HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-03-20, Page 7News of Walton
Film strip on Tanzania shown at Duff's UCW
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THE BRUSSELS POtt itt 1914-4
M y
Mrs. Allan McCall
U.C.W. Unit Meetings
The March meeting of the
Walton Unit was held in the
)asement of the church on
Wednesday evening.'
Mrs. Herb Traviss opened the
lewotions with hymn 356, "Take
,13r Life, and Let it Be." Mrs.
Edna Hackwell was pianist for the
iymns. Mrs. Art Heard read the
scripture from Luke 14: 32-40.
Hymn 249, "Jesus Shall Reign
Where'er the Sun", followed by
qrs. Heard leading in prayer.
qrs. H. Traviss read an
Interesting article on "Go to
Church" and a poem "Hearts
Mrs. Edna Hackwell, repre-
sentative to the Mission Service
Committee, reported and was
assisted by Rev. Docken: State-
ments were passed around and
listed in order on, what Mission
means, It is the example of the
little amount of work. the Church
can do to help these underdeve-
loped countries. Its ways of
preaching the gospel. Its results
of a missionary enterprise which
people are encouraged to help
themselves, working for com-
munity, including politics and
economics. Rev. Docken showed
a film strip of Tanzania, giving us
an idea of their ways of life in the
country of Africa.
Mrs. Bill Thamer presided for
he business. The minutes were
Tad by the secretary, Mrs.
Howard Hackwell. The roll call
was answered by 21 members.
Ile offering was received by the
;ecretary in the absence of the
reasurer. We' were reminded of
nwitations to attend Northside
Church, Seaforth Thankoffering
ni March 26 and' '.to Cavan
Church, Winthrop for their Easter
rhankoffering, April 3 at 8 p.m. A
work shop on alcohol will be held
Northside Church, Seaforth• on
14arch 27.
Hymn 199, "We. Love the
Place, 0 God" was sung. Mrs.
Darner closed the meeting with
mayer. Envelopes for a Work
Free Bazaar were distributed to
be returned to the April meeting:
The hostesses Mrs. Ralph
Traviss, Mrs. Bruce. Collins and
Mrs, Murray Sinith served lunch
and a social half-hour was
enjoyed together.
Boundary and 17th Unit
Mrs. George Williamson was
hostess for the unit meeting in
her home on Wednesday after-
noon, March 13.
Mrs. Harold McCallum and
Mrs. Cliff Hoegy were in charge
of devotions. Mrs. McCallum
opened the meeting with the
Thought for the Day. Hymn 148.,
"Breathe on me, Breath of God"
was sung. Mrs. Hoegy read the
scripture from St. Mark 11: 11-26.
Mrs. McCallum led in prayer
followed by the Lord's Prayer. in
unison. 'A poem "Touching
Shoulders" was read by Mrs.
Mrs. Martin Baan • introduced
Rev. Docken who spoke on
Missions. He conducted a quiz,
and showed a film strip of
conditions in Africa, telling of the
hot and dry weather periods, rain
amounts and houses made out of
mud. Pamphlets-were distributed
for each family. He concluded on
reading a portion of a letter
received from our missionary Ann
Reiber, our Live-Love- Project
again this year.
Mrs. Baan thanked Rev.
Docken for coming and showing a
.new outlook on Missions.
The business was conducted,
minutes were read by Mrs.
McCallum. Treasurer's report
was given by Mrs. C., Ritchie and
miscellaneous report by Mrs. Van
Vliet Sr. Forthcoming Thankoffer-
ings were announced. Plans were
made for a shower this Saturday
evening for Miss Ruth Ritchie in
the church basement. The meet-
ing closed with the Mizpah •
Lunch was served by Mrs. H.
McCallum, Mrs, C. Hoegy,
assisted by the hostess, Mrs.
