HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-12-12, Page 14TANGERINES Paliano — 16-oz. loaf CRUSTY BREAD PALMOLIVE LIQUID Heinz 10-oz. can TOMATO SOUP CHRISTMAS TURKEYS now AVAI 400111.11r- Stephenson Bakery - CHRISTMAS NUTS (Shell) Groc lb CHEER SOAP • • • • • King Size TIP TOP CASHEWS And MIXED NUTS (in tin) • • • • 14-oz. COCA COLA • • • • 24 cans 2 ree delivery •887 9 0 0 THIS SET. FEATURI FULL WOOD DEILCI CABINET'S -26" SCREEN -1 YEAR PARTS LAEOOR'WARRANT' -6 YEAR PLAN ON PICTURE TUBE -C-11 CHASSIS • 'MICE $599 doz 3 fo 24-oz fo Farmers 'have, opportunity .to.saye energy SAVE ENERGY 4-- save dollaRS I Heating oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, propane and other : petroleum products are in shorter supply than usual. Like everyone else, farmers are taking a second look at their use df energy. Farmers are among the biggest and most efficient -- energy' consumers in the country. They are used to making the most of essential energy supplies to produce an equally important commodity -- food. Most farming operations are geared to save energy already, Agriculture Canada provides the following points to help farmers review their own plans to make the most of fuel supplies for the Gold, Frankincense And Myrrh were the Gifts of the Magi... "And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treas- ures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankin- cense, and myrrh." (Mattheu? 2:11) Of these three gift,s, only gold is still today a familiar and precious commodity. However, in the time of Christ, both frankincehse and myrrh were equally valuable• and well-known commodities, used in trade between the Middle East and Mediterranean countries. Gold, because, of its rarity and beauty has been the world's most precious metal since its discovery more than 6,000 years ago, Then, as now, it served as a medium of exchange, and was considered a symbol of wealth and power. Because gold 'is soft and pliable, it was also used ' for making fine jewelry and artifacts. Both frankincense and myrrh are gum resins of trees, which grow only ,near the monsoon regions of Ethiopia, Somaliland and. Southern Arabia, Frankincense, which comes from a tree of the same name belonging to the balsam family, is an aromatic gum resin and was an important ingredient of an incense mixture used in.Hebrew re- ligious rituals. It was also used as an air purifier and as a remedy for certain physical ailments. CENSER, gaily decorated, from Kuwait, in use today for burning frankincen. save fuel. --fluorescent lights take less energy the incandescent bulbs for steady lighting of heated buildings; fluorescent lights are not recommended for unheated buildings, EQUIPMENT —if you have the choice between diesel and gasoline power, \die„sel engines use about one-quarters ess fuel per hour than gasoline' models; best efficiency is at almost 90 per cent maximum power, so match your tractor to the job. --you don't need the block heater plugged in all night; two to three hours of warming before . starting the engine are enough; an automatic timer will help. --ensure a quick engine warm- up by keeping your tractors and other vehicles under shelter, and by covering .the .radiator; the colder the engine, the higher the fuel consumption. --keep engines tuned for best economy; make sure lubricants are those recommended for cold weather operation. --before you take out the .tractor or snowmobile to pick up the mail or head across the yard, ask "Could I walk?" PROCESSING --farm jobs such as cutting, grinding, augering, milling and drying use energy; don't leave them out of your money savings plans. --for cutting and grinding jobs, keep cutting edges and tools sharp and use close clearances with shear bars. --it's more efficient to process feed into coarse and long cuts; think of your animals' require- ments in grinding,, rolling or cracking. . use the lowest speed you can for the required elevating height for choppers and blowers; their energy use increases with speed. --when choosing your feed mill, it helps to know power con- sumption increases from roller to burr to hammer mills. --and with bunk feederS, auger types can take twice as much horsepower as augerless types, while shaker troughs fall in between these two for energy requirements. --grain augers lose on fuel economy with increased rpm and increased angles of elevation; bucket elevators require much less power than augers. --shield your grain dryer from the wind; don't attempt drying hi very cold weather or high --clean the grain of chaff and weeds before drying; use low drying temperatures and consider aeration systems or storage of high moisture feed grains as alternatives. LOOKING AHEAD You will soon bethinking about spring work and plans,..foy the summer. Carry good , energy saving habits with you into the busy seasOn. Here are some things you might like to keep in mind: --good traction makes the most of available power; change tractor weights according to your field operation to maintain good tractio'nithout excess weight. --adjust tire, pressures to correspond to the wheel load; reduce energy robbing rolling resistance by decreaSing rest of the winter. . BUILVINOS --make sure buildings are, properly insulated, including ceilings and attics; check weather stripping around doors and windows; use storm doors and, windows. (It may sound routine,' but proper insulation can save you one-third to one-half , on heating expenses of farm buildings,) --use hay bales around the foundation or on the floor of the second storey of the barn; pile snow as high as possible around the foundation for extra insulation in cold, windy climates. --lower temperatures in the shop, milk house and garage will Myrrh is a fragrant, bit- ter-tasting gum resin ex- uded from any of several shrubs, which grow in the same sections as frankin- cense. It was used mainly as a base for ancient cosmetics and perfumes. It was also used medically as a pain• - killer, and in mouthwash mixtures. It is used in some mouthwashes today. Myrrh also was used in many reli- gious ceremonies. Anyone who is curious about theSe substances may find them at The American Museum of Natural History in New York City. humidity. 44.M.""Nia.m4411M"181 , Call in or phone the Brussels Post concerning , Subscription renewals, classified and display advertising, payment of accounts, pictures or news sitories. pressures when Q using higher pre surfaces. —avoid the unnecessarily de tiponsasgibelee,quctilisiesntt because draft in with depth. --when plannin the farm, can yo energy instead of like pumps, a blowers, conveyer and heaters? --plan for \ red losses during sto tanks instead of s painting barrels or aluminum instead dark, and by placi shade or even underground stora • McCutchem „,roc Phone 887-9445 We-Del ALCAIPA Yin* iii Advance` -45.66 ti.t:Ar ton? 16c 14,,,444E '161kUSltELSOtt ,b -d MBER 12, 1rio.; • w 'Tx -my% 'SEE THESE -MODELS AND OTHERS: AT IWO NATI" SALES &SI! EritioNitHiOttit 62 4 r.