HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-07-04, Page 3Correspondent
Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse
Wednesday night, June 2'7, was
Gradnation Night for students at
East Wawanosh Public School.
887.6851 — BRUSSELS
See the new
line of
Guests, Parente and PuPils were
welcomed by William Stevenson.
After guestS at ,the head table
were introduced, grace was said
by Rev. JOhn Roberts.
• The Women's Institute served
supper and werelhanked by Amos
Smith on behalf of the guests.
Class valedictorian was Doreen
Taytor. Piano selections were
played by Heather Currie. Guest
speaker for the evening was
James W. Coulter, Superin-
tendent of program for the Huron
County- Board of Education. Ap-
preciation was expreSsed by Clif-
ford Branton, A Grade seven
group "The Shindigs" played
._several members. Awards for
Field bay were "presented by
•111r. Medd to the following Junior
Girls champion - Karen Coultes;
'Junior Boys champion -Jeff•Cook
Intermediate Girls - Angela
IVIuschild; Intermediate Boys -
Andrew Koopmans;•Senior Girls r
Heather Currie; Senior Boys.
TerrY Arinstrong,
Fred Meier presented the Co- -
Op academic. Proficiency Trophy
to Jaretzke. •
Jack Taylor presented the
redit Union Academic ''Pro-
-ficiency Trophy to.Cameron yhin
" Jack Alexander brought
greetings from the Board of Edu-
cation and presented trophies to.
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News of fBeigrave.
6.r.06: 8 ..students at East Wawanosh public school graduate
Ingrid Jaretzke and Cameron
ytiill for Academic Proficiency.
Each of the Graduates received a
diploma from Mr. .Coulter
assisted by .Mr.-Alexander.
The 28th Annual Nethery re-
' union was held on Saturday after,
noon, June 30 at the community
Hall, Londesboro -, with 80
signing the register.,
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Nethery
of Wingham were' in charge of
the sports and races which were
enjoyed by all.
Guests were present from
Rydal Bank, ontario; Michigan,
U.S.A.; Niagara Falls, Litrlington,
Hamilton, Toronto, London,
Goderich, Clinton arid the sur-
rounding district.
Following the supper hour,
the 'president, William Black of
R.R. 1, Belgrave took charge of
the meeting. Special prizeS Were'
given by Abner Nethery of. Wing-
ham to the oldest person present,
Albert Nethery of Hamilton, and
to the person coming the longest
distarice, John Keats, of • Rydal
Bank, and the youngest baby
present was Andrea Bolton of
R.R. 1, Stroud, Ontario.
A vote of thanks was given by
Abner Nethery for the annual
gifts of salt which was received
by all present from Percy Barker
of Goderich, and a vote of thanks
,was given by. Alex. M. Nethery
of Burlington for a treat'of water-
melon to the children: Officers
elected for next year were: presi-
dent - William Nethery of Bel-
grave; Secretary-Treasurer• -
Miss Mary -Isabel Nethery of Bel-
grave. .•
The meeting closed by singing
"Auld 'Lang Syne." .
The Junior Auxiliary met
Saturday morning in the Orange
Hall with sixteen girls present
with Heather Shiell leading in the
Aud:r•ey Scott, the president,
.led in the opening . exercises.
Cathy Shiell was in charge of
the Roll Call. Minutes were
read by Alisbn Roberts and
treasurer's report by Judy Car-
michael. Leaders for the next
meeting: games - • Kelly Long-
heed; singsofig, Vicki Leis; to
help with worship, Audrey Scott;
cleah-up girls, Anne Procter and
Nancy Moore.
Kelly Lougheed helped with
worship service. The offer-
irig was collected by Bonnie
Walker and Vicki Leis and Pati
Edwards, recited the offertory
The girls worked• on their
posters for thejled Cross Badge.
The sing-;song was led by Judy
C arm ichael.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch*
Julie and Jeffery of London spent
the. weekend a with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arm-
strong of Thorndale were holiday
visitors With Mrs. George Martin
also visited with.hit mother, mrs.
Mary Armstrong in Brookhaven
Nursing Home.
Mr. and Mrs. • George M.
`Johnston of London were Monday
visitors with their parents, Mrs.
Laura Johnston and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Grasby.
• A large crowd attended the
Country Fayre in Belgrave arena
on Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence
Taylor visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Showers of Turnberry
Township on Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer Taylor of Hamil-
ton spent the weekend at the same'
home. '
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Hallahan
spent the weekend at Schomberg
visiting with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson
have sold' their farm to Mr. and
Mrs.:Leonard Robinson 'and hive
moved to their home at,341O a.the-
rine St. Wingham. Mason will
continue as agent for the' West
Wawanosh Fire Insurance. •
Mr. and Mrs. Clare VanCamp
'returned home on Thursday
evening by plane to London from
'their trip to Victoria, B.C. where
they visited with her sister and.
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mr. and Mrs. ClareVanCamp
and. Mrs. Harold Jardin visited
on. Sunday :'With Miss Nora Van.
Camp who Is a patient in Hain Ma
General Hospital.
Mrs. Beatrice Cardiff of
Brussels spent the weekend with
her sister, Mrs. Amelia Brown.
Mr. and MrS. Bert Ferguson
of Holstein visited onSunday with
Mr. and. Mrs, Harry, L. McGuire.
Visitors On. the weekend with
Mr. and -Mrs. Hereon Irwin were
Mr .anadpd Lance MrAolfeBx4Nethery,,
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reid, Brian
and. Pamela of Winghant. ,
Mrs. Roger Bieman, Mrs.
Art Edgar, Mrs. Bert Hastings
,and mrs. WillianiElstonattended
a shower:for MiSs Ferneidaliast
ings of Hespeler cf Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. ,Hon Catnpbell
of London visited on the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Camp-
bell and 901.4-r relatives.
SOOtt Campbell •of London is
spending, the summer holidays
with his ;uncle and aunt; Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Campbell.
Mrs. Margaret Kemp of
Toronto is spending few days
with Mr. and MrS. George 'Michie.
Mr. and , Mrs. Jaines Baker
of London spent the Weekend•
with her parents, :Mr. and Mrs.
G; urge Michie.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie
of Wingharn, visited Stiriday
with Mr. and IVI rs. George Michie.
Mrs. JaMes Thomps014
Douglas and Danny of Paris
visited on the holiday weekend
with her parents; Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Johnston. Douglas and
Danny remained for some holi-
Mr. and Mrs, John Munro of
Hantilton visited. on Stindayi with
Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Scott.
kiss Maria Arruda of Tor
ronto is holidaying with grand-
parents, - Mr.' and Mrs. Cliff
Mi.' and Mrs. Leslie. Vincent
and Paul of Oakvillei: Douglas
Toff of London; „Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Mitchell, Jeffrey and Scott.
of Burlington, were Sunday visi-
torS with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Lzurence Barman were her
sister and brother,in-Iaw, mr.
and -Mrs. Geoge Sargearit of South
Lancaster, Mass. . •
Mr, and .Mri. Peter Huck 'of
Waterloo spent the weekend with
their cousins, Mr. and ' MI's,
Bruce Campbell.
Miss Gwen Scott of Barrie,
visited on Saturday with her uncle
and aunt, Mr. ,and Mrs. Albert
Coultes. •
Mr. and Mrs. NOrmait Hill of
Toronto visited on. Tuesday with
her parents, mt.; and Mrs, Harry
Mitt Margaret Nicholson and
'her girl friend, Miss Susan Wells
of LondOnvisitedonSaturdayWith.
mt. and Mtg. Garner NicholdOn
and attended, the Country Fayre.
Robbi Nicholson is holi-
daying with Mr. -and Mrs.* Ron
NichOlsOn and Sherri of .St.
Marys. All enjoyed the' weekend
at' Lion'S Head at ROnNicholSon's
cottage. ' •
Mr. and .Mrs. Alan Scott,
Brian,David and Kevin Barrie
are olidaying at the honie of ,
his parentS, Mr. and Mrs.Walter
We are sorry to hear that
Mrs. Elizabeth Shackleton is a
patient in Witigha.riCand Distria
Mr and. Mtg. Harold antigen
Of Tweed were recent visitors
With her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry McGuire. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gower
of •Ohilliwatit, B.C., were recent
visitors. With their cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. George Johnston.
Mt. and 'Mrs. Robert Hibberd
visited with Mr andMrS.Nornitin
Whitehead In Wingham On Sunday
evoititai Friends of Miss Nora.
Vandantp are sorry to hear ahe
is a 'patient in Hamilton General
Hoapitit. , We With. her 'a speedy
Mr. and MrSailObfi SpiVey and
family of ingereell Spent the
hOliday.yeekend with her paten*,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Procter and
her aunt Miss 'Margaret Otirtia.
. Mr. arid Mrs. tA. Cameron.
of titsioto* visited on SttriditY
With Mri andMrs. Matt% Robin-
Sen. •
Mr. and Mrs. dibb Saube of
torotito) were`.ivititidiy *tailors
'With Mt. acid Mrs. Saud pletch.
:THE BRUSSELS POST;. .JULY` 4r 1973--3'