8th and 16th Unit
The March meeting of the 8th
and 16th unit was held in the
church basement on Thursday
Mrs. Ken McDonald opened
with the Call to Worship. Hymn
346 "Fill Thou My Life, 0 Lord
My God" was sung. Mrs. Don
Fraser read the scripture from 1st
Peter: 3-5, followed by a few
words from one of Rev. Stan
McDonald's, Londesboro, write-
ups from his ministry study,
consisting of the fact how
important our hands, are in God's .
Kingdom. • Rev. Docken was present for
this meeting to present the new
Mission Theme "Share to help a
broken world." He conducted a
brief quiz on the mission
priorities of the 'church followed
on a short discusiion. Hymn 637
"The Lord's My Shepherd" was
sung. Prayer closed ' the
Mrs. Doug Fraser, the unit
representative to the Mission
Committee, explained the New
Mission and Service and packets
are available.
Mrs. George McCall chaired
the business period opening with
a poem "A four letter word"
which was "Love." The minutes
were read by the secretary Mrs.
Don McDonald, followed by 10
members answering the roll call:
Collections- were taken for copper
'Contest and shower. Tickets are
now available from any member
for the ham supper on June 4. We
were reminded of the up-coming
Thankofferings. A Thank-you
note was read by Mrs. Bol ger.
A social half-hour followed at •
the close of the meeting. Mrs.
Jim Fritz served lunch.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Torrence Dundas were Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Stutz, Orangeville
and Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Stutz
of Golden Valley.
William Bennett has been able
to return to his home following a
few days in, the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nott s
Clinton visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murray and
Several Institute members from.
Walton community attended the
Majestic Institute meeting in
Brussels last Wednesday, when
Rev. Seibert of Stratford was
guest speaker and showed pic-
tures of different flowers, fol-
lowed by a discussion.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Machan
and girls of Sarnia spent a few
days over the weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Everyone is reminded of the
euchre this Friday evening,
sponsored by. the W.I. A dessert
euchre is being planned for next
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hum-
phries and family of London spent
the weekend at• the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Kiln Humphries returned with
them to the city to spend the
holiday break week.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum
were•Mrs. Ron Williamson, Terry
and Denise of Seaforth and Miss
Debbie Taylor of Staffa.
Donald Currie, Brampton spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Allan McCall, also visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Steyenson and
Ronald Friday evening.
Cathy McDonald, Joan Ben-
nett, Brian Wilbee, Phillip Blake
and Arthur Groenveld from this
community were among the 27
students from the Seaforth and
District High School from the
• Geography class that are spend-
ing this holiday week on a
sight-seeing trip to Italy. They
flew by air leaving last Thursday
evening returning this Saturday
Cold weather set in over the
weekend with some snow and
high winds,. a taste of winter 'is
still with us.
Sales--- Service
• Barn Cleaners.
• Bunk Feeders
• Stabling
Donald G. Ives
Phone: Brussels 887-9024
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Twelve tables play. at
100F card party
A good attendance, with 12
tables in play, were on hand Jo
enjoy the card party held in the
1,0.0.F. Hall on Thursday
evening of last week.
Winners were: Mrs. Rowland
kehilles, high lady; Mrs. Bessie
krmstrong, low lady; Dick Ste-
Western Star men attend
District Directors meeting
Three members of Western
;tar Lodge were in Brucefield on
Arednesday to attend a meeting
)f 1.0.0.F. District Officers.
The guest speaker of the
:vening was M. Hathaway,
;rand Warden of Ontario.
Mr. Hathaway chose for the
ubject of his address Oddfellow-
hip stressing that the object of he 1,0,0.F. is to strive to make
Proitot Attention to Your Flower Orders
itegubir deliveries to, the LOOM. MinOita Horne
We also Mire dellirelti& UM* dull to Harrlston
PaltrierStent, 46V6:04,
phenson, high man; Frank
Carter, low man.
Mrs. Annie Gemmel won the
draw for a ham.
The next I.O.O.F. card party
will be held on March 28 from
which the proceeds will go to the
Rebekah and Oddfellow C.P. &
T. committee.
'members better citizens.
Those in attendance from
Brus'sels Lodge were John Mc-
Cutcheon, Ray Crawford and
David McCutcheon.
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