HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-11-21, Page 31)wer ke .."seeined to one side," a safety haz- alt.:. a higher kth.e left side in point for eil asks, how keckell? a necessary aridce. an Protect . the serious etions that and major th regular ons, simple id repairs. not already r in for its heckup, the now. its . are not coney ahead e repair cost :Oinpared to mild be suf- ake failure. )f mechanics to now $6.13, Ali , ing , much more. year, is not un . mechanic will of work, says the nd when "young urged to get in ire not excluded., 1973-74 lorida Tours days departing days departing days departing days departing days departing days departing s from $154. rvations now. Dec.22 Jan. 12 Feb. 2 Feb. 16 Marsh 2 March 16 Ask about GOOD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY 789 ' hone 527-0050 Seaforth 1-97-tf TH Lions Bingo, Blyth, orial Hall, Saturday at p.m. $150. jackpot. Big cash es. 1-97-tf TERN Star I.O.O.F. Card , Thursday, Nov. 29th at p.m. in Lodge Hall. one welcome. 1-99-2 Huron County Health Unit s you to attend the. ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CENTRE Health Unit Office, Medical Building, BRUSSELS on Wednesday, NOVEMBER 28, 1973 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. ealth Surveillance Foot Care naemia Screening Urine Testing ood Pressure eating Tests UNTEER DRIVERS ARE AVAILABLE : cancelled December 1973 ,- uary 1974, commencing March 1974. 1-99-1 CLASSIFIED RATES Word Count Charges 'are based on the number of words. : Sets of numerals such as serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers' or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words.. • • FIRST INSERTION-25 words 61.00,30 per word thereafter • SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS ;- No copy changes, 20 per word, minimum .500 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION --$1.12 per „cilumn inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - •$80 per column inch Minimum size 1 inch. -Accepted in meltipIes of half inch LEGAL ADVERTISING Rates on request. BOX NUMBERS • to this office- 250 per insertion. BIRTHS - No charge when in minimum form.•:• MARRIAGES, • Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks and Births, (Other than in minimum form) 25 words $1.00, each' additional word 20 MEMORIAMSIN „- $1.00 plus .080 per line 'of verse COMING EVENTS 25 words $1.00, each additiOnal word .030 No • cancellation. 0i multiple insertion advertisements • after- Mondays. 25 'DISCOUNT' Pot C,ABH :ik -:.ppe`c •ADVE rms. • TUESDAY, LPWING fit;. E. *ME tolitiERTCijoithit.b.Aro i8 Atottp0; how •140•41 M DN )en o! LEOR BEFORE p 1 - • • See your Pro Hardware for all your Christmas needs. Corning- ware teapot - 4.97; Step-on • can - 7.97; Stacking Stool - 3.97; Bathroom scale - 6.99; Electric Perc - 9.97 at Oldfield's Pro Hard- ware. • 11-99-1 GIFTS priced to please at Oldfield's Pro Hardware. Swinger Radio - 7.99; Ladies' Razor - 11.99; Styling Comb - 11.99. 11-99-1 A family of Gift Ideas at Oldfield's Pro Hardware - Men's Club Bag - $14,99 Snowmobile Helmets - $13.95 up, Snowmobile Suits - $13.95 up; Tool BOX 4 $7.99. 11-99.1 OESTEtNER ink available at The Huron EXpositor, 527-0240, Seaford'. 11.97xtf 1. Coming Events EXCEPTIONALLY fine evening' with slides and commentary by Dr. Aubrey Crich of Grimsby, internationally renowned photo- grapher at Seaforth District High ,School at 8 p.m. November 28 Seaforth Horticultural Society. 1-99x1 4. Help Wanted PERSONS wanted for construc- tion work, starting immediately. Apply 887-6433, after 7 p.m. 4-99x3 5. Bus. Opportunities Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario Or Call 416-864-9381 (Formerly Trans-Canada Trans- port Training.) 5-98-3 8. Farm Stock. for Sale PUREBRED Hereford bulls up to 2 years, 14 heifers would make' good cow herd, 19 calves. Geo. Love, Walton, 527-0637. , 8-99-1 Employment Opportunities . We require full-time Production Workers for all shifts, and 5 part-time workers for the early evening shift, Monday to Thursday. We Offer 1. Competitive starting wage rates 2. Daily production bonus 3. Shift premium 4. Attendance bonus 5. Steady employment.• Apply in person SPINRITE YARNS LTD. LISTOWEL 4-99-1 11. Articles for Sale 45 Gallon steel barrels with open end. Good for burning garbage or feed barrels on farm. Also clean gas barrels Or sap barrels $3.50 delivered. Phone 523-4461 or write Ron Baird, Box 51, Blyth. 11 -97-tf WHITE Umber Geese; suitable for breeding. One good chester- field chair. Percy Adams, 523-' 4452 after 6 p.m. 11-95-tf - COPIES Copies of your important papers .or documents while you wait, Letter size, 25© each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth 11-97xtf PAIR of boy's Bauer skates, size 13, 887-6207.. 