HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-07-04, Page 11An amended agreement be- tween Huron County Council and the Victorian Order of Nurses, as suggested by the V.O.N, and recommended by the Social Ser- vices Committee, -received council approval. The new agree- ment covers nursing services purchased from that organization by the county. The amendment includes the new rate of $7.00 per visit, which had already been approved by council. It aslso provides for a thirteenth payment, or refund, each year when the actual cost per visit for any year is known, which is usually early the fol- lowing year. It was felt by the committee that the latter amendment should result in reduced deficits and therefore should reduce any un- subsidized grants required from the County in future years, In other business from the Social Services committee, County Council agreed not to concur with a reporution received from the County of Grey. The. resolution requested support for a move .to ask the Province of .Ontario, to contri- bute 50 per cent of all adminis- tration costs of social service departments rather than only salaries, staff! training and travel expenses. Huron was of the opinion how- ever that such an increased sub- sidy would only lead to more rigid controls .and loss of local autonomy. f. dichael eyMa Kevin Karen, rwood; arlane; Nigh, Y flak; , imaat; ton; Dale; Layson; ' migan; rwood; tephen radley 'Arm- Bruce Debbie nCar- rior; I rsey; nder; Paul usan Carol wen eggy font- nnie lane; le; nty- bert In scanning the Mitchell Advocate we note that Rev, John Scharrer informed the congregation that he has accepted a call to become pastor of peace Lutheran Church in Windsor. - - - Mrs. LilaStorey took her pupils to the Zurich Nursing Home on Thursday evening to entertain the; Senior Citizens there. Various musical selections and dancing entertained the residents during the evening and was followed with =lurich. - - - George Joiner was officially installed to the office of president when the 11/,lonkton Lions Club held their regular meeting Monday. Dis- . trict Deputy Governor, Melville Schaub, Milverton, conducted th installation. The Teeswater News • reports that Arnold Proud was' installed as new Lions President, It was, reported at the regular meeting a profit of $1,158 for community work was realized during recent Rodeo Day events. - - - Mr. and Mrs. John • . Kieffer, Mildmay, marked their 45th anni- versary recently. According •to the Lticknow Sentinel the people of Lucknow- and area gathered' last Saturday to honor a native son, Paul Henderson, hockey star and also to open the new Lucknow swimming pool. = - 'Huron TOWnship ceases fire agreement with Lucknow. The Township is now part of the Ripley .Huron Fire Area as they participated in the purchase of new fire equipment and buildings. - - - Two men, Charlie Tilden:, and Bill Tilden, were res- cued from• Hayes Lake in Kinloss, when their • inflated rubber dinghy collapsed while fishing for, pike. The Blyth Standard reports that' the Redreation Committee has set fees for use of ball diamond and lightS. The schedule calls for a -charge.,of .$5.00 per game to local teams, $7.00 for 'out - ,ofe,tOwn teams- and $4.Q0: for. use of dia mond > withciut Stanley ,Cook, Belgrave, was honored recently by.mem- bers of his immediate family on the occasion of hiS, 82nd birthday. • A stirpriSe birthday party, accord- ing to the Wirigham AdVance-TiMeS; Was held Friday evening at the SadVation-Athly Citadel, when Ma.hor Margaret Wheeler was guest of honor. Major.Wheeler was,- marking her 80th birthday. She had served as an officer for 38 years, retiring, 20 years', ,ago. She is Still active with the League of Mercy. who 'resideS With his mother in the former Belgrave school house, was res- cued from the roof by Blyth• firemen. His companion was able to climb, down to safety but .apparently Bill, like many others, became frozen on 'descent and therefore Blyth Firemen were called to the reSche, - - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Catemore and Heinz Redekopp of the Winghate Lions Club attended th e 56th international 'convention' h Miami. The , Gecierich.Signal4tar reports that the municipal police point out this week' that they will be enforcing water rested-.. tions enacted by a bylaw under the Public Utilities act' for Goderich. Local resi- dents are urged to water. their lawns only during set times allowed by this by- law. -- Mrs. Norma Kingswell was named the winner of the "Name the New Room Contest". The annex lounge on the main floor of the Goderich Legion will now be known as the "Vimy Lounge". - Mrs. Robert McAllister of Brit- tania Rd. East, celebrated her 85th birth- day recently when more than 60 attended to mark the happy occasion. - - Power Squadron commanders W. A. Hallat and Budd Kuehl took the official salute as more 'than 20 boats, specially decorated for the occasion, took part in the annual Snug Harbor Sail Past at Goderich on Sunday. Another eleven boats from Bay- field set out to join the Gotlerich boaters but were forced back by fog. - - - Thurs- day, June 28th, Fred Barker, marked his 80th birthday. He is still actively em- ployed by Dearborn Steel Tubing and just, begun