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The Brussels Post, 1973-11-21, Page 19
Agri:ornotes. (By Adrian Vos) feed aily gains nearly )n corn cob meal meal. The cost [n was consider, he return to the fitly higher. r, IRE id to must if the dren, ft Lew Johnson of Goderich St. E., Seaforth, had, a surprise visitor last Wednesday night when a driverless 40 foot truck owned by Pelton Bros. Transport of Paris rolled down the Highway 8 hill after the air brakes gave way. The truck crossed Mr. Johnson's lawn, smashing two trees and smashed into a camper bus and into a wall'at the home of Mrs'. Carmen Scarrow next door. Damage to the house was estimated at $5,000 and between $2,000 and $3,000 to the truck. The demolished camper bus was valued at $1,509. e, ,,,^ • .40% LISTOWEL FLORIST PHONE 291.7 2040 --- AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE --- Prompt attention to your Flower Orders — Regular deliveries to the Local Funeral Home — ALSO REPRESENTED BY WATTS' FUNERAL HOME. BRUSSELS. We also have deliVeries almost daily to Harriston, Palmerston, Milverton, Atwood, Gorrie. Upon returning from one of his searches for: an honest man, Diogenes was asked by a friend, 44 Any luck?" 4 IF air ," he replied, • "I .still have my lantern." The' teenage boy down the block has entered the "difficult stage." He .now has to decide whether .to give up. bubble gum or his attempt to grow a mus- tache. Smiles This, week we could read in the daily paper that food prices are down. We, as farmers, have, felt this for some time and this is one of the reasons that farm production is not increasing at a faster rate. if the farmer eoUld have some confidence that there would be no interference in the marketplace, such as Nixon's price freeze and our own export restrictions, boycots and roll back prices actions, then it would be much more likely that he would produce more. Now he is over cautious and plays a waiting gatne. Don't forget that he is entitled to as, good a living as anyone else with the same investment and workload. The encouraging fact, from the farmers viewpoint, is the attitude of both ministers of agriculture from Canada and the USA.because they felt thatinternational stockpiling of food could be used to force prices to farmers down, they indicated,that they would not co-operate in such a venture. Earl Butz said that the food short nations will have' to look after their ownlood bank. Both ministers recognized that the farmers of the world will produce all the food needed if they get paid a reasonable price for it. This implies at the same time that farmer ,attitude is changing and that the young farmer and his wife are not going to do without the amenities while working themselves into an early grave. Maybe the answer 'for a young' man who wants to farm but lacks sufficient funds, lies in renting his cows. In Wisconsin (USA) they are for rent at $1.2.50 a month. Or maybe rent a sow. . A, Guelph man I know has been renting out sows for years, with no' payment till the piggies are sold. That the plight of beef men is pretty desperate is' shown by the action of George Mori the cattleman president. If a rugged free enterpriser like him asks the government to interfere in the market by a temporary surcharge, things must be pretty grim. One source said that the loss per cattle-beast ran to one hundred dollars. It figures, with 45© beef, prices and replacements acquired at 65 to 70© added to high-feed costs.. L ‘ READ and USE POST CLASSIFIED 00 • .„04,44,440:440. • PROM 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. & IN THE EVENING 7:30 P.M. TILL ...? Did you know: We have renovated and greatly expanded our parts department and added a new showroom. We have added NEW HOLLAND to our line. energy! \l`KEP14,1-tit, re, -1...kokt, WIT 11.4N We will have representatives from: * CASE DAVID BROWN * NEW HOLLAND * GEO. WHITE * 'GOLDEN ARROW ..SPRAYERS, KONG$KULDI Shortages of equipment are becoming more a representives of our nd more serious for us and our customers. We are bringing together major suppliers in order to give you "first hand" information on the prospects for delivery of their products for 14. ' • ,MOVIES WILL BE SHOWN 'ON NEW PRODUCTS OtillittN"G ti4E 'DAY & THIEF EVENING, TH BRUSSELS OSt. NOVEMBER, 11# 19/3-4