HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-09-12, Page 10.(Photo by' Snyder Studio)
from Ottawa
Phone 887-6461 — Brussels, Ont.
. Smoked PICNIC SHOULDERS' ••• • lb. 990
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The marriage of Myra Jean
McNair and William Lee Henry
' was solemnized in Knox Pres-
. byterian Church, Cranbrook, at
7:00 p.m. on Saturday, August
26th, 1973, in a setting of cande-
' labra, white mums and pink car-
Rev. Edwin Nelson of Orange-
ville, was the officiating minister.
Mrs. Stewart Steiss played tradi-
tional wedding Music and
accompanied the soloist,Graeme
McDonald who sange "Wedding
Prayer" and ',0 Perfect Love".
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. Eluned McNair of R.R. 3,
Brussels and the late Stuart Mc
Nair. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henry
of • R.R. 6, Goderich are parents
of the groom.
The bride, given in marriage
by her uncle, Mr. Ivor Williams
of Regina, Sask., was gowned in
polyester satin fashioned with
long full sleeves with tight
cuffs. The gown was lace-
trimmed as was the train. Her
finger tip veil was held in place
with a floral headpiece. She
carried a cascade of pink roses
and white mums.
Mrs. Gail Smith, the bride's
attendant, wore a dress of pink
crepe trimmed with pink and
white lace. Her flowers were
a cascade of pink carnations and
white mum's.
Mr. Garry Bean of London,
• Enrelment in Huron County
public schools has dropped 312
from last year'S total it was
revealed when schools opened.
Teesday. • • , •
Total, enrolment in • the
system's five secondary schools,
24 elementary schools and three
scheolt for, trainable retarded
children on opening day was
12,601, compared ,with 12,913 last
Decreases were registered in
both elementary and secondary
schOOl.s, with the secondary
schools dropping from 4,581 to
4,441 students and elementary
schOOls dropping from 8,285 to
The on1y increase recorded'
at the schools fOr retarded Child-
ren which registered 59 children,
compared with 47 last year.
H. P. R. Co.SthOO1 entolinent
Editor's Quote Book
"The true danger is When
liberty is nibbled away.'
Plinzund Parke
figures are down 101 from Sep-
tember 1972, according toJoseph
Toicar, assistant superintendent
of education. There were a total
of 3,262 pupils enroled in the
Huron-Perth schools -on Tuesday.
School superintendent Gordon
S. Stewart told the Perth County
board of education that opening-
day school aftendatice was within
one per cent of projections based
on a five-year forecast.
In elementary schools 9,428
'pupils were registered. In
September, 1972 the opening-day
enrolment was 9,563.
In .secondary schoolS,
Tuesday's registration was 5,144
compared to 5,176 for opening day
a year ago.
Prime Minister. Trudeau out-
lined in the House of Commons
a series of measures to combat
inflation - some will require
legislation to be put into effect.
- The expected five cent in-
crease for bread has been halted
by a subsidy for wheat consumed
by Canadians.
- The govern ment_will sub-
sidize the cost of milk up to
five cents a quart in those pro-
vinces where prices to con-
sumers are held down for a year.
- A freeze has been placed
on the price of gasoline and
heating oils to last until January
30, 1974. Steps will also be taken
to 'ensure that Canadian prices
are protected against inter-
national increases.
- A new pipeline is proposed
to. ship Canadian oil into the
Montreal market.
• - Family Allowances will be
increased to $12 per child in
October and the increase will not
be. taxable. In • January, the
federal government plans to in-
crease Family Allowances to$20
:per child.
Basic old age pensions will
increase from $100 to $105.30
and the total pension, with
guaranteed income supplement
will go from $170.14 to $179.16,
effeetiVe October 1. ,
- The % ceiling on the
annual increase In pensions paid
under the Canada Pension Plan
is to be removed.
External Affairs Minister
Mitchell Sharp met in Tokyo
last week, with Japanese Foreign
Minister MasayoShi Ohira and
other Japanese officials for two
days of talks on Canada-Japan
trade and. economic
Legislation ending the nation- •
wide rail strike was approved
by Parliament last week. The
gowns of polyester crepe and pink
picture hats. Each carried a
pink rose. •
' Debra and Sherri Fraser of
Bluevale, nieces of the groom,
were flowergirls. They wore
identical pink floor-length
dresses and carried little bas-
kets of pink roses and sweet
Ross McCall of Brussels,
brother of the groom, was best
man. David Jensen of Embro
and Paul Atkison of Hamilton,
ushered the guests.
