HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-03-27, Page 16and 13arbara Achilles.
David McLlwain of Seaforth
spent a few days last week with
his grandmother, Mrs. Edna
Misses Ann and Mary Watson
spent a few days of their holidays
in London with their sister,
Sandra Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Bos, and two
children Annetta and Arthur
arrived from Holland Saturday
evening. They have taken up
residence in the former Tom
Shortreed home. We welcome the
Bos family to our community,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson
motored to London Sunday,
Watson will remain with tht
children of, Mr. and Mrs. Ram
Pritchard, as Mr. Pritchard tool.
ill while holidaying in Florida lai
Mr-, and Mrs. Robai
Humphries and family of Lank
spent the week end at the home oi
Mr. and Mrs. Ste
****-1v- Classified 4'11.4.4.*
20. Auction Sales
Auction Sale
Lot 24, Con., 12, Grey Township,
2 Miles east of Cranbrook, 5 miles
East of Brussels on
Sat, Mar.30
SWINE - 25 Crossbred Sows due
April 1 to 30th; 5 Sows with
Litters; 1 Landrace Boar; 1
Lacombe Boar; 250 Chunks
weighing 40 lbs. to 140 lbs.
MACHINERY - 1060 Nuffield
Tractor, Cab, power steering; 460
Nuffield tractor and. New Idea
loader, power steering) New Idea
PTO Manure Spreader, John
Deere 4 row Corn Planter (1
yr.old), John Deere .15 run seed
drill on rubber; Dunham 10 ft.
Wheel Discs, IHC ' 10 ft.
Cultivator (Power Lift);turner 12
ft. Land Packer, Hydrein 3
Furrow Hydraulic Plow, 14"
bottom; 5 sections Harrows and
Stretcher, 11. ft. Chain Harrows,
John Deere 4 Bar Side Rake, New
Holland 717 Forage Harvester,
Corn Head and Pickup, 2 Grove
Self Unloading Forage Wagons.
New Holland Forage Blower and
Pipes, Gravity Grain Box,
Herrgot 8 ton Wagon, 12 ft. 4 in.
Grain Auger and Motor, Woods
Oat Roller and 2 Horse Motor, 3
Pt . Hitch Post Hole Auger, High
Pressure Sprayer (600 lbs.
20. Auction Sales
pressure), Incor 3 Pt. Hitch g
Blower, 5 Rolls Snow Fence, 1911
- 19 HOrSI Boa Ski Snow
Machine, Qtlantity of Posts and
Rails, Water Troughs.
Some Household Effects any
Numerous Other Articles,
24, Cards of Thanks
would like to thank all Al
Optimists who worked at 6
Atom tournament this week en
to make it successful. Slid
thanks to Frank Stretton awl
Barry Peters. Also thanks to
the Optimist wives who fed N
children. — President George,
The relatives of the late Mrs.
Chidlow express their sin
appreciation for flowers,
many expressions of sympa
and acts of kindness received
the time of her death. 24.2
We would like to thank
Brussels Fire Department ene
thank you to all the people wl
sent in baking and meals also
• ones who helped clean up .
mess - and sent in bedding
clothes. Thank you all.— Doi
and Bill Wheeler and boys.
Pepperidge FARM CAKES • • • 13-oz. 63$
Sunkist ORANGES, lge. size 88e doz. 7
Maxwell House
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BEAN &: _PORK with ItacOri •
Free Delivery •
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'take a look
at yourself'
The Brussels 4-H Club started
on March 11, 1914, with the.
project .. '1.ake .4 Look at
yourself', The meeting opened
with the 4-H 'Pledge., The election
of officers were as
follows: President Colleen
Raymond; Vice-President -Sharon
Bell; Press Reporter and
.Sectetatyt Any chosen girl,,
Eighteen girls attended , .the
rileetitig _at . the home of Mit'.
WaliatOTteli Withthd,tWiS leaders
Mrs. - Bell and Mrs." Paul
McDonald supervising and
instructing. The leaders
discussed the requirements of the
club and and mentioned the aetivitieg.
which were I akirig laundry lingo,
sewing kit or shower 'tote., The.
discussions were they qualities of
attfadtiVeilegg'Ahd the professions
where these are important..
