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The Brussels Post, 1973-12-12, Page 23
4. Help Wanted Secretary An opening ..exists in our Administrative Centre for an experienced Secretary. Applications stating experience and feferences should be forwarded to this office by DECEMBER 21,1973 and addressed to: MR. R. B. DUNLOP Superintendent of Business Affairs cOg441000 ..lad . • 103. Albert Street Clinton, Ontario. 4-02-1 10. Used Cars for Sale ALBERTA car, 1964, Chevelle Station Wagon in Al condition. $575.00 or best offer. Phone 887-9061, 10-02x1 11. Articles for Sale QUALITY FERTILIZER: Get your supply in now while stock is still available. Price increase is predicted. For price Phone 887-9247. 11-02x2 GESTETNERInk available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth 11-1xtf 45 Gallon steel barrels with open end. Good for burning garbage or, feed barrels on farm. Also cleah gas barrels or sap barrels $3.50 delivered. Phone 523-4461 write Ron Baird, Box 51, Blyth: 11-1-tf FRI. NITE SPECIAL 7 to 9 P.M. Dec. 14. 3 Fresh full sized loaves of bread, white or brown for .89© — 1 lb. of Superior Rich Fruit Cake .65©. Grewar's Superior Mkt. 11-02-1 11articles. 2 pair Girl's figure skates, C.C.M. sizes 9 and 12. Boy's skates, C.C.M. size 12, Phone 887-9497, Harris Campbell. 11-02x1 WHITE Umber Geese; suitable for breeding. One good chesterfield chair. Percy Adams, 523-4452 after 6 p.m. 11-1-tf COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25© each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR ' Seaforth 1-14.xtf MOBILE Home near Brussels. Write Box 137, Atwood. Phone 356-9093, 11-01x2 KITCHEN stove and Frig. Call 887-6905 after 5 p.m. 11-01x2 12: Wanted to Buy WANTED antiques of all types and used furniture. Fair prices paid. For appointment phone 887-9021 anytime. 12-1-tf 15. Property for, Rent TWO-room -heated apartment in Blyth. Available January 1st, 1974, Percy Adams, 523-4452 after 6 p.m. 15-1-tf. 17. Wanted to Rent LAND suitable to grow turnips. Will pay $40 per acre. Percy Adam's, 523-4452 after 6 p.m. 17-1-tf 19. Notices WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Terms of Sale -cash. - Farm Sold. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents. BRIAN RINTOUL Auctioneer 20-02-1 21. Tenders Wanted' Sealed Tenders properly marked "TENDERS POR USED AMBULANCE" will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock hoot E.S.T., DECEMBER 210973 for a 1966 International Travelall V,8 automatic power steering and brakes. Approximately 66,000 miles on odometer. Vehicle to be sold as is, where is. WINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL 210 Carling Terrace Wirighani, Ontario. Attention:MRS. I.E. MORRO' Executive Director. 24. Cards of Than "•.' • ,•• 11% sincere thanks to all those who renietriberecl me with cards," treats and visits while a tiatient in University". Hospital and since coring' home, Your thought. fulness' was appreciated - Jack Pipe. 24.02-1 ITIlk 'BRUSSELS 21.024 Corning Events Lions Bingo, Blyth. rial Hall, Saturday at 8:30 150 jackpot. Big cash 1-1-tf AY NIGHT special on tuber 7th from 7. p.m. to 9 With every purchase you receive a •ticket for a free On a •radio. Draw will take Friday' night at nine at field's Pro Hardware, els. Last week's winner was Thos. Garniss. See Pro catalogue for gift ideas, 1-02-1 ICK Lions' Special mas Bingo will be held on y, December 14th, at 8:30 in Wroxter Corm:nullity Hall. ssion $1. 12 Regular Games 0; 2 Share the Wealth; one pedal; Jackpot of $100 on 60 Door & Consolation Prizes. 1-024 mitnent impose t controls 0 and Colboni after Goderie ,tanned that a shop outside the tow' a shopping cents Dwri that has bee thnost 3 years. said in the Legisla his view the freqe his Ministry 0 and Goderig would override the nit that was issued same day and be to take the matt ye the point, if nee GOODS, YSTAL J. J. LANE Business Administrator (IRON-PERTH COUNTY R.C.S.S. BOARD Box 100 FORTH, Ontario NM IWO 44.11"-2 STENOGRAPHER curate Typist horthand Essential uties to, commence first eek of January. Direct applications to: Charges are based on the number of Words. Sets of numerals such as' serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or ,prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens Count as separate words. / • FIRST INSERTION-25 words 81.00,39 per wordthereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changls, 29 per word, miniMUrn .509 SEMI—DISPLAY / FIRST INSERTION $1.12 per COlUMR inch / SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS = .989 per cOlturin inch Minimum Site 1 inch. -Accepted in multiples of half inch' LEGAL ADVERTISING , Rates On request. BOX NUMBERS to this office = 259 per insertion BIRTHS , No charge:1403h in minimum forth. IIARRIACJES, Engagements, Death NOtkeit, Card!, Of ThankS and Births (other than in minimum form) 25 Words $1.00, .each additional word 29 mEtiogiAsts • ii:o6 plus .084 