citizenship and World
Affairs - Mrs. Graeme Craig,
Mrs. Alvin McDonald; Family
and Consumer Affairs - Mrs. Ron
Bennett, Mrs. George Blake;
Education and Cultural Activities
- Mrs. Dave Watson, Mrs.
Norman Schade; Resolutions ' -
Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mrs. John
Bos; Sunshine Convener - Mrs.
Nelson Marks.
The meeting closed with a
motion of adjournment.
Misses Debbie Wey of Guelph
and Dena Wey of London spent
the weekend at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
Wey. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Achilles
and Debbie of Fergus visited on
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Rollie Achilles. Jerry, Achilles,
Rollie's brother, is visiting at the
same home for a couple of weeks.
Miss Lynne McDonald, nurse-
in-training at the Woodstock
Hospital spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Remit holiday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Herb Traviss were Dr.
Brian and Mrs. Traviss and
family of Kitchener; Mrs. Hilda
Sellers of Seaforth and Gail
Traviss of Sarnia.
Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Dunk, Mrs.
Allan McCall, Walton, Mrs.
Margaret Kelly, Mrs. Julie
McKearney and Mrs. William
Hewitt of Bruissels attended the
annual meeting ig District 8
Horticulture Society on Saturday
at Owen Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clark and
son were on holidays last week in
London and. Toronto.
Mrs. Neil -McDonald and Mrs.
Dick Carson were co-hostesses for
a miscellaneous shower, held in
Brussels at the home of the
former, on Friday evening, April
19th, in honor of Miss Lynda
Johnston, bride-elect.
Forty friends and relatives,
`attended. The guests enjoyed a
Bride Book edited by Miss Peggy
and Mrs. Norman Carson.
Miss Johnston graciously
thanked the guests for the lovely
Lunch was served and a social -
time enjoyed.
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