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graduation diplomas,
Among these were several who
were presented with special
awards and prizes. One of the
eight Ontario Scholars was Nancy
Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Adams, R.R. #5, Brussels.
Nancy also won the special Music
Award given by Mrs. Marie
Douglas for her contribution to
music in the school. Nancy was
one of the seven winners of the
George Menzies Endowment ,
Fund, awards given each year to
graduates of Brussels Public
-School, who are proceeding to
post-secondary education.
Other winners were:
Nelson Nicholson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Nicholson, R.R.
4,, Brussels; Ken Gowing, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gowing, R.R.
2, Bluevale; Connie McWhirter,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jack
McWhirter, Brussels; Joan El-
liott, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs.
George Elliott, Brussels; Murray
Raymond, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Raymond, Brussels and
Helen Rooney of Burlington, who
(By. Evelyn Kennedy)
Brussels area. students earn $2.790 in swards
Brussels and , area students
captured more than half of the
$5000 in awards which were
presented at the commencement
exercises held at F. E. Madill
Secondary School, Wingharn on
Friday evening.
Brussels graduates received
$2790.00 of the total which
principal G. 0, Phillips said--was
somewhat in excess of $5000.
A number of Brussels young
people received certificates of
training, secondary school grad-
uation diplomas and honor
Co-operate with plans
for Santa Claus parade
102nd Year — Issue No. 46
spent the we ek et
nts , Mr. and mr$
Gordon Camphe
ted on Sunday witf,
rs. Floyd Camp411
idfather, Mr, Ira
Irs, Harold Proetrt
;aret Curtis visited
on Friday and
.riday evening they
Collegiate Goni:
vhere Brian au
:y --received theft
tan winning thc
arship and three
lye Hi-C Group
is trip to the Royal
a Saturday.
Barrie Waltersoi
ed with Mr, and
'e Chamney last
ay Mr. P. lames
-onto visited with
larence Chamney;
unday at the hike
s. Hugh Rinn and
rs. Frank Storey'
Hudie, Mr, Ander
Leslie McKenzie;
a Armstrong a
aret Curtis visited
on Friday an
'hat ds Showcrsa
Mr. and Mrs,
er from this are
anquet sponsored
1226 in Westfield
Friday evening .,
Robert Campbell
Winthrop visited
and Mrs. Robe
Brussels ,Business Association
is co-operating in plans for the
Santa Claus parade Which comes
to Brussels on December 15. The
parade is being organized by a
special committee repr esenting
community organizations and the
Harold Bridge told a meeting of
the Business Association in the
Queen's Hotel .Wednesday
evening that it was hoped each .
business would enter a float and
that details could be obtained
from Jack Bryans.
The parade begins at 2 p.m.
Turnbulls gain,
new honors
The Turnbulis have, done it
again. Father and son carried off
top. honors in their respective
swine classes at the Royal in
Toronto last week.
Wilbur Turnbull carried off the.
awards for the Reserve Champion
Lacombe Sow and the Champion
Lacombe, Boar.
Wm. J. Turnbull was declared
Premier Breeder and Premier
Exhibitor in the YOrkshire sec-
non. These honors are gained by
accumulating the most points in
all Yorkshire classes.
Congratulations, once more, to,
both Wilbur and Bill Turnbull for
their continued success as out-
standing swine breeders.
from Station Street at the CIL
plant. The meeting attended by
16 agreed on a motion by Max
Watts and Bill Stephenson that
store hours remain as had been
advertised but that if certain
individual businesses wished to
extend their hours it will be
necessary for them to advertise
that fact.
Brussels stores ar e to be
encouraged,to establish their own
Xmas draws. No action was taken
on an earlier suggestion that the
association sponsor a large cash
draw on a motion by Bill
Stephenson and Marg McCut-
cheon. It was considered there
was insufficient time to organize
such a draw.
The association agreed to
sponsor a Christmas party in the
Legion Hall on December . 17
arrangements in charge of a
committee including Henry Exel,
Betty Graber, Bill Stephenson,
Pat Langlois and Max Watts as
chairman, •
The next meeting was set for
January 9 in the Library and will
be followed by lunch. It was
agreed that when supper meet-
ings were scheduled tickets would
be sold to determine the number
of meals to plan for.
