HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-10-31, Page 4I 1 C. News of Huronview, Volunteers from the Clinton. Christian Reform Church usisteci with Monday afternoon's activities, Marie Flynn. of Clinton along with Mary Taylor Norman. Speir and Jerry Collins 11,rovided the old tyme music for the occasion, with a 'special number for those having birthday 4 during the week. Eight tables of euchre and crokinole were played at the. Wednesday afternoon games. The goderieh Psychiatric Hospital Rhythm Band enter- tained`ort Family Night. The Band arranged and directed by Gordon Harrison with Shorty Munro as M.C. provided a variety of musical numbers. There were mouth organ , solos, vocal duets and solos, the Charleston and merimba solo. The group sang (gloppy Birthday" for Mrs. Irwin who was celebrating her 92nd birthday on Thursday. The Clinton.Horticultural Society donated several bouquets of flowers which were given to residents for special occasions. Huron MPP advances bill to aid school bus safety Jack Riddell, Liberal MPP are taken to ensure their safety. other safety features f for Huron, spoke in the Legis- The safety of our children can-, interior of schoolbuses lature last week on behalf of not be over emphasized. surely consider the inside of a his own Bill designed to im- there could be no more precious bus. Where the law r prove the safety of those cargo than Ontario's students." that private automobile students who travel by school- Mr, Riddell's Bill would bring be equipped with pr bus.' about action in two areas: the padded seatbacks,the set Mr. Riddell emphasized the schoolbus driver, and the school- •is equipped with a rigid s responsibility of the Ontario bus itself. an aspiring school- that runs across the back Government to ensure the bus driver would have to not only seatback at just the righ students' safety. "Largely due, pass the present test, for school- to mutilate the face and, to the centralization of our school bus drivers but also have clean a child thrown forward by system and of country school driving and police records and den stop or collision. T boards, well over half a mil- take compulsory courses in de- also requires that privet lion of Ontario's school child- fepsive driving, highway safety mobiles be equipped wit ren do travel by school bus, and emergency first aid. A belts. While seatbelts To my mind, students who ' schoolbus driver's licence would probably not appropriate schoolbus deserve need to be renewed every year schoolbuses, . paddec t special rave l by yttention from the and the driver would be retes- rests could be provided Government. These young ted before renewal was granted. sure that the child is res peopis are really involun- speaking on the design and within the passenger area tary passengers: they need to go, construction .of schoolbuses, Mr. feature should be combine to school and the schoolbus is Riddell called for all school- automobile dash-type pad the only means by which they can buses used in Ontario to conform the passenger area and of get there. Since they are involun- to the standards established bybacks. The passenger tary passengers, the Govern- the Canadian Standards Associa.- , thereby be held in the pas ment has a special responsibility time. Furthermore, mr.Riddell seating area and, the pas, to ensure that all possible steps called for increased padding and Seating area will b ' padded:" " Mr. Riddell conclud calling on the Legislature its responsibility and act prove the safety of those st who travel by schoolbus, District Deputy Grand Master Grand-Allan Griffith; Color is , a crying need for acti Alex Meikle of Exeter and his Bearer-John McCutcheon; War- improve the safety of our s staff officiated at the recent in- den-Merle Freeman; Condictor- buses. We as Legislator stallation of the new officers of Allan McCall; Chaplain-Walter an unshakeable responsib Western Star Lodge Kerr; Musician-Alf. Nichol; Out- take steps to satisfy that #149, Brussels. side Guardian-Clarence Pegelow There can be no more im Guests were present from Inside Guardian-Ross . Nichol; task to come before this I Brucefield, Hensel', Exeter, Sea- Right Scene SupportereBill Ste- lature than to protect the forth, Monkton, Atwood, Us- phenson; Left Scene Supporter- of our children. I feel co towel and Wingham, Bill Moses. that this House will fac Officers installed were: The men of the host lodge responsibility and legislat Noble Grapd-Melvin McCut- served lunch. cheon; Vice Grand-Robert Fra- ser; Recording Secretary-Dave 'Illeoeireeempoeoposioomoipoois000mmee McCutcheon; Financial Secre- '• ta.ry-Robert Richmond; Tree- • surer-Jack McCutcheon; Junior • Past Grand-Lorne. Dale; Right • • T F D ARKE Supporter of Noble Grand-Rae • • Crawford; Left Supporter of Nob- • le Grand-Bill Wheeler; Right • Phone 8874339 • We Deliv Supporter of Vice Grand-Ray Ad- • ams; Left Supporter of Vice • •• • SPECIAL : Archway assorted • • COOKIES 3 pkgs. $1 0 Soil tests are base for best farm returns During the Week October 22 Liam N. Sande of Toronto and to October 28, 1973, investiga- Leonard R, Baird. of R.R. tions carried out by the O.P.P. Winghatn, were involved in a. tole of Winghein Detachment lialion on Concession 12, west of Three investigations with Sideroad' 25-26, Turnberry hree persons ohstged under the Township. NO one was injured JO& Control Act; eight char- and damages were estimated at ;ea laid with nine persOnS ware 1000.00. ted under the highway Traffic $ On Saturday, October 27, Gat- acta TWetityetWO'Othet itiVeatigae net Farrier of R.R. 3, wingham, Ions withfivepersons charged Irene Mo Gilmore of Rola.' 3, :bider the Criminal Code. Lucknow and John A. Johnston Of On October 24,' Dorothy A, Ancaster, were mewed in a .,evils of R,R. 1,. Wirighaiti was threeeCat eelliaiett on Highway njured as a result of a Slngl:e 86* west of the Maitland River tar accident on Sideroad 20410 Bridge, TnttibetrY: TO %Vila hip, No south of Concession 8,9.0 one was injured arid total darnagee Jetty TOWnehip when the eat were estimated at $1400.00. She was driving left the east sid e Charges are pending: of the road and hit a tree.