The meeting closed with 4-H
News of Walton
Lenten topic discussed at
ice capades, Tuesday, April 9 and
take advantage of the special
prices for 4-H girls.
Plans were discussed for
Achievement Day sometime in
May, each member helping with
different ideas. Our leaders, Mrs
Ryan and Mrs. McDonald took
over and using both pictures and
material from our pamphlets,
discussed our common Closet
problems, under the headings "A
Place for Everything". Storage
methods, general rules and good
storage, storage resources and
how to improve your storage and
be good to your clothes. A brief
discussion on any individual
storage problem was held to
finish our meeting.Debbie closed
with the 4-H motto. "Learn to do
by Doing".
Social Evening
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan
opened their home recently for a
social evening for Norman
Rowland. He has sold his farm in
Mullett Twp. and is now living in
The evening was spent playing
euchre when 7 tables were in
play. Winners were Ladies' High
- Annie Reid; Low - Berva
Watson; Men's high - Wm
Thamer, Low - Lawrence Ryan.
Harvey McClure spoke a few
words regarding Norman's
departure from the communty.
Several gifts were received by
Mr. Rowland of which he thanked
everyone. Then all enjoyed lunch
served by Mrs. Ryan and
Misses Brenda, Janet and Kim
Ford of Sheffield spent the
holiday week with their
grandparents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Danny Achilles spent a couple
of days last week with Mr, and
Mrs. Bill Taylor and family near
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Searle have
arrived home from a holiday in
Miss Lynne McDonald , nurse-
in-training at Woodstock spent
the weekend ,at the home of her
parents, Alvin and Mrs.
A number of ladies of the
village were busy quilting the
first of this week at the home of
Mrs. Nelson Reid.
Debbie Achilles spent a few
days of her holidays at the home
of her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Rollie Achilles. She
returned home to Fergus on
Sunday with her parents. Jerry
UCW meeting
Mrs. Allan McCall
McKillop Unit Meets
The March meeting of the
McKill%) unit of the U.C.W, was
held on Wednesday afternoona t
the home of Mrs. Murray Dennis
with 13 members and 2 visitors
Mrs. Campbell Wey presided
for devotions on a Lenten topic,
"A Cross to Bear".
Remembering that Christ bore
the cross and died for us, we
come into His Presence with
humility and thanksgiving.
"Were you there when they
crucified MyLord" was sung with
Mrs. Neil McGavin as pianist,
Mrs. C. Wey let in prayer. Mrs .
Keith Rock read the scripture
from John 19: 17-25.
Mrs. Merton Hackwell gave the
meditation, "Mary on Good
Friday". Offering was received
byMrs. M. Hackwell and
dedicated byMrs. Wey.
A question period on "This
Time before Easter" (Lent) was
conducted by Mrs. C. Wey also
"Act of Penitence" was read with
everyone taking part.
The Topic, a very interesting
story on "The New Hymn Book"
was capably given by Mrs. C.
Wey closing with prayer.
Mrs. Murray Dennis was in
charge of the business period
opening with prayer. Minutes'
were read by Mrs. G. McNichol
and adopted. Roll, call was
answered by a Proverb.
Mrs. John Burch gave her
'report on the annual meeting of
the Huron-Perth Presbyterial she
attended recently in Mitchell.
Mrs. M. Dennis read a very
interesting letter received from
Gerald Baan who is working in
agriculture work in Africa.
The meeting was closed with
the Lord's Prayer, followed by
lunch and a social half hour.
Euchre Held
The last regular euchre of the
season was held in the community
hall, Friday evening. There were
9 tables in play. Prize winners
were High Lady - Mrs. Jack
McEwing; Low Lady - Mrs. Van
Vliet Sr.; High man - Gordon
Murray; Low man - Bob Leeming;
Lucky Tally cards for both women
and men were won by Mr. and
'Mrs. Rollie Achilles.
