HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-02-13, Page 11************ Classified Rates Effective January 9th, 1974 WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 3c per word, mininum .75c. SEM I-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.40 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.26 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiplesof half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office - 50c pdr insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices -.20 words $1.25,eaoh additional word 5c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1.25, each additional word 5c.Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $1.25, each additional word 2c per word. 25c DISCOL1 NT,FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE TUESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m ., Monday. No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Mondays. Phone 887-6641 9c Oci 1. Coming Events 1. Coming Events The Majestic Institute are sponsoring the short course, "More Ideas for Sewing Knits" Any lady interested in taking this course please call the leaders, Mrs. James S.Smith, 887-9453 or Mrs. James Knight, 887-6584. 1-11-2 BLYTH Lions Bingo, Blyth, Memorial Hall, Saturday at 8:30 p.m. $150. jackpot. Big cash prizes. 1-104 4., Help Wanted Operator Mechanic For cash crop farming. OPEN HOUSE on Saturday, February 23, 1974. We hope to celebrate with our dear parents and grandparents, Myrtle and Bert Heibein on their 50th Anniversary, We thank the Lord for our parents and pray that He will continue to keep and bless them for each other and for us, their children. Their friends and neighbours are cordially invited to h elp us celebrate open house in the Legion Hall, .Brussels, Ontario from 2 to 5 ig the afternoon and 7 to 9 in evening. Best Wishes only. 1.111 Apply to Kerr R. Campbell Farms Ltd. R.R.1, Dublin, Ontario. Phone Seaforth 527-0249 4-10-2 1. Dennis le las! asp th, ated b. Worl , Eac ;o part tildrea sussed ) thel Mrs Ma[ "Whet. wed la pent a !ek in Mrs lueti:At .d tin 3arcleo Steven he and ig and Mrs. Mme Inders, les and ROSS ' arden lama Godkin hocke) whet )ckey. 9c Coming Bus Tours March 2-Florida - 14 days $154.00 and up. March 29-Washington,D.C., Cherry Blossom Festival $76.00 and up. April 11-Nashville, Tennessee - 4 days - $79.00 and up. April 28-Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn - at Cobo Arena, Detroit, Mich. - Bus fare and admission - $15.00 each. GOOD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY Box 789 Seaforth Phone 527-0050 1-11-tf 4. Help Wanted REGISTERED NURSE. HURONVIEW For night shift (11 P.M. , 7 A.M.),. S nights Sunday through Thursday. Pleasant working conditions, exceptional fringe benefit program, salary negotiable. Send resume to: Administrator, Huronview, Box 219, Clinton, 4-11-2 7. Situations Wanted WOULD like to babysit in my home. Phone 887-6003. Karen Bridge. 7-11x2 11. Articles for Sale Girl's high vinyl boots, size 6. Like new. Phone 887-9490.11-11-1 MINK pens suitable for rabbits or guinea pigs. Phone Ross Francis, R.R.#1, Kirktc'n. Phone 229,6294. 11-11x4 COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25© each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR .Seaforth 11-10xtf NATIONAL NK Seed Corn and Grass Seed. All grass seed is not up in price. See me and check prices. Some prices are lower than last year. Jim McNaughton, R.R.1, Bluevale, 335-3865. Please call between 10 or 12 a.m. 11-10x2 1968 Heavy Duty Half ton truck. 4 speed trans. Frank Alcock 887-6201. 11-11x1 45 Gallon steel barrels with open end. Good for burning garbage or feed barrels on farm. Also clean gas barrels or sap barrels S3.50, delivered. Phone 523-4461 or write Ron Baird, Box 51, Blyth. 11-10-tf GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth 11-10xtf 12. Wanted to Buy WANTED antiq'ues of all types and used furniture. Fair prices paid. For appointment phone 887-9021 anytime. '12-10-tf 15. Property for Rent TWO-room heated apartment in Blyth. Available January 1st, 1974, Percy Adams, 523-4452 after 6 p.m. 15-10-tf 17. Wanted to Rent LAND suitable to grow turnips. Will pay $40 per acre. Percy Adams, 523-4452 after 6 p.m. 17-10-tf 19. Notices HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ontario We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficienf'service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you. YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN ttpN REQUEST. CALL Collect - 482-9811 7 days a week - 24 h ours a day License No. 378C-72 call us first, you won't have to call anyone else.19-104 . WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used. We pump septic tanks, pigerys, lagoons, etc. Phone 887-6700,, •Brussels. 