HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-05-16, Page 3CO-OP has the solution
to all your weed problems
tadex 5
7'. Writable Po
you need for the
things you don't want to grow
Surfactant — Oil
concentrate — Use to
extend period of application
and increase efficiency of
Brush Killer — 64 and 112,
two strengths of 2,4-D and
2,4,5-T combined. Provide
excellent brush and hard-to-
kill weed control,
2,4-D Amine 80 Most
widely used weedkiller. Use
on pasture and cereals that
are not seeded down,
Bladex 80 — Use for pre=
emergence and early post-
emergence alone Or in
combination With, Atrazine to
control annual grasseS and .
broadleaf weeds in corn.
Lasso = Combine with
Atrazine or tore* to control
annual grasses and broadleaf
weeds in corn and soybeans.
Sutan 8,E Use before
planting Corn in combination
With Atrazine to control
annual grasses and broadleaf
Embutox E —'2,4-D Butyric
acid for broadleaf Weed
control in legume crops.
AAtrex BOW — Atrazine.
Use for pre-emergence and '
early post-emergence weed
control in corn.
Lorox — Recommended as a
pre-emergence spray for weed
control in soybeans, field
beans and field corn.
Plus other chemicals for
virtually any weed 177,1!"*..,,„.
control problem.
Free copies
of the CO-OP
Weed COntrol
are available.
tkibitAVt Vtt4CitAill51.2tit. bittigOtig, 681',W4
Chemicatt for Weed. Control.
Call in or phone the Brussels Post
Subscription renewals,
classified and display advertising,
payment' of accounts, pictures.
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$iCoo A Year in Advance — 85.00 to U.S A. SJogl'i'Copy 106 BRUSSELS'
News of 'Bluevale
Institute pays tribute to former member
Mrs. Richard Jacklin, Brus-
sels, was hostess to members of
the Bluevale Women's Institute
on Wednesday afternoon. Three
members of the Brussels Institute
were present.
president' Mrs. Mel Craig,
welcomed the members. A new
member, Mrs. Shirley Sacks was
Mrs. Carl Johnston paid tri-
bute to the late. Mrs. Alice Aiken
who had been a faithful member
of the Bluevale W.I. for many
years . She spoke of her keen
interest in all puases of Institute
work and especially the Tweeds-
rnuir History books. It was
decided that a Huron County Atlat
would be purchased by the In-
stitute and placed in the Bluevale
Library in memory of Mrs. Aiken.
Mrs. Craig voiced her
appreciation to Mrs. J. C. Johns-
ton and Mrs. Graham Campbell,
who had planned and arranged for
the cancer canvas and all those
who had done the collecting. A
total of $519.45 had been collec-
ted in the area.
Institute members are selling
tickets on prizes including $10.00
grocery voucher donated by Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Sanderson; apron
made and donated by Mrs.Graham
Campbell, a cup and saucer by
Mrs. Jim Armstrong; and soap by
Mrs.Ken Chambers.The articles
are on display at Mdther's store
in Bluevale.
Mrs. Jim Armstrong,
district director, reported on
the District Annual which she
had attended in Walton on May
Mrs. Craig turned the meet-
ing oer to Mrs. Harvey Timm
and Mrs. Wendell Stamper, con-
veners of Family and'Consumer
Affairs. The Roll Call was an-
swered by naming a new product
on the grocery shelf and your
reaction. Mrs. Stamper and
Mrs. Timm discussed, with the
use of pictures, home furnishings
and decorating ideas.
Mrs. Charles Mathers gave
a demonstration on how to make
nylon pot puffs, marshmellow
daisy treats and rosebuds made
from gumdrops.
Mrs. Stamper introduced
Barbara Ryan, who gave her
prize-winning. speech, "My
Brother", in both the English and
French languages. She was
thanked -by Mrs. Timm and pre-
sented with a gift. •
4-ki members had their ex-
hibits of "The Third Meal"
on display and also their record
Mrs. Harry Elliott as
auctioneer and Mrs. Graham
Campell as clerk conducted a
successful auction sale of ar -
tides donated by members in-
WMS meets
with 14
Mrs. Joe Walker
Mrs. Fraser Haugh was
hostess for the May meeting of
the Bluevale Women's Mission-
ary Society. Fourteen ladies
answered the roll call with a
verse from the Bible contain-
ing the word "Commandments".
Mrs. Glen Golley opened the
meeting with the call to worship
reading Psalm 109. Mrs. Ross
Mann read Scripture from Luke
10 and Mrs. Wm. Elston read a
poem "How The Great Guest
Came" and offered prayer. •
Minutes were read by Mrs.
