HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-01-30, Page 30
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VoLl OPPos E 9AmeLING? you:1-7-0.4 .
The unusually mild January weather of the past
week has swelled the Maitland River at Brussels and
the water level is creeping up the trunks of trees at
the river's edge. The Post photographer caught this
tree and silhoUette on Monday.
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THE BRUSSELS Obit, ,JANUARY 30, 104,4:
laws of Belgrave
Knox Church plans Country Fayre for '74
Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse
he Annual Meeting and pot
supper of Knox United
Irch, Belgrave was held on
sday, January 22 in the
rch school room. About forty
fibers attended.
lected were: Session-Lorne
lieson and Robert Grasby;
wards-Murray Lougheed,
ineth Wheeler and Jack
lor; Trustee-Mrs. Alice Proc-
Christian Education Commit-
Mrs. Murray Scott. All other
mittees remain the same as
ill handle
re calls
ire calls to the Seaforth Fire
artment before too long will
handled by the Hospital
tchboard operators.
he Seaforth Community
spital Board has approved a
°I uest from the Seaforth Fire
a Board for the service. The
vice is being provided by the
spital at a fee of $40 per.
nth, Hospital Administrator
rdon McKenzie said.
eeve John Flannery of
forth, who has been working
the details with the Hospital
i tinistration, reported at the
board meeting Monday, the
'one and the siren switches
e been installed at the
o spital.
opefully, with the exception
few minor details, the system
n will be in operation, Mr.
nnery said. , .
e said the Hospital board has
nested that a recorder be
ured to record the calls and
s will be installed as soon as
leave . Coombs of
mondville, was elected
airman of the Seaforth Fire
ea Board. He succeeds John
rs. Wayne Ellis has been
ed as secretary-treasurer.,
!placing Mrs. Earl Dinsmore,
o resigned.
a ve five
ew members
The Brussels Optimist Club
!corned five new members at a
eting Thursday evening, They
re: Gerry Wheeler, Chris
el, John Wayne McDonald,
n McCall and Keith Brighton.
nest speaker was Captain
ck Cameron of Wingham
lvation Army Corp, who dis-
sed the Youth Program of the
lvation Army.
lans were finalized for the
owmobile Mobile Clinic and
By to be held February 2 and 3.
A report on the plans for the
om Hockey Tournament in
arch was given.
It was decided to hold a
Country Fayre in 1974. The
U.C.W. is to investigate floor
coverings for the Church School
floor. The Every Family Plan of
the Observer will be continued. A
vote of thanks was extended to
Rev. and Mrs. Roberts for their
leadership and inspiration.
Sunday School Elects
The Annual Meeting of Knox
United Church Sunday School
was held on January 16 in the
basement of the church with 12
The meeting opened with
prayer by Rev. Roberts.
The Secretary's report indi-
cated Sunday School was held on
48 Sundays with an average'
attendance of 48.9 compared with
49.6 the year before. Attendance
awards go to 18. The Junior Girls
held the banner for most perfect
attendance during the year. It
was agreed to carry on the
practice, of giving the collection
received on the first Sunday of
each month to missions.
It was suggested that the
Sunday School Anniversary be
held either the 3rd or 10th of
Rev.' Roberts conducted the
election of officers which resulted
as follows:
Superintendent-George Proc-
ter; Assistant Superintendent-
Clifford Coultes; Secretary-
George Michie; Treasurer-Mrs.
James Coultes; Auditors-George
Johnston, Mrs. Laura Johnston;
Librarians-Mrs. James Coultes,
Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse; Bible
Class-Clifford Coultes; Assist-
ants-Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler;
Mrs. Cliff Logan, Mrs. Walter
Scott, Mrs. George Michie;
Intermediate Boys and Girls-Ross
Anderson, Mrs. Leslie Bolt;
Junior Girls-Mrs. Laura John-
ston, Mrs. Jack Taylor; Junior
Boys-Murray Scott, George Proc-
ter; Junior Primer-Mrs. William
McArter; Senior Primer-Mrs.
Ross Anderson, Mrs. William
Coultes; Beginners-Mrs. Murray
Vincent, Mrs. Murray Lougheed.
It was decided to purchase one
dozen new hymn books Canadian
Youth Hymnal.
Rev. Roberts closed the meet-
ing with prayer.
Belgrave Wins 7-5
The Belgrave Squirts played
hockey , ogainst the Fordwich'
Squirts on Saturday morning with
Belgrave winning by 7-5.
Win At Euchre
Nine tables or euchre were
enjoyed at the Belgrave Commun-
ity Centre last Wednesday
evening with winners being:
High Lady-Mrs. Hazel David-
son; Low Lady-Mrs. Albert
Bacon;Lady's Novelty-Mrs. Hazel
Purdon; High Man - Herson
Irwin; Low Man - Charles
Nicholson; Man's NOvelty -
Albert Bacon.
Peewees Win, Lose
Belgrave Pee Wees played two
games this week, Tuesday night
at the Belgrave Arena, they
defeated Fordwich 5-3. Friday
night at Belmore the boys played
an exciting game unable to defeat
Belmore. It ended in 'a 2-2 tie.
Belgrave goalie Ronnie McDowell
should be given credit for his
many saves. Belgrave Pee Wees
are still in first place.
Robert Gordon, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Gordon returned to his
home from Wingham and District
Hospital after having surgery last "
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hibberd
of Mildmay visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
visited one Sunday recently with
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Niell,
R.R. 2, Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zur-
brigg, R.R. 2, Clifford visited one
evening recently with Mr. and.
Mrs. Robert Hibberd.
Rev. Ure and Mrs. Stewart
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Johnston and Mrs. Amelia Brown
one evening last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna
visited with their family Mr.- and
Mrs. Wayne Minick and family
and Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna
and family of Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Arm-
strong and Kevin of Moncrief
were Saturday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs.' Victor Youngblut.-
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Huck of
Burlington spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Campbell also, visited with other
Scott relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Armstrong
of Hamilton spent the weekend
with Mr. • and. Mrs. Robert
Grasby, also visited with his
mother Mrs. Mary Armstrong of
Brookhaven Nursing Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin
visited on Friday with her brother
Mr. Norman •Thompson of Cal-
lander Nursing Home, Brussels,
also with Mr. and Mrs. James
Smith of Brussels.
On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs.
Herson Irwin visited with his
brother Mr. Edmund Irwin who is
a patient in Alexandra- Marine
Hospital, Goderich.
Dan Ferguson and Mrs. Nor-
man Geddes of Goderich visited
on Friday with Mrs. Cora McGill.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Wightman and
James Brigham were Jim's father
Charles Brigham and his :,ister
Anita and brother Chris, all of
Sarnia, John Brigham of Blyth;
Mrs. Earl Wightman of Lucknow;
Harvey Wightman of Waterloo;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock of
k •