HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-08-08, Page 1istowel,
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)11ts Mr,
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;• Tom
"I'll try the broad jump and the. ball throw,"
peti tors up for events in the Mini Olympics at the
Brussels Publte School last Wednesday.
102nd Year - Issue No. 32 Wednesday, A'ugust 8, 1973
Residents consider plans
"Stilihg PateS t These 'happy youngsters ate. e.tt.oying
.their summer stay i ng home At the Crystal .palace. Fean txet (too left) t di anise Thomat i _ChuOk Exel and' &Oh-
kuttedgewe charge of,tht. dtett, rehearsal` oftht'
'.C4Oeett_ held of, Friday night
The mini 'Olympics.
come to Brussels
for "Hhe future of Brussels
A public meeting. held in8ruS-
sels last- Tuesday night, was
a soundoff - 'Of future, planS for
village develOpment. ' About 70 •
residents turned out to heat the
proposals outlined by . Gary
Davidson, director of planning
and Nick Hill, county planner for
Brussels, first village in the
county designated for direction,
in development in 1971, requested
the Huron COnnty Planning Board•
to prepare planning zoning pro=
The main objective of the plan
Said Reeve Jack McCutcheon was
for zoning to regulate land use_
Currently there are no growth
guidelines or restrictions in the
village. Connell last May adopted .
a building bylaW' to bloCic hap-
hazard and Untegulated con
sthictiori 'of hotiSes .-Within the
limits of the village.
The planS disCuSged at
the meeting last week will bedtime
Brussels secondary plan when
approved by council:" A secondary
plan acts as air ainendifient to
the county official plan whiCh.
sets genetal gnidelinet .fiet
growth and deVelepinent.
A five-member citizen's
committee was setup in Pebritary
proViding. information to aid the
planners in formulating the
development plan..
Data fet development was
proVided by committee rtierdbers;
Jim Cardiff, realtOr i on hrmaing,
We're sorry
Because of me
'ghahical difficuI
ities thepublishert
Iregret it has been
tflecessary to omit
a number Of stories
from this week '`s'
George 'McCutcheon, member of
the Maitland Valley,.Conservation
AUthotity on, river environment;
Ray Adams, merchant, the
shopping area; Mrs. Clark
Matheson, long time citizen of
Brussels and an authority on
Village history gaVe planners a
list of historical Sites;.an4Rseve
Jack McCutcheon, on proposed
areas for' an induStrial ,park.
- Top priority on the, list of
projects is a sanitary sewage
system. At the community's
requeSt, the prOVince IS con-
Aiding a cost survey of a full
Municipal SyStern for-the Village.
The survey is being carried out.
by ROSS AsSoC;OfGOderiCh.
'Installation of a -mithioipally
operated mobile. home park is
underway in the patk : •
on StreltOn St.
next to the. creamery. The' park,,
consisting of ten sites, was ,to,
ready': in June but due to'build-
lug problems • the Water, 'hydro
and sewage systems will not be
operational until geptember,
There is landscaping to be &Me
AS, Well"; • said Reette. Mc
OutChe011 "before the. park Can
.be '
The basic aim "Of the fittiSSe'
Plati IS to encourage and regulate'
groWth while maintaining the
$ibee.iity, and "uniqueness"
Of the Village, Nick I:till said;
A store front ekbibitiou, the 15th.,
16th and 17th of August located
the tontiet workshop on Main,
St. will edilSiSt of a display itt'
niOdelS, drawings, ..sketchet
slides and tapes ' detailing thf,
proposals fOf 'BitASelS Nitre'
r One proposal calls for
retention 'of the Cefittal:bittinetr
diStrint on '1' betWeel,
Makket and Mill Stteeta Whei*
indSt:dt the buildifigs date back.
to the,18004, Future expansion
o the dete.. it WAS dedidedk.
The. Olympics came to
Brussels Wednesday afternoon.
The torch was carried to thesite
by Colleen Raymond who held the
mini-flame aloft in, the parade to
the public school grounds where
the games took place.
colleen and Diane Willis of
Brussels supervisors of the vil-
lage wading pool, organized a day
of activities for young Brussels
athletes, aged 1 to 12. The 40
odd children taking part were
organized into teams - Horse,
Bear, Cat, Mouse and Dog with
corresponding banners. Em-
ployed by the village recreation
committee Diane and Colleen are
putting what they learned at a
recreation course at Vanastra
in June to good use.' Gail White
of R.R.3, Brussels and Mary Ann
Bernard of Brussels added a rat-
a-tat-tat to the para.de with their
drums. Tim Dunn,14, and brother
Michael, 3, brought up the rear
on Tim's horse Lightning.
