HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-05-16, Page 1with the approval of the Ministry .of Education for Ontario, Huron County will observe three Professional De- velopment Days for the 'school year 1972-73. The students will not attend school on Friday, May 25th. Since the other two days are June 28 and 29, Wednesday, June 27th, will be the last day of school for the students: The teachers of Brussels School will Use the time at school. JIM PRIOR ,vho has been elected presi- dent of the Brussels Lions Club. He succeeds Jinf Knight. Lester Machan (left) former Brussels resident who researched and wrote the script for the CBC feature ,,The Bedrooms of the Nations" is shown with the well known CBC actor Barry Morse. ESTABLISHED 1872 nits s els 0 st P P BRUSSELS ONTARIO Fa& 102nd Year — Issue No. 20 Wednesday, May 16, 1973 Students receive holidays. as Huron county observes three development days NEIL HEMINGWAYN--" son. of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hemingway of R. R. #3, Brussels recently graduated from Centralia College of Agricultural Business Management pro- gram. He was the only student in a class of 45 to receive honors. Gains honors heads class Neil Hemingway, son of Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Hemingway of R.R. 3, Brussels ; recently graduated ftern C entralia college of Agricultural Technology in the Agricultural Business Manage,- ineht prograth, He was the only one in a ClaSS. et 45 StildentS Whd received honors He also Wag presented. with two awards, the Western Ontario Institute of ,Agt0160," Award frit. A'c'ademic student- in AgriCUltural Business ItiWiageinent and the Plant FOod Council Of 'ontatio trophy for top Proficiency in gelig at the graduation exercises of the Ike on 'Friday. Prier to that' he received the' Huron Count Award for Top Academic Medea in Agricultural Business Mahagertierit., lie plans to return to the:horrid farm,- for program planning, evaluating courses, equipment surveys, school visitations and promot- ional meetings. The Brussels School Track and Field Meet will be held, weather permitting, on June 7. In the past, parents and high school "students have aided with the activities and we would ap- preciate any volunteers who.could help again. If anyone is interested please send word to the school. The winners will go on to the Regional Track and Field Meet to be held at F.E,Madill Secon- dary School on Thursday, June 14. Grey clears $150 grant to aid centre The Grey Township Council meeting was held on.-May 7th. Resolutions passed included the following: - That the Brussels Medical- Dental Centre be given a grant of $150.00,. - That the report of Gamsby and Mannerow Limited, Guelph, Ontario, of the Bruce-William- son Municipal Drain dated.March 2nd, 1973, be provisionally adop ted and By-Law No.10 of 1973 be given first and second reading and that Roy Williamson be appointed Commissioner. That Court of Revision be held at the next regular meeting on June 4th. -That the. Clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders on the Bruce-Williamson Municipal Drain. - That the sidewalk in front' of Mrs. Jean- Broa.dfoot's resi- dence be repaired by the road department. That the road superinten- dent's report be adopted and that we authorize the road superin- tendent to complete the work that he recommended. - That Donald Martin and Barbara Dunbar obtain satisfac- tory estimate on the repair of the truck for fire department at St. Marys and are authorized to have the repairs completed up to a price of $3,000. - That By-Law No. 8 of 1973, being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement with the Municipal- ity of the Township of Elma as to. the maintenance of , the boundary road, be finally passed as read a first, second and third times. - That Charles H. Thomas and Roy M. Williamson be ap- pointed voting delegates' to the A.M.O. annual conference in Tor- onto, August 19th to 22nd. Accounts approved for pay- ment included: General $3,849:62 and Roads & Bridges - $4,605.26 for a total of $8,454.88. Visit workshop Two classes, about 15 students, from the Queen Eliza- beth School for the Mentally Re- tarded, Goderich, Visited the Village Workshop in Brussels Tuesdays n ufterilliOn. While there they tOOk part in Crate: The Visit was Made AS a field trip. No ma' l Monday VICTORIA DAY May 21St is a publiC holiday and no mail transportation SerQ Vide will be provided according` to ilkitSgelg Postmaster.Miss "Pearl Baketi No receipt or dispatch of than's for any rural route service, Rev. Garbutt Smith of Strat- ford was elected president of the Huron-Perth TB and