HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-11-21, Page 24N. MAINTENANCE
lye your gears a chance to
th takeoff is easier on the
:transmission, avoid rid-
'ti pot rests on the Clutch
engage properly. Also
lit up between clutch
ing bOth to wear out
a chattering sound when
car first begins to move
with a manual transmis-
same as above with an
automatic transmission
the clutch is not engag-
ing properly
the clutch is not engag-
ing properly •
oil, on the clutch, or you
may have worn parts
a worn clutch or bands
have a qualified m
ic check out the p
have a qualified m
ic check out the p
Avoid quick S
shift gradually.
Passengers, too.)
If your car has a m
ing the clutch. When
pedal, often, the clutch
additional frictional he
pressure plate and lini
Periodically, check tra
ferential fluid level. Ch:
' at recommended inte
comes contaminated.
cleaned at this time.
n fluid level and dif-
' e transmission fluid
whenever fluid be- .. ry, have all parts your car doesn't respond
to engine speedups
your clutch is slipping a worn clutch or one out
of adjustment
have a qualified m
ic check out the p
• Replace transrnissi ean fluid-screen.
when fluid is cha ''' • :::1101:tet. **wise required-.
Check and/or c •..,,5.:::::.:(w .--... .. , modulator if
your car is so .,..1—..pds (if your
transmission -. : `•,;;:;;: mmended
.by .the manuf: ,:i :.! -0,. ecessary.
NOTE: There are a number of other transmission problems too complicated for discussion here. If your
mission does things or makes noises that seem strange, don't ignore these symptoms of malfun
You'll find it more convenient and more economical to correct transmission problems as ear
timely reason
why your car
should be
tuned regular
To save gasoline.
With the increasing need to. protect energy resources,
it's important for us all to conserve the
amount of gas we use. Yet tests have
shown an untuned car uses 8.2%
more gasoline than a tuned car on
the average. And that's more than
a gallon in every tankful.
To save our environment.
In recent tests and talk about auto emissions, it's become
clear that the pollution controls on our late-model
cars are working. And it's been made just
as clear that the pollution devices must be•
maintained and the cars tuned regularly
to keep harmful emissions down.
To save yourself from
winter weather worries.
Other tests by Champion Spark Plug Company have sho
- that an untuned car is especially
troublesome during winter. Cars
needing tune-ups had twice as
many "won't starts" as tuned cc
And the untuned cars took art
average of 15% longer to start.
More gasoline, Cleaner air. Trouble-free driving. They al
can be yours if you take your car in for a tune-up, Once
each year or every 10,000 miles. With the spark plug brcit
that you can depend on. Champion.
Windsor, beitatid
Weight on tires
If you will be using a
trailer, camper or motor
home be sure to check the
weight you are putting on
your tires. Surveys show
about 20% of all recreation
vehicles are exceeding the
maximum loads their tires
should carry.
You can check with your
tire dealer, your vehicle
owner's manual or your
dealer to determine maxi-
mum tire load. 'Then have f*,
your vehicle weighed, fully
loaded, on a public scale.
• A vehicle with overloaded
tires will handle poorly and
in case of a blowout control
While winter-time offers
lots of attractions to recre-,
ation vehicle owners, many
enthusiasts prefer to put
their units away for a well-
earned seasonal rest. When
storing recreation vehicles
during cold weather
months, the following pro-
cedures should be observed.
Winter precautions rec-
ommended by the Recrea-
tional Vehicle Institute
(RVI) include draining all
water from the vehicle's
water supply tanks and
from sink and shower
traps. Use compressed air,
if available, to blow the last
vestiges of moisture from
all pipes and adding about
a cUpful of anti-freeze to
each sink and shower drain
to prevent freezing of any
moisture remaining in the
traps; Ask your RV dealer
to recommend the correct
anti-freeze product.'
"Units equipped with
handpumps should have
these pumps removed for
winter storage where they
will not freeze up. Sewage
holding tanks Must be prop-
erly emptied acid drained,
and anti-freeze added, even
if the unit is to receive eon-
tinued cold-weather use.
But protecting your RV
against freete-up Is only
Part of your Winter storage
program. RVI recommendS
the following additional
1. Jack up trailer or mo-
tor home{ if it is not going
to see 'wittier Use, and put
it on good, Sturdy wooden
2. Reirittioe ail batteries
and tore in a Warn' place,
Charge should tie applied
to stored batteries at least
twice- during the whiter
problenis will greatly in-
crease the chance of a seri-
ous accident.
Answer to
000008 GUMBO
MOO D OD anon
BOO 0015100 MOO
0"0000 GUMBO
OMB 000
000 MGM 00
13000 GOB 000
GOMM '0O00
months to prevent forma-
tion of sulphuric acid crys-
tals on the lead plates and
consequent shorting. Tops
of batteries should be thor-
oughly clean and dry be-
fore storing.
3. Windows and vents
should be tightly closed;
however, crack one window
open on the sheltered side
of your RV to allow some,
air to enter.
4. Block up refrigerator,
water heater, and heater
vents, and all outside drains.;
5. Cover all upholstery
with old sheets or news-
'papers to prevent fading.
Remove and store curtains
and • drapes. Some manu-
factured fabrics tend to dry
out or crack under very
told conditions — it is wise.
to remove seats and cush-'
ions covered with such ma-
6. Thoroughly clean the
entire vehicle and apply a
Coat of good, protective
wax. Apply grease to all ex-1
posed chrome trim, includ-
ing the backs of rear-view
Mirrors, hubcaps, radio an-,
tenna, etc.
Motorized RVs should
be protected with anti-
freeze in radiator and with
thinner winter oil in the
engine. Bulling the winder;
start and nisi engine Once a
Week or oftener, a 4
Move battery after each
such test.
8, Remove show aced-_
inulationa front the exterior
of the unit, as often as pos-
9. Remove all conned and
bottled Eoods and cfrinkS
from inside your RV; also
packaged foods such as
flour, Sugar; mixes, ete.
Hibernation Tips Help
Recreational Vehicle
Owners 'Bear' Season
'Oditt 'NOVEMBER 21, 1973