Several mothers and friends
of the organizers were on hand
to help, judge the events. Ken
Scott, Principal' of the, Brussels
Public School gave permission
to use school equipment. '
Winners ofthe Mini Olympics:
440 Run: Jacque Workman,lit;
Vicky McCall, 2nd.
50 Yard Dash: Jacque Work-
man, 1st; Vicky. McCall, 2nd;
Elizabeth Exel, 3rd.
Standing' Long, Jump: Dianne
Stephenson, 1st; Elizabeth Exel,
2nd; Janet Heibien, 3rd. _
Triple Jump: Michelle me-
Cutcheon, 1st; Dianne Stephen-
son, 2nd.; Jacque Workman, 3rd.
High Jump: Michelle Mc-
Cutcheon,1st; Vicky McCall, 2nd;
Janet Heibien, 3rd.
Ball Throw: Dianne Stephen-
son, 1st; Michelle McCutcheon,
2nd; Elizabeth Exel, 3rd.
BOYS 10 - 12
440 Yard, Run: Doug Cousins,
1st; Brian Tenpas, 2nd; Ken Cou-
220 yard, Run; Dpug cousins,
lst; ken Cousins, 2nd.
100 Yard Dash: Jim Adams,
1st; Doug. Cousins , 2nd.; Brian
Tenpas, 3rd.
5.0 Yard Dash: Brian Tenpas,
1st; Jim Adam s.,Pnd; Darwin Me-
Cutcheon, 3rd.
Standing Long Jump: Jim
' Adams, 1st; Kevin Pennington,
2nd; David Hall, 3rd.
High Jump - Kevin Penning-.
ton,1st; Darwin McCutcheon,
2n; John Vanden berg, 3rd.
Ball Throw:. John Vanden-
berg, 1st; John Richmond, 2nd;
Peter Exel, 3rd.
Running Long Jump: Darwin
McCutcheon,,1st; John Vanden-
burg, 2nd; David Hall, 3rd.
GIRLS 7 - 9
5CL Yard Dash: Jill McCut-
cheon, 1st; Trina Watts, 2nd.,
Sandra Huether, 3rd.
Standing Long Jump: Trina
Watts, 1st; Brenda Richmond,
Running Long. Jump: Brenda
Richmond, 1st; Sherry 'Heibien,
High Jump: Jill McCutcheon,
1st; Sandra Huether, 2nd; Sherry
Heibien, 3rd.
BOYS 7 - 9
50 Yard Dash Bradley
Right, 1st; Tod Wheeler, 2nd;
Dean Rutledge, 3rd....
Standing Long Jump: Brad-
ley Right, 1st; Tod wheeler, 2nd
Paul Ten Pas, 3rd.
High Jump : Terry McCut-
cheon, 1st; Paul Ten Pas, 2nd;
Da.rrin Watts, 3rd. ,
Ball Throw: Terry McCut-
cheon, 1st; Bradley Right, 2nd.
Running Long Jump: Tod
Wheeler, 1st; Kevin Wheeler, 2nd;
-trarrin Watts, 3rd.
GIRLS 4 - 6
15 Yard Dash: Gwen Cou-
sins, 1st; Sherry Heibien, 2nd;
Rosy Marks, 3rd.
Standing Long 'Jump: Gwen
Cousins, 1st; Rosy Marks, 2nd;
Susy Marks, 3rd.
Frisby Toss: Gwen Cousins,
1st; Ruth. Watts, 2nd.; Patricia
Ten Pas, 3rd.
Obstacle Course: Alison
Peters, 1st; Ross Marks, 2nd;
Ruth watts, 3rd.
GIRLS 1 - 3
Ball Throw: Debbie GolleY, lst;':CindSrBernard,
BOYS 1 3 - Ball Throw: curtis peters,
1st; Sean Conaboy, 2nd. .
10 Yard .Run: Cindy Bernard
.1st; Sean Conaboy, 2nd.
(conUntied . on page 8)
and service area. A renewal
(Continued on Page 5)
, should occur West (behind the'.
J.ttue, T • heit
appeAt ..k stew
this' land oemrs! bA t kik •