pOt line Of verse Word 40 COMING EVENTS Words each additt6"1 80 Kd cancellation ,ott• Multiple itiiiirtiOti iutilitti*Ottoitta„ niter noon 180hdityla. IIISCOONT DEADLINE ts6,5LINE to ostler OtaAsitintr) Ate 4:00 a. P. MONDAY Photo i$7441411 Fok CASH -PAYMENT oF ADviatlinoitstrr BEFORE 0:00 P.M., TUESDAY* FOLLOWING PUBLICATION. CLASSIFIED RATES Word Count Modern equipment used. We pump septic, tanks, pigerys, lagoons, etc. Phone 887-6700, Brussels. "19-1 $ REWARD $ We are now paying up' to $18.00 for Dead and • Disabled Cows "and Horses and Stocker Cattle - all small animals pick-up free as a service to you. We have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week. Phone Collect 881-9334 Brussels' Pet' 'Food Suppliei Lie. 399-C-73 19,14 JACK HALL'S Barber Shop and Pool Room is now open 5 days a Week. Hottrt Ttiesday until Friday, 9 aillt '011 9 p.m,, Saturday 9 amt. until 6 pan. 19-024 S P.OSt WANT:NAN ]AL 887,6641 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ontario We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as 'a service to you. YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN. REPORT FROM *A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON REQUEST. CALL Collect - 482-9811 7 days a week - 24 h ours a day License No. 378C-72 call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 19-1-tf 20. Auction Sales CLEARING \ AUCTION SALE Of Livestock and Machinery will be held for William Nieuwenhuyse, Lot 14, Con. 14, Hullett Township on County Road 25, 2 miles east of Blyth or 6 miles west of Walton MONDAY' DEC. 17th at 1 P.M. 57 Hereford cows due from Feb. 'till spring; 2 Charolais X Hereford 2 yr. old bull's; 50 cross bred calves off above cows,. Nuffield 10.42 tractor with Free- man loader, McCormick No. 4,, tractor. Wallenstien 800 gallon slurry manure spreader; 2 yr. old New Holland manure spreader; 7 ft. New Holland,mower;Overum 3 furrow, 12 in. plow;. 3 farrowing pig crates 2 yrs. old; Arnold-Nascb scales; McKee 1 yr. old snow blower; Wagon with 16 ft, rack; 22 Beatty cow yokes; 2 electric fencers; 2 water troughs, wheelbarrow, lumber, numerous articles, 25,. In Memoriam WARWICK - In loving memerfa" a dear husband and father, Wilfred Warwick who passed away December 4, 1971. Days of sadness still' come o'er us, Tears in silence often flow For memorys keeps you ever nearus Though you died two years ago. -Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by wife Edythe and family, Tom, Sharon and Brian. 25-02-1 Stewart McCall addresses Soil and Crop Tv 2 new township directors were named Wednesday night of last week at the annual meeting of the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association at the, Pineridge Chalet near Hensall. Donald Rader, R.,R.3, Dashwood will represent Hay township replacing Howard. Datars of Dashwood who just 'completed his terin as president of the Huron group. A change also took place in Usborne township with Murray ,Dawson, R.R.1, Hensall taking over from Maurice Love of R.R.3, Exeter. , Members • passed • two resolutions which Will be pre- sented to the annual" meeting of the Ontario Soil and Crop annual meeting to be held at the pdvvard Hotel in Toronto on January 28 and 29, 1974. The first resolution asks utility .companies and railways to use ,non-agricultural land for trans :mission lines -in the future. The second resolution ' deals with the possibility of moving the site of the Ontario annual session to different centres in the province. Regulations now state the meeting must be held in .Toronto. The request asks to remove the restriction of mobility. Pat Lynch a soil and crops specialist wit the Ontario Ministry of Agri ulture and Food outlined some f the projects completed in 1273 and those expected to be Undertaken next year. . The projectS include co- , operating with! the Ausable Hayfield Conservation. Authority in erosion control along the bank of Lake HurOn and with the Maitland Conservation Authority in improving pasturing and reseeding of recently purchaSed land. Also mentioned was the annual bean day at Jack Peck'ifarni near Kippen, wild oat control at the farrn of John Hazlett , and herbicide demonstrations, The guest speaker 'wag Stewart McCall, manager of the Brussels sales arena 4 and president Howard Datars Was the chairman lot the banquet and meeting, In line with recent pleas by government officials, to conserve eriergy, Soil and Crop members enjoyed their dinner by candle and lantern light, Actiially a power failure in the Hensall area put the Pineridge Chalet into darkness for about four hours'. A PeSt Clastified will par you dividends Have yon tried'otter DiatiktisSels 8874.641. POST}. tiEtEMB Eft 12,1973.643 1973-74 orida Tours days departing Dec.22 days departing Jan.12 days departing Feb. 2 days departing Feb.lo days departing."March 2 days departing March 16 s from $154. Ask about rvations now. 89 Seaford) Phone 527-0050 1 -1 -1-1 Help Wanted.