HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-09-12, Page 91972 - 73 members of the grade eight Graduation Class of ' Brussels Public School are; (Front) Bob Bryans; Peter Hilts; Scott Bridge; John Adams; Danny white; John Massey; Larry Scott) Murray Bone (2nd. Row) Annette Dorsch; Linda Maeha.n; Sharon Cloaley; Mary Lynn Cardiff; Darlene Wesselink; Bonnie Richmond; Juanita Smith; Patti HMS; JudySellers; JudyAdaInSi . (3rd Row) Randy Fischer; Jerry olechowski; Laurie Johnston; Dawne Wesenberg; Rhonda Keffer; Valerie Mitchler; Brenda McCutcheon; Mary Smith; David Stephenson; Carl McLellan. Concerned because work is not completed at Sts• AIoysius School in Stratford and Holy Name of Mary School in .Sts• Marys, •the • Huron-Perth • County Rciman• Catholic Separate SchOoi• Board will request the architectS,Kyles, Kyles and. Garratt of Stratford, to co-ordinate with all the build- ing contractors for. a completion schedule by all trades. The Board will ask that this schedule .be available to the ad hoc com- rnittee, on building projects by September 21. • • At the Meeting in . Seaforth Monday Howard Shantz of Strat- . ford, chairman of the ad hoc committee, reported • that the classrooms at St. AlOysius_were usable on the • opening..day . of school but that much work re- mained to be done, especially in the offices and .the gym, also painting and some shelving. Reporting on progress_ at Holy Name of 'Mary School, Gordon Ball of • St. Marys, said there were a lot of odds and ends to be completed and that • work at St, AlOySIUS was ahead of Holy Name. John Vintar, Superintendent of Education, remarked on how well the older sections` of both schools were fitted into the newly constructed additions. He said he. was pleased with the schools and that many favour- able remarks were being made by those who visited the schoOls, as well as the staff and the. students. • The Board accepted the tender of Ross Scott Ltd. of Brucefield for furnace oil at a discount of six cents a gallon off the posted tank wagon prices for the year 19'73-74, which at time of tender was 26.9 cents a gallon. Ted Geoffrey of Zurich was named representative for 1.973- 74 to the Ontario Committee for Education Wee k -- the first meeting of the committee will be held September 21 at 10 a.m. in Education Centre, Etobicoke Board of Education. HoWard Shantz was' named a s alternate representative. The Board approved letting News of Bluevale — election of''officers — naming of 'coaches and other personnel , ImPlan to Attend.. 'Winners at • Ho w ick bin go Regular Games: Mrs. Strauss, MildmaY; LYtta Reidt, wroxoter;MrS.Wes Tiffin,White- church; Patsy Theadorff, Listo- wel; Mrs. Joe Montgomery, Wingham; Mrs. Lloyd Hamilton, Listowel; Mrs. Robinson, Palm- erston; Marilyn Delmonico,LiS- towel; Mrs. McLennan, Lochaish; Florence Kennedy,Winglaam and Mrs.11amiltor4Listowel;Marilyn Delmonico, Listowel; Catherine Edgar, Wroxeter. Share the Wealth: 1. 'Jim Scotto Listowel; 2. Mrs. Newman, Wingham. $25 Special: Mrs.Patterson, Wingham. Jackpot of $115: Mrs. Bill Schill, Formosa. Lap Card; Mary Durnphy, Listowel. Dart Game; Mrs. Simon Huber Mildmay, won $14. Door Prizes; Reta. Halloway, Wingham, Kaye Aitcheson, Wingham, Mrs. Austin Ste Marie, Wingham and pearl Angus, Wing- ham. Lucky Draws: Jean Tiffin, Whitechurch, Mrs. Simon Huber, Mildmay; Manfred Irwin, Gorrie and Audrey Waetcher, Mildmay. Delays concern . REP Board Correspondent Mrs. Joe, Walker Mr. and WS. Wm. Austin of Seaforth spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mann. Misses Rhonda and Sherry Elliott spent a couple of days with Kathy and Murray Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. George Fitcher and Dayle spent the weekend with Mr. and :Mrs. JIM Pritchard at St, George...Bob Pritchard who has been holidaying at FiScher's returned home. . • Miss Kathy Walker has been a patient- in university Hospital, Londen for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Nixon,. Grant, Lbri and Andrea London, Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. PraSer, Haugh and Eileen. Congratulations to Mrs and Mrs. Brian MacKay, formerly Donna