Res- piratory' Disease Association - at' the annual educational dinner meeting held in Egmondville The youngsters, and adults as well, are looking forward with eager anticipation to the Giant Fireworks Display at the Brussels fair grounds on Friday night, May 1 8th. It is being sponsored by the Brussels Busi- ness Association, Don't disap- , point the youngsters. Be sure and reserve that date for it will be well worth atending. Such a display is not often seen except on special occasions of cele- bration. More details elsewhere in this edition of the Post. * * * * * * children . cannot buy fire- works. Too many youngsters haVe been injured by them and as a result, theit sale Is fot,, bidden to anyone under the age, of 18 years. Merchants are only petinitted to sell them' to persons 18 and' over and then Only for the two business days prior to the holiday Celebratioridate, That is, this year, On Friday and' Saturday; May 18th and lOth, * * • . • This week, May 18th to 19th, is canadiali Police week, During thii week 'the Public Of Ontario Were .invited to visit polite establishments and to discuss With riiehiberg Of the force the law enforetetiint process'... it is to be 'hoped many 'have. done SO'. and that they now have better titideratanditig and gteater appre- diatidri of diiir tisdlidei 'We receive theft' getVide and protection and theY should have our esteem and etippert. tee- exten t from too many people,• they do not. They are ridiculed, criticized and Ob- sttticted in their efforts on behalf of the public. The majority of them are dedicated to duty and their responsibility to uphold and enforce the law. They should have our understanding and respect. * * * * * With the sounds of hockey battles, swish of curling brootils, shetitS of victory 'and groans Of defeat silenced, the BruSse1s arena has been quiet lately but that no longer Is the case. The arena resOundS 'to the Whitt and rattle of toilet skates. The local .Lieq s again thit year are Spon- toilet skating here, the program began on May 9th and Will continue until October. 31st. No doubt thete will be many young—people taking advantage Of the opportunity to participate in this popular pastime provided for thenria. The 1314iisSelS) Lions haVe new president this year, Jim PtiOti Other OffieetS tor the. 107844 year aret. Pagt dent. - Jim 'knight; 1st Vice ttiAi MoCall;, 2nd Vide Wayne towe . 3rd Vide 4aCk ivicdut- chooN ,Secretary Cecil Me= kadder4 "Treasurer bon LaUtie; Tail Twister knight; AggiStatit 'Twister Bill BeadOtrie ift The 108' 'Canadian dander (dotitiinied bn Pitgelfr paign was reported to be the • most successful to date with re- ceipts totalling $38,203 compared $35,148 in 1971. ThiS was 11 per, cent population support;. the highest in the province. -A. Les McDonald of Toronto; Program Consultant with the On- tat io T.B. and Respiratory uisease Association, was the guest speaker on the topic of current trend8 in the T.B. and Respiratory ,DiseaSe movement.. Mr. McDonald Spoke of the Ontario Department of Health assuming full responsibility fOr Control of T.B. in the province, beginning on Apr111,1970, leaving the AssociatiOn free to develop programs that would hopefully meet the needg in respiratory disease and in addition to co, ordinate and expand interest in air pollution, with emphasis on anti-cigarette smoking pro- gramme activities. Full-time medical director, Dr . L. result and C C a f iGura.ay has beentlotwithmed the `SehOol8 haS been achieved. Part Of this program is the granting: of funds to teaching hospital ties- pitatory units and grants in aid. This coining year, Mr. MctiOnald reported that $141,340 is being biidgeted fot this 'purpose. He reported there are 30 qualified program co-ordinators in OntatiO directing the respira- tory disease programme: The ObjeCtiVe of the T.B. and Respiratory DiSease movement IS to assist in the prevention„, detection and control Of diseaSeS of the lung, financed by the Chtittriiag Seal campaign, with some monies received from Mentorial gifts and bequests. McDonald Statedthat pre Mention Is through health education and the iiiiinber One priority here is pointing up the health hazard , cigarette smokin g yetith i, through school aid other yOutti-orientatedhealth ethidatiOtt Mr. 4C15Onalti. Sai0"thittr tedtitiiiOf respiratory diseases` is Carried out by screening and cility development. liesaid (Continued on tige 1,4)"' United Church • Wednesday. He succeeds Ivan Forsyth of Kippen. Vice-presidents are Miss Eileen O'Brien of Goderich and Mrs. Frank Dodds of Stratford. The 1972 Christmas seal cam- Christmas Seal receipts are up .B.R D. annual meeting learns