Following lunch prizes were
awarded to Mrs.cliff Ritchie for
the ladies for the highest score for
the season and Torrence Dundas
for the men.
The W.I. are planning a
Dessert Euchre on Monday
evening, April 8th watch for
further announcements. Both
men and women ate welcome.
Shower for Ruth Ritchie R.N.
Friends, neighbors and
relatives gathered in the
basement of Duff's Church on
Saturday evening, March 23 to
honOr Miss Ruth Ritchie, R.N.,.
bride-elect of next month.
The main was tastefully
decorated with white and pink
streamers and bells.
Mrs, Martin Baan Welcomed
everyone and Mts. Doeken
conducted a sing-song. Mrs.
Harvey Craig read a poem,
especially for Ruth and Mrs.
Graeme Craig eonducted a
contest, which caused much
excitement. Mrs. Harold
McCallum contributed an
instrumental number With her
mouth organ. This Was followed
by a contest conducted by Mrs.
H. Craig,.
The bride-elect; her mother,.
Mrs, Cliff Ritchie and atantt, Mrs.
Cecil Lyddiatt and Mrs. Sarre
Sweeney Were asked to tome to
the front, when an address of
r7origratulatintis And Best Wishes
Akker the former Arlene
The gifts were brought in by
several girl friends. Ruth replied
thanking everyone and invited
them to her mother's home to see
her things on Tuesday, April 2.
"For she's a jolly good fellow"
was sung followed by lunch. The
evening was arranged by the 17th
line and Boundary.
4-H Meeting
Walton II held a double 4-H
meeting on Wednesday afternoon
combining third and fourth
meeting at the home of Mrs. Don
The. President, Debbie Van
Vliet presided for the opening
exercises and business.
There were 6 members present
including' Francis Blake, Joyce
Blake, Irene Martin, Pat
McDonald, Debbie Van Vliet and
Janis Van Vliet. Cathy McDonald
was absent.
the name of the club was finally
chosen at a very close vote, so we
are now called "The Cheery
It was decided that the leader
Mrs. Ann Ryan should send for
tickets for our club 'to attend the
Mrs. Lily Mae Chidlow passed
away suddenly at her residence in
Brussels, on Monday, March 10,
1974. She was in her 82nd year.
Born in Newbridge, Ontario,
she was the daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. William Chapman.
The death of her first husband,
Wm. Andison of Kingsville, took
place many years ago. She later
married George Chidlow of
Hespeler where they resided until
his death 17 years ago. She
moved to Brussels two years later
and had been a resident here
since that time. She was a
member of Hespeler Baptist
Church and had been active in
organizations of that church
during her residence there.
Surviving are one sister Mrs.
J.W. (Sarah) Fischer of Brussels,
one brother, Harold Chapman of
Kitchener and a number of nieces
and nephews.
She was predeceased by three
sisters, Mrs. Wm. (Mary Ann)
Hamilton of Listowel, Mrs.
George (Rosetta) Topham of
Newbridge and Mrs. Arthur
(Margaret) Dawson of Leaming-
ton and four brothers, Arthur of
Gorrie, Nathan and Elizah of
Brussels and Wesley of New
Funeral services were held
from the M.L. Watts Funeral
Home, Brussels, at 2:00 p.m. on
Thursday, March 21' with Rev.
Hindry of Hespeler Baptish
Church officiating. Temporary
entombment was in Gorrie
Cemetery Chapel with burial later
in Fordwich Cemetery.
Pallbearers were: four ne-
phews, Stanley Fischer, Clarence
Hamilton, Bill Lockatt and MerVin
Wallace, and two Hespeler
friends, Clarence Habermehl and
Herb Miller.
. Nancy Jane lvforritt drowned
Friday, Match 86, 1974 in a
boating accident in the Georgia
Straits of Salt Spring Island.
She was the beloved daughter bf
Nancy Cameron Mortitt and
John Morritt of Toronto and
granddaughter of Verne and lack
CaffittOil o. former Brussels
ittidttft. PhOefai service* arid
burial were conducted in Toronto
AS -read by Mrs. Sett Van den March 14th..