HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-10-31, Page 11ES. LL)- 5 194 11 EA. TIRE. even I con- at all attires rglass rr I. iron tray Plus It in 26"x 15. Property for Rent., TWO-room' heated apartment in AUCTION Blyth. Available Januarylst,1974, Furniture Sale Percy Adams, 523-4452.-after 6. for p.m. 15-95-ti MRS, FRANK KIRKBY ,20. Auction Sales 25 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT OF ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE 6:00 - P.M., TUESDAY FOLLOWING PUBLICATION. • • DEADLINE EADLINE TO' INSERT CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:00 • MoNDAY • 140110 , $041441 • •U SE • 'PAS T WANT-ADS DIAL 887,6641. r oSealed tenders will be, received by H. A.. Fisher ; Clerk, treatuser ir, toinin of tistowei k • Until 5, p.m'. Monday, November ttn,1973, for the Coming Events. emorial Hall, 30 p.m. '$150 sh prizes. YTH Lions Bingo, Blyth; Saturday at jackpot. Big 1-92-U 1973-74 lorida Tours 2 days departing Dec. 22 20 days departing Jan. 12 4 days departing Feb. 2 4 days departing Feb. 16 . 4 days departing March 2 9 days departing March 16 ces from UK Ask about serva.tions now. OD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY 789 S eaforth Phone 527-0050 1-92-tf . . WICK Lions' Bingo will be d on Friday, November 2nd 8:30 p.m. in wroxeter Com- ity Hall. Admission $1. 12 lar games for $10; 2 Share Wealth; one $25 Special; Jack- of $105 on 62 calls; Door & olation Prizes. ' 1-96-1 chell invites you to see new' as in tube painting (liquid roidery) on Saturday, • Nov. at Walton Hall; 2 - 5; 7 - 9. e of painted articles. Bar- n Table; Discotints, Door es. Lunch. Fashion Show Program 4: and 8:30. Every- welcome. Bake sale: by fed Church Girls. ' 1-95-2 EO OpenHouse.Mrs.Phyllis WHITE Umber Geese; suitable STOCK REMOVAL MRS • Help Wanted ON Wanted - Full time em- ment in feed mill. Fringe efits. Apply s, Brussels. to Topnotch 4-96-1 , Situations Wanted LL baby sit in my own home line by the hour, day, week weekend.Mrs.Bradley Magee, ne 887-6162. 7-96-1 A Post Classified will pay yoti ends. Have • you tried one? Brussels 88'7-6641. ONE pair Bauer Skates, men's size six. Like new. Phone 887- 6026. 11-95x2 TWO girls skating dresses size 8; 1 Chrome high chair; 2 braided green-tone oval rugs, one 5 1/2 ft. x 8 1/2 ft; one 3ft x 5 ft; 1 pr. boy's skates C.C.M. Size 11. Phone 887-6789 Evenings. 11-96x1 TWO oil stoves, 23-inch Admiral television, black and white, full cabinet, in like new condition. Phone 887-6886. 11-96x1 45 Gallon steel barrels with open end. Good for burning garbage, or feed barrels on farm. Also clean gas barrels or sap barrels $3.50 delivered. Phone 523-4461 or write Ron Baird, Box 51, Blyth.' . 11-92-tf COPIES Copies of your important papers or docunlents while you wait, Letter size, 25¢ each. • THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth 11-92xtf GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor, 52'7-0240, Seaforth. 11-92xtf for breeding. One good chester- field chair. ' Percy Adams, 523- 4452 after 6 p.m. 11-95-tf ARIENS Sno-Thro in 'good condition. Phone' 887-9318. • 11-96-1 WHY Pay More - Maple Leaf • Sockeye Salmon 1/2 lb. tins $1.09 - By Gosh It's Fresh Superior White or Brown full size loaf, 3 for $1.00; Hostess Apple Pies.59. Grewar's Superior. Market. . 11-96-1 Remember! It' takes but a moment to place a BrusselkPost Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Brussels 887-6641. 12. Wanted to Buy WANTED antiques Of all types and used furniture. Fair prices • paid.'; For appointment phone 887-9021 amtlyie. 12-92-tf UPTOWN Brussels 6-room apartment, all conveniences; newly decorated: Possession Nov. 1st. Phone 8874221.15-96x2 FARM house for rent, with all modern conveniences, in , Grey Township. Apply to Box 50, Brussels, Ontario. 15-96x1 17. Wanted to Rent LAND suitable to grow turnips. Will pay $40 per acre. Percy Adams, 523-4452 after 6 p.m; 11-95-tf 19. Notices WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used. we pump septic tanks, pigerys, lagoons, etc. Phone 887-6700 Bruisels. 19-92-tf HURON DEAD Clinton, Ontario We are now paying $5.00 - $,15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you. YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON RE- QUEST. - Call collect - 482-9811 7 days a week - 24 hours a day License No. 372C-72 Call us first, you Won't have to call anyone else. 19-92-tf BRUSSELS Minor Hockey regis- on still accepted at Thomp- son & Stephenson Meat Market. 887-6294. 19-96x1 MINOR Hockey, seasons pass available from, Hockey coaches. Price $10.00 per family. (play- offs and Special events eicluded) 19-96x1 !NOVEMBER 12TH for the supply on a rental basis during, the 1973-74 season of a dump truck weighted with sand or gravel with a minimum G.V.W. of 25,000. Such truck to ' be equipped , with hydraulic snow- plow, wing, chains, driver and wing-man. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Quote operating and stand-by time wages. Norman Shaw Clerk-Treasurer, Blyth. 