HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-02-06, Page 5TODA0 CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN HOPES FOR A FARM HOME In good health,. Kenny, 11 years, has dark eyes, brown hair and fair skin. he wears glasses for astigmatiSM. Though confident in social relationships; Kenny needs reassurance and encouragement regarding his academic ability. He is in junior opportunity class•and will continue to need special education. He needs help to realize that the important thing is not what class you are in, but that you do your best at whatever y on are trying to do. Kenny is an •outdoor . type, fond of camping and playing outside. Since he is especially interested in gardening and in all animals, he would like to live on a farm., Keen on sports, Kenny plays hockey, football and baseball. He is a Scout and. attends Sunday'School every week.. Though not a great - reader he enjoys listening to stories. Kenny's adopting family should have brothers and sisters for him, an atmosphere full or warmth and affection and a father who likes sharing activities' with his children. To inquire abbut adopting Kenny, please write to Today's Child, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Box 888, Station K, Toronto M4P 2H21 For general adoption information, please contact your .local Children's Aid Society. Public , school news , one malt two haw, h el Levey greal place apel ittiel Blyt NVOTQ well, 'be :,oun nday ener, the Ilyth, and ?atop and the a. iving Lrried died, yside S., wvice home dng, .ome, in The Brussels Public Speaking °Nest was held in the Brussels iblic School Auditorium on hursday when principal Ken 'ott welcomed the guests who ad come to hear, the young ople speak. The judges for the ntest were Paul Elgie from .E.Madill Secondary School and urray Gaunt, Liberal M.P.P. r Huron-Bruce. The following students were inners in, their respective areas: Grad 5 - Teresa Wierenga Grade 6 - Barbara Johnston Grade 7 - Donna Aitchison Grade 8 - Joan Huether USE POST WANT-ADS The over-all winner for Grades ,5 and 6 was Barbara Johnston who will represent the school a t the Legion Public Speaking contest in Exeter, on Saturday, February 16. The over-all winner for Grades 7 and 8 was .Joan Huether, who will represent., the school at the Oral. CommunicatiOn's Festival in Brussels Public School, on Wednesday, February 6. Susan Langlois was runner-up . for Grades 7 and 8, and will also represent Brussels Public School in Exeter in the Senior Division of theLegion Public Speaking Contest. Mrs. Huether and the Grade 2 Class' have an interesting Valentine's Day bulletin board display this month. Be sure to see it on the main bulletin board in the hall. An elective program for Grades 7 and 8 will .commence this Friday, February' 8. Nursery, and the children's Aid Society of Goderich; there are six C.G.I,T. Groups in Maitland Presbyterial, some of which support a foster child in Peru, and canvass for Unicef and the Blind; less than half of the membership subscribe to the Glad Tidings Magazine; financial allocations were over-subscribed. During the afternoon prayers were said by Mrs. Alvin Mundell, Beimore, and Mrs. Glen. Haldenby, Kinlough. Courtesies were expressed by Mrs. Wm. Rintoul, Whitechurch. Mrs. •Robert McKague presented the report of the nominating committee and Miss Mary Lou Funston conducted the service for the installation of the following officers: Hon. Pres. - Mrs. Geo. Sutherland, Ripley;, Past Pres. - Mrs. Alvin, Mundell, Belmore; President - Mrs. J. W. English, Wingham; 1st. Vice. - Mrs. Mel Ritchie, Kincardine; !2nd. Vice - Mrs. Don Robertson, Kinlough; 3rd Vice - Mr s. F. MacLeod, Ripley; 4th Vice - Mr s. L. Sparks, South Kinloss; Treasurer - Mrs. Ivan Keith, South Kinloss; Historian - :Mrs. Henry MacKenzie, Ashfield; AssiSt