HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-01-09, Page 16BRUSSELS POST • OFFICE • Ste Bakery henson's Grocery • Yes! ponsor McCutcheon Grocery Phone 887-9445 We deliver • Weston's HOT BREAD 3 1:or 890 Maple Leaf Sweet PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 990 Sunkist ORANGES, size 113 ....... .. doz. 890 King Size FAB Prepriced $1.99 1.99 • Short Shots (Contieued from Page 1) who have so faithfully 'sent in reports of their activities through- out 1973. We will appreciate your continued co-operation in this New Year. There are some who neglect to let us know of their doings. We would be pleased to publish their reports also. * In Spite",cif. the 'shortage of gasoline in the U.S. people of this community have motored south for a Florida vacation. They report no problems even with a number of gas stations closed. Perhaps a Canadian license plate gives them some priority. It is hoped they find. Florida the usual warm, sunny south, One visitor there reported a temperature of thirty. Not quite what one expects or hopes for. * * * * A Brussels' resident called to comment that he had observed that there are remarkably few birds around here this winter, The welcome, sound of their singing is not heard, as in other years. Could it be that youngsters taking pot-shots at them with B-B guns have frightened them away and they are frequenting safer areas, The discharge of such guns in the village is illegal, and strictly prohibited. * * * * * This weekend Garden City Minor hockey players will •be in Brussels for their annual tournament with the Brussels teams. TFtly will be accompanied by parents and fans and, as usual, plans have been made for their entertainment in addition to the hockey games. * * * * * * A Post Classified will pay you dividends. Have 'you tried one? Dial Brussels 887-6641. The Brusse cMoinsinnilci Racy of the te111119ei7n: theGoNoe( citizen. t 'sod to 2 for 690 King Beach PORK & BEANS, 28-oz Cnttit'SOAP 54b size 1.69 ALIEVIER CATSUP 20-oz. 454? 11/2 -lb 2.49 • 887-9226 Disc County ispatcl ounty lembe Wedne. Whil bjecte( ystern, hat equest ire NA' The ounty The chaired :./recomn Men are kicking the cigar- ette habit. The percentage of adult male smokers has dropped sharply in the last decade. Some are switching to pipes and cigars. There are some advantages to the switch -- at least for the smokers. According to the 1973 "Health Consequences of Smok- ing, " a government publication formerly called the SurgeonGen- eral's report, pipe an d cigar smokers live longer than cigar- ette smokers. But not as long as 19. Notices WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used. We pump septic pigerys, lagoons, etc. Phone 887-6700, , Brussels: 19-5-tf 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Harry James Bolger, late of Brussels, Ontario, retired farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the solicitors for* the executrices on or before the 31st day of January, 1974, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. CRAVVFORD,MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrices 22-6-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ESsie Louisa Raynard, late of Ethel, Ontario widow? deceased. ALL persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the solicitors for the executors on or before the 31st clay of January, 1974, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. CRAWFORD,MILL tz DAVIES, Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors nonsmokers. The typical cigar smoker, says • the report, smokes fewer than five 'cigars a day, while the average pipe smoker fills his pipe about 20 times daily. But neither cigar nor pipe smokers inhale. As a result, their rates of emphysema, chronic bronchi- tis, coronary heart disease,.and lung cancer are not as high as cigarette smokers. However, their death rates from cancer of the mouth, throat, and stomach 24. Cards of Thanks I would like to thank everybody for the many cards, letters and gifts which I received while a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Erie Le Drew and others who visited me there. Very special thanks also to the doctors and staff on my case and to my super Grade 6 class who have shown such thoughtful concern through their calls, cards, letters and gifts.— Emily Cousins. 24-6-1 We would like to send sincere thanks to the Morning Star Rebekah Lodge for the lovely plant we received; Majestic W. Institute for their gift; both friends and neighbors for their treats and cards; also the St. Johns A.C.W. Brussels. —Mr. and Mts. C.J. Pegelovv. .24.6x1 We would like to thank our relatives, neighbours and friends for the lovely gifts and cards received on the occasion of our 50th Wedding Anniversary. Sincere thanks also for the parties in our home. Thanks for good wishes in letters, scroll and telegram from government members. — Will and Bessie McCutcheon? 24.6x1 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fraser wish to thank all their relatives and friends who helped to make their 50th Wedding Anniversary such a wonderful event, Remember► it takes hit a moment to place a HrusselS post. Want Ad and be Money in pocket, Te advertise, just Dial tirtisseit 80-6641. 1974 are about the same as those for cigarette smokers. Teachers (Continued from Page 1) second since the teacher dispute over salaries went to Toronto mediator, Hal D. Howells on December 12. The first meeting, which was held on December 19, went from 5 p.m. to 4 a.m. the next morning. Thursday's meeting lasted about eight hours. Neither Gary , Birmingham, communications officer for the teachers, nor board officials, would comment on the progress made, except to say it was slow. It was reported most of the negotiating was being carried on by the provincial representatives of. the Ontario English Catholic feachers Association, and the Ontario Separate School frustees Association. Representing the OECTA are Peter Murphy of Toronto and Patrick. Carey of the London area, while Chris Asseff of Toronto and Wins prize Mrs. Ralph Pearson of Brussels was awarded first prize for her artistic scene, featuring reindeer, in the Christmas window competi- tion at the Wingham and District Hospital. M. Connolly (Continued from Page 1) would work with principals in training sessions, observe board ' meetings and observe how the system works in a small rural area. The only cost to the Board would be any expenses incurred in services of the Board. The Board will dispose of some Odra contents salvaged at the Holy Name of Mary School in St. Marys resulting from the construction and remodelling work done at the school last summer - - doors, old lighting fixtures, etc. The Board accepted an offer of $300 froth the Christian Reformed School Board in Clinton presently palnning an addition to that sChoOl, At the beginning of the tneetingi prior to the election of chairmen, Rev. Carl Keene, Stratford, Dean of the Huron-Perth Deanery, counselled on the' importance of keeping the highest standard of the Christian School. PICNIC SHOULDERS Free delivery CLASSIF1E 16—THE skusseLs post, JANUARY 9 Bruss e nriisneki Carson Ilan S articipt• a 1l in tot o'clock ormida Mr. Farmer NOW - --- IS THE TIME TO ORDER SEED GRAIN, GRASS SEEDS, and SEED CORN — ALSO -- FERTILIZER We have a good supply of FRESH FEEDS on hand at all times. - OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Brussels 887.6011 Construction is underway on an interior renovation program at the. Brussels post office. •E Z Construction of London was awarded the $15,600 contract and expect the work to take about 4 weeks. Cigars may cause skin cancer