HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-03-27, Page 13A VARIETY OF Window Shades NOW ON SALE Priced from 2.25 to 8.79 WILL CUT TO SIZE OLDFIELD' HARDWARE BRUSSELS Phone -887-6851 HAYWARD'S Discount --Variety Patent Medicines —*Cosmetics Groceries and Stationery — Tobacco Clearance Sate on a Yardley Products 25% OFF Reg. PPM* HARDWARE supplies become inadequate. The shallow root•system of the sugar maple does' not allow it to tolerate such conditions readily. To compound the problem, we put salt on the road in winter to remove snow and ice and the salty shish burns the maple.'s roots and eventualy moves into and burns the leaves. Thus in many areas, avenues of sugar maples are disappearing, CKNX TV listings Mapleton 100F holds meeting Mapleton I.0.0,F. Encampment meeting was held in Western .Star Lodge rooms, Brussels, on Tuesday, March 19th, 1974. Patriarchs were present from Exeter, Brlicefield, Hensall and Grand Bend. Remember! It takes but a moment to place a Brussels Post Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Brussels 887-6641. SATURDAY, 3:30 French Show HO Tugboat Annie ):30 Rocket Robin Hood ):00 Spiderman );30 Junior Talent Hour 1:30 East of the Sun !:00 Abbott & Costello 30 The Littlest Hobo :00 • You Really Can :30 Reach For the TOD ;00 World Curling Champs 1:30 Sports Week :00 Bugs Bunny :00 Supper Show... 30 Music Machine• 00 NHL Hockey..St.Louis at Montreal 1:30 Singalong Jubilee :00 The National :20 CKNX Late News :45 Starlight Theatre,.. SUNDAY 8:00 French Shew 8:30 OECA 0:30 Cathedral of Tomorrow 1:30 Hymn Sing 2:00 Peoples' Church 1:00 Focus on the Farm 1:30 Country Canada 2:00 Howie Meeker 2:15 Mr. Chips 2:30 Family Finder 3:00 World of Music 4:00 Nature of Things. 1:30 Arts '74 I:00 Music To See 5:30. Singtime 5:00 Walt Disney ;00 The Beachcombers The Waltons 8:30 Dick Van Dyke 9:00 The National Dream 0:00 The Marketplace • 10:30 Present Tense 1:00 The National 1 1:20 CKNX Late News 1:45 The World At War MONDAY 1:00 Ontario Schools • :45 Friendly Giant 00 Mon Ami x.15 Ontario Schools 130 Mister Dressup 00 Sesame Street I00 Lassie 1:30 Noon Report Matinee 1:00 Take Thirty Edge of Night 00 Family Court Y:30 Drop-In oc) Hogan's Heroes 30 Truth or Consequences 00 Insight-News,Weather 130 Twilight Theatre • 00 Partridge Family 30 Cannon 30. This Is The Law Im South Seas k30 Man Alive :00 The NatiOnal 11:20 Insight' 11:45 Starlight Theatre TUESDAY 8:00 Ont ario Schools 8:45 Friendly Giant 9:00 Mon Ami 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mister Dressup 11:00 Sesame Street 12:00 Lassie 12:30 Noon Report. 1:00 Matinee 3:00 Take Thirty 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Family Court 4:30- Switched On Set 5:00 Hogan's Heroes 5:30 Truth or Consequences 6:00 News 6:30 Twilight Theatre (Part 1 7:30 Circle Eight Ranch 8:00 Mary Tyler Moore 8:30 Front Page Challenge 9:00 The Academy Awards. 10:00 Up Canada! 10:30 Some Honourable Members 11:00 The National 11:20 Insight • 11:45 Starlight Theatre. WEDNESDAY 8:00 Ontario Schools 8:45 Friendly Giant 9:00 Mon Ami 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Miter Dressup 11:00 Sesame Street 12:Q0 Lassie 12:30 Noon Report 1:00 Matinee 3:00 Take Thirty 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Family Court 4:30' Drop-In 5:00 Hogan's Heroes S:30 Truth or Consequences 6:00 Insight, news, etc. 6:30 Gunsmoke 7:30 Ryan's Fancy 8:00 NFB Network 8:30 It's a Musical - World 9:00 To The Sea In Ships 10:00 West 10:30 Countrytime 11:00 The National 11:20 Insight, news, sports I 1 :45 Starlight