HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-03-06, Page 12©©e 8 W v DEMOM ME a d V00 WW V ©©©d MU OMM DEb d MUD WO ©a ©®©E 1110WV dWdMWSOMEnd 111W$0 MEMO UM OMEN MOB v WO OW d OU d 0012 v 111111g v I W v NU si cd V V TODAY'S ANSWER 3 Avatar of Vishnu 4. Poem 5. Unsuit- able moment (2 wds.) 6. Glistened 7. Egyptian Christian 8. Snake 9, Actor Van Cleef 10. Average 14. Re- gression 17. Keye 18. Friction or magnetic 19. Czech river 20. Ethereal 21. Armadillo 22. Farm structure 23. Freight boat 24. Fencing foil 26. Free from burden 30. Trade name 31. Equal 32. Howdy, 33. Other- wise 34. Sun Valley sports item 35. Hebrew teaching master 36. Island (Fr.) 37. New Mexican Indian 38. Monk's title 2 II 3 4 5 Yr 6 7 8 9 lo 12 13 15 16 21 22. 23 25 2.7 29 / ,/1" 31 News of Walton Rev Docken talks on peace Correspondent Mrs, Allan McCall The World Day of Prayer service was held in the basement of Duff's United Church, Walton on Friday afternoon with the theme being "Make Us Builders Of Peace". • Mrs. Neil McGavin, the leader introduced the program which was written by the Women's Committee of National Christian Council of Japan. Mrs.Martin Baan led in pirayer followed by Mrs. McGavin giving the prayer of invitation. Mrs. Murray Dennis gave a scripture r eading from I Peter 3: 8-12 followed by Mrs.Baan giving the prayer asking for guidance. Voices from various parts of the room were taken by ° Mrs. Walt Bewley; Mrs. Herb Traviss; Mrs. Campbell Wey; Mrs. Allan McCall; Mrs. Ken McDonald and Mrs. Cliff Ritchie. Hymte523 "0 God of Love and King of Peace" was sung with Mrs. M. Baan as pianist. The leader led in the prayer of Repentance and • Reconciliation, ••vith everyone joining in. The scripture taken from Psalm .46: 8 11 and John 16: 33 was cad by Mrs. M, Dennis. Hymn 286, "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" was sung followed by prayer of victory and praise. Mrs. John Burch read a scripture reading from Matthew 5:3-12. Mrs. Neil McGavin played a piano medley. Rev. Derwyn Docken was the speaker, he said we should take a close look at our theme "Make Us Builders Of Peace". The key word is builders, Make us Builders of Peace it's a very positive object. Peace can grow, ACROSS I. St.-John's- bread 6. Old West war trophy 11. Plowed field 12. O.T. prophet 13. Term for a snob (2 wds.) 15: Highest note 16. 'Bivouac need 17. Subsist 18. - Juana 21. Take for • granted 24. Alleviate 25. Bracer; stimulant (sl.) (com- pound wd.) 27. Medicinal plant 28. Given to Scoffing 29., quarrel 30. Ili hutnor 31. south Seas canoe 32. My (Fr;) 35. "The of the Third Reich" (3 wds0 39. For- eigner 40. Blot out 41. *akin -chops 42. Appointed HOWN 1. Sugat sduree 2. tr.S.S.A. lake where peace can, be found. Let there be Peace on earth, let it begin with Me- How do we become builders of Peace? You do become builders of peace in the same way you can build anything, Where is Peace needed to-day, perhaps in yourself. We can be builders of peace. What is causing the lack of Peace? Through prayer any effort of Peace then can begin, through prayer we get strength. Closing with the words, These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. Mrs. Rae Houston thanked Rev.- Docken for bringing the ladies such a challenging message. Hymn 140, "Our Kingdom Come 0 Lord" followed by the prayers of dedicat ion. Mrs. Harvey Craig and Mrs. Ken McDonald received the Differing whit h is used to promote the gospel .and to meet needs in Canada and amend the world. It was dedicated by Mrs. N.McGavin. The Lord's Prayer was said in unison and each person extended a sign of Peace to his neighbor by joining hands and repeating, "The Peace of the Lord Be With You" followed by the' Benediction.. A social half hour over a cup of tea closed the meeting. U.C.W.Executive Meet • The executive of the United Church Women met for a short business meeting prior to the World Day of Prayer service on Friday with 11 ladies present. Mrs. W. Bewley called the meeting to order at 1 p.m. with Mrs. H. Traviss reading the minutes. The Easter Thankoffering meeting is set for Sunday, April 21st at 8 p.m. with special invitations to be sent out to churches. Everyone in the community is welcome both men and women. The Bradley family of Clinton will be special guests. Mr, Bradley will speak and the family who have just come over recently from Ireland will give several musical numbers. More toys are requested for use in the nursery and a larger committee will be needed to discuss 'the chimes. Mrs. N. Mcbavin was. chosen 'as representative to the Worship Committee. Easter 'lilies are to be ordered for shut-ins of the congregation. Mrs. A.McCall, corresponding secretary, read an invitation from the United Church Women of Northside United Church,' Seaforth, to attend their Easter Thankoffering service on March 26th at 8 p.m. when Miss Jean Little, author of children's books, on leave of absence front Japan, will be guest speaker. Since have received an invitation from the