119-104 S REWARD $ We are now paying up to $18.00 for Dead and Disabled Cows and Horses and Stocker Cattle - all small animals pick-up free as a service to you. We have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week., Phone Collect 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies Lic. 399 - C - 73 19-104 24. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all the people that sent me cards while in London Hospital and since I'm home. Also the Optimist Club for 27. Births MILLER - To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller, in Listowel Memorial Hospital on Monday, February 4th, a son, Robert Gerald, a brother for Joanne and Donna. 27-11-1 Mid Town Mayor HERE'S A FORMULA THAT APPLIES Ti) TOO MANY PEOPLE oUR COMMUNITY: - 2 UNCONCERNED 2. s-ANp UP 4 MY SIPEOFAN 15SUE. Remember! it takes but a moment to place a Brussels Post Want Ad and be money in pocket: 'To advertise, just dial Brussels 887-6641.• 19. Notices NOTICE Anyone requiring help or advice in filing their 1973 personal or farm income tax papers and Ontario Tax credits, contact Robert Procter, Belgrave, or phone 887-9478 for an appointment. Remember you may be eligible for a tax credit even if you have no taxable income. 19-11x1 Largest crowd in years at- tended the annual meeting of Ontario Shorthorn Club held recently. Harold Patterson, Mil- ton, 1973 President, was Chair- man for the whole-day meeting. Increased business in registra- tions, transfers and New Mem- bers in 1973 was shown in reports of Club Secretary Bill Elliott of Guelph. Elected as Directors for 1974 were: President-J. Ralph Miller, Renfrew; 1st Vice Presi- dent-George D. Brown, Picker- ing; 2nd Vice President-Howard Scott, Brigden; Reford W. Gard- house, Milton; Bert Pepper, Neustadt; Clarence A.Peacock, Milton; Ross Procter, Brussels; Wm. J. Slater, Orono; Harold Patterson, Milton; Mike Sullivan, i Peterborough. Elected Directors for 1974 to Canadian Shorthorn Association were: John Rickard, Newcastle, and Frank Ulrick, Powassan. Mr. and Mrs. George Procter of Brussels provided musical num- bers during the noon luncheon, and President Patterson pre- sented a Certificate of Honor to three Ontario Breeders who have played a large part in Shorthorn activities for many years: J. Thain Johnston, Owen Sound; Mervin Miller, Renfrew; and William Smith, Guelph. W. D. (Doug) McDonell, of Ontario Stock Yards Board, was Guest Speaker during the after- noon program, when he discussed the Shorthorn Breed, and what it , 'can and should do in the beef sending fruit. It was greatly cattle program of Canadian appreciated.-Ross Brighton. 24-11x1 farms. He showed slides of actual animals and their carcasses, to demonstrate the newer type of cattle being sought by breeders. packers, and consumers. In discussing the proposed move of the head office of Canadian Shorthorn Assn. from Guelph to some part of Western Canada, as requested by some western members, many voiced strong opposition to the suggested move, on the basis of higher cost ' of office space and personnel. , likely loss of present Editor of Shorthorn News (Mrs. C.C. Gove), and subsequent deteriora- tion of the Breed Publication - and that a western office would not be interested in looking after the business and records of Canadian Dual Purpose Shorthorn Society as handled for many years by CSA office in Guelph. Bert Pepper,. Neustadt, was elected delegate' tothe C.N:E, Toronto; John Crogie, Douglas, to C.C.E., Ottawa; and to Western Fair, London, Russel C. Parker, Watford, 'and Allan McKinlay, Blenheim. Reford W, Gardhouse, Milton, was appointed for a three-year term to Associated Beef Breeds of Ontario. Emerson Clarke, Georgetown, was ap- pointed delegate to Ontario Beef Improvement Assn.; and after giving a good report of the Beef Bull -Performance Testing pro- gram, of which he had been President recently, Mac Parker nominated Ross Procter of Brits- sels as Club delegate, which nomination was unanimous, relassified Ads pay dividends: 114E 'MUSSELS itititt OEMUAter • 4- lit 4- 4.. Brussels couple entertain at ShorthornClub