The meeting •adopted a
resolution proposed by Herb
Stratton seeking support for
efforts being made to establish
improved public transportation in
the area.
was unable to be prese,nt to
receive her award. Mrs. Bob
Raymond presented the awards.
A special award,, the F. E.
Madill Staff Award, to the highest
boy in the Services Program, was
presented to Ricky Bell, son of
Mrs. Winnie Bell by E. C. Beard
of the school staff. Seven honor
graduation diplomas, two certifi-
cates of training and seventeen
secondary school graduation dip-
lomas were presented to Brussels
boys and girls.
ONTARIO Wednesday, November 21, 1973
There's feudinl and fightin' in them that hills as a cast of local people turn hillbilly for the
performance of "Weddin' Shoes", one of two one act plays-being presented at Grey Central School in
Ethel on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. "Weddin' Shoes" and the Other play, "Love Hits
Wilbur" are sponsored by Grey Central's Horne and School Association. From left to right above are
Ken McDonald Christine Smith, Bob Pearson and Brenda Speiran in geouin e hillbilly costume.
Evelyn Kennedy of Brussels is directing both plays.
People we know inBrussels
Thanks to Ross and Kay
Duncan for the fine
Remembrance Day pictures they
provided for The Post last week.
* * * * *
The energy crisis that exists
will affect out daily living and
must change a gtiOd many of our
habits. To conserve electricity we
are asked to turn. off all
unnecessary lights; reduce
froni McMaster
Sandy McDonald; strin Of Mr.
and Mrs. Ian McDonald of
Brussels, graduated from Mc
Master University, Hamilton with
a Bachelor of Science Degree, last
Re is now attending Medical 4 4 •••
C011tg d at Queen's U'niversit'y ;
Mr, and Mrs. McDonald and
Archie McDonald attended the
vadhation tiettises-,
Christmas lighting; save on hot
wat er heating; arrange out
cooking and baking to make the
best possible use of as. little
electricity as possible. In fact, to
keep a close cheek Ott all
electricity usage. Conserve oil,
wearing warmer clothing instead
of 'turning up the thermostat.
seduce ,speed and unnecessary
driving to' cat gasoline eon-
StiMption. We must realize there
is an energy crisis arid mend Our
ways or face compulsory controls.
ChriStritaS is alinOst upon its.
Most people are • concerned
Selecting Christmas gifts for
family members and friends
With prices what they are today
this can be a tithe of eareftil
selection and stretching of the
budget. There is one gift that can
be given With no Coat attached but
it is beyond price to those who
need it. The gift of a blood
donation to the Red Cross. It
tdontinued Page 20
,Mr. and Mrs. Verne Snell of
Kingston visited with Mrs. John
Snell over the weekend.
Miss Stephanie Watts had the
-misfortune to staffer a broken
hand while playing basketball
Mrs. Mary Speir of Brock,
Sask who has been visiting in the
Walton area for the past two
weeks, called on Mrs: Laura
Speir, Mn and Mrs. John
Pentiington,St, and Mn and
Mrs. Mtitray ithether on
Thursday of last Week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald,
Mr. and Mrs, DOn McDonald;
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McDonald,
Mrs. Mary Speir; Brock ; Sask,
Mr. hod Nits, Murray }blether
and town Visited Mr. and Mrs,
Wallace Sholdice of Mississauga
on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs JaS.
McDonald, Mrs. Mary Spelt and
Mr, and Mrs. M. }blether and
„loan also ViSited Mr. and Mrs:
Roger Tipple. of Burlington.
Sandy Meijonaid of Queen
University, Kingston and Arch ie
McDonald, who is in his second
year of Law at Western
University , London, spent the
Week end at home with their
parents,. Mt, and Mrs. Ian.
Visitors with Mr and Mts. W.
J. 'Petrie last week were Miss
Marion lleatlip of Princeton,
GeOrge McNabb of Hamilton,
Mts. Edgar Hollinger of Hamilton
and Rev: lathes Petrie of