HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-05-16, Page 7887-6453
BELGRAVE 357-2711
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• Our hometown paper
munity are discussed and
explained . We are told of the
advanced planning of our village,
keeping up to date and looking
for the coming ' improvements
,in the future, new buildings and
new businesses.
This is where the news is
gathered from our village and
surrounding district to be care-
fully put together by our capable
friendly editor. Sometimes their
errors in printing give us a
laugh, and a little embarrassment
to themselves.
However written words are
more reliable than those spoken
and cannot be debated as it can
be easily searched. More ac-
curate information being ob-
tained by reading than listening.
Our paper is the ideal place
to read when comparing prices
and therefore when the oppor-
tunity of your purchase comes
along you' are ready to buy. You
are almost certain to see what
you want in the want ads. Selling
"your for sales" in the paper
can also be quite profitable.
Pictures, and information are
of interest to every member of
The following letters
have been received as
entries from readers of
The Brussels Post in the
Canadian Community '
Newspapers Association
Contest "Our Hometown
The contest is open to
readers of each. CCNA
weekly and entries will be
judged by a committee of
the association.
By Juanita Smith
our hometown paper is a wel-
comed guest into our house every
week. There is something in
it for everyone. Something im-
portant that we• do not ,want -to
miss, so we read every word.
It provides us with ideas and
information. It is a market -
place where we discover our
best buys and we stretch our
dollars. It certainly makes
a big difference in our home
by keeping us abreast of the news.
Our hometown paper .is where
the problems of our small corn-
the family including mom who
dabbleS a bit in art and loves
to see the familiar scenes. of
'the surrounding district. No pro
rn ble • to hunt farther if she wishes
a picture to paint.
Pattern problems for the
ladies are no problem. Anything
you wish to sew for the family
or a gift pattern, spend a happy
thoughtful hour or so choosing
what you want from our home-
town papers.
Cooking problems are also
easily 'solved. Something dif-
ferent and appetizing to try when
you scan the cooking receipts.
The grocery ads showus the bar-
gains in this complaining time of
rising costs. where to buy this?
Where to buy that? Consult our
hometown paper, what can be
more handy?
Want to go somewhere? Want
to do something? Read the sports
column or coming events. Keep
a calender of your own from our
hometown paper. It' tells of
church events, school activities,
council meetings i even police re-
The school children are
growing up and moving to another
school ) where have they gone?
Who is moving where? Old timers
drift back, memories for us all,
happy and sad. we are informed
of recent deaths so we can ex-
tend sympathy in some small
way. The new baby has arrived,
auction sales, who is the new
dog cathcher? • In our hometown
paper there is something for
everyone. A quiet relaxed time
fOr the weary and a cheery hello,
personal news, accomplishments
of students, a meeting we may
have forgotten (a • place to be
reminded), a feeling of together-
ness. Do not grow old - keep
in touch with the times and your
friends through our hometown
To the merchants, our
hometown paper is the most ef-
fective and most economical way
to promote businest.
Renew your hometown paper
today - I think it is ,the best.
It makes a big difference in our
By Mrs. Liliane Wood
318 Leopold St.
Hey! did the paper come?
This, often heard in unison, is
the greeting one receives after
picking up the mail - if it's
delivery day. The lucky reader
is 'whisked away into a syndrome
of interest, but may burst forth
with something like "whatja
know!” "I just can't believe it!"
Can, you imagine the impact
that weekly papers have country-
wide! Often when the family is
through it is mailed to members
who have left the nest, relative8
or friends. Many old natives and
others haVing spent many years
in the area continue subscrip
tions. The weekly paper is the
pulSe of the town and district.
News, pithy items, announce-
ments, etc. make the adheSive
that cements the community for
a full and active participation.
It niakeS rural life meaning-
ful and adds zest to our living,
our roots are nourished. If one '
IS functioning at all, there's no
Way a rural person coulddiSpenCe
with this :Weekly paper.
Every area haS its CleVer,
alert and Witty people • con-
tributing: • The paper plays a
treinefidouS part, editing, culling
-and' presenting. the Material fOr
us' to enjoy and benefit froth:
Some' ,of the material is price
less. •• SOMething for everyone
Mr: Retired enjoys every
Entitling over bygone days, pre-
bablY spent. right in the district.
Often catching „ a bit to argue
about with his buddieto
Mr. Partneri • who really
ShOUld haVe the -liOn't share,
checks farm hevm. eve and
sale§0 etc., _and oetuue§ all Mr.
Shop airs Nis Wares. All thiS
helPS to eld the community into
a CIOSeknit section 6. farina, hatil•
lets, Villages and
One bidet many' peopid enjoy
IS the entertainment feithreiri
now more ever.
One titietiti't We 10 read the
dailies to find somewhere to have
a brea - if that is their
of tea'.' What is more interesting
than news of schools or church
and organizations. If members
of our families excel in some
way don't we throw out our chests!
Dramatic and music groups are
becoming more popular than ever
- this makes good news. Young
people are encouraged by siget-
ting in the paper."
An idea I would suggest is
a 41 Fame box", always in the
same space, with photograph,
to recognize success of the
younger generation, in their
chosen field, or who have con-
tributed in any special way. Es-
peciallyihose who have received
their basic education and nurture
in the area's homes and organi-
Most of us take advantage of
the mediums today dispensing
news and information of all kinds.
