HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-02-20, Page 5Scanning
By r'
Lee Hee
News °WALTON •
New hymn: .books dedicated. at Duff's
, Mrs. Allan McCall
Walton Unit Meets
The Walton Unit held their
meeting in the church basement
on Wednesday evening, February
13 with 24 members present.
Mrs, Don Achilles opened with
the Call to Worship."Blest be the
tie that binds" was sung
accompanied by Mr s. Herb
Travis at the piano. Mrs. Achilles
read the scripture from James 3:
6 - 18, followed by the meditation
on "Gentleness". Mrs: Frank
Kirkby led in prayer."Gentle
Jesus meek and mild" was sung.
Mrs. Kirkby closed the devotional
period with prayer.
Mrs. Don Achilles chose as the
topic, a very interesting story on
"The Ten Commandments".
Mrs. William Thamer presided
for the business. The minutes
were read by Mrs.. Howard
Hackwell, followed by the roll
call. Mrs. Mac Sholdice gave the
treasurer's report and received
the collection.
Announcements were given of
current ,eveitts in the church
work. World Day of Prayer will be
held on Friday, March 1 at 2 p.m.
The thank-offering meeting is to
be on Sunday evening, April 21
with the Bradley Bunch of Clinton
as special guests. Anyone having
used car ds are to leave them at
the church. A delegate was asked
to attend the annual Presbyterial
meeting in Clinton on March 6.
"Jesus, the very thought of
Thee" was sung and the Lord's
Prayer was repeated in unison
closing the meeting.
Lunch was served by Mr s.
Stewart Humphries, Mrs. Jack
McEwing and Mrs. William
McKillop Unit
The McKillop Unit of the
U.C.W. was held at the home of
Mrs. C. McCutcheon with 11
members and one visitor present.
Mrs. Glenn McNichol presided
for the devotions opening the
meeting by singing, "Let Us
Break Bread -Together".
Mrs. W. J. Leeming read the
scripture from Philippians 4:
10-21. Mrs. G. McNichol gave the
meditation "Cry of the lonely
heart", followed by a discussion
on how we as a group might help
the lonely, older people in homes,
handicapped people and other
group s
Mrs. Dave Watson le .d in
prayer, also read a couple of
poems. The collection was taken
by Mrs. Merton Hackwell and
dedicated by Mrs. G. McNichol.
Mrs. John Burch gave the topic
on "Mission Impossible Unless".
Mrs.- W. J. Leeming read a
poem, followed by Mrs. G.
McNichol leading in prayer.
Mrs. J. Burch presided for the
business. Minutes of the last
meeting were read by the
secretary. The roll call was
answered by a Valentine verse.
The meeting was closed by
everyone repeating the Lord's
A delicious lunch was served by
Mrs. Dave Watson, Mrs. John
Burch, Mrs. Murray Dennis and
the hostess, Mrs. McCutcheon.
Church News
At the morning service on
Sunday at Duff's United Church,
Walton, there were two dozen
new hymn books dedicated to be
used by the congregation. These
were distributed to the pews by
the clerk of session, Emmerson
Mitchell and the ushers, Fred
Dunk,. Alvin McDonald, and
Stephen Dennis.
Rev. Docken chose as his
sermon, "Through Death to
The choir rendered an anthem,
"Son of God Heard His Holy
Word" taken from the new Hymn
Book. Mrs. Wilbee assisted at the
Social Evening
Neighbors of Toni Shortreed
f. rom the ninth line and boundary
met for a social get-together at
the home of Walter and 'Mrs.
Bewley on Saturday evening,
February 16th.
Tom and his daughter Emma
had moved to their new home in
Clinton last fall.
The enjoyable even;ng was .
spent playing progressive euchre,
with 9 tables in play. Winners
were: High Lady - Mrs. A.
McCall; Low Lady
K. DeJong; High Man -
Toni Shortreed; 1 rsyry Man -
Harvey McClure.
Prior to lunch, gifts Auep
skin rugs were presented to Tom
and Emma by Berva Watson and
Harvey McClure.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coutts have
ret urned home from a 14 day bus
trip to Florida. Marie I. . lofted it
Was very cool the first five days
they were there.
Week end visitors at the home
of Ken and Mrs. McDonal
were: Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Warwick of St. Th omas and Mr.
Neil McDonald of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Docken,
London, Mr. Oscar Docken,
London, Mrs. James W. Daley,
Blenheim and Mrs. Karen Leigh
Campleford, spent the week end
at the Manse with Rev. and Mrs.
D. Docken and family.
The hostess for the euchre'
party in the Community Hall this
Friday evening Feb. 22 are: Mrs.
Torrence Dundas, Mrs. Jack
Gordon, Mrs. Earl Watson and
Mrs. William Leemipg. Everyone
is welcome.
Miss Connie Coutts, nurse-in-
training at St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, spent the week end at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Coutts.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Reid were Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Machan and girls and
Mrs. Laura Machan of Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott Sr. of
Blyth visited on Monday at the
same home.
Miss Teressa Ryan of London
spent the week end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence ;Ryan.
Western Star has euchre
Bill Wheeler was the Winner of
the draw for a ham.
i .
March 1,.•
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Prompt attention to your. 'Flower Orders
-- Regular deliveries to the Lead FuUerat Home --
We also-have deliveries .alittiost dank to: ilarriston,
• Puttnersteu,-1VilvertoU, Atwood, 'CiOrrio;
A pleasant social evening was
held at Western Star Lodge when
10 tables were in play at ,the
1.0.0.F. card party held on
Thursday, February 14th.
