HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-07-04, Page 24Higgins Ecipa.r reunions held
News of Belgrave, Mr., Mrs. -Russell .Sholdice
celebrate 40th. wedding
Mrs. Harry Rinn received
word from her brother, Bruce
Scott of Toronto, last week that
he had the misfortune to fall on
an esculator in Toronto and is
-now a patient in Toronto General
Hospital. He received a badly
crushed leg and a fractured -
Mrs. Wilfred pickell of Van-
couver is visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Herb Wheeler.
Mrs. Goldie Wheeler visited at
the same home on the weekend.
There will be no women's
Institute meeting in the month of
Mrs. Carey de Vries and Cora
of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Plumb, Amsterdam, Holland
were last Wednesday visitors
with Mrs. Cora McGill.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hill and
Jeffrey of Tavistock visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Procter
on Sunday and attended the Proc-
ter reunion in Belgrave . Com-
munity centre.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad
Smithson of Downsview visited on
Friday with her sister and
brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Procter.
The Coultes Sister's sang two
numbers at the Wingham Pres-
byterian Church Service on Sun-
day morning.
Miss Elizabeth Klerks of
Owen Sound visited with Miss
Karen Coultes last week and at-
tended the Baton Seminar in
Miss Debbie Z ippel of
Walkerton , one of the teachers
at the Baton Seminar in Wing-
ham spent her three days with
Miss Marjorie Nixon.
Last word Mr. and Mrs. John
Nixon had from their son, Steven
was from France and they were
going on to Italy.
Mr. and Mrs. George Michie
and Mr. and Mrs. ROSS anderson
and family attended a Michie
family picnic in Milton on. Sun-
' Mrs. Claire Rainer of Scar-
borough spent the weekend with
her parents Mr. arid Mrs. Clar-
ence Chamney.
Mr. and Mrs. Don. Walker and
Shelly Anne of Schromberg spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Case Pletch.
Edward Daer; Child with 'most working at Stimmerland Farms,
freckles, Jackie Lamont; Gues-, and Mrs. Robert Helm of
sing candy in jar, Mrs. Charles Lucknow visited on Sunday with
Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Clare VanCamp
Kevin VanCamp is spending
two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold. Jardin and Michael of
The A.C.W. met at the home London.
of Mrs. jack VanCamp with 12 Miss Rose Marie White is a
members and 1 visitor in atten- Patient in the Wingham and Dis-
dance, Miss Mary,Isabel NetherY trict Hospital having undergone
opened the meeting and Mrs. surgery the early part , of the
Clare VanCamp read the minutes week.
and Mrs. Cooper Nethery gave
the financial report. The rep
call was itWhere would you like
to spend your vacation?" A picnic
for the congregations of Blyth,
Auburn, Brussels and Bel-
grave will be held on July 29
at Seaforth Park. It was deci-
ded to hold Hobo Teas in Sep-
tember and. October. The raffle
was won by Mrs. Robert Higgins.
An article on "Fprests" was read
by Mrs. Robert Procter, a poem
entitled liDarerin's Mistake," by
Mrs. Clarence Walker and two
poems "Fairy Tales" and
"Amazing Grace" by MrS.
Robert Higgins.
Honor I3osmans
Charles Stanley Wheeler passed
away in Wirighain. and District
Hospital on Wednesday, July 4th,
1973, He was, in his 88th. year.
