The Brussels Post, 1973-07-18, Page 1ESTABLISHED
102nd Year — Issue No. 29 Wednesday, July 18, 1973
Accepts $164,551 bid
for assessment building
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All ready for. Rodeo Days
-Two for the price of one!
It's double or nothing for this Ayrshire! She presented Wilfred Strickler, H.H.2, Brussels
with Ayrshire, Hereford twins early Monday morning, a bull and a heifer. The calves are healthy
and mother is doing well. This is the third time in succession that this cow has produced twins,
Lorne Strickler is in charge of the new-borns and the Strickler'S 150 head of cattle in the large
cow-calf operation while Mr. and Mrs. Strickler attend a Forresters Convention in Vancouver.
Eggs. are beetiniing almost
luxury these' days. he price
to dOnSiiiiieret here on Monday
Was 150 per citizen (large): Far-
Meta, are not begthdged a. deCent
profit on the product of their
Those. who fancy two Or
three eggs on their breakfast
MOM, along `with the traditional
slices of expensive` bacon may
1 feel they haVe, to cut dowii a bit.
It is not only hurnans that are
slaughtered daily. on our higli.4
ways: On a. recent Sunday ,atter•
noon driire i, of approximately 60
miles; 'numerous mangled bodies
of animals groundhogs;,
Put on your ten-gallon hat
and polish your high-heeled
boots, it's Rodeo time in
Brussels! Step 'out and take part
in three days of foot stompin'
Bring the family to town for
from Ethel
For the peat several weeks,
project SWEEP (Students Work-
ing in an Environment EnhatiCei,
tent Prograni). has been active
in the Maitland Valley'COnaerVa‘
Lion Authority,; 'Project SWEEP
1973 is being operated in this its third summer by the: Ceilaer,
vatioh Authorities Branch of the
Ministry of Natural Resources.
Project SWEEP' in the Maitland
Is employing 21 students this
Slimmer 'from both high school
and posteeCtindary institutions.
Don Pearson, of Ethel, athird Year Biology student at tIni-
Vets ty of Waterloo, is the Senior
Supervisor for the project:, has been working eineelateAlik4
' He
coordinating Wei* Prdiedtg',,iri various thtough,
out the watershed, as well as
planning work projects on the
Authority's own property. As
Technical AdVitor, Brian 8itligi
Fisheries and Wildlife Bio
160 Stfideht at the tiiivettity of
Guelph is aggistingthetedlitithiati the planning of development: fer newly gheihited ghthOtitypto
party pittiehlatly the tidbooteli property in East aWanosh
t6WhOl VV tio.. Mite t (Continued on Page s
at the 'Lion's Park.
Elsie; the only Elsie steer
in Iliiron is primed for her part
in the three diy event as the
Association sells tickets on a
hind qUarter of beef,
Just like the Calgary Stain-
' pedo, only 'a little smaller. Be
at the Brussels Fair grounds,
Sunday, when the Maitland Saddle
Club Will present an Open
gymkana rodeo. The various
riding, little butcher steer riding,
wild cbw milking ,along with
western games.
ROdeo Days apOnSered by the
Brussels BUtinesa Association
Under the chairmanship' of
president Helen Adams Will be
good entertainment for the Whole
family. You , may be a lucky
prize-winner in the draw -the
Brussels merchants are making
On Satiirday at 6 p.m,
skunks and unidentifiable others,
not to mention cats', Were en
Colintered, annihilated by the
Mechanical monsters of the
roads. Even our wildlife,. and
domesticated pet pedestrians are
no More .immune to death on the
highways than are human in the
midst of the rush of weekend
traffic, , Better it should be ani-
mals, than people t but; still a
What Is wrong with nie young
people that they delight„in the.
destruction of property List
week a 'beet bottle was thrown
through the iibteity Wind**. Pop
(Continued on Page 15)
Subject now to the final sign-
ing of the rental lease with the
Ontario government, the tender
of Genan ,Construction Ltd. of
Waterloo for the construction
of the addition at the Huron-Perth
Regional Assessment office was
approved Monday morning.
