HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-06-13, Page 3Correspondent Mrs. Mac E ngel Gustav towel, who Leuschner, of Lis- up his formal education to has temporarily given for Jean Va.nier in France work was A VALUE PACKED EVENT 1 , ( "WESTEEL-ROSCO GRAIN BINS COMPLETE WITH AIR CIRCULATING UNIT Your choice of 1) Vertical circulating Unit or 2) Grainairator Independent steel frame. Simple to erect. Complete with roof, roof man hole, ladder and heavy . duty 20" diam. roof cap opening to accomodate spouting or top-filling auger. The walk-in door or hatch-way includes door boards to prevent spillage while allowing visual inspection or auger entry, The walk-in door when applicable has a clear opining - allows bin to be used for easy storage during the off season, . Rope caulking for vertical seams ensures weather tightness. Rodent proof integral washer ,bolt with locked-in non-spreading neoprene washer. 14' DIAMETER FARM SALE-PRICE Capacity Eave Overall -Including Aeration No. Bushels Height Height Unit Freight Extra 560-011 1350 w/hatch 10'3" 14'3" 425.89 560-001 w/door 10'3" 14'3" 441..99 560-012 1650 w/hatch 12'9" 16'9" 474.49 560-002 w/door 12'9'" 16'9" 498.49 19' DIAMETER 560-013 2700, w/hatch 10'3" 15'9" 629.99 560-003 w/door 10'3" 15'9" 659.49 560-014 3300 w/hatch 12'9" 18'3" 744.49 560-015 3850 w/hatch 15'3" 20' 9" 873.49 560-016 5000 w/hatch 20'3" 25'9" 1089.99 ILLUST: Grain Bin with 3-tier door. 37. "Arrive- demi ---" 38. Burn somewhat 39,. "Jane'-" 41. Hot season in Paris 42. Greek letter 111111111111rAr 1111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 fill111111111111111111r ill11111 711111111111111/,' /P' Iiiiiiiiii1111111%11111111111 1111111111111R111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 1111111i11111111111111111 111111111111111 iii1111111111111 11111111111111n ill1111111111 -114E BRUSSELS POST1 JUNE 13 1973- 1 *e of Cranbrook Worked with retarded in France for Jean Vanier SHOP THURS. JUNE 14TH TO SAT. JUNE 30TH 1973 speaker at the June meeting of the Afternoon Group of the WMS at the home of Mrs. Lyle Gordon. Mr. Leuschner decided to travel to France to L'Arch, one of Vanier's homes for the men- tally retarded. It is located at a village 50 miles north of Paris, a community of about 250 includ- ing handicapped people and the assistants, as student counsel- lors are called. Gus (as he likes to be called) plans to return to L'Arch, (the French word for Ark) at the end of July to begin a two-year commitment to the establishment of a similar home in Africa. He says that in many ways society needs more educat- ing than these so-called mentally deficient. L'Arch consists of 10 homes and all residents share meals and participate in work- shops. Residents live at home and work in a nearby factory. Mr. Leuschner believes this community idea is catching on in Canada as well. Large insti- tutions are being phased out in favor of smaller homes. L'Arch is for a community of adults, but hopes to have a hos- pital for bedridden and children. Many retarded adults who have been sheltered and pitied gain confidence after trying again and again. Many have grown up missing out on love in their home life and are not able to give love. The need for these homes i s great. There are two in Calcutta India, one called "Daybreak" in Toronto, one in Edmonton and in the U.S. The W.M.S. group who heard this dedicated young man des- cribe his interesting and worth- while work, were left with a different feeling about and under- standing of these so-called hand i- capped people. - Mrs. WilfredStrickler opened the meeting by reading "He found time" and singing "Lord speak to me, that I may speak". All repeated the Lord's Prayer and the leader led in a prayer from the Glad Tidings. The Scrip- ture was read alternately, followed by a reading "What BUMPER STICKERS 0 ANGER IS of-MN MORE HARMFUL- TI-IAN THE NIJORY THAT CAUSED IT: \\\\\V God hath promised". Mrs. Mac Engel conducted the business in the absence of the president, Mrs. Earl Dunn. She read "Recipe for a good missionary meeting" and Mrs. Stanley Fischer read the minutes: The June Conference on June 12 at with the Evening Group on June 20 at the home of Mrs. Stuart Stevenson were announced. Mrs. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, the Presbyterial visitor will be at this meeting. A verse containing "yield" was given for roll call. "There's a wideness in God's Mercy" was sung. The Mizpah Benedition was repeated and Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Gordon served lunch. Communicants at Knox The Sacrament' of the Lord's Supper was celebrated on Sun- day morning in Kno x Presby- terian Church. The following new communicants were re- ceived into membership: Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith and Linda, Diane Adamson, Lynn, Sandra and Barbara Cameron, Sharon and Rosanne Engel, Anna Lee Stevenson and Joan Hart. The Junior Choir contributed a number with Mrs. Stewart Steiss at the organ. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bremner were in London on May 25 when they attended the graduation ex- ercises at Centennial Hall for Fanshaw College. Their son Murray graduated as an Auto- motive Power Technician and has a position at Clark's Industries, St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Perrie and Will attended graduation ex- • ercises on June 5 at Convocation Hall, Toronto. Will received his Bachelor of Science Degree from University of Toronto. Heartiest Congratulations to these young men. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne waid, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ward, Breslau, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Engel and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Paris, Mitchell, attended the service in Knox Church an d later visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cameron and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger, Brussels• also attended the church service and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Engel and family. CROSSWORD PUZZLE FARM KING UTILITY AUGER The Farm King Utility Auger offers a unique method for moving grain to permanent or semi-permanent bins. Heavy-duty con- struction and sealed lubricated bearings assist in making this auger a lasting and trouble free unit. Features • 16 gauge tubing • 12 gauge flighting • box clamp • motor mount • tail legs • drive pulley • 1" self:aligning top bearing on 5" auger .2" motor pulley and carrying tiandle, 84 drive belt supplied on 4" auger only. No. 519-102 No. 519-103 No. 519-151 No. 519-152 4" diameter, 4" diameter, 5". diameter, 5" diameter, 16 ft. 21 ft. 16 ft, 21 ft, galvanized galvanized painted painted FARM SALE PRICE FARM SALE PRICE FARM SALE MICE FARM SALE PRICE 399 4599 7419 969 FARM KING 7 TON WAGON A rugged dependable wagon gives years of operation. Au- tomotive steering = front axles 'turn in heavy walled tubing with replaceable bushing for easier steering. Box type rear axles are welded to spindle to ensure positive tradkirig. SpecificatiOnS: • 10Y (4' prox.) turning radius • 72" track : telestOpirig reach = 84" to 132" • 13 4" high darbOrt steel SPindles 6 bdit heavy duty hubs with high speed bearing • 7 Ton cadadity (de- pendingon tires) a Rear hitch included. Wagon comes with 15" rims (less tires), FARM KING PORTABLE AUGER One of the handiest pieces of equipment on the farm.,. for loading trucks, grain 'bins, self-feeders, mixers and grinders. Features: • Heavy duty, cast, machined gear box • Top drive, with roller chain Sealed. self-aligned bearings on drive shaft • Self-level- ling motor mount • 18" heat treated fighting on intake end • wide carriage for travel stability • Built-in winch with safety lock for easy lifting • 16 gauge tubing. Complete with towing hitch, 15" rims (less, tires and tubes) 1 drive V-belt on 6"x31 ft. auger. 2 drive V-belts on 7"x36 ft. auger. No. 519-170 NO. 519-174 6" diameterx31 ft. 7" diameterx36 ft. . FARM SALE PRICE FARM SALE PRICE 34549 4799, ACROSS 1. Nile serpents 5. Piete of garlic 10. Authentic 11. Adversary 12. Heavily involved (4 wds.) 15. Past (solicit): 2 wds. 16. Caustic substanCe 17, of March 19. Egg dish 23. Toward Shelter 27. Reporter's figuratively (3 WdS.) 29. "Sweeten the pot" 30. Mets' manager 31. Dross ' 33. Powdered lava 36: Unwilling 40. Agree (404.5.) 43. Fill. With joy 44, Trade' Center 45. Change 46. Region DOWN 1. Irish exclamation 2, Before Oct Trail Greek inland 6. Untruth 7. Elliptical 8. See 45 Across 9. Otherwise 13. - of Bagdad 14. Required wds.) 18. Hour glass ingre- dient 19. Tierra del Fuego Indian 20. - Dieu! 21.-- „a Today's Answer Magnif- ique" 22. Dregs 24'. Gam 25. Lady lamb 26. Written letter 28. Poe's "The Mystery of Marie 32. Stratum 33. Cruising 34. Broker's advice 35. Warm up No. 529-050 FARM PRICE UnitedCo-operative of Ontario AgtogAvg,