The Brussels Post, 1973-10-03, Page 7t
V'oti think: you got tratbieri,
I know a fellow`' *Nei been going
to 0. piiyelitatitiei for fit* yearta
.Inet found out the psychiatristie
area grant
Huron Bruce MPP Murray"
Gaunt and' Hon. Leo Bernier,
Minister of Natural Resources,
have announced approval of a
provincial grant of $24,000.00
to the Maitland valley conser-
vation Authority for the Falls
Reserve Conservation Area.
The area comprises some
229 acres of land in Colborne
The Authority proposes to
carry out further development
work in this Conservation Area
which will include extension of
the workshop building, construc-
tion of a permanent gatehouse,
extension of hydro , services in
the camping area, improvement
of the campground service build-
ing, development of a toboggan
and ski slope,' games area and
completion of, the nature trails.
The original Master Plan for the
Area will be updated and other
general development work car-
:led out.
All member municipalities
will bear the Authority's share
of the cost,
Every week more ,.and .more
people discover what mighty jobs
are accomplished by low cost
Post Want Ads. Dial Brussels
887-6641. .
Central PresbyterianChurch, TorontO-was the' m atron of honour
"Cambridge- (Galt), Ontarie was . and the bridesmaids were Miss
the setting for the marriage of Barbara , Broomfield of Cam-
Ann Elizabeth Hedges of Toronto, bridge (Galt) , cousin of the bride,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John and 'Miss Dianne Quinn of
.Hedges of Cambridge- (Galt) and Toronto. They wore full-length
Gerald Keith. Bone of Scar- gowns styled with scooped -neck-
borough, son of Mrs. Russell line, empire, waistline and cape
sleeves in shades of pink, bur-
gundy and . white floral. print of
silk polyester. They carried a
Cascade .of white daisy mums and
pink roses.
Tom Warwick of Brussels was
the best man. and the guests were
ushered by Jim Griffith of-Wing-
ham,brother-in-law of the groom
and John E. HedgeS of Napanee,
brother of the bride.
The reception was held in
the United Steel Worker's Hill,
Dawson Road, Guelph. The
bride'S mother received in a
floor-length gown with scooped
neckline and long sleeVes, both
with ruffles in shades of pink,
Orange, yellow and green printed
chiffon. She had white acces-
sories and a corsage of white
carnations and pink rosebuds
completed her ensemble. The
groom's mother received in a
floor-length, goWn of blue, pink
and green printed chiffon with
jewel neckline and long sleeves.
She wore white accessories. and
a corsage of white carnations and
yelloW rose buds.
Fora honeymoon to Barbados
the bride travelled in a three,-
piece pink linen suit with • black
accessories and a single white
gardenia corsage.
The newlyweds will live
10,01 Lawrence Ave. E., Apt.765-,
Di;Aiolviut-itottown guests were from
Wingham, Brussels, Toronto,
Guelph and Napanee,
The following showers were
held for the bride prior' id her
Marriage. Mindellaneons
hosted by aunts of the bride at
• their honiei Miss Alice lodges
and Miss ivy ttedges, relatives
of bride.
Miscellaneous at' the home of
mother of the grooth, hOSted by'
Mrs. Jim Griffith, sister of the
groom': PerSonal After and diti
net by Close. friends of the bride.
Bride and groin hosted at a party
by fellow erripioyeeg of bride, Of.
dOiribined- Int:trance' CO. of
America prenented -with a
vacuum Cleaner. Groom'
with a blender froni
fellow eitiployeeS at Borden Milk.
FRI., OCT. 5th
1 — 3 p.m.
Eders Store
cleaning and
of any hearing aid
hearing test
E. R. Thede
88 Moon St. South
Bone of Wingham and the late
Russell Bone on August 18th,
1973 at 3 . p.m. with Dr. David
Gowdy offidiating.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a full-
length gown of lagoda crepe styled
with a scoop neckline and long
sleeves. Motifs of Venice lace
adorned the bodice, A-line skirt
and trimmed her full chapel train:
Her lace demi-cap held a full-
length illusion • veil edged with
tiny French lace daisies. She
carried a cascade of white daisy
mums, stephanotis, baby's breath
and pink roses. The bride wore
her grandmother's engagement
Mrs.' Elaine Stewart of
Ken Carnochan, Seaforth
Ross Leonhardt, R.R. t,000belth
40b0 meEwirc 0Stanley' Meilwain, ,_190 , Goderich JOhn MOylatt, Dublin
Wini Pepper,:Brildeffeid '11; -,TreW,aribi; 'HO*4-88t,
Clinton gents, Leiper, Lon eebOtO
es Keys, 4,•• y.RSeafOrtli Seaforth ►Lt M,rUSSelS11 i6ai
;of .
