HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-06-06, Page 1524. Cards of Thanks Mrs. Mae Bryans wishes to sincerely thank her neighbors and friends for their kindness during her stay in Victoria Hospital and Wingham. District Hospital with their cards, flowers, visits, gifts and letters. Special thanks to Mrs. Alice l4ewton, Mrs.Helen Elliott, Dr. Bozyk and the nurses on the second floor. It was all much appreciated and will long be remembered. Again.t hank you. 24-75x1 I wish to thank all wyo re- membered me with cards and visits, during my stay in Listowel Hospital,- A special thanks to.the Brussels Legion and to those who helped out in any way, also. Rev. Le Drew, Dr. John Connors, Dr. Yong and the nursing staff. - Jim Dellow, 24-75x1 The family of the late Wilson Lewington wish to express sincere thanks to neighbours and friends for their many acts of kindness during the sudden death of a dear husband and father. Many thanks - to all who sent syMpathy cards, donations and floral tributes and brought food to our home. Special thanks to all the neighbours who put our crop in.. Special thanks to M.L.Watts Funeral Home, Your kindness will always be remembered. 24-75-1 I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my friends, neighbours and relatives for the lovely gifts I received at the community shower. Special thanks to those who spent their time to arrange the evening and for the. very I enjoyable entertainment. Will always remember your thought- fulness. - Rosemary Blake. 24-75x1 we would like to thank our family, for the Surprise Party in honor of our 25th Wedding Anniver- sary. Also thanks to our neigh- bours and friend's for the lovely' gifts. - Joyce and Charlie Lake. 24-75-1 25. In Memoriam DAVIDSON -In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister Joan Marie, who passed away June 7, 1959. Memories are like threads of gold, They never tarnish, nor grow old. - Sadly missed by her family. 25-75-1 26. Personal Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White,. R.R.#4, Brussels, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Judy Lavarre, to Mr. George Ross Somers, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Somers., Brussels. The wedding will take place on Saturday, July 7th in the Brussels United Church at 7 o'clock P.M. 26-75x1 27. Births KNIGHT - To Mr. and Mrs. Willis Knight on. Thursday,May 31st, in Victoria Hospital, London a daughter, Patricia Lynne - a sister for Judy Lee, 27-75-1 Kt.TF81t8 Richard and Made., Brussels, announce the birth Of a daughter; Amy Virginia, born jtnie 3rd at Listowel Memorial 27154 JOHNSTON - To Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnston (Peggy 2rirbrigg) are proud to announce the arrival of their first son, batridAllan, Kitchener: 27-75-1 CURRIE - Douglas and Betty (nee Mason) are happy to announce the birth of their son, on May 31, at Peel Memorial Hospital, Brairipton. The first grandohild for WA. Eleanor Makin, Brussels and the first grandson for Mr. Donald Currie, Brampton, 27-75.1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM WILLIS MacDONALD,Deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above deceased are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 6th day of June, 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have had notice. Dated at Brussels this 19th day of May, 1973. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES, Brussels, Ontario • Solicitors for the Executors 22-73-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN. THE ESTATE OF MARGARET HARRISON, late of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. CREDITORS and others having claims againSt the Estate of the above named deceased, who died on or about the first day of November, 1972, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of June,1973, , after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which notice has then been received. DATED at Listowel, Ontario, this 16th day of May,. A.D, 1973.!' Pratt, Q.C., Box 307, Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor to the Executors. 22-73-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF STANLEY PARK McFARLANE, Deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above , deceased are .hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned , solicitors on or be- fore the 6th day of June, 1973, after which date the estate will , be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have had notice.' Dated at Brussels this 19th day of May, 1973. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES, Brussels, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 22-73-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS, IN THE ESTATE OF VESTA COMBS, Deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above deceased are hereby notified to Send particulars of the same to . the undersigned solicitors on-or before the 6th day of June, 1973, after which date' the estate will be distributed with regard-only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have had netice. DATED at Brussels this 19the day of May, 1973. CRAWFORD, MILL & D_AVIES, Brussels, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 22-73-3 Remember!. It takeS but a moment to plade a Brussels Post Want Ad and be money in pOdteti TO advertise, just Dial Brussels 687-6641. 24. Cards of ThankS MY sincere thanks to bra Hook - nurses. and staff Of Witighath Hos, pital, TO tl a Watson, J. Watson and Dr. Jamieson alSO nterns nurses' and staff of Leh-, donVietbria Hospital for kitdness and gOad service during mY stay thete. Aiso for cards received froth friends and neigh- botts,, Ann Cassidy. 2445k1 My sincere thanks and appredias.: tion is expressed to all who membered me with Cardgi, visits and gifts While I Was a patient in university Hospital, titisclos, Mack dakdift. 14-15x1 DISTINCTIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS Select your wedding invitations from our complete catalogue. For you. „ a Keepsake copy . of your' Invitation in luxurious gold. INTEhivATioNAL OF sinAtrono THE BRUSSELS POST Somebody Wants What You Don't Need! SELL Through Brussels Post Classified • War,t Ads 27. Births TOOTH - To Mr. and Mrs. John Lee D. Tooth (nee Gwendolyne Martin) at Lake Shore Hospital, Dollard des Ormeaux, P.Q., on. May , 29th, a son, Gregory Lee, a brother for Judith. Lorraine and a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin of Brussels. 27-75-1 29. Marriages Mrs, Margaret Hawkshaw, Brus- sels, Ontario wishes to announce the marriage of her sister, Mrs. Laura G. Kidd, Sioux Lookout, Ontario to Stanley H. Hobson, 150 Henry St., Palmerston. The marriage was solemnized Satur- day, May 26 by Rev. A. C.Young, Knox Presbyterian Church, Palmerston. The Hobsons will spend the summer inSioux Look- out, returning to Palmerston in the fall to reside.. 29-75-1 TRBOD14o.o.p. .cr\ TRAFFic susl 4 SAYS' • RikU3f,• - ANC+ k NOW --StFOPI YOU YO on- Maitland Presbytery . INMS has meeting at Molesworth By Mrs. Gordon Mundell In one of his columns on entertainment recently appearing in the London Free Press, Joe Matyas stated... "The spawning chain of the media has been pretty well established until now. Novels and short stories beget movies, successful motion pic- tures beget T.V. eries. That traditional system of cross- pollination appears endangered!' Upon contemplation of this quota- tion one wonders about the spawn- ing chain of the women's Mis- sionary work in Canada and throughout the world. Is there such a thing as a spawning chain for this organization? Does regu- lar attendance at the local auxi- liary level and at, the less fre- quent assemblies of Presby- terials and Synodicals beget any- thing? Perhaps an increased membership, greater interest, keen participation in the wide field of endeavour? For those who were present at the Maitland Presbyterial Society of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada held in St. Andrew's, Molesworth, surely answer must be, "Yes". How could we listen so easily and so attentively to the gracious mes- sages of love, and true-to-life tales of the sordid, yet beauti- . fully • rewaraing experiences of the Rev. G.B. Cunningham of Evangel Hall, Toronto, without being 'cued in' or 'turned on'? Mr. Cunningham, introduced by Mrs. Robt. Arbuckle of Wing- ham, addressed both afternoon and evening audiences on the themes, "Discipleship" and "Serve in Newness", using as texts Matt. 11: 28-30, and Rom. 7:6, respectively. Some glean- ings from his inspiring messages were that diseipleship is a res- ponse, to the gracious invitation of the Lord to Come unto Me, and brings with it the promise of rest in time of crises, trouble, 'or illness, and the assurance of burdens to bear, and spirits made light. This promise also leads I to a prospect ... the yoke. "Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me"...the tireless, selfless giving of oneself completely in rehabilitating lives that have be- come dead and lifeless, never heeding the salary, the holidays, the hours of labour, or the various fringe benegits. And for what purpose? That ye might have ilife more abundantly, in not resisting the power of the Holy 'Spirit in