HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-10-03, Page 16News of .Wcsittih.
Duff's Church has special .Sunday School service
• ,Mrs: Mae Engel
Mrs. Japk Knight was hostess
for the September meeting of the
Evening Auxiliary of the W.M.S.
Mrs. Gordon Engel led and gave
the "Ci1 to Worship" from the
Book o Praise. Mrs. Melvin
Beekerr meditation was based on
the neg o spiritual, "He's got the
whole world in His hands".
Scrie readings from the
psalm, and 11 COrinthians were
used and Mrs. Becker led in
prayers The hymn "God of Mer-
ey,.God of Grace" was followed
by the secretary' S report by Mrs.
Leslie Knight and treasurer's re-
port by Mrs. Jack Knight. Mem-
bers were reminded of the Fall
Conference of the Stratford Pres-
bytery in Listowel on October 16.
The planning committee for this
meeting is Listowel and Oran-
brook. Mrs. Becker gave her
topic on "The Lost Sheep.''Cios-
ing hymn was "Saviour like a
shepherd lead us" and the Miz-
pah Benediction. Mrs. Jack Con-
ley was in charge of lunch.
The anniversaty service Will
be held in Knox Church on Sun-
day morning, October 21st at
discussion on the objectives of ti,
record book and handed out the
pamphlets and sheets to the mem-
bers., Mrs. Harold Bolger then
read "Early Canada" and the
members filled out the handout
sheets. Mrs. Achilles discussed
the home assignment for this
Mrs. Achilles deMonstrated
"Blueberry Buckle" and Mrs.
Bolger did 'Raspberry Vinegar,'
These were sampled for lunch
and both were found to be quite
The second meeting was held
the following Monday evening at
the home of Mrs. Harold Bolger.
The roll call "Name a Canadian
food used by early settlers" was
answered by nine members. The
secretary's report was read by
Joan Bennett.
Mrs, Don Achilles discussed
the "Food Guide for Health".
Mrs. Harold Bolger then read,
"Heritage from New F ranee" and_
the members filled out the hand-
out sheets: The home assign-
ment was discussed by Mrs. A-
In the group work, Mrs. Bol-
ger lead a quiz on measurements
and all the members took part
answering. Susan Humphries and
Anne Watson demonstrated Baked
Beans and Parisan Parfait.
The third meeting of Walton 1
"Nifty Nibblers" was opened by
the President Anne Watson. The
-roll call "Name a recipe or food
characteristic of England, Scot-
land, Ireland or Wales" was an-
swered by 7 members. The sec-
retary's report was read byJoan
Bennett for Kim Humphries.
Mrs. Harold Bolger read'
"The British Tradition" and the
members filled out the handout
sheets. Mrs. Don Achilles dis-
o'clock. The guest minister will
be the Rev. Dennis Clark of At-
The sixth meeting of the Cran-
,brook Cooking Clan was held at
the home ,of Mrs. Clare Veitch
on Saturday when me;n5ers-dis-
cussed varieties of breads and
cheese, Mrs. Veitch discussed
Northern Europe and Nancy
Knight, the Da.nish SmorrebrOd.
Rhubarb soup was made by Lynn
Cameron and Bonita VanVeen,
Ablekage (apple cake) was made
by Karen Dilworth andJoanHart.
Members took part in planning a.
skit for achievement day.
Work has commenced on
Glenn Huether's new house which
is located on the lot north of the
t Commtinity, Centre. ,
Congratulations to Mr. arid
Mrs. Oscar Huelm, Conestoga,
who celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary the past week. Mrs.
Huehn is the former Iena'Steiss
and MrS,. Calvin Cameron and
Miss Ernylene Steiss attended
the celebration.
Mr. and Mrs„' Andtew Ions-
ton and Miss Frances Houston,
Egmohdville, and Mrs.; John
BrUce, Seaforth, visited Mrs.
Mac Engel on Saturday.
cussed the home assignment, Ev-
eryone in group work helped
make "English Trifle" with,
strawberries. Bev. Stevenson
and Mary Searle demonstrated
"Welsh Rabbit" and Apple Dump-
The second meeting' of Walton
11 4-H Club "Giggling Gourmets"
was held at the home of the
leader, Mrs. Don McDonald.
The President, June William-
son opened the meeting and the
roll call was answered with all
girls except Janis and Debbie
Van ,Vliet.
mrs. Jerry. Ryan distributed
handout• sheets. Francis Blake
demonstrated "Grand-peres"
assisted by Mrs. Ryan. Other
members Patty . McDonald, Y-
vonne Blake, and June William-
Son were treated to the dish.