A dinner was held in the
church parlour followed by a
reception at the Ponderosa Park,
For travelling the bride chose
a navy and white ensemble with
a .'corsage of red roses. After
returning 'from a honeymoon in
Pennsylvania 'the couple will
reside in Waterloo.
Following the rehearsal the
groom's parents entertained the
wedding party at a dinner at the
Ingersoll Inn.
prior to their marriage the
bride was honoured at showers
arranged by Mrs. Jordan and
Mrs. Fuller of Ingersoll, Miss
Christine Peden, Miss 'Carol
Morden and the Operating Room
Class of K-W Hospital.
legislation ordered 56,000
striking railway employees back
to work after having disrupted
rail and feriy service since July
26 by a series of rotating regional
strikes which eventually took on
country-wide proportions.
The legislation increased the
basic average hourly wage for the
Non-Operating Railway Unions to
$4.19 •by July 1, 1974 from the
current rate of $3.54.
Train and ferry service star-
ted back into operation again after
the Labour Day weekend.
Canadian- exports rose to
$2.07 billion in July as ,com-
pared with $1.99 billion in June -
an increase of $8 million.
T.B Assoc.
plans for
Smoke Brake
Rev. Garbutt Smith presitlej
at the regular meeting of the
Huron Perth TB and Respiratory
Disease Association, held in.
Seaforth, last Wednesday.
Routine reports were given
by Mrs. Edith Brothers,
Rehabilitation and patient Ser.
vices; Mrs. Edith Fisher,
Education; Ralph Goren, Christ-
mas Seal Campaign and Financial,
Mrs. Brothers reported that
the Association is enjoying the
services of a University Hospital,
Respiratory Technologist, who
is travelling about the two county
area advising and supervising the
Association inhalation therapy
maehines and activities.
Mrs. Fisher said plans have
been finalized for $1 Srnoke Brake
'73" the Association's anti-
smoking week in-the near future.
Three speakers will be attending
Community meetings and the
public is encouraged to attend.
DIAL 887-6641-
Sales — Service
- • Barn Cleaners
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Donald G. Ives
R.R. 2, Blyth
Phone: ,Bruesels 8874024
was the best man. Guests were
ushered by Garry. Williams of
London, -cousin of the bride, and
Randy Henry of Goderich, brother
of the groom.
The wedding reception was
held in the Cranbrook Community
Centre where the bride's table
decorated in pink, was centred
with a three-tiered wedding cake
trimmed in pink.
The bride's mother received
the guests dressed in rose crimp
styled with long sleeves.' Her
corsage was a white 'gardenia.
She was assisted by the mother
of the groom, wearing a blue
fortrel dress with long sheer
sleeves' and white gardenia
For a wedding trip to points
in Western Ontario, the bride
chose a green and white pant
suit with brown accessories and
white corsage.
' The newlyweds will reside at
190 Cherryhill Circle, Apt. 706,
London. •. The bride is attending
the University of western Ontario
in her third year of B. Sc. N.
course. .
GeestS attended the wedding
from Regina, Burlington, Gode-
rich, Collingwood, London,
Atwood, LucknoW Dungannoe,
Listowel, Orangeville, Mitchell,
Hamilton, Kitchener, Toronto,
Mount Forest, Windsor, Chatham
and Whitechurch.
Huron School enrolment
shows slight decrease
A pretty wedding was solem-.
nized on Saturday, August 25th in
St. Pauls Presbyterian Church,
Ingersoll, when Bonnie Jane
McInnis, daughter of John D. '
McInnis of Ingersoll and
Robert Bruce McCall, son of M r.
and 'Mrs. Bruce McCall of
Brussels, exchanged marriage
The church was tastefully
decorated with pink gladioli floral
arrangements in the candel-
abras: Rev. George Johnston
assisted by Rev. Dan mcinnis of •
Hamilton, brother of the' bride,
performed the double-ring cere-
mony. Mrs. Hunt, organist,
accompanied Miss Margaret Mc-
Call of Kintore, the soloist.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride chose a floor-
length gown of white organza over
taffeta enhanced with pink ribbon
intermingled with the embroi-
dered trim On the bodice and
puffed sleeves. A dainty ribbon
headpiece with pearls and sequins
held her waist-length silk
illusion veil. She carried a pink
Miss Christine Peden of
Thamesford, was maid of honour
and Miss Carol Morden of Kit-4
chener and Miss Vicki McCut-
ctieon of Ingersoll were brides-
maids wearing floor-length floral
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' 1