'Born in Morris Township, son
of the late Lawrence and Gert-
rude Ann Wheeler, he moved With
his faintly to Grey Township es
young man,
in 1017 he was married to
Jennie Rands and they ra.tmed
on the 8th concession of Grey
Township until 1948 when they
Moved to BilieSelSelvir. Wheeler
was a niettiber of Brussels
ted ChUrCh. Re was prodeceaSed
by his wife. in 1087. $is sister;
Mrs, Wni.. "Bell, and his brothers
Sensoti,-Hutsell and AUghStits
also predeceased hitt;
surviving are two sons, Lloyd
of Grey TOWtiShip and Merin
A, of Londoh. lie Is also 'stir-
'dyed by sit gratidChiidteh. •
Funeral- services Were' held
Watts Funeral Horne Conducted
by itet, 't, tetirew., turtai took
PIM* in the Brussels deitieteryo
Pallbearer* were licks
nett; Vim. :Ring Jr, John -Wheel.*
dr, Win. Witeelet4editeWheel.6'
et and Robert Wheeler, Plower.,
heatiera were (5Weri St lth. and
Gordon Wheeler.-
Mrs. Lewis Stenehotise
On Sunday, July let, 1973
the 50th anniversary of the Hig-
gins Reunion was held at Catlyow
Park in St. Marys. with 96 sign.:
ing the register.
The president Frank Graham,
St. Marys welcomed everyone
before dinner was served.Seated
at the head table with a cake
decorated with the '4 Higgins'
Coat of Arms" were the older
members of the Clan. They were
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins,
Belgrave, Mrs. Lena Higgins,
RR 5, Brussels, Mrs. Margaret
Higgins, Blyth, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Higgins, RR 5, Brussels,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker,
Wingham. A short history of the
previous reunions was given by
Mrs. Margaret Higgins and Mr.
Robert Higgins as well as a
few words from each member
at the head table. Mr. Larrett
Higgins, Toronto, spoke a few
words of appreciation on behalf
" of his father, Larry. Mrs. Lena
Higgins the oldest lady present,
had the honour of cutting the
50th anniversary cake with a
decorated knife that had cut Mrs,
Frank Graham's mother's wed- A reception and dance was ding cake 59 years ago. held in the Women's Institute
Special prizes were given as Hall,. Saturday evening in honour follows - Oldest roan, Mr. Rob- of Mr. and Mrs. David Bosman
bert Higgins; Oldest lady, Mrs (nee Linda Snowden). Music Lena Higgins; youngest child, was supplied by the. Alley Cats. Julie Ward; Coming farthest, Before lunch was served; Mr. Mr. • Larry Higgins, Toronto; and Mrs. Bosman were called to Lady closest to 50th birthday, the front and an address was
Mrs. Jack Higgins; ,Man closest read by Donald Vincent and a gift to 50th birthday, Mr. Alvin. Rig- of money was presented to them. gins; Grandparent with most by Harvey Black.
children present , Mrs. Lena Both Linda and David thanked
Higgins. A short business meet- everyone for their reception.
ing was conducted. The secretary
treasurer's report was read by Hail stones fall Mrs. Hilda Higgins and the slate
of officers for 1974 were read as High winds, heavy rain and
follows; President, Charles Rig- large hail stones on Wednesday
gins, RR 5, Brussels; Vice Pres.- afternoon severely damaged
ident, Joseph Higgins, Mitchell; gardens in the village and vicinie
2nd Vice President, Robert Hig- ty. Broken windows and fallen
gins, RR 5, Brussels; Sports, trees were reported. The talk
Mr. George and Robert Higgins, among the residents of the v11-
RR 5, Brussels, Misses. Carol age is that it was the most
and ,Colleen Farrier of Long severe storm Belgrave has had
Branch.. Invitations,Mrs. Marg- for a long time:
aret Higgins, Blyt and .Mrs.
Jack Higgins, RR 5, Brussels. HEAR REV. S.' McDONALD
Lunch Committee, Mr. and Mrs. The tr.c..w met TUesday even-
Alvin Higgins, Wingham, Mr. and i Rod McLeod, Toronto, Mr.ng June 26th and opened with and Mrs. Elwood Fetch, RR 1, a worship service conducted by
Wroseter, .Mr. arid Mrs. Jack . Mrs. Leslie Bolt, Mrs. Robert
Coultes, and Mrs. Helen Martin. Warwick, RR 2, Bluevale. Mias Lenore Higgins, London, thanked tU4to the hills, around" was sung
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham and followed by a prayer.
his executive for a very well Business was conducted by the p planned and enjoyable day. The president, Mrs. James Coultes. It was decided to reimburse Mrs. rest of the ,afternoon was spent James Lamont-and Mrs. Thomas in sports, games and visiting,.
