HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-01-09, Page 4
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NAME , IF. 11. I Y 41
AbbkEtg , 1
Mrs, Joe Walker
A euchre party was held in
Bluevale Community Hall,
Thursday, January 3rd with 10
tables playing. Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Campbell and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Johnston were in
High Lady playing was Al
Breckenridge; Low Lady - Ross
Smith; High Man - George
Fischer; Low Man -tom Miller.
Lucky Draw was won by Sharon
The next euchre party will be
held January 10 with Mr. and
mrs. Ross Turvey and Mr. and
Mrs. Mel Craig in charge.
Sincere sympathy of the
community is. extended to Mrs.
Mary Campbell and family and all
relatives of David Campbell who
passed away in Victoria
Hospital, London, on Friday after
a car accident.
Mr. andMrs. Glenn Snell,
Kathy and Murray,Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Snell and Robbie of
Listowel and Mr. and Mrs.
William Dettman " of Wroxeter
were New Years guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Elliott, Rhonda and
Sherry of Palmerston.
New Years Day guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Walker and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer and
Dayle, Mr. and Mrs. Marty
Cretier, Larry Elliott, Kalvin
Fischer, Grace Jeffray, Pamela
Hickey and Pat and Bob
The Mission Band and
Explorers held the firt meeting
of the year with Mrs.
Alex MacTavish teaching for
Mrs. Jack Willitts, who was sick
and Bob MacTavish as assistant
for the Explorers. Marie Walker
and Norma Willitts were teathers
for Mission Band.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rainy of
Akron, Ohio are, spending the
week with. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Hall,and other relatives,. Mr. and
News of Bluevale
Euchre held in hall
John'sSt. Anglican church news Ind
vas c
News of Ethel
Mrs. Chester Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raymond
and family, -Brussels, were
Thursday night supper guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bray.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bremner and
Doris spent the New Year holiday
in London with Mr. and Mrs..
Wm. Bremner and boys. •
New Yeats Day guests of Mr.
and•Mrs. C. Earl were Mr. and
Mrs. John Vine of London, Mr.
and Mrs. Les Earl, Atwood, Rev.
Stanley McDonald, Londesboro
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bray were
New Year visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Bray and family,
R,R.#3, Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leslie of
Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs.
W.F.Hewitt over the weekend of
New Years.
Mr. and Mrs. James Pearson
and son of Montreal visited Mrs.
A. Pearson and family .for a few
days returnink'to Montreal New
Years Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ward and
family, Lindsay, visited Mr. and
Mrs; Wm, Dobson for a few days
beween returning to Lindsay
Jan. 5th.
Mrs. A. Pearson entertained
her family en Sunday, Dee. 30th
Mao Miss Gail Lake, London and
MISS Lee Bolton, TereAto.
Mt. and Mrs. Chester Earl and
Judy visited Mr. and Mts. WIT'.
Mrs. Jack Soft and family of
Newton spent Sunday at the Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yuill
and Cameron spent a day last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser
Haugh and Eileen.
Miss. Cheryl Hill of Listowel
and Dale Bridge and Dale
Caskanette of Wingham spent
Christmas with the Haugh family.
Congratulations and best
wishes to Mr, andMrs. Alvin
Gamble on the birth of a daughter
in Listowel Hospital. '
Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Elliott spent
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold King and family.
Monday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Dettman of Wroxter
were Mr. and Mrs. J. J.Elliott.
(Too late •, for last Issue),
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh
and Eileen held Christmas for
their family in the Community
Hall. Those' present were Mr. and
rs. James Darling and family of
Belmore, Mr.and Mrs. Carmen
Nixon and family of London, Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Noble and boys
of Britton, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Newton andMichael of Wroxeter
and Miss Evelyn Noble of
Miss Pat Pritchard and Bob
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. George Fischer and Dayle.
Miss Valerie Biggs of Brantford
spent a few days holidays with
Miss Patricia Hoggart.
The Bluevale Recreation
Association held its holiday
euchre party, Dec. 27 with ten
tables playing. Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Sellers and Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Warwick looked after it.
High Lady playing was Mrs. M.
Adams. Low Lady - Mrs. Hugh
Mundell; High Man - Gordon
Walker; Low Man - Walter
Sellers; Lucky Draw was won by
Mrs. Doris Adams.
The next euchre party will be
Jan. 3 with Mr. and mrs.Hugh
Campbell and Mr: and Mrs.
Harold Johnson in charge.
The Christmas party was held
on December 17 in the form of a
social and program. Carols were
sung and the children put on a
short program. Santa Claus
appeared much to the enjoyment '
a all. A pot luck lunch was
Carol Service on December 23
was a nine lesson and carol'
service, with Rev. Carson leading
in prayer. The service, consisted
of carols, special choir numbers
and scripture readings by mem-
bers of the 'congregation.
Holy Communion was held on
Christmas Eve when the guest
celebrant and. preacher for this
occasion was Rev, Frank Braby, a
former' Rector of St. John's
Rev. Carson assisted Rev.
l3raby and the choir sang
anthems. Members appreciated
having Rev.. Braby and his family
with them for the 'special
Brussels A.C.W. met January 3
at the home of Sharon Stephen-
son. The president Alberta Smith,
opened the meeting with a New
Year's poem. Sharon Stephenson
read the scripture, Cora Alcock
lead in prayer. Thank-you cards
were read by Ann Cooper, Is
Alcock gave the treasurer
Business was conducted
Alberta, with a number of it
being taken care of. The chi
per plate for 1974 meals was
on $2.50.
Rev. Carson' closed the mee
with prayer. A social•even
followed, and lunch was ser
by Cora Alcock and the host
Remember! It takes b
moment to place a Brussels
Want Ad and 'be money in poc
To advertise, just Dial Bilis
Visitors from Montreal here
Doig, Molesworth on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crozeir• and
son Kitchener visited ,Mr. and
Mrs. Les Crozier over the
Visitorg with Mr. and mrs. Geo,
Pearson for New Years Day were
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cardiff, Mr.
Tom Hanranhan and Clare .
Powers and Mr. Robin Dunbar.
Mr. Don Pearson has returned
to Waterloo University after the
holidays with his, parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Pearson.
Mr. arid Mrs. P. O'Brien and'
daughter of Sharon, Mr. and Mrs.
Doug. Pitcher and family • of
Bramalea visited Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Lynn, Miss Betty Lynn
returned to Toronto after visiting
her parents for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Earl and,
family, R,R.#2, Listowel were
Sunday supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Bechthold of Stratford visited Mr.
and Mrs.Percy Stephenson on Sat
• urday.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Hewitt of
Listoiel visited Sunday with Mr.
andMrs, A. Bremner and Doris.
Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Ecktniet of
Godetich visited Sunday with
Mr. and. Mrs. W. Krauter.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cardiff
and family of Brussels visited.
Sunday with Mr, and MrS. A,
Miss Jeanette Acheson of
Donegal visited Miss Joan
Pearson tor the weekend,
ve •