Glen McKercher and Mrs.
Gordon Mundell gave the trea-
surer's report and the offering
was received by Miss Eileen
Haugh and dedicated by Mrs.
Mrs. Wm. Elston presented
the topic. Lunch was served by
Mrs. Hugh, Mrs. Mann and Mrs.
(Continued from Page 1)
Society campaign in this com-
munity, under the direction of
the Majestic W.I., received gen-
erous response. Contributions
this year of $762.75 exceeded-, by
$207.75 the 1972 collection' of
,$555.00. •
* * * *
Don't forget to attend the
Giant Fireworks Display at Brus-
sels Fair Grounds, Saturday,
may 19, at 9:30 P.M. An ex-
citing display for young and old.
* * * * * *
On Saturday, May 19th, there
will be broadcast on the C.B.C.
at 10 p.m: a program that will be
of particular interest to the
eluding oil paintings, eggs, bak-
ing, linens, plasticware, flower
bulbs, African violets,•etc.
Mrs. Craig th anked all who
had taken part. Lunch as served
by the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
Cecil Sanderson, Mrs. Cecil San-
Mother's Day guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Fischer, Kelvin and Dayle were
Mrs. Lloyd Henning, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Henning, Miss
Pam Hickey, Miss Grace Jeffrey,
Larry Elliott, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Elliott, Mr. and Mrs.Joe
Walker, Daryl, Marie, Kathy,
Sheila and Kevin.
Mrs. Raymond Elliott and
Mr. Gordon Messer spent
Mother's Day with. Rev, and Mrs.
wm. Blackmore and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Snell,
Kathy and Murray were inGorrie
Church to see Robbie Snell, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snell of
Listowel, baptized.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thomas
of Toronto and Mr. Gerald
Thomas of Kitchener spent the
week end with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Thomas.
Mother's Day guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Nicholson were
Mr. and Mrs. morris Lobsinger,
Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs.Clarence
Bishop and family of Ethel and
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Sharpin
of wingham.
Weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Hall were Mr.
and Mrs. Doug. Hall and Corrie
and Mrs. Charles Powers of
Chatham. Sunday visitors, Mr.
people of Brussels and vicinity.
It is "The Bedrooms of the
Nations", the first in the series
"Gallery" which replaces Teles-
Lester Machan, formerly of
Brussels, now with the C.B.C.,
Toronto, did the research and
wrote the script for "The Bed-
rooms of the Nations". He
travelled in four countries, Eng-
land, France, the U.S. and Can-
ada for research; and filming
with Barry Morse, who stars in
the production.
They have treated the sub-
ject in a lighthearted manner
which should make it amusing as
well as interesting.
Don't miss it.
derson, Mrs. Sparling Johnston
and Mrs. Wendall Stamper. The
next' meeting will be held at
Mrs. J. C. Johnston's home on
June 13 when a representative
of the Children's Aid Society wi4
be guest speaker.
and. Mrs. Jack Scott of Newton,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall and
family of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob •Casemore, Jim and Kim
of Watford with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Hall. Other
visitors were Mr. Bob Masters
and Mrs. Almata Masters of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohm, Jr. of
Wingham spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs.J. J. Elliott. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Dettmanof
Wroxeter were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Frase r Haugh
and Eileen attended services at
the Salvation Army Church in
Wingham Sunday when their great
granddaughter, Michelle Marie
Morrison, _daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Morrison of White-
church was baptized. They were
invited to ,the Morrison home
after for lunch.
Mrs. Wm. Bolt of Wingham
spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Fraser Haugh and Eileen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Elliott
visited Friday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex MacTa.vish. and
- Mem hers of the Bluevale
.Women's Institute who attended
the District Annual at Walton on
May 8 were Mrs. Mel Craig,
Mrs. Gordon Mundell, Mrs. Jim
Armstrong, Mrs. ' Charles
Mathers,,,,Mrs. Wendall Stamper,
Mrs. W. J. Peacock and Mrs.
W. J. Nicholson. They reported
a very enjoyable day. Mrs.
Harvey Houston, Lucknow, F.W.
I.O. Public Relations Officer was
guest speaker. Mrs. Mundell
and. Mrs. Mathers presented their
comedy skit "That Nasty Mother
Goose". Mrs. Mathers reported
on the Cancer Canvas in the,
district and expressed the
appreciation of the Institute to
Mr. George Hetherington for the
successful canvas . The total
:figure isn't in yet but it is
• expected to exceed $4,000.00
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