Guests were present frOm Tor- Cameron for cleaning and
onto, Etobitoke, London, tong refinishing the basement, floor.
A Branch, Komoka, Stratford, St. Articles are being collected of
Marys, Blyth, Belgrave, Blue- good used clothing to be sent to
vale, Brussele, Wroxeter, Gorrie Mission Services,. London and
and Wingham. are to be in by August 1st to
Mrs. Willard Arnistrong.
EDGAR REUNION A bake sale is planned for
The 25th Annual Edgar July
reunion was held 'on Sunday, in Mrs. William Coultee intro-
the Belmore Community Park duced the guest, Rev." Stanley
with '70 relatives signing the McDonald froni Leedesbore who
register. told of his work as a councillor
The afternoon was spent in in his ministry,' after which
visiting and sports. he diVided the grotp into five
- Sports Were convened by Mr. smaller distuSeion groups,
and Mrs. David Ireland and Mr. Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler ex-
arid Mrs. Lewis Stoneheese, pressed thanks to Mr. McDonald
Coming the fartheet distande and Mrs. Coultes asked him to
were Mr., and Mrs. Maitland pronounce the benediction which
Edgar and family of Petrolia, cloeed the meeting.
Grandparents having the most
ls grandchildren present, Mr. and'
Mrs. Charles Johnston Of Blyth; Persona
Birthday closest td July 8, Mrs,. 'rotor Ansley returned to his
George Gibson; Arinivereary home at Thessalon on Sunday
closest to Suly 8, Mr. and. Mrs, after spending the past Month
Action Ads
887 6641
8-4HE BRUSSELS- •Pititt JULY- 1973
The family of Mr, and Mrs.
Russell Sholdice, mMorningtort
St., Stratford honoured their par-
ents with a number of social
events on the occasion of their
40th wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Sholdice was the former
Verna Querengesser of 'ermine,
gen and the daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Querengesser
of Brodhagen. Mr. Sholdice -is
the son of the late Mr. and Mrs,
Adam Sholdice of walton. Mr.
and Mrs. Sholdice are former
residents of Brodhagen where
they had a General Store. The
couple have a family of one
daughter and three sons Gary
of waterloo, Warren, Windsor,
Roger, Mississattga and Mrs.
Allan (Beverley) Wagner, St.
Marys, seven grandchildren -
Paul,. max*, Judy, Jeffrey,Greg-
ory, Stephen and Scott Sholdice.
. The celebrations for this 40th
anniversary included a dinner
with, a few friends at the home
of their brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Que-
rengesser, Stratford. Guests of
their family at, a dinner and
social 'evening at Leisure Lodge,
Preston and at the home of their
son, Gary in Waterloo and on
Sunday Open House at the couple's
home arranged by the family,
with Mrs. Howard Querengesser
at the tea table which was centred
with . anniversary cake and their
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daughter and daughter-in-laws serving.
The couple were married On
June 22, 1932 at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Brodhagen by Rev. $. Frederickson, now of
Windsor. The attendants were
Mrs. Orval (Nora sholdiee) Whit-
field, St. Catharines, Mrs. John
(Carrie Querenge s ser) Arbuckle
of Maple, Mrs, Donald (Adelia
Querengesser), Stanch of Kitch-
ener, Mrs. Ian (Elva Sholdice)
Wilbee of Walton. Mr. Albert
Hinz, Brodhagen, ,. Mr. Orval
Whitfield , St. Catharines, Mr.
Wilfred Ahrens,. Brodhagen. Mr.
Howard Querengesser, Stratford
was soloist and Mrs. Lorne
(Pearl Bennewies) Mueller, org-
anist. Mr. and Mrs. S,holdice
received many cards of good
wishes, flowers and gifts.
DIAL 887-6641