The Lost and Found girls are
holding their meetings on Tues-
day evenings. The meeting stare
ted with .initiation, prodeced by
Mary Alice Ryan and Ruth Tha-
mer. Those initiated were Jayne
Baker, Nancy Bennett, Carrie
Habkirk, Nancy Kunder, Irene
Martin, Karen Munro and Joan
Officers elected are; Presi• -
dent, Jayne Baker; Vice-Presi-
dent, .Ruth Thamer, Secretary,
Janis Van Vliet, Treasurer, Nan-
cy Kunder, Press Reporter, Car-
olyn McClure;—
For crafts, members did De
Coupage and signs for the Fowl
Supper. Entertainment was'
brought by Nancy Kunder and
Jayne Baker.
Personals `,
Recent visitors with Mrs. Ray
Huether were: Mrs. Harry Ba-
ker, Mrs. Grace Chapman, Mrs.
Bill Talbot, Kim and Kelly Tal-
bot and Mrs. Watson Webster.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Smith on the arrival
of their son last Thursday.
Wants What
You Don't Need!
Cal 1Ss2f 2e1
Want Ads
A speeial combined World
Wide Communion and Thanksgi-
ving Service will be held next
Sunday at. Duff's United Church
when the Sacrament of the Lcird's
Supper will be observed.
We are glad to report Mrs.
Tom Hackwell has returned home
from the Seaforth Community
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. PegelOW
of Brussels were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall.
The community expresses
sympathy to Mrs. Martin Baan
on the death of her father. Mrs.
Baan has been in Holland the past
few weeks.
Visitors on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. James McDonald were
Mr. Ed Krauter, Karen Staindl,
Dr. Heinz Purchmayl, Mr. and
Mrs. William Brennan, and fam-
ily Eric, Tod, William and Al-.
bert, ,all of New York, and Mr.
and Mrs. Russel Krauter of At-
wood. Mr. E. Krauter enter-
tained the McDonald families to
Heinz —
Green Chant — 19-oz.
Phillip's — 40-60-100 Watt
Puritan — 24-oz.
a dinner at Twin Gables,
towel on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Re
left Thursday by air to visit
daughter in Australia..
Miss Sandra Watson R.
St. Joseph's Hospital spent
Wednesday at, the home of
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. G
Watson and family.
Among those attending th
ron County' Women's Ins
Rally at the Centralia Agr
tural College on Mondayfron
Walton Institute were: Mrs.
Humphries, Mrs. Keith
Mrs. Harold Bolger, Mrs.
Stevens, Mrs. Ray Huether,
Herb Traviss, Mrs. George
Call, Mrs. Earl Watson and
Allan McCall.
The Juvenile Ball T
played on Saturday with Ros
in. Allanford in a very tight b
in the playoffs for the g
championship. David Wa
had the only home run for
Walton boys.
13-oz. 35,
2 for 59„
MI'S. Allan McCall
Sunday School Promotion and,
Awards took place at the morn-
ing service at Duff's Church.
Janis Van Vliet read the scrip-
ture from Exodus, t he story of
a girl who cared for her brother.
pam Hackwell also took part
reading a scripture from St.
Matthew - a labor dispute. The
offering was received by Doug
Mitchell, Jeff Hackwell and Ron
Smith and dedicated by Rev. D.
The Sunday School children
and their teachers occupied the
front seats and sang during the
service, "Jesus Loves Me This
I Know" and "Wise Men Bring
Their Learning", assisted on the
piano with Mrs. Ray Huether.
Mr. Docken took as his ser-'
mon, "From a Child'S Toy Box."
Mrs. I. Wilbee played the organ
for the singing of the children's
4-H clubs
The first meeting of Walton
1 4-H Club was held at the home
of Mrs. Don Achilles for the
new fall project "A World of
Food in Canada."
The. roll call was answered
by all members who include:
Joan Bennett, Susan Humphries,
Kim Humphries, Mary Searle,
Margaret Shortreed, Bev. Ste-
venson, Ruth Tharner, Anne Wat-
son and Mary Watson. The lea-
ders are Mrs. Don Achilles and
.Mrs. Harold Bolger.
Officers elected are: Anne
Watson as President, Susan Hum-
phries as Vice-President with
secretary and press reporter
Mrs. Don Achilles led the
News of Cranbrook
"lost Sheep" is WMS topic
The Village of Brussels
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