HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-10-17, Page 12Wihterize your money now Now is the time to put your money in a safe, cozy place for the Wing where It cant be lost or stolen or risked. Winteri your money in a Guaranteed Ilnyestment Certificate paying high, high interest and available to you today Victoria ,and Grey, You'll get great comfoN in' watching it grow you a lot more money by Spring: Menper Canada. Deposit insurance Corporation • Behind Walkathon women regi track of s. were among the scenes at the Walton on Saturday morning,thest, stered walkers and kept ponsors a.nd pledges .Th e y the many workers and organizers of the Wal kath'on , to pro- vide funds for improving the Walton Park. From left are Lin Steffler, Kathy Achilles , Maxine Marks , with Blaine Marks, g and Mildred Traviss. Report from Queens Park By 'Murray Gaunt,, M.P.P. P-- PASTA. Pasta is an all-inclusiye word including spaghetti, macaroni and noodles, along with many others. The products are simitar, but the shape is different. McCutcheon Grocery GREY VG rRUST COMPANY SINCE le C.I. Stief, Branch Manage: Listowel r••••••••••••••~#4•4~#~••••••••••••••••••••4 Phone 887-9445 • All-Purpose Grind. CHASE & SANBORN 24-07. PALMOLIVE LIQUID White or Pink GRAPEFRUIT • • • - Weston's — Reg. 49c DINNER ROLLS We Deliver 6 f or 69i --- doz. 39 NO • lb. 99 691 _..411111111p, • 4001111111..._ Stephenson's Bakery Grocery AYLMER CATSUP' • • • •: 25-oz. 59( ROSEDALE PEAS, 19-oz. • • • 2 for 49( Campbell's TOMATO SOUP, 10-oz. • • • • 5 for 75f SUNLIGHT DETERGENT 24-oz. 49( Bake shop section, ONLY, dosed for one week effective October 20th Free delivery 88792.2 BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH 97th ANNIVERS4RY1ERVICES Sunday, Ottobq 2101 1973 At OA. am: and 7:30 The .R61. Allan Johnston. Of Rithard's 1Vlertiorial IJit ted Mirth, Lott. don -i• will be the guest soaker at both services: &illusion is .a former Minister of this Chureh;. ,and s&vot the Itrussds. • 'Parish from 196 to 1968,. SPECIAL MUSIC will 46 Drovi&d by our own C110140, as well As, by 'GUEST SINOEItS .W• and Mrsih.M, Came bell A .-speoial invitation is -Otthtid8d to fail, Colrif and rWan ship„ Coma ,and bring a. friend. The Legislature is now infull, swing once again. The big news this week was the tabling. of the Hydro report. The Committee begans its invest- igation in May and it stretched over 50 days, involved 2.4 mil- lion words of evidence and ,was one of the most thorough invest- igations ever at Queen's Park. The Committee dealt harshly with Ontario Hydro officials and the procedures used in giving developer Gerhard Moog the con- tract to build Hydr J's $44 mil- lion head office.. The report said Chairman George Gathercole and other 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING' TWP, OF GREY Tenders will be received by the , undersigned until 12 Noon Monday NOVEMBER 5, 1973 For 1973-74 snoWploWing season in the Township of Grey. Tender to. be by the hour. State make and size of equipment to be used. Minimum to be 9 ft. plow with 12 ft. wing. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • Ross Engel. Road Superintendent Brussels, Ont. 2144-2 22. Legal Notices members of the Hydro Commis- sion were guilty of t‘an abdiction of their responsibilities." It went on to say that they had failed to guarantee that the public int- erest was being protected in the deal which could net Moog, a close friend of Premier Davis, a pro-' fit of $17.5 million over 30 years. The report also found no evi- dence that Premier Davis as- sisted Moog in obtaining the Hy- dro Contract. It said, however that Hydro Officials were aware of the friendship between Moog and the Premier more than a year before the contract was signed. The Committee felt this known 24. Card of Thanks The officers and directors of the Beigrave , Blyth, Brussels School Fair Board wish to thank the following for making the 