Not even the great mammoths
(newspapers) can compete with
our special Hometown paper. It
'does its job.
Cheers! and a big hand to
Canada's. C. C .N. A. s - they really
keep their hands on the press".
By Mrs. Fred Martin
R.R. 2
The paper with something for
everyone - The Brussels Post -
what it means to us!
we enjoy the news and veiws
of the Short Shots edition.
Then there is ,the coming
events listed each week, which
keeps every one well-informed
on what's going on in the com-
munity. The discussion and in-
formation on income tax is very
helpful at this time of year.
The Marsh world corner is
interesting with its variety of
birds and animals of their ways
of life and habits expecially those
interested in wild life.
The good Sunday Sermon has a
message for everyone.
The news of Huronveiw
is most interesting especially for
those who have friends or family
The grocery store specials
are looked for at this time of
rising prices, we are all looking
for a good buy.
Also the advertisement of
auction sales is, of great interest
to men and some women also.
The wedding pictures are
always interesting as well as the
anniversaries, and the new births
in the community.
There is death announcements
which we might not otherwise
hear about. We look for the
o.P.p. report which is not such
good news.
The sports are well reported
and a great interest taken in them.
The hints and recipes for food
is of special interest to us house-
wives. The real-estate ads give
people information on buying a
home or selling the one they
have. The council meetings,
where views are aired is
interesting to all the taxpayers.
The announcement's of acti-
vities in the different churches is
very interesting.
The column on scanning the
news covers a large area.
The picture of ToDay's Child
is very touching. I wonder how
many find good homes through
your paper: It is also interest-
ing to see school children's ac-
tivities being acknowledged.
Also the 4-H clubs. We enjoy
the Bill Smiley column with its
sense of humour.
All in' all the Brussels post.
packs a' lot into its pages and
we *mild surely miss it if it
didn't find,iits way to our. mail
agree and feel controversial: this
gives me a challenge, and I
can, spend hours composing a
letter - usually in my 'mind -
but satisfying, nevertheless,
The "Visitor" sometimes is
gossipy (in a nice way) and I
learn what my neighbours in the
town and surrounding district
have been doing and what they
plan to do to make my coin-
' munity and area a better place
' in which to live. I ponder .the
many hours these wonderful
people sperid organizing and
managing the many service clUbs;
the time and effort in arranging
various sports of interest to
all ages.
I learn how hard the Town
Fathers and their assistants work
and plan to make certain - or
attempt to make certain - that
the portion of our tax dollar
left in their control is used to
the best advantage of everyone.
Sometimes. I detect a tone of
frustration because my
tor" has not always been included
in all the meetings, therefore
being unable to tell me the most
'juicy tid-bits'. when this hap-
pens I nevertheless find his com-
ments entertaining and detect a
determination to 'put his foot
in the door' next time. He is
quite sensitive on ,this score as
he feels it is my right and his
right to know all details, not
just the ultimate outcome. Per-
sonally, I don't worry too much
at his disappointment as I suppose
we can trust these Fathers or
we wouldn't have voted them in
the position of looking after our
best interests.
I enjoy my "Visitor's" elo-
quent description of the many
bargains , available •in my Town
and district. This information
- if I listen (read) carefully -
will inform me exactly where
I can purchase what I need at
the best price. Sometimes I
am tempted to go look at arti-
cles of merchandise I don't really
need but would love to have,
all bedause my "Visitor" gives
such a glowing description of
Through my "visitor" I am
able to keep my finger on the
pulse of numerous events that
will be available for my enter-.
tainment and interest. I am
informed of the activities and
various sports events occurring;
sports that involve both sexes
of all ages. I can rejoice in
the participant's triumphs and
regret their, defeats even if I
can't always attend the events.
I am informed. of the acti-
vities the students and teachers
of the various schools are plan-
ning and accomplishing. On oc-
casion I am treated to a really
gin depth' view of their thoughts
and aspirations and I consider
these a privilege to share.
when I am• presented with a
controversial issue my "Vi-
sitor" doesn't spoil it by forcing
his own ideas on me, but leaves
the subject open - or invites
my opinion to be aired on his
next call.
By Ernie Beek
A friend 'calla at my home,
once a week, I look forward
to the visit beethiSe, iike
interesting visitori i never know
exactly what expects 8othe,
tunes I AM disappointed, other
occasions I. ant pleated as the
4 Vititor ,0 says- may thinge
want said, Cidcu.siorialiy I
I truly believe there is not
a resident of a community whO
does riot have a Special feeling
- often even an affection - for
his Town weekly newspaper. He
lindOtibtedly Stbscribes to adaily
newspaper froni the nearest city,
but it is the weekly ne.y.spaper
of Lhis' Town that•he welcomes
into' hiS Mine with the same
eagerness he would welcome a
eloSe friend. Being mere' Puritan
beings we will sometimes driti.6•
cize our Weekly newspaper as
we sometimes criticize our best,
friends' but we like theth for
all that, and wOUldn't care for'
anyone else to criticize thehni
My weekly tieWspaper brings
me news of the 'people Of
t i‘My Town'', from their birehi
through their SChtiOi years, their
1 Marriages, theft ACCOMPlishok
theiltS, their departures and their
t arrivals, And sometimes theft'
This- what lioURROMt,
TOWN PAPER" meatus to ml,
,THE BRU BBELs POST, MAY 16, 1973-7