Prize winners were: High Lady
— Mrs. Mary Lowe; Low Lady —
Mrs. Grace Sholdice; High Man
— Mac Shaw; Low Man — Ormal
Brussels School
The Grade Three Assembly will
be held on Tuesday, February
26th at 9:15. Anyone wishing to
attend is most welcome.
--Congratulations to Susan
Langlois who placed second at the
Legion Public Speaking Contest
at Exeter last Saturday,
Sport Scores
Floor Hockey Gr. 7 & 8
Cruel tiers
Floor Hockey Gr. 5 & 6
Sure Shots 6
Wed. Rings 5
3 Dees
Wild Willies
Pushy Cats
4 •
In scanning the Zurich. Citizens News we note that Zurich
council and Stanley. Township council met recently to discuss
fire protection. No agreement was reached at 'that time but
the two councils will meet again in the near future in an
attempt to reach an agreement. — -Two members of the
Zurich Chamber of Commerce, Leo Meidinger, President,
and Herb Turkheim, chairman of the industrial and planning
committee, met with the council to discuss plans for a dental
clinic building in the east end of the village. They explained
that a young dentist plans to set up a practice in the village
and hones to build a clinic across from the Zurich car wash.
The Teeswater News reports that Alan Weinstein of the
10th Concession of Culross Township, a local artist, has
received one of the highest honors Canada can offer to
printmakers: Mr. Weinstein will be one of four Canadian
Printmakers representing Canada at the 6th International
Biennial of printing to be held this summer in Florence, Italy.
Each participating artist will exhibit five of his works.
Logan Construction Company of Stratford,' according to
the Mitchell Advocate, will commence construction of the new
Mitchell, and District arena and community centre on
Monday, February 18th. The work is to be completed by
August 1st. The building will house two 50 horse power
compressors; a stage 12' x 19' will be placed in the middle of
the structure at a cost of $2,000.00. The contract price for the
project is $499,740.00. .
Mitchell council has named a parks board which in no way is
to interfere with Lions projects, rather to look after cutting the
grass and obtaining equipment and the men to do the' wbrk. -
Members of the board are: Deputy Reeve M. Dixon and
Councilors Wilson and Jordan; Lions Jack Forrest, Ted
Fowler and Jim McMillan. - - Mr. Cecil Rolf of the Smith
Nursing Home marked his 80th birthday recently when
friends and relatives gathered to honor him at a noon day
meal. - - - Members of Knox Presbyterian Church, Mitchell,
were informed at the annual meeting that it will be marking
its 125th Anniversary this year.- - - Miss Caroline
(Carrie) Kehna observed her ninety-first birthday on Sunday
at Hillside Rest Home.
The Lucknow Sentinel reports that Jack Ritchie of the Zion
community in Ashfield. TOwnship lost six sheep on
Wednesday night.. Five others survived. They had been
attacked and their throats cut by another animal or animals
believed to be either a wolf or wild dog. As well as the loss of
the sheep, Mr. Ritchie will also lose his season's crop of
lambs from them.
According to the Exeter Times-Advocate a Huron. Park
ian is in critical condition in Victoria Hospital, London and a
oodham area family lost their home as a result of two.fires
his week. Another blaze near Kirkton was brought under
ontrol with little damage. - - Stephen Township, council is
caking application to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation
nd Communication for the necessary funds to replace a
ridge on sideroad 14 which collapsed last summer. Council is
sking for a supplementary expenditure approval' in the
mount of $117,600 to, take care of costs of the proposed
ridge. Cost of the new structure is expected to be slightly
ore than $144,000 - - - Cattle rustlers hit the area this week.
arl Haist, 'Crediton, reported that thieves butchered an
fight-month-old Hereford steer in a barn he owns at lot 7,
ncession 5, Stephen. The 500-pound animal was valued at
225.- - -Financial returns from Exeter Lions first annual
portsmen's dinner indicate the event was an unqualified
uccess. Lions spokesman Ron Cotteel announced this week
at a net profit from the evening would be $3,000. This .
mount will be turned over to aid crippled children. About 250,
eople attended the dinner and heard celebrities from most
atop sports.
The Blyth Standard reports about 70 senior citizens of the
mmunity met in the Memorial Hall recently for a pot-luck
ner, followed by an organization meeting. A membership
of $1.00 be paid and members are to' bring in a name for
new club at the next meeting. Mrs. K. Webster was
med President; Secretary, Mrs. V. Haines and Treasurer,
yd Buehlow. Several .committees were also completed at
meeting. - - East Wawanosh township council has joined
group of councils which will meet the Blyth Lions Club to
Cuss financial aid for the swimming pool project
dertaken by the Lions.
The old Clinton Town Hall, according to the Clinton ws-Record, will get a close inspection ; council decided last
nday night, when they hiked a consulting engineer, James
acLaren of London to do a feasability study into the costs
either renovating the existing structure or building a new
• In other business council passed building permits this
nth worth'$200,000„
ingham Advance-1 imes reports tha tot build} am C
has decided te go ahead with plans O ild a
stressed concrete Standpipe that will cost the commission ut $1 40,000. Pam Oetrie was presented with the
guerite Burrell trophY at Saturday night's Witighatri
te Skating Club Winter Carnival The trophy is presented
the Senior skater showing the Most improvement,•
onality and all-round help to The VViiighani Club.