1973 fair a Success. The Huron County Board of Education ; Huron County Council; Huron County Library ",'card; Village of Brussels; Vil- lage of Blyth; Township,of East Wawanosh; Township of Morris; the T. EatonCo., the advertiserS, thOse who gave donations and all those who helped in any way. 24-94-1 My Sincere thanks IS expressed to my many friends and rela.tiveS for• the cards, visits and treats received recently during my Stay in Victoria Hospital and since coming home. Special thank8 to our friends who So kindly trans- ported my wife to the hospital on different occasions. - D.AoRann. 24.94-1 ------ My Sincere thanks to all those who relneinbered me with cards, treats and VisitS while a patient in ListoWel Memorial Hospital. and Since conning borne, Your thoughtfulness was appreciated. Janis` Van Vliet. 24=94x1 25. In Memoriam JACXLIN memory of a good friend Andrew Jaoklin whOpaSSed away October 19th, 1966, Tithe goes Oh With many changes,' Joys and 8-OfroW5, smiles and tears, But your inertidrY IS eVer Cher , IShed i kith the passing years.. = Ever r d by a friend, Chris phillipson, . -04-1 friendship did influen3e the let- ting of the Contract according to the report which states "It is the view of this Committee that it may have been one of the fac= tors which weighed upon Hydro, although it must be stated, that in the view of some members it was a factor." The report indicated C om rri it- tee Members-felt H ydro may have been able to bargain Moog down to a lower rental payment for the building. MOog originally indicated that he would accept responsibility for sub letting 200,006 square, feet of office area, Hydro mately assumed the -responsibi- lity for the whole of, the office Space. The definition of cost of the building was key. It will govern 'the amount up to $45 million which Canada Square can borrOw to finance the project and affect any possible rent rebates to Hy dro, available if the building cost lesS than $34 a square foot. Mr.Moog was allowed to in= sert elenients into costs Which Hydro had never contemplated then switched to the term leap ,- praised value," a definition Which plagued the Committee in its hearings because it was never clearly defined. The COMiniSsioners were ad= vised that M. Moog was. reneg- ing and allowed him to chi so. Hydro thereby lost not: 'only benefits of the earlieragteeMent but, also exposed itself to the possibility of Moog raising $45 million against the security of the building without abatement of rental to HYdre. The Committee also found that the answers to Liberal Lea, der Nixon's 'itinestiOnS In the Le- .gislatilrer Were in part isignift catty misleading." , the report also found that John Cronyn ' LOndOti business titian and the Chairman o the diOVerniterit Reorganization: Cennitiittee, was the 'person who phoned Donald Smith, president Of t1liS,61JOti but ; that no' threat Was in fact IsSiied,t In summary the derninittee found that there was 116 taupe- talon and, that 'Canada giclute waS, the only ,detilpetty given Set= IOUs consideration by lisidro: The Legislature hagbeen ing oti§itiotatioh to the estimates of the ministty of the EriVireti=, Ifiefit v Natural ReSoilreek and Social arid Community Services., ReilleMbell. It 'takeS:-bilt itrrsizriieet to 'Plate an Expositor want Ad and be rittilleY ',in Odket0, o AdVertisei jiist bial,Seafoith - is Classified Ads In The ESTATE OF URBAN i)TICHARIVIE late of the Town-. ship of Grey, in the COUnty of litiron, Penner. Ail persons claiming against the above Estate are reqUired to forward full partitulatS their clairris to the Under= Sighed Ori or before the 31st day of October ; 1918, after which date the assets Will be diStributed, DONNELLY.gi MURPHY 18 The Square proderieli; Ontario, . Solicitors for the Estate, 23=93-3 A host dlaSeified will Day you dividends: have you_ tried .61161' Dial ,BrUSSeiS 867,0414- 124HE: BRUSSEL§ Patti Oet6BEit 11i.103