At the special meeting. f Huron
• County Council, members agreed
to aceept the Genan ender for
$164,551. This price is for the
building only. An additional,
$26,000 has been budgeted for
architects' fees Of $13,000; land-
scaping, $1,000; parking, $2,000;
and a contingency fund for furn-
ishings, a public address systems
for the general meeting room,
partitions, etc.
Clerk-treasurer John Berry told
council he has a letter from the
Ministry of GovernmentServices
indicating the province is agree-
able to the rental' conditions.
Mr. Berry said the agreement
would call for a rental fee of
$5.25 per squire foot or.$43,980
per annum for the entire build-
ing. The contract would be drawn
up for fiVe years with an option
providing for another five' year
Further income from the build-
ing 'would come from rental of
space at, the back part of the
ground floor. Consideration has
been given to moving the Child-
ren's Aid Sodiety into these
quarters although nothing defin-
ite haa been decided.
Mr. Berry said that although
completion of the building has
been estimated in 17 weeks from
the beginning of construction, he
felt this may be a tea little ambit-
ious”. There will be no penalty
clause in the contract with Genan,
the same firm by a new name
as built the original assessment
In answer to, a specific ques-
tion, Mr. Berry advised it would
be from. , 20 to ,30;,,,years before
the .original investment plus int-
erest on the money would be.
returned to Huron County.
Chairman of the Property Com-
mittee, Reeve Harold Lobb
Clinton, told council he was
pleased' the committee had seen
fit to recommend that Huron,
County's 'construction safety in-
spector Everett Smith act as
clerk Of the works during the
construction period. He would
work closely with architectsSni-
der, Huget and March.
"I'd like to have a county
inspector,e job," remarked
Reeve Lobb.. believe it will
be of great benefitto the council
However, it was learned that
Mr. Smith had been taken to hos-
pital on the morning of the county.
council, and decision was reached
' to leave the matter of inspection
to the discretion of the cern-
Reeve Girvin Reed of AShfield
asked why $2,000 had 'been put
in the budget to cover parking
when the Town of Goderich had.
promised promised to making parking
space available. Mr. Berry told
council some additional offstreet
parking will be provided by the
county around the fornaer jail
wall on' the north side of the •
jail building since the parking
to be- provided by the Town may
be taken up at times with tourist
parking, particularly in the sum-
mer months.
Reeve Everett McIlwairr won—
' dered if a building permit had
been sought from the Town of
Goderich ... and whether it had,
(Continued on page 20)
shopping at the sidewalk sale
on Friday and Saturday. Brus-
sels merchants will be offering
valuable bargains along with
special prize awards.. whoop-i
it-up with a pretty young thing at
a free street dance on Main St.
Friday evening. Sounds of traf-
fic won't mingle with the strains
of the "Foursome" of AtwoOd as
the street will be a mall, closed
from the Library corner south
to Bridge Motors.
Kids! Can you catch a greasy
pig? Climb a greased pole? Com-
pete in these and other events
for prizes on Saturday.
The arena is where the action
is on Saturday night. The Rodeo
Dance - Go dancing to music
by the “Houte 4" Of Kitchener.,
Start Sunday, the last day,
right; with a good breakfast. The ,
merchants start serving at 8 a.m.
Linda Miler, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon.
Miller, l3rodhogen, gradu-
ated from the School of
Radiography, St. Mary's
Hospital, Kitchener in
June. A graduate of Mit-
chell High School she re-
mained on staff at St.
Mary's Hospital, Kitch-
. ener.
Nancy Hulzeboa, 100 Lit. 20 Brussels was the, keit* *dozier
of the transistor,., ridid in the tree school admission
draw the SeSforth Lions Carnival Saturday night. Nancy
Was inlay/ire of her good fortune when the draw lists,
and didriot learn OM her win until Monday;; inoiting", Making
the presentation on behalf of the Lions is Brussels Post
reporter, ',tinted Middleton.,
, I