21-96-2 24. Cards of Thanks My sincere thanks is expressed to all those who so kindly re- membered me with cards and visits `while I was hospitalized and since my return home. Your thoughtfulness - was appreciated. - Jack Ritchie. 24-96-1 7 A sincere 'Thank You" 'to all who came to the Walton Hall, to help us celebrate our 25th Wed- ding Anniversary. Special thanks to qur family, Lois and Rae Hous - ton,, Aunt. Annie and all who helped make it a very special evening. - Doug & Marjory Fraser. 24-96x1 My sincere thanks to all those who remembered me with visits and cards during my stay in hospital •and to the Rebekah and Oddfellows Lodge for box of treats, Dr. Bozyk and nurses of wingham Hospital for their kind- ness. - Rae Crawford. 24-96x1 My sincere thanks is expressed to all those who sent cards, gifts' and visited me while • I was a patient in University Hos- pital, London. Special thanks to Dr. Ferguson, Dr. Paty, nurses on 7th floor, intensive care and observation unit. Your thought- fulness was greatly appreciated. - Mrs. Linda Fischer. 24-96-1 We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our family and friends for their cards, gifts and visits during our stay in Seaforth CommunityHos- pital and since coming home. Rpecial thanks to Drs. malkus, Whitman and Underwood and. the nurses in O.B. Your kind thoughts will always be remembered. - Karen and Julie Cronin. 24-96x1 ,My sincere thanks is' expressed to my many friends, relativet and neighbours for the many cards, letters, visits and treats received during my stay in University Hos - ,pital and since I came home.Your thOughtfulness was appreciated. - Watson Sholdice. 24-96x1 27. Births TRAVISS - To Doctor and Mrs. Brian Traviss of Waterloo' `on Odtober 19, 1973, a daughter, Lesley Anne, a. sister for Allison. 27-96-1 • Furniture and Household Effects Terms - Cash JACKSON & JACKSON Auctioneers 20-96-2 AUCTION SALE For MRS.L.VERCRUYSSEN Lot 22, Con. 8, Morris Twp. 3 miles west- of Blacktop Road (Between Brussels and Walton) ,MONDAY, NOV, 5TH 1:0d P.M. CATTLE - 9HolsteinCows milk- ing and rebred; 2 Jersey cows milking and rebred; 2 Holstein heifers bred 2 months; 1 Jersey heifer bred 1 month; 7 Holstein' heifers 1 year old; 2 Holstein heifers, spring calves; 1 Jersey ' bull calf, ' MACHINERY - MMR Tractor; Cockshutt tractor and scuffler; Cockshutt seed drill; 3 rubber tire wagons and .racks; Bale elevator and motor; 3 pt. hitch fertilizer spreader; 2 steel water troughs; 2 steel gates, (new); New Idea 7 foot mower, side rake, bean puller, two wheel trailer. MILKING EQUIPMENT - 8 can Spray type milk cooler; 3 Surge • milker units., FEED - 2000 Bales of mixed hay; 10 ton mixed grain. JACKSON & JACKSON AUctioneers 20-98-1 121. Tenders Wanted TENDERS TOWN OF LISTOWEL iSALTING and SANDING Of Str e i s in the Town of iatoVi.• • Applicants to supply suitable eciniptnent: New tender forms to be acquired from the Town Superintendentis office. Elizabeth Street, Brussels. SATURDAY, NOV' 10TH at 12:30 P.M. Modern Furniture and Appliances: Electrohome Stereo, F.M. & A.M., like new; Channel Master radio. F.M. & A.M.; Elec- trohome Humidifier; Kelvinator combination' freezer and refrigerator; Kelvinator 30" electric stove; Frigidaire Auto- matic washer; Easy automatic dryer; 19'70 Delta 88 Oldsmobile 2-door hardtop, with safety cer- tificate, to be sold subject to reasonable reserve bid. Numer- ous other articles. TERMS - Cash JACKSON & JACKSON Auctioneers . 20-96-2 AUCTION SALE for ,EV ELYN SMITH Ethel Community Hall MONDAY, NOV, 12' 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING. VILLAGE OF BLYTH Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 'CLASSIFIED RATES Word Count Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals such as: serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count • as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-25 words $1.00,30 per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 20 per word, minimum .500 SEMI -DI SPLAY._ FIRST INSERTION - $1.12 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - ..980 per column inch Minimum slit 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch LEGAL ADVERTISING Rates on request. BOX NUMBERS to this office - 250 per 'insertion BIRTHS - No charge when in minimum form. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks and Births (other than •in minimum form) - 25 words $1.00, each additional word 20 IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 plus .080 per line 'of verse COMING EVENTS - 25 words $1.00, each additional word .030 No cancellation, of multiple insertion advertisements after noon' Mondays. $ REWARDS We are now paying up to $18.00 for Dead and Disabled Cows and Houses and Stocker Cattle - all small"animals pick-up free as a service to you. We have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week. Phone Collect 881-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies Lic. 399 - C - '73 1-92-ti tovii:Soor4itendei0, Town of tisto*el . 1THE iiiiUSSELE iliOST, OCTOBE R 31, 117 -11