Theatre ‘11 THURSDAY 8:00 Ont ario Schools 8:45 Friendly Giant 9:00 Mon Ami 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mister dressup 11:00 Seasame Street 12:09 Lassie 12:30 Noon Report Matinee Take Thirty Edge of Night Family Court A Place of Your Own Hogan's Heroes Insight, news, weather Barnaby Jones Irish Rovers Carol Burnett Thursday night movies The National Insight, news, etc. Starlight Theatre FRIDAY - 8:00 Ontario Schools 8:45 'Friendly Giant , 9:00 Mon Ami 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mister Dressup 11:00 Sesame Street 12:00 Lassie 12:30 Noon Report 1:00 Matinee 3:00 Take Thirty • 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Fathily Court 4:30 Drop-In 5:00 Hogan's Heroes 5:30 Truth cr Consequences • 6:00 Insight, news, etc. 7:00 Lawrence Welk 7:30 Maude 8:00 All in the Family 8:30 M*A*S*H 10:00 Under Attack 11:00 The National 11:20 Insight, news, etc. 11:45 Starlight Theatre 12:00 Abbott & Costello CKNX Movies SAT.MARCH 30 6:00 ."Women in Chains":- Ida Lupino, Lois Nettleton 1 1:45 "Strategic Air Command," James Stewart & June Allyson. MONDAY,APRIL 1st Twilight Theatre '"Anything Goes" - Bing _Crosby, Donald O'Connor and - Mitzi Gaynor. 11:45 Classic Theatre: "1 • married a • witch" - Veronica Lake, Susan Hay- ward and Frederic March TUESDAY ,APRIL 2 6:30 Twilight Theatre.. conc. of "Anything Goes" - Bing Crosby; Donald O'Connor and Mitzi Gaynor. 12:00 Starlight Theatre: Frankie and Johnny - Elvis Presley and Donna Douglas.- 1 1:4S "Kitty Foyle'. - Ginger Rogers and Dennis Morgan - . 1:00 3:00 3:30 4;00 4:30 5:00 6:00 6:30 7:30 8:00 9:?0 11:00 11:20 11:45 THURSDAY, APRIL 4th 9:00 "The Secret World" Jac- queline Bisset and Siselle McKenzie. 11:45 "Life At the Top" - Laurence Harvey, Jean Simmons and Honor Blackman. FRIDAY, APRIL .5 11:45 " Bye:Bye, Birdie" - Dick Van Dyke, Ann-Margret, Janet. Leigh and Paul Lynde. THE BLOOMING THING . . . By Ed Van Ginest A LO VE'S LAST GIFT REMEMBRANCE. rogress hurls sugar maple trees The maple is an integral of the Canadian way of life. It mates much of our scape, culture and folklore. It glued by farmers, timber :ssors, and the man on the t seeking respite from the s of urban life. We admire its nnal foliage and reflect on its y to link the past with'the Considering the Ilenta1, commercial and tic value of the tree, we are d fortunate that it is subject few pests and diseases.. solutions to needs for i and mobility often come o filet With the needs of the maple. To build our roads mks we run bulldozers the trees, bruising the Ind piling up poor subsoil We then proceed to et, pave, or walk ovet, Soil ire deteriorates, drainage is change and the, roots rate as oxygen and water Secretary,oh phone: "He's out to lunch, but he won't be long — nobody took him." , Jogging ten miles a day gives you something to think about — like who to make your beneficiarY. 0 0 Tact means looking around to be sure no one is re- lated to the person about whom you're going to gossip O 0 Spring : The time of year when farmers and golfers start their plowing. 0 0 These days, if you see a man down on his hands and knees, it probably just means somebody's lost a con- tact lens. • O C3 Grab your glasses and come to LISTOWEL Roma in LISTOWEL PHONE 291.2046 for Looks that will dazzle Vote eVeit. WE ARE ALSO REPRESENTED BY: MAX WATTS; BRUSSELS BRUSSELS POST, MARcii 27, i9 4---1a Whether it's a S moNuMENT I niitn • INgcni&TJON irou fire rein MARKER a ioved LE T T PRYDE R• SON LTD. Help Voti betide on' Vain. Memorial ,Itooirenwnis PHONVI EXETER 235-0620'