11-99-1 MOBILE Home near Brrissels. Write Box 137, Atwood, Phone 356-9093. 11-99-2 CROWN fruit jars,. pints,, quarts and half gallons. Robert Nichol ;\ Brussels, Ont. 11-99x1' DRESSED roosters, 75 cents alb. Phone 887-6244. • '11-99x1 USED 2 x 6 Spruce 12 ft. or more, 50 pieces. Charlie Harrison, 887-6729. 11-99x1 12., Wanted to Buy WANTED antiques of all types and used firniture. Fair prices paid. For appointment phone 887-9021 anytime. 12-97-U • / WANTED Mixed grain, oats, barley, peas and buckwheat suitable for seed. Highest prices paid for good quality lots. Mail in a sample for quodtion. ALEX M. STEWART & SON LIMITED Phone 293-3211 Ail sa Craig 13. Wanted USED tractors. Will pay cash-or trade for snowmobiles. Stan Horsburgh, Phone 357-2744; Wingham. 13-99x2 STORM windows, approximately 40 x 80. Phone 887-6538. 13-99-1 BABY, sitting in your home, or housework. Mrs. Dorothy McCauley, Phone 887-6802. 13-99x1 . 15. Property for Rent TWO-room heated apartment in Blyth. Available January lst,1974, Percy Adams, 523-4452 after 6 p.m. , 15-954f 17. Wanted to Rent. LAND suitable to grow turnips. Will • pay $40 per acre. Percy Adams, 523-4452 after 6 p.m: 17-95-tf 19. Notices Ontario 12-99-3 $ REWARD $ We are now paying up to $18.00 for Dead and Disabled Cows and Horses and Stocker Cattle - all small animals pick-up free as a service to you. We have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week. Phone Collect 881-93 Brussels' Pet Food Supplies Lie. 399 - C-73 1-974 !NOTICE NOTICE Probably as a result of a Hallowe'en hide out, owners of cattle found in Maurice Heming- way's barns, 1 mile east of Brussels, the morning of Nov. 1st, unfortuna tely have not been located in this area. 'Anyanei wishing to, assist or !having information is requested 'to dial 887-6890. - 19-97-3 WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE HURON. 'DEAD' STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ont aria We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you. YOU MAY QBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A 'QUALIFIED ' VETERINARIAN -UPON REQUEST. Call collect - 482-9811 ' 7 days a week - 24 hours a day License No.378C-72 • Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 19-?7-tf . - 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS /In the Estate of Alice Jean Forrest, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the estate of Alice jean Forrest,late of the Township iof grey in the County of, Huron, ,'retired school teacher, who died on or about the 14th day . of August, 1973 ar e hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of November, 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. DATED• at Brussels this 1st day of November, 1973. . CRAWFORD MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-97-3. 24. Cards of Thanks. 25. In Memoriam BAKER - In loving memory of a dear husband, Selwyn who passed away one year ago Nov. 27th, 1973. A happy home we once enjoyed How sweet the memory still But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. -Lovingly retioembered and sadly missed by wife arid family. 25-99x1 19. Notices My sincere thanks is even to those who remembered me with cards and visits while I was a' patient in UniversityHospital, London. Your thoughtfulness was appreciated.-Ella Grayer., 24-99x1 / . . I would like to express my sincere ,thanks and appreciation to all my . friends, relatives, neighbours, who remembered me with cards and treats while I was a patient in Winghain and District Hospit al. Special thanks to the Brussels Ladies Auxiliary, Dr. Bozyk, Dr. Wilkins, Rev. McCarrol and the nurses on 'the first floor. Your kindness will always be remembered. - Lyla Hall. 24-99x1 PFEIFER - In loving memory of a f dear husband and father, Norman Pfeifer, Who passed ,away NoVeMber. 24th, 1972: ' And with the morn Those angel faces smile Which we have Coved Long since and lost awhile. -Ever remenibered and sadly missed by his wife Kathleen and daughter Elizabeth. , 25,99x1 iteitombert it takes but a moment to place a brussels Pei! Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, jest Dial titutaels 8874841. • A874641. ' • Mil BRUSSELS initt Novimakik 191-0 Coming Events. 5. Bus. Opportunities LEARN TO DRIVE' TRACTOR TRAILERS • Now you can train right here in Canada! .' • Tuition Tax Deductible! • Placement assistance guaran- , teed! • Weekend training also avail- able! For application and interview, write: Safety Department The Canadian Institute of Modern equipment used. We pump septic taiika, pigerys, lagOOria, etc. PhoneA87-6700, Brussels: 19-974 • Want Ad nionoyinz* • moment to place a' Brutileiiiiik•:: itemetnbert it ' - It advertise; just Dial