Calvin United Church, Winthrop to attend their U.C.W.Easter Thankoffering, April 3 at 8 p.m. during the social hour there will be an Easter bonnet (bring their originals, kitchen gadgets or what have you) plan to join in the parade. The treasurer, Mrs. K.McDonald gave her report. . PERSONALS Among those from this area attending the ice capades in Kitchener on ,Sunday were: Mrs. Nelson Marks; Mrs. Herb Traviss; Mrs. Ron Bennett; Joan Bennett; Mrs. Stewart Humphries; Kim Humphries, Mr. and Mrs: Joe Ryan. The committee consisting of Mrs.Grame _Craig, Mrs. Jim Axtmann; Mrs. • Clarence Martin and Mrs. Ken McDonald will be in .charge of the euchre Ibis Friday evening in the community hall. Friends of Alex Gulutzen Sr. are sorry to hear - he has been moved to Victoria Hospital for treatment. - Danny Achilles, Peter Bennett And Greg. Humphries participated in the hockey game with the Brussels Novice Team, when they won the trophy in Lucknow on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Thamer and Ruth, Walton and Mr. and Mrs. John Thamer, Kitchener, returned hone last week from a week's vacation to Florida. Suggest Yukon parks for holiday Nahanni National Park in the Northwest Teritories covers 1,840 square miles and includes the South Nahanni River, one of Canada's most spectacular, and Virginia Palls - twice as high as Niagara Balls, There ate three 4,000-foot canyons within the park as Well as a vast atirribet of caves and sulphur hot springs. The park is hot yet accessible by road. Kluane National Park covets an area of 8,560 square miles in the southwest Corner of the Yukon Territory. It includes 'Mount Logan, the highest peak in Canada, and One of the world's largest tioniiotar ieetielcis. The Alaska and Haines highways Are oh the park's northeastern howl* aid theretS t etrinuti61 &Ada nearby, • Brussels Stockyard Report yards Friday was active on cows and heifers with steers selling The market at Brussels Stock- averaging 995 lbs. selling fo overall price of 46.70. Three heifers consigned under pressure. The heavy supply Gary Rintoul of R.R.3, WhigN averaging 850 lbs. sold for 47,y of steers from the United States Choice cows 33.00 to 35,00 sa was showing its effects, to 37.00. Good cows - 31,00 Choice steers - 47.00 to 49.00 33.00. • sales to 50.25. A cow consigned by C. I Good steers - 45.00 to 47.00. Huber. of R.R.2, ' Teeswa A steer consigned by Ralph and weighing 1420 lbs. sold for 35,5 Rodger Morrison of R.R.1, Lucknow weighing 1010 lbs. sold for 50,25 with their four steers As seen on averaging 947 lbs gelling for 48.60. channel A tenderlean steer consigned by John Hill of R.R.1, Clifford, weighing 800 lbs. sold for 48.25. A steer consigned by Mel Morrison of R.R.1, Lucknow, weighing 1050 lbs. sold for 47.00. Three Holstein steers consigned byOscar Keiffer of Wroxeter averaging 1367 lbs. sold for 43.60 Choice leetfers -46.00 to 48.00 sales to 49.50. Good heifers - 44.00 to 46.00. Seven Chartois Heifers consigned by Geo. Blake of Brussels ,averaging 900 lbs. sold for 49.90 with his offering of 24 heifers averaging 915 lbs. selling for an overall price of 48.65.' A heifer consigned by Alex Nethery of R.R.5, Brussels weighing 1000 lbs. sold for 48.25. Three heifers consigned by George Wheeler of Brussels weighing 820 .lbs. sold for 49.50 with his offering of 30 heifers McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Established 1876 HEAD OVFICE: SEAFORTIL ONTARIO '4, Mrs. Margaret Sharp,. See:Treas.-Phone 52'/-0400 if Costs Only 'A Little To Be Safe Fire, Extended Coverage, Windstorm, •/ Theft, Property Datriage, Liability, Etc. Directors and Adjusters: Stanley McIlwain, itit. 2, Goderlch John IVIbylari, :Rat 2, Dublin Win. ?Ober, Brut efield J. N. treimartha, tear 661, Gunton boss Loot AR, 1, BorithOlni John MeEvitig, Jahrth Ken darrioehan, R.R. 4, Seafort.1)." Wm. Alexander. Seatorth Phon Robt, Arehilsald, A.R. 4, S4ettfortf.b: 5234356 57A-7051 345-2539 4124534 . 482-15es 345-2234 527-1545 527-5331 527-1817 Agents: StejilniveeaLKI4eyntr,itayit, 3543".WItilltte'EttilLP:r6'11d8eat' 11:cirlitnIS:711 0 Fr 0 Rc 0 Sp 0 Ju Ea Th 0 Ye 0 Re 0 Th 0 Sp 0 Bu 0 Su 0 Mu NH Phi 0 Sin 0 Th 0 CK 5 Sta 0 Fre OE 0 Cat 0 Hy Peo Foc Cou 0 Ho 5 Mr, 0 Fan) You I Arts Must 0 Singt Walt The 0 The Dick 0 The t) The 0 Pres 0 The CKN 5 The MO Ontart Friend Mon Ontari Mister Sesam Lassie Noon Matinc Take 'I Edge Family Drop-I My Th Truth Insight Twiligl Partrid Canno This Is South Man A The No Insight Starligh TUES Oat ad Friend', Mon A Ontario Mister Sesame Lassie 'Noon Matinee Take T1 Edge of Family Switchei My Thr Truth 0 News Twilight Circle t Mary Police S Front Optialthr Up can Settle 14 Menibet The' Nati ifisight Starlight Whether it's a • MONUMENT • MARKER • INSCRIPTION - You are remembering a loved one LET Help You Decide on Your Memorial Requirements PHONE: EXETER 235-0620 CROSSWORD PUZZLE_ lifitUSSELS Obit MAittit 104 See the new line of .5impiirit washers&dryers at OLDFIELD'S PRO. , HARDWARE 487-0851 - BRUSSELS