ant Historian Mrs. G, Wall, Wingham; Nominating Committee - Teewater, Whitechurch, Ashfield, Lucknow evening, Executive Member Mrs. R.H.Armstrong, Wingham. Secretaries - Recording - Mrs. E. MacLean, Lucknow; Correspond- ing - Mrs. R. H. Armstrong, Wingham; Afternoon Groups Mrs. W. ,Ballagh, Teeswater; Evening Groups - Mrs. J. MacDonald, Lucknow; Girl's. Groups - Mrs. H. Armstrong, • Teeswater; Children's Groups - Mrs. Wm. Smith, Molesworth; Home Helpers Mrs. Wm. Beirnes, Listowel; Friendship & Service - Mrs. G. Haldenby, Kinlough; Lit. & Lib. - Mrs. G. Gibson, Brussels ; Glad Tidings - Mrs. W. Wylds, Lucknow; Press - Mrs. G. Mundell, Wingham; Supply - Mrs. N. Arbuckle, Wingham; Life Mem.- Mrs. B. Moffat, Bluevale; . Without Portfolio - Mrs. W.D.Campbell; Mr s. C. McAuley, Mrs. D. Neilson, Auditors - Mrs. V. Emerson, Whitechurch, Mrs. R. Bregman, Teeswater. DON'T forget POLAR DAIZE FEBRUARY, 22nd to 25th ; ; • a 20 Years Experience For Farmers, Individuals, Businessmen Reasonable Rates — File Early to Avoid Delays Ronnenberg Insurance Agency °lien itil larussels Tuesdays and rridays Phone 887-6663 Moniiton bifida Open Monday to SaturdacV -"IPhone 347-2t41 BUCHANAN DRY CLEANERS WOOD'S BRUSSELS 887.6904 BUTTER ICK PATTERNS (Under new ownership, W. Itackbart) - WINTER CLEARANCE SALE. 20% OFF — ALL LADIES' BETTER. DRESSES — Pant Sui& and Ilen's Dress Pants CONTINUING 2 for 1 Sale COME IN FOR GOOD VALUES New methods explained at Presbyterial by Mrs.Gordon Mundell "Changes are speeding up in church and mission work, chiefly in methods, that we may deal more effectively with our work, and so that we may live more t riumphantly and, happily in our new ' experiences," said. Moderator, Rev. R.H.Armstrong as hg. brought greetings from Presbytery to the annual meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial Society of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada which was held in. St. Andrew's Church, Wingham, on January 28. The truth of his statement was clearly illustrated in the workshops held during both morning and afternoon sessions under.. the supervision and leadership of resources personnel Misses Mary Lou Funston, Jean Gardiner, and Evelyn Murdoch. New and novel methods of study were effectively preiented for consideration and trial in adult, children's, and C.G. I.T. groups, making use of various media such as games, role-playing discussions, etc. whereby there may be greater participation by . every member in all areas of W.M.S. work. As a result plans are, under way for a day .of concentrated study of the duties and responsibilities of Presbyterial•and Group Officers to be held in Lucknow in early spring. Mrs. J. W. English, Wingham, presided at the annual meeting. Mrs. Don Robertson, Wingham, and Mrs. Alvin Mundell, Belmore, served ac organist and pianist 'respectively. The. `devotional period was conducted by Mr s. Lloyd Felker, Mrs. John Brush, and Mrs. David Matheson of the Molesworth Auxiliary. Words of welcome to St. Andrew's were graciously extended by Mrs. Ralph Nixon. The recording secretary for the day was Mrs. W,D.Campbell, Molesworth. Inferesting• points revealed in the reports from the various secretaries were noted: a decrease of 23 in membership of afternoon adult groups, and one group disbanded; support was given to the work of Nursing Homes, the Leprosy Mission, Scott Mission, Evangel Hall, Goderich Psychiatric Hospital. Armagh, c.G.1.T., Sunday School work in Vermillion, Alberta, to mission work in India, the local I Salvation Army, Silver • Circle SUNDAY, FEB. 10 HEAR MISS COLLAR A MISSIONARY HOME FROM ISRAEL PLUS SPECIAL MUSIC LADIES DUET WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR - 2 P.M.. HURON MEN'S' CHAPEL AUBURN - 8 P.M. Evil Prevails When Good Men Do' Nothing THE BRUSSELS POST, FEBRUARY 6 1914,:5