HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-03-28, Page 3Elm Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Company NOW SERVING YOU WITH ALL MAJOR COVERAGES ON FARM, URBAN & COTTAGES 1 Complete Protection Policy PROTECTION AVAILABLE .FIRE WINDSTORM THEFT Machinery Hooter Livestock Floater ALSO AVAILABLE: Homeowners Package Policy . Volt .1N.FORNIATIONC Phoi* ATWOOD 356,2582, COLIJVCT or Phtitik M t. JACK COX, 1111USSt.LS, 881,6110 Al. 'REI1 YOUNO '1)011014Ag '111711Ig President tic Mei* News of Walton Mrs, Schneck ...shows slides on. European trip Correspondent Mrs, Allan iwcali Mrs. Dave Schenck ofSeaforth was guest speaker at the Citi- zenship and world Affairs meeting , of the Walton Women's Institute at the community hall on Wednesday evening, March 21, when several visitors were present. Mrs. Gerald Watson presided and MrS. Herb Traviss was pianist. The Roll call was a country I would like to visit and why. The Minutes were read by secretary, Mrs. Joe Steffler. lvir$. Herb Traviss brought in the new Slate'Of Officers for the coming year, as follows: • Past President, Mrs. Gerald Watson; President, Mrs. Allan McCall; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Don Achilles; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Bill Humphries; Secretary-Treasure, Open; Dis- trict D',rector, Mrs. Alvin Mc Donald; Public RelationsOfficer, Mrs. Jim Axtmann; Branch Directors, Mrs. Ray Huether, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr., Mrs. Don McDonald, Mrs. Laverne Godkin; Curators; Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Jim McDonald; press reporters, Mrs. A. McCall, Mrs. Earl. Watson; Auditors, Mrs. Harvey Craig, and Mrs. Dave Watson. Standing Committee Con- venors; Agriculture and Cana- dian Industries; Mrs. Emerson Mitchell, Mrs. Harold Bolger; CitiZenship and World Affairs; Mrs. Mac Sholdice and Mrs. -Graeme Craig; Family and Con- sumer Affairs; Mrs. George Mc Call and Mrs. Ron Bennett; Edu- cation and Cultural Affairs, Mrs. Bill Leeming and. Mrs. Dave Watson; Resolutions, Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Mrs. Harvey Craig; Sunshine Sister, Mrs. Nel- son Marks. The nominating Committee consisted of Mrs. Ray Huether, Mrs. Herb Traviss, Mrs. Ralph Traviss, Mrs. Neil McGavin, Mrs. Earl Watson and Mrs. Gerald Watson. It was decided to have a Des- sert Euchre early in April on a date to be set by the commit- tee in charge; M-s, Ernie Stevens, Mrs. Ron Bennett, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr., Mrs. Don Achilles, Mrs. George McCall and Mrs. Mac Sholdice, The annual meeting will be held on April 18th beginning with a dinner at the Winthrop Church. It is requested that those wishing to attend have their names and money in to the following hostesses by April 2; Mrs. B. Humphries, Mrs. S. Humphries, Mrs. H. Traviss and Mrs. M. Sholdice. The meeting was turned over to the convenors on Citizenship and World Affairs. Mrs. Helen Williamson read a poem on "March" and introduced Mrs. Dave Schenck of Seaforth, who is associated with the Huron Perth T.B. and Respiratory di- seases association.. She told of her trip to_ Russia where she attended a conference, and showed slides of places she had visited, both in Russia and on the way including Holland and Sweden. The collection was taken and donated to Mrs. Schenck to further Asthma Research in Huron County. Mrs. Mac Sholdice thanked the speaker and presented her with a gift. Lunch was served by the hos- tesses, Mrs. Torrence Dundas, Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. Don Achilles and Mrs. Nelson Reid. RECEPTION HELD A large crowd attended a' reception and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bennett (nee Dianne M achan), recent newlyweds, which was held in the Walton Community Hall on Friday even- ing March 16th; Prior to lunch, the young couple were called to the plat- form, when Gerald Smith read an address of congratulations and best wishes and Bob Hum- phries made the presentation of a gift of money; on behalf of their friends and neighbours. Gary made a suitable reply. Ian Wilbee and his orchestra supOlied,music for dancing. 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary in London at a family dinner in their honor on March 18th. Guests present were Miss Sandrawatson, Mr. Tim- Butter of London, David, Anne and Mary Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Watson (the for- mer Berva Blanchard) were mar- ried at the bride's parent's home near Winthrop, .March 29, 1948. Rev. J.R. Peters officiated. Rev. and Mrs. Gordon flazelwood of the Walton charge were also guests at the wechiir4 25 years ago. W.I. EUCHRE Progressive euchre was played in the Walton community hall on Friday evening with 13 tables in play. Prize winners were; High lady, Mrs. Russell Marks , low lady, Mrs. Jim Mc Donald; High man, Bob Smith, Seaforth; Low man, Bill Thamer; Lady with the most buttons on her dress, Mrs. Edna Hackwell; Man with the most change in his pockets, Gordon Murray. The dessert euchre was an- nounced for April 5th, Lunch was served by the hos- tesses, Mrs, Torrence Dundas, Mrs. Ray Huether, Mrs. Keith Rock and Mrs. Allan McCall. 4-H M'a' E TING The Walton II 441 .Club, "Sportswear with Knits" met at the home of Mrs. Don McDonald, March 19th. The girls answered the roll call, "Name one knitted garment in your wardrobe and tell what kind of knit it is made of." Members agreed on a name for the club, "Knotty Knits". Different types of knits were discussed and how to distinguish them, everybody brought a piece of knit and told what kind it was, followed by a discussion on things to remember when laying a pattern on knits. Mary Ann Blake demonstrated how to put a pattern on material. BRUSSELS CALF CLUB MEET The organizational Meeting of the Brussels Calf Club was held on. March 19, in the Blyth Pub- lic School with three other clubs present, opening with games fol- lowed by Leonard MacGregor speaking to those present. The group then broke up into clubs. The election of officers took place as follows: President, Do- rothy Boneschansker, R.R, 1, Ethel: Vice-President, 'Bill Boneschansker, H.R. I, Ethel; Secretary-Treasurer, Keith Clark and he also offered to be Press Reporter for the club.. Two new members, John Dyke and Chris Ryan were welcomed making eleven members in the Club. New members are mt st welcome and it is not too late to sign up. Contact any of the officers or the leader, John Bone- schansker. The next meting is to be held on the second Wed- nesday in May, at the home of John Boneschanker, R.R. 1, Ethel:" LAITY SERVICE The annual Laity Service was held Sunday -morning at Duff's United Church with a good at- tendance. Rev. Dodken conducted the service and was assisted by Clay- ton Fraser, Fred Dunk, Mervin Smith, Mrs. Walter Bewley, Mrs. Don McDonald, Mrs. Harold Mr_ Calbim and Mrs: Charles Mc Cutcheon. The men's choir contributed several anthems during the ser- vice which was followed by lunch. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Iluether, Steven and John last week were Mr. and Mrs. Mac Webster and Torn Shortreed, Varna, Tuesday evening.. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper and family Of Mitchell visited them Wednes- day evening, John Steffler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Steffler was a patient in seaforth Hospital suffering from bronchitis. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Girodat of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk, Penny Girodat and Ricarda Meir returned