Mundell, *he Were Mar- ried Saturday in the Presbyterian ehUrell. ' Mrs and Mrs, Bill Rainey Spent -the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall. SUM'viSi- terS With Mr. and Mrs. Hall were Mr, and Mrs, Bob' Rall„ Cincy and Marty. • Mrs. Elliott and her cousin, MISS Barclay and MISS Patti King visited Mr. and Mrs• Alejt'Verbeek and family on Thursday at Listowel. Mr. and Wee; Rick of Guelph 'Spent the weekehd With.. Mr. and Mit, Etittia Moffatt and attended the Weildint; Mr., and Mrs. Allen ilarriSi- ton and Robbie of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Harold King and Nancy were evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Elliott. • Tuesday, September 4, the members of Unit' I,4-H ClUb met at the home • of Mrs. Charles Mathers and elected their of- ficers: President, Patsy Sander- son; Vice-President; Barbara Chambers; Secretary, Patricia ,Iloggart. Mrs. Tolton gave the history of Canadian foods. We made succotash, which was most deli- cious. Miss Connie Mann of Toronto and Mr. Harvey Mann of Kitchener were home for the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs..Ross Mann. Mt. and Mrs. S.J. Elliott and Miss' Barkley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohm one day last week, Mr. and Its, Bob Casemore and Kim of Watford ViSitedSatur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Hall: Congratulations to, Mr. and MI'S; Gordon Wright who Were Married SatUrday, September 8, in the- Salvation Army Citadels mre, Wright was the former Susan Gannett. Mr. arid Mrs. jack Scott, brian and Leanne ofistewtonvisi- thd Sunday: with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall. Other visitors' the same home were Mrs and MI'S. :bat* Hall and bat* Of Chatham and Mr, and Mrs. Hill Hall and grandchildren, THE' BRUSSELS the YM-YWCA of Stratford dis- tribute handbills In Perth Se• parate Schools about the annual sports EXchange for residents Of , Stratford and district to . exchange: skates, etc. Joseph Toicar, Assistant Superintendent of Education, reported the inservice workshop on speech disorders at St. Janies School in Seaforth at the end of August was Succeisful with 22 teachers taking part. He said they, should be able, to use, the knowledge, in the coming year.,, Michael Connolly of Kippen reported the Huron-Perth ,T-Bs, and. Respiratory ASSOqiatiOn was planning a meeting on smoking at, Clinton Legion on September 18 and in Stratford on "september 194 John Vintar reported on a news release from the MiniStry of Education indicating ,the in- creme,of expenditure ceilingt by. an average of 7.9 percent text year. This meansthe 1974 ceiling for elementary schools will be increased by $53 to $683Per Olga or an increafie of 8.41 per cent.. • Mr. 'Vintar said the effect on the Board would not be adverse and Jack Lane,BUsineSs AdminiStrator, said that at the "moment it appeart a very teas sonable ceiling for 1974. Eugene Laurence Condon was appointed principal'S relief at St. JoSeh'S ,SChbol in Clinton, and at Sacred Heart School in Wingham. Effective . as of January 14 1973, the Board approved apOlity to recogniZe, the retirement of board employees with agift of money according to the years of service and to, non-paid pointeet of the Board to outside associations, other thin board members, be presented with, a small gift on retirement. SehOtil enrolment was reported clOWnby 97 pupils On first day of school; St. PittiCk'S Dublin, same as latt year at 184 St. Patrick's KinkOra 204, down 1; Holy Hae of Mary, St. mary#f, 185, dawn 7; :St: Mary's !HOMO, 102; dOWn16;IMMACUlate Conception, Stratford, 444 down 20; St. Michael's Stratford, 333, Sitittb;' St. Ambrose, Stratford, 146,, down 6; St. ;TOMO% Strati, tot* 139, down 2; St. Stratford; 222, down 15; St.! Joseph's, kingebridge, 171, down' 9; St. 111, same; Our Lady of ,Mount datine4244 , down 11; teole Ste. Marie, 91i daiin St. Joseths, Clinton, up Preeloos, tiood, taker, It?, down aimo, Seaforth,193,0*ti 13t Sacred Heart, wieghtim,14, his 12; 8t, :toeltiee,:2utteh, 262, up 20: down °2-4;OTiak*t:5tal 6: of6ddlef?' 206it 5 *ii tortipitieed to 2262 licit yetes: POST, SEPTEMBER,