leading us to find God's plan for us. The load that looks so ominous becomes easy to bear. This is disciple- ship.... a life of service whose work is hard, whose load is heavy, a yoke to bear. We must make it a personal thing by bring- ing it into our own lives and homes and with people living close by. How can we have con- cern for the people of India, Guiana, or Pakistan if we have no concern for the one next door? On the theme, 'Serve in New- ness", Mr. Cunningham tied in this aspect of service with the lonesome, defeated, despondent, down-and-out, written-off-by- Regular Games: Mrs. Bill Eioyd, GOrtiei 13eaHetgOtt,,Mildu• May; Mrs. George TerVitti wise- and Mrs. C, Denstedt, borkingl Agnes Wirighatiq Isabelle Tiffin., LiiC16, OW; dOherfne Ettga.riWroketert Jack 'Peiket i, tisto*elt Mrs. Beattie, Ligowel i jObiiitObitiSOn) theknOW, and Maude Greefiley, . Beth }Wien, trinlcitoWf Trridk Weisman, HatIOVeri, pokey Fischer, LiStoWel; Mary buts, LiStOWel, Mrsi C. Detittedi nokkint arid Mrs 8..Hubert Mild,. • nay,` Mrs.. Witighatti; Isabelle tatiCklieW; lende,loitriedy; Wingham, Grace Smith, Ethel, thriS Davidson, Pal- society, problem-bearing people who come each day to the door of Evangel Hall, Toronto. Many such are not sick enough to be institutionalized, and yet not well enough to make it on their own. A staff offour there endeavours to guide these people in the wise budgeting of their finances to make it stretch to the end of the month; to help them set up their own rules of conduct; to find them meals and a place of shelter; to give them jobs to do around the place in order to aid them in regaining some self- respect' and a sense of help- fulness. They have coffee hours just for people to come and talk. Ladies have outings such as bowling, picnicking, bible study, or choosing what they need for clothing. Children are taken 'to 'camps or club groups. At Evan- gel Hall there is no really great structured plan to follow... just God's love to give to tide folk through to a warm, kind, loving responsiveness, freed of their anger,- hate, hostility, and hang-ups. A seed is sown, and in time it blossoms. They find the grace; love, and redeeming power of Jesus Christ. No over- night accommodation is provided. Salvation Army or other hostels do this. Bales of good used clothing are accepted there, especially for men and children. Often there is great. need -for footwear and shorts. Evangel Hall is backed financially by Knox Church Trust Funds and by free-will donations, with no other, direct support. The aroma from baskets full of lilacs, tulips, and narcissus, along with the beautiful strains of sacred music played by mrs. John Freeman, Gorrie, provided suitable setting for the day's program which was presided over by Mrs. J.W. English, wingha.m. An Ho'nourary Membership certi- ificate presented to Mrs. Geo. 'Sutherland, Ripley, by Mrs. Cameron McAuley, was accepted by her daughter, Mrs. Wallace Pollock, Lucknow. Mrs. Mel Ritchie, Kincardine, was also the recipient of such a certificate, 'from Mrs. Jessie Robinson,Kin- cardine. Special music for the occasion was provided by soloist, Mrs. Jas. Robinson, Gorrie, and by the Molesworth choris- ters. Interesting reports from delegates to Synodical in Wing- ham in April were given. Also Mrs. Jack MacDonald, Lucknow, had no difficulty in holding the interest of her audience as she humourously related her enjoy- ment of a trip to Montreal as' a delegate to the Biennial Con- ference. Mrs. J. Martin, Brussels, capably and fittingly expressed an In. Memoriam to honour all W.M.S. members who departed this life during the year. The Molesworth ladies pro- vided a meal and evening refresh- ments. Mrs. George Nickel ex- tended courtesy remarks to all who contributed to the success of the day. merston; Mrs. Don FoeieSteri Elmira; Mrs. 6". DO, Witighazna • Share the Wealth: 1 Mrit. George Teriritt, winglieni; 2 . Anne Yeoman, Wroxeter andmts, Margaret Adams, Wroxeter; $25 Special; - liarritton. Jackpot of $100: Mrs. Metal's, W OrdWiCh and Margaret Edgak, oxeter. Lap Card; gra. Bill Boyd. Gerrie. Dart diniet 140;4 nie Wroxeter won $9. Door Prizes; Linda Bell, Gorr* Ruby Paylor, intlinertitnii; 3elin TiffinWhiteehrikeh; and bOrd‘. the's, Doriglatii, Clifford. Lucky Draws: Mks. Newman, Wingliani; Mrs. M. teittisitiSioWe4 Chrid. David on Whitedliiiith. and WC, Wino Upper; :Listowel. dairy ill be orris of :h of 9 ows, stein Hol. ber; Red Ho! old 3k; :Red is .ade can d; 4 Ito- teel ever )lpe mp; ill 349 5-1 i••• the at !at, ter r, :CLASSIFIED.. Howick Lions hold Bingo INE BRUSSELS POST, JUNE 6, 1973-1S