HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-10-10, Page 9OCTOBER 14 Miss Hester Dugan WILL SPEAK AT Westfield Fellowship Hour 2 p.m. AND Huron Men's Chapel Auburn - 8 p.m. SPECIAL MUSIC "Evil Prevails when good men do nothing" ,Nov. 19/20 — THE DAY THE FISH CAME OUT — Tom Courtney-Candice Bergen TWILIGHT MON&TUES THEATRE 6:3o-8:00pm Oct. 15/16 Oct. 22/23 Oct. 29/30 Nov. 5/ 6 Nov. 12/13 — THE TRAIN — Burt Lancaster-Jeanne Moreau — JUDITI+— Sophia Loren-Peter Finch — NAKED RUNNER ,-- Frank Sinatra-Toby Robbins — VALLEY OF THE DOLLS — Barbara Parkins-Sharon Tate — WHO WAS THAT, L,py Tony Curtis-Dean Martin — Drama — Color Drama — Color Drama — Color Drama Comedy — Color Comedy — SHE WAITS — Dorothy McGuire-Patty Duke — THE PEOPLE — Kim Darby-William Shatner — THIEF —Richard Crenna-Angie Dickinson — REVENGE — Shelley Winters-Bradford Dillman — SANDCASTLES — Herschel Bernardi-Mariette Hartley — 'FOOTSTEPS— Richard Crenna-Joanna Pettet — Color Comedy — Color Suspense — Color Comedy, — Color Comedy — Color Suspense - Drama. — Comedy — Color Suspense — Color Drama — Color Drama - Color Suspense - Color Drama — Color Drama THURSDAY NIGHT AT .THE MOVIES THURSDAY woo-11:00pm Oct. 18 — MATCHLESS — Patrick O'Neal-Donald Pleasence Oct. 25 — SAM WHISKEY — BUrt Reynolds-Angie Dickinson Nov. 1 — WHERE' ANGELS GO, TROUBLE FOLLOWS — R.Russell,S.Stevens Nov. 8 — CACTUS FLOWER — Walter Matthau-Goldie. Hawn Nov. 15 — HAMMERHEAD — Vince Edwards-Judy Geeson Nov.-22 — MORGAN — Vanessa Redgrave-David Warner Oct. 20 Oct 27 Nov.-3 Nov: 10 i‘lov. 17 Nov. 24 SUPPER SHOW SATURDAY6:oo-r3opm S. I Tuesda _4 0 ndon. been pop had been iii was one of DuntrY music K. He Was Leh Boys for 3 years alSO le H Ranch, any years on z and 131 ded by w ;berny, w te. I an :E ) :WART ER 121 Lmunit ing lunch )Icome mow \ E 13 ihows 1 at tAM 12-13 ON nage Bruisels bowling scores Ladies' High Singles; +Dolores Wheeler, 248; Lynne Havehlani 204; Marlene_Rutledge 201. Ladies' High Triple. Dolores Wheeler, 612. Menit s High „Single: Howie Baker, 252; Ray Adams 251; Brian Rutlege, 249. Men's High Triple: Brian Rutledge, 691. Notice to Junior Hockey Players The Wingham Junior 'V hockey team,will hold —their first try-out for 1973-74 season in the WinghaniArena, October 12th Starting at 8:00 p.m. Players who are interested in try-out for the team are asked to bring their own equipment and stick. If you make the team, the team will supply you with pants, helmut, gloves, sweater, socks and also players frOm out of Wingham will be paid mileage. If anything unforseen should arise to cancel' the first prac- tice on the above date, it will be changed on CKNX radio and TV on October 11. ead the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! fiat choice television irrioviet (CLIP FOR EASY REFERENCE) THE BRUSSELS POST, OCTOBEit 1o, 1973-11. CI(1`.1X TELEVISION your first GET INVOLVED! BECOME A RED .CROSS. VOLUNTEER °ice Public school news Soccer at. Brussels School is rapidly drawing to a close, with the boys having finished the regular schedule and the girls with only a few remaining games. FINAL STANDINGS Boys Soccer: Rebels 12 points; Stampe- ders 10 points; Bruisers, 8 points; Fire Birds, 6 points. Girls Soccer; Ho t Dogs, 12 points; Go- phers, 9 points; Moon Doggies, 9 points; Turkeys, 4 points; Water Lilies, 2 points. Students and Staff of Brus- sels ,‘ School are co ratulated for their excellent showing at the Brussels Fair A this year. A special display, wp Mr.P rior's caption "Love that Art'', was of particular interest this year. All grades submitted articles for the display and some of the grade eight girls looked after the arrangement. COUNCILS MEET Resolutions passed at the October meeting of Grey Council included; - That. Cranbrook Cemetery Board be given a grant of $225.00. - That Roy Williamson be appo4ted representative to the. Farm Safety Council. - That the Road Superin- tendent be instructed to advertise for tenders for snowplowing for the 1973-74 season. Tenders to state size and make of equipment, minimum to be 9 ft. plow with, 12 ft. wing, and price per hour. - That Rating By-Law No. 15 of 1973 under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971 be passed as read a first, second and third times. - That By-Law No. 16 of 1973 to licence regulate and govern Food Premises , and for revoking any such licence be finally passed. Accounts paid: General - $4,735.67 and Roads and Bridges- $1,924.33 for a total of $6,660.00. Morris Township council met October 1 with Reeve Wm. El- ston presiding. Motions approved included: That the request re licencing food premises be tabled. That Ross Smith be appointed as representative to Huron County Safety Council. That Ross Smith look after repairs to Mustard Drain. • That we request a supplemen- tary allocation of subsidy moneys in amount of $4800. That statement of proposed expenditures for public trans- portation improvements in a- mount of $8000 for subsidy allo- cation of $4800. be adopted. There were eight snow plow Huether and Max Demaray were tend‘rs received. That tenders of George Rad- ford Construction Ltd. with a grader at $14.50 per hour and $10.00 per day standby time when not working and Ross Nichols6n with a truck at $11.00 per hour and $10.00 per day standby time when not working to, plow snow In winter of 1973-74 be accepted subject to approval of the Dist=-.. rict Municipal Edgineer. Frank McCutcheon; Brian present requesting a grant of $700 for Minor Sports in Brum- selslccounts paid included: Roads $1272.91, and General $4175433, for a total of $5448.24.