- On Sunday, October 28, Den- :es to the' vehicle were esti- his J. Itraetner cif R.R. 3, List= Mated at 0206.00. owel) Arita fence post on day tOkke of Cliffordi *at BighWay 86, west of the junction involved in a single Car ateidenta Of old Highway 86. Damages to on Highway 87y west of the Wele his eeeleie were estimated at tifigtOn4lUith, dainty' Line in -$860-A0+ which a dattleheaat owned by David biekert, was struck. bathe age to the B.okke vehicle was estimated at $360.00, On Odtiaber 28, Klaus Seeger of R 3, Auhurtiviae travelling: on highway 81 when he struck: and killed a dogi causing $166,, &Mtge to hia vehicle, On Situ-Hay, October Ali, Wit, ,‘,111E BRUSSELS POST; bettitlEit Install new officers at Western Star Lodge News of Ethel MORE FOR YOUR. MONEY An Interest? ' Counselor to wife: i'iTalte an letereat, your hitsbeild'S hob. bies. Hire a private detedtiVe." Speedl • My Uncle Pat says' his pal Mike, took One of those speed reading Cetiesee. Now he seldoin' ends up in the Wrong. restroom. oCITY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY 95 YONGE ST., TORONTO • TELEPHONE 416 864-1090 CONTACT YOUR LOCAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR MRF ANADA DE Pnc0" ilY,LIPANCE 'Pr' -)PA, rti PERCENT INTEREST ON GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES TRUST A field can 'only produce so fertilizer practices are found in much. Right? wrong! one ' field, samples from both A good fertilizer program sections should be taken to pro- based on an ep-to-date soil test vide an accurate picture of can give you the best returns - fertility. Normally, small areas at least cost, according to which are abnormal are disre- Professor Ted Heeg, of the garded, but if they are large Ontario Agricultural College's enough they should be sampled land Resource Science Depart- separately. If these areas, cause ment. Taking soil samples is continuing problems, soil tests becoming more and more neces- will help in correcting the sary because of the increase in trouble. fertilizer and other farm costs. Soil samples can be taken If you are one of many who with either a, core sampler or missed sampling because of the a spade, the latter used most wet fall a year ago, make an often in hard, dry or rocky soil. extra effort to take samples this When taking a core, the tube is year. , inserted about 6 inches and with- Professor Heeg, who heads drawn. With a spade, take a the Soil Testing Laboratory at slice of soil about 6 inches deep the University of Guelph, says and an inch thick from the side that while a good fertilization of a hole, then trim the slice program does not guarantee in- to form a core about an inch creases , because of weather or square. whichever method is other matters out of our control, used, the sampling should be a soil test will provide a producer repeated at least 20 times in a with accurate analyses of his 10-acre field, proportionately farm's fertility. Two weeks higher in larger fields. after samples arrive at the test- The soil from one field should ing laboratory, reports are sent be well mixed in a clean pail or to the Ontario Ministry of basket. Never use a fertilizer Agriculture and Food extension bag, cautions Professor Heeg, specialist, who will provide . because slight traces of chemi- assistance in choosing the cor- cals could throw off the analysis. rect fertilizers. ' - Fill the waxed paper bag in the Soil samples can be taken sample box with mixed soil and whenever convenient. For spring complete the form g‘Information Correspondent crops, most farmers prefer fall Mrs.Chester Earl on Soil Samples" for each a sampling. Farmers who have sample. : vsed the testing service since To send one or two samples, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stephen- Rhodes Frozen 1968 automatically receive place the information sheets in son returned home Saturday after , : WHITE BREAD 2 1 lb.loaves spending a week at Hamilton. sample boxes and information one box and tie the boxes to- • Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDonald * sheets. These can also . be gether. For more tha n two, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Morse • obtained from any county agri- pack the sample boxes in a FREE DELIVERY LiStowel on Sunday and attended • cultural office or the Department sturdy box, with the informht-• UM-of Land Resource Science, UM- ion forms on top. Samples should Calvary United Church- Anniver- 15•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• versity of Guelph. be' mailed or expressed prepaid sa.ry, when Rev. Stanley McDon- . aid was guest minister. It is important that the soil to the Department of Soil mix is representative of the field Science, University of Guelph, . A Hall Board meeting took in ' question. Where obviously Guelph, Ontario., place at the community centre different soil types or differing on Tuesday night. It was decided 'to start the euchres on November 12 for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Edwards OPP reports on investigations Senday with Mr. and Mrs. Seth and family of Belgrave visited Pride; Misses Sally and Susan Hall and Pam Watson of Owen Sound Visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall: Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mason and baby of Orangeville visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scheerer. Mr. and Mrs. Wee. Hampson, of Woodstoek visited Sunday with Mr.. and MrS; Stan Ale,tander. ViSiters With , Mr. and Mrs. A. Bremner on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Hewitt of Listowei arid Mr. and Mrs. Jim • Cooper.