' Established 1876 .......
HEAD OFFICE: Seaforth, Ontario sr* •••• e
Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec. Treas. Phone 527-0400 "C: - .... It Only
Costs A
Little To
Be Safe
Fire, Extended Coverage, Wind-
/ storm, Theft, Property Damage,
Liability, Etc.
Directors and Adjusters:
Wm, Alexander, Seaforth . phone 527-0831
Robt. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth 527-1817
Amid large baskets of Multi-
coloured gladioli and yellow
mums in. Faith Missionary
Church, 100 Fergus Avenue, Kit-
chener, on Saturday, August 18,
1973 at 3:30 p.m. was the wedding
of Elizabeth -Rosina Bolton, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Bolton, 105 weaver Street, Hes:-
peler-Cambridge, Ontario, for-
merly of MoKillop Township and
Robert Murray Bowman, only son
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B.Bow-
man of Moorefield, Ontatio.Rev.
A. P. Jones of Port Elgin of-
- ,ficiated at the ceremony. The
soloist was Miss Thelma Bowen
of Hopewell, Jamaica, friend of
the bride, who sang 'Each For The
Other' and 'We Are One In The
Bond Of Love'. She Was: accom-
panied on the organ by Mrs.
Mary Lou Johnston of Bluevale,
cousin of the bride.
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, wore a
ion' g dress of white chantilly
lace imported from France, over
white satin. The scoop 'neckline
was accented with satin covered
buttons. The long lace sleeves
were fitted at ti.,e wrist with
satin. cuffs covered with lace
and'satin covered buttons. Her
long train was white satin covered
with white French lace. Her
Chapel veil was edged with hand-
sewn French 'lace flowers
attached to a headpiece of French
lace and a large White rose. She
carried a bouquet of red sweet-
heart roses, bsby'S breath and
green ' She wore a gold loCket
belonging to her Mother and an
heirloom green emerald ring be-
longin g to her aunt. The groOm
wore a white dinner jacket.
The Matron; of honour was
Mrs, Judy Storm of Des Moines
Iowa friend of the bride. The
,bridetinaida were MISS Gail
Schmidt of New Hamburg, friend
of the bride; Mre. Beatrice Shantz
of Grand Banks, Newfoundland,
sister of the graoin, and Miss
Marilyn Etcher of Port ROO,
friend of the bride. The alien-,
dants were dressed alike in long
blue and Mad flOWered sheer oy
blue polyester and ckrried blu
wicker baSketS With white and
bine carnations and -owl ivy.
t HE ilitUSik
Their :head bands 'Were..w !te
and blue carnations. •
The best plan was Mr. Dale
Shantz - of Grand Banks;.
brotherAn-law of the groom. The
uShers were Mr. Jim Rutledge of
Sarnia, cousin Of the brick, Mr.
Ken Albrecht of New Hamburg,
brothei-in-law of the grOom and
Mr. Merle Wideman of Stouff-
ville, cousin of the &bolt. The
best man and ushers :wore blue
dinner. jackets to match the
bridesmaid's dresses.
• The reception was held at
Emmanuel Bible College, Fergus
Ave., Kitchener'. • Dr. Charles
Seidenspinner, president of
Emmanuel Bible College was
master of ceremonies.
The bride's mother received
the guests' wearing' a long gold .
sleeveless dress of OVvlyester
crepe with matching gold shoes
and gloves. Her corsage was a -
purple ordhid. She was assisted
by the grooni's mother wearing a
long gold dregs of polyester crepe
With white accessories and her
corsage was a purple- orchid.
For a honeymoon to the
Eastern United States and
Eastern Canada, the bride wore a
-blue sleeveless dress of poly=
ester crepe and a corsage of pink
sweetheart roses.
The couple will litre in Kit-
\The bride is a graduate ,Of
Elkhart Institute of TeChnolOgY,
Elkhart, Ind, in Dental Nursing
and presently is attending' Em-
mini:el Bible College in Kit-
chener. The groom , who worked
for National Cash Registers Co.
is ' attending Emmanuel Bible
Gnests were preSent froth
Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.A.; Grand
Banks, Newfoundland; Fort Rea'
COverY, Ohio; Wingham; MoOte.i
field; Seaforth; Kitchener;
Waterloo and LindSay.,