a three week holiday. He has been with the firm for 15 years. The future of the, Old Woolen Mill at Benmiller, • referred to by the Clinton News Record, as the mystery of the Old Mill, is finally solved. At a public meeting held at Carlow it was revealed that it is to become anight: spot. The hearing Board of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment listened to the presentation of representatives of Ben- miller Estates and learned the former woollen mill is to become a "rather rustic rural hotel dining lounge" which is to be "open to the public generally". - - Clinton council at a special meeting awarded .the Lavis Contracting Company Ltd. , Clinton, for the reconstruction of one block on Queen Street, one block on Townsend Street and another, on Raglan Street, - Mrs. Margaret Rudd, writer-. of "Town Talk" in 'the Clinton News- Record is leaving after five years with the weekly paper. Mrs. Rudd was the winner of the Commanding Officers home Vanastra, being the first prize in the contest to rename the former Canadian Forces •Base. She and her husband will. be residing. in residential quarters at Canadian Forces Base, Borden. Four descendants of early Exeter fami- lies, according to the Exeter Times- Advocate, "were given the honor of un- veiling a plaque commemorating the community's founding. They were John. Willis, Miss Marion Bissett, Mrs,Louise Craig and C. V. Pickard. - - - 75 people gathered Monday to honor Earl R.Guenther fOr his many years of service to the coin- munity and to the school in particular. - Mr. Guenther first started busing stu- dents to Exeter in 1944 but his career. started much earlier than that. When he' was just about 14 years old, in 1910, Mr, Guenther carried• his first bag of mail nad has been connected with buses, coach lines and trucking up until the present titre. County *arks out VON -agreement Cigarettes and coal dust threat to lungs Inhaling coal dust is a threat to the lungs. So is cigarette smoking. 1 Miners are 'alarmed about their on-the-job hazards. And, new law's 1.'efe been passed which require 'tighter • regulations to protect miners at work. IMproved ventilation in mines and an increased use of, wet drilling should help cut down some of the occupational hazardS. And there are other steps miners themselves can take to protect their embattled lungs. One of these .steps is to stop i smoking. A recent study shows 1 that cigarette smoking among miners causes even more lung distress than the dusty air coal ,miners inhale at work. Coal miners are not allowed 1 to smoke at work. But studies have found that the average coal miner smokes just as many,cig, Jug is.themajor cause ef.chronic , arettes a sday as' the average lung diseases. To find out ways nonminer. Since they smoke the to, quit smoking, contact your same• amount in a shorter span local TB-RD association. It's of time, the miners' exposure 'and breath. • PRINTING • FOR. ,•..EVERY PURPOSE. '••• to cigarette smoke is much more concentrated. In the study of 8,555 miners, the PHS team found that more than half of the smokers •had chronic bronchitis. For non- smokers, in contrast, the per- centage was cut in half; only 25 percent of the nonsmoking miners had bronchitis. For ex- smokers, the rate was reduced to 31 percent. Smoking damages the cilia, tiny broom-like structures that sweep germs and dirt out of the lungs. C ilia damaged by smoking cannot remove inhaled coal dust effectively, The combination of smoking and exi5osure to coal dust is a double) threat to the lungs. Miners can help protect their lungs by quitting smoking. So can everyone else. Cigarette smok- a matter' of life 4. 4..4,- 4,•40,..4,4,4.44- vai.o. 46. vvi.,vii,..••• • Smiles Patient watching his dbetikr apply a stethOScOpe asked her ,- Vously, anything. _ sive, Doc.''' M AFF/Ao SHE'LL. FORGET, me IP siLIE, WES' OUT WiTI4 arlieR EOM We continue to serve the Brussels Area by providing requirements for Posters,. Letterheads, Envelopes, Booklets, Wed- ding Stationery and other printing. Cali us when you require printing;. Post Publishing House .88/..8641 "Next yetit. rill having -the Same teaehee and the tattle' StihjeetS" This Week's Letter: I arts a 17 yeat-oid boy and I have a pre-, blerii with my girlfriend. We get along veil well f Or three months. We were'going: to go steady,, but one day we got into a fight and' noW srid doesn't Want 'to ge steady with' the. she said this- sunithet she wants to go out with other' guyS. She says she Still likes the and she still 'wants to gd eta with I like he a lot i but t dotiq want het to go out with other guys because -attaid theq forget the if she goes out with: 'Oh het Paketiti, , What should Y do'? Our Reply; We agree with yet& girlfriend. Although the likes you and you like her, she Should be allowed td date other guys and you should date othet girls. If you are afraid lOgeber taiiSe she it "forget''' about you if she goes with other guys', the relationship can't be kid' strong And by -going steady with her ter this reason is very immature. This summer' both oil you Should go 'Out with other' people: iikay.e 4 later thhigs work Out for the two of Yeti. gefifiedy,,-P:POIJI4etOf'' Brussels ,tHE BRUSSELS liat, jULY it$84,,,ii