HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-10-24, Page 10s' •r 11, 1 :I1 lulu 5.
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People we know
Weekend visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wheeler
were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Case
and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Carm
Whaley and girls of Streetsville;
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dale and fam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dale
and family of Seaforth; Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Dale and family of
Stratford; Mrs. Dennis Boyd and
girls of Mitchell; Mrs. BobStan-
ley and girls of St. Williams and
Mr. and IVIrs. Lorne Dale of
Mr. Elmer Collis has been
transferred to the University
Hospital, London.
George Bone is a patient in
Winghani and District Hospital,
Mrs, G. Chidlow returned last
week from a visit with Hespeler
friends and with Mr. and Mrs.
Harper Wood of Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tooth and
Gregory of Toronto spent the
weekend with the latter's parents
Mr. and Mrs, 4. Edwin,Martin.
returned home with
them after Visiting two, weeks
with her grandparents.
Jack Ritchie, who was a pa-
tient in Wingham and District
Hospital, came home Saturday.
Mrs. Reg Roiph from Ronford,
England, visited a few days with.
Jim and Mrs. Smith,
Mr. and MTS. Carrnar
Donna, Brenda, Joan, Bru
Daren of the Minton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert The
Dianne, Steven and Twyla
of Dublin were Sunday v
at the home of Mr. and
George Thornton.
Ontario's Urban Transportation Program:
A choice for everyone.
Something very frightening can happen to
cities when they grow up.
They can get out of hand and almost over-
power the very people that giVe them life.
The worst offenders are often transpOrt-
ation systems.
Cars and trucks can become menaces. •
highways and roads—fuming bottlenecks. Subways
can jam and buses simply refuse to handle an
ever-increasing load. '
Local communities have been doing their
best to keep ahead of the problems. 13ut n ew help
is available for now and lor the future.
People come first.
People really do come first.
That's why,the Government or Ontario is
encouraging an urban transportation system that
will serve Ontario people the way they should
he served—efficiently, comftfrtabiy.
inexpensively: and with the least possible
disruption of natural surroundings.
The Ministry of Transportation and
Communications lilts instituted GO A NEW
WAY. an urban transportation program to develop
modern transit systems in our towns anaeities and
to support them financially.
New transit vehicles.
Comfortable vehicles and convenient
racilitics make'public transit attractive. So the
government is paying 75'; of the Cost of
municipal buses. streetcars. trolley buses
and related facilities.
Go Urban.
A new. exciting inter-
mediate-capacity transit
system is being developed•
for large urban niunici
palities:The system will he
fully automated. quiet and
emission-free. Ifis much less
costly than subwaVs or express-
ways. may use existing
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rights-of-way. and its elevated guideways cause
little interference with regular pedestrian or
vehicle traffic.
Cities will he subsidized to the extent of
7.5`; in applying the GO URBAN systeni to their
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Staggered hours.
Another way to reduce peak-load conges-
tion is to stagger working hours and alter daily and
weekly traffic patterns. I f' passenger demands can
be spread over longer periods, people can he
moved more quickly, Feasibility •
studies will be subsidized
up-to 75'; .
The government is
implementing. a staggered
working hour program for
its own employees and
hopes others will benefit from
its findings;
controlled traffic
In Metro Toronto, a computer -
controlled traffic system has
proved that a substantial
increase in road capacity
can be Achieved whit'
•Cornputers.The saving
in road construction
costs is many tinies . .......
the cost of the necessary computer
So 50'i„ of the equipment
necessary for implementing
or expanding Computer
systerns in urban areas
and fbe inStallini4 traffic
control devices is being
underwritten by the
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Efficient road policies.
Communities can increase road capacity
with areater use of one-wity,streets. restricted deliv-,
cry hours and modern parking policies. Municipal
studies on these. subjects are supported linaneittlIV.
is vital,
Normal transit routes often carry our
people across municipal boundaries.00-operation
and co-ordination in inter-community transit ,
planning. therelOre, are beconling more and more
Your government has intensified the eflOrts
and resources devoted to the co-ordination-Or
GO Dial a Bus.
Dial A Bus is a form of
public transportation that has
been pioneered in Ontario.
It does not operate on fixed
routes with predetermined
stops. Instead.
it operates rrom
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fixed point. such as a mainline transit station.
into it limited area. usually residential, Passengers
are not required to board arid leave'the
Dial A Bus at bus stops: the bus conies right to
their homes When requested, to do so. •
Bus is how'operatintz, in Pickerina
StratfOrd. Kingston. Ottawa and Bramalea and will
he operating soon in north Metro Toronto.
GO A.NEW WAY puts people
first. all the way, And people
have to he. involved to
make it Work.
Resources. research
and finances are
available to help urban
municipalities in •
Ontario build trans
portation systems that .
will surpass anything
else in existence today.
And prove that
cities really are rot
- • .
Urban irailspoi•ialion will be one of
the most significant challenges facing
us all for rears' to come.
Thai's Why the Government of
Ontario developed GO A NEW WA Y
a modern transportation prOgPain
for the needy of Ontario communities.
The benefits of this program
are available to any municipality in
Ontario wishing to participate.
4114441 PlNI UPAV
Ontario's new 'Urban' .71yinsportation
Ministy qf Vanspbetati611 and 'Comma. niccitiottt
tfnii.Wilfi,uit" C, onyis..Vroiikt tlotdoit Cliftoit M ii*kt A,T;C„, M'eNfift"be.puty Minister
16-Trig .littattlt Post .:Oditt4Eitik 1973