HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-06-13, Page 11Correspondent
Mrs. Chester Earl
The W.I. held their June meet-
inh in the form of a bus trip to
Collingwood. A very enjoyable
day was spent by 44 ladies,
touring the different places of
interest. - •
Mr. and Mrs. George
Pearson, Mr'. and Mrs. Andrew
Bremner and Doris; Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Cardiff, attended the
Bremner reunion in Bradford on
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood IA Tag-
gart attended the g,nith-
MeTaggart wedding in Moncrief
and reception in Brodhaga.n Sat.
Visitors with Mrs. Eva Smith
were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Illman
and family of Monkton and Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Smith, Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobson
flew to Owen Sound for breakfast
Sunday morning then on to Tober-
mory then back by Kincardine and
Visitors with. Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Downey were Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Herter and family,
Sympathy is extended Mr.
Chas. Hansuld on the death of
his sister this past week.
Will discuss
arena FOR SALE
Men's 8t Boys' WORK BOOTS ETC.
ReasonCible Prices NM III
A gala evening was enjoyed
at the. Brussels Legion Hall on
Saturday, June 9th, 'when St.
John's 'Masonic Lodge held their
annual Ladies' Night Banquet and
Among the 160 present were
numbers of guests including
members, with their ladies, of
various Masonic Lodges of the
area. Each lady was honored
with a corsage. '
Ross McCall, Worshipful
Master of St. John's Lodge, pre-
sided for the program.
Twenty-three people were at
the' head table. Seven widows of
former members of St. John's
Lodge as guests were seated at
a special table.
Harold Nichols; Assistant
Rabban of Mocha Temple,
London, was the guest speaker.
His interesting talk gave a brief
history of the Shrine, its forma-
tion and, growth through the years,
and great philanthropy with their
Orthopedic Hospitals and Burns
Masonic Ladies feted
at Brussets banquet
; have
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A public meeting has been
called by a group of sport8 minded
individuals to determine' pUblic
reaction to the possible extension
of the present arena fatilities.
The meeting will be held in the
Brussels Arena next Monday, and
Will start at 8:00 p.M. The
facilitieS at present attempt to
serve the village of Brussels and
the townships Of mortis and Grey
and it is hoped that these areas
Will be represented at the meet-
The group is considering two
alternativet. The first would be
to lengthen and widen the present
arena by moving the boards
the side posts; building lean-te'S
for seating: and constructing.
30 x 80 feet cement block
frig at the west end of the arena.
Along with a larger ice rriathinei
cOSt Would range between
75,066 and $100,000, Of whidh
abOilt O5;000 would be available
in grants.
The second altettiatWe would
be to construct anew sports dont.,
piek at an estimated 4890',060
With available .grante, being in
ekde $16i000,i The new
Coniplek WOUld ineltide art ice
Stiria.Oe, dressing feetti45,. an,
auditorinti4•:thid an indoor
Ming pObt •
The Minister of Natural Re-
sources, The Honourable Leo
Bernier, this week announced
an expansion of park facilities in
the Bruce Area, which means, in
effect, that Ontario Hydro is
taking over Inverhuron Park as a
green belt area surrounding the
enlarged nuclear Hydro facili-
Ontario Hydro will join with
the Ministry of Natural Re-
sources in acquiring some 1800
acres of land at MacGregor Point,
near Port Elgin, approximately
10 miles North of Inverhuron
park. This new park is expected
to be fully operational by 1975,
and meanwhile Inverhuron will
remain open to the public as an
overnight camping area. After
1975 the swimming and picnic
areas and open park space now
occupied by campers, will remain
available to the public free of
charge, although the land will
be owned by Hydro.
I am disappointed in this news,
because Inverhuron Park is con-
sidered to be one of the, best -
if not the best - Provincial Park
in Ontario, and the likelihood of
it being duplicated in the area is
very remote.
Also this week, , Premier
Davis announced the establish-
The residents of Huronview,
along with other senior citizens of
Ontario, will . celebrate Senior
Citizens' Week from June 17th
to 23rd. The event has been
endorsed by the ministry of Com-
munity and Social Services as
part of the program for Homes for
the Aged.
The Committee of Manage-
ment of Huronview has declared
open house , for the week, and
invites all senior citizens' clubs,
or any citizen over 60, to come
and join in the programs. For
this week only, the dining room
will be open to visitors and volun-
teers at a nominal charge and
supper will be provided the 'day
of the picnic. Clubs or indi-
viduals who are planning to stay
for meals are asked to advise
Huronview in advance.
Following is a schedule of
A special church service will
be held in the auditorium on Sun-
day .morning, June 17th, with the
choir of Ontario Street Church
providing the music. Our
Chaplain, Rev. W. McWhinnie,
will be in charge of the service.
In the afternoon there will be a
concert by Vie choir of Marian
Villa, Home for the Aged,London.
Monday afternoon there will
be Old Tyme music and dancing in
the auditorium. Goderich Senior
Citizens' Club will join with the
Huronview residents in the
activities and will assist with the
Tuesday afternoon, Lucknow
Town and Country Club members
will visit Huronview. Rev .George
Youmatoff, Rector of Bayfield and
Middleton Anglican Churches,
and formerly Padre of C.F.B.
Clinton, will lead a sing-song
in the auditorium.
Wednesday, the annual Huron-
view picnic will be held on the
•••••••••• •
We Deliver •
plan, which includes, greenspace,
highways, and hydro lines etc.
An eight Member Commission is
to be set up which will make a
master plan for the Niagara Es-
carpment area, although the
Goirernment does not intend to
purchase the whole escarpment
area, which would cost about $4
billion. The members of the
Commission will be nominated by
the local Councils in the area,
one each from the Region of
Niagara and the Counties of
Wentworth, Halton, Peel,
Dufferin, Simcoe, Grey and
The Government has also put
forward an Act to. Provide for
Planning and Development in
Ontario, which would give the
provincial Government con-
siderable power to force muni-
cipalities to act on planning pro-
blems. While making the pre-
sentation on these plans to MPPs
and municipal politicians,
Premier Davis mentioned "the
vital necessity of checking urban
sprawl, of preserving community
identity", and said that to achieve
this the Government will have to
"impose regulations for the plan-
ning of land use on a scale pre-
viously unknown in Ontario".
grounds, weather permitting, or
in the auditorium, lithe weather-
man does not cooperate. There
will be games, races, etc. com-
mencing at 2' p.m. and Wingham
Senior Citizens' Club will assist
with the program..
Thursday afternoon there will
be organ music in the auditorium.
The Senior Citizens' Clubs of
Bayfield and Exeter will put on
a variety program for Family
Night. (Thufsday evening, 7 p.m.).
These same clubs provided the
Family Night program during
Senior Citizens' Week last year.
Friday is always Bingo day at
Huronview, and this week, it is
expected many 'outside' seniors
will be present with us. The
games will be held In the audi-:
torium with some real prizes,
instead of the usual chocolate
bars. Brussels' Senior Citizens
will join residents for the after-
On Saturday, June 23rd, there
will be table games in the audi-
torium (progressive. euchre,
bridge, 500, etc.). Seaforth Happy
Citizens' Club will sponsor this
Grey Council
(Continued from Page 1)
to place in the local papers
propriate advertising Re:
Noxious Weeds.
- That we accept the request
Of Dan Peat-Son and others to
repair a portion of the Hall
Municipal brain . and Donal6
Martin be appointed as CoMMis,t
Sioner to have the work
That the clerk be paid $6.00
registration and O. for Mileage
to' a Clerk-Veastikert: meeting
in Guelph.
That the Huron Contity:His-
torical Society be' given a grant
of $1.6,00,
That F3 M, Ross & ASSOC-
iateS be engaged. to design a
tire hall for .Grey Township.
That. By Law No : Of 1973,
ReereatiOil, PatItS and Corn ,
triunity Centres be finally passed
as road a first; second and
thitd times and be .Stibitiltted to
the Ontario Department. of
EdileatiOti for appteVali,
Accounts paid Included
deneral $16y943,40 and Roads
and Bridges $440.:54" for a
total. $39;946:94:
Institutes. He also showed re-
vealing and informative slides on
burns and treatment at the Burns
Those taking part in the
program were; Grace - Very
Worshipful Bro. Roy Cousins;
Senior Warden,13To. Robt.
Grasby; Mrs. Joanne King; Wor-
shipful Bro. Ross McCall; Inner
Guard Bro. B. Peters; Mrs. Jean
Leach; Introduction f Widows -
Bro. Norman Hoover; Introduc-
tion of Lodge Officers - Worship-
,ful Ero. Ross McCall; Senior
Steward Bro. M. Hoover; Right
Worshipful Bro. C. Krauter;
Right Worshipful Bro. B. McCall;
Junior Warden Bro. W. Short-
reed; Mrs. Lois McCall; Senior
Deacon Bro. M. Watts; Worship-
ful Bro. Ross Duncan; Bro. Wil-
Dasking to the music of
Rodger Christie and His Blenders
of London brought the evening to
a close.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Les Crozeir were Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Lampkin, Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Crozeir and son all of Kitchener.
Mrs. William-sluond and family
of Thunder Bay, returned home
this past week, after visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.F.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Pearson,
London, visited Mrs. Alex
Pearson and family.
Sympathy is extended to
Laurence Barlow on the death
of his sister' at Mt. Brydges.
• Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Stephenson were: Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Cole, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Cole and son of Stratford;
Mr. Jim Racho OLEgmondville.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Bremner were guests of the
Henry - Lemmex wedding in
Atwood on Saturday.
Mrs. Bert Godden and Bonnie
visited Friday with Mrs. Wm.
Reeve at Hillsburg.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Krauter were Mr. and Mrs.
Cyril Knight, Oshawa, Mrs. Jack
Jenkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Jenkinson, Doug, Kathy and David
of London.
Mr. and Mrs. W. • Krauter
visited Sunday With her mother
Mrs. Sarah Foss at Knollcrest,
milverton; other visitors with
Mrs. Foss were Mr. Harry Foss
of Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Foss of Oakville and Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Krauter of
Short Shots
(Continued from Page 1)
the railings:were put there. They
should conserve their energy for
a more constructive purpose. No
one has• objected to people using
the steps to sit on, as many do,
bilt they should appreciate the
privilege and respect the pro-
* * * *
Report from
Queens Park
B Murray 'Gaunt M.P.P.
ment of a Ministry of Energy for
Ontario within a few weeks, and
plans for a $3.8 billion expan-
sion of power generating facili-
ties, including two nuclear plants.
The Premier introduced legis-
lation to turn Ontario Hydro into
' a Crown Corpol'ation, and provide
a review process, including
public participation, for price
increases on electricity. Accord-
ing to a report tabled in the
Legislature this week by Darcy
McKeough, the Premier's Par-
liamentary Assistant responsible
for energy matters, Ontario has
one of the highest per capita rates
of energy consumption in the
world. The report also states
that "the era of cheap energy
has ended".
It is strongly rumoured at
Queen's Park that Darcy Mc-
Keough will be given the Cabinet
post of Minister of Energy.
Minister of Treasury, Econo-
mics and I ntergovernmental
Affairs John White introduced
legislation this week which "will
allow the Province to designate
development planning areas, and
the Government has frozen zon-
ing on 55,000 acres from Dundas
to Markham in an attempt to halt
urban sprawl with a land-use
• • • • • • e•iie•••••••••••••••••• ▪ HILTS FOOD MA
• Phone 887-9339 ----- •
• 8-0z. — Slices • ▪ BLACK DIAMOND CHEESE •
• • Weston's
WHITE BREAD 4.. 4, • - •
• Plan& — 19-oz.
. 3 for 890
can 230
4 ib • ii • o • • • it' • 6** 4'4 ill 44.
Senior citizens week includes
open house at Huronview
News of Ethel
Institute takes bus trip
to Collingwood
Now that the summer Weather'
we' haVe been anticipating' is with
folks will be crowding the
beaches on weekends and for
holidays. That brings the
prospect of tragic drownings.
Water eafety; in thee
stance's; must be uppermost in
Obit minds. In simple relax n.
in frolicking on the beaches
and in the water W6 are prone
tO forget about Water safety.
One Cannot afferd to take their
eyes off yoitttg children who love
to play among the waves and have
no fear of the danger. It takei
appear, • tako caret Practice
moment for then" to dia..
water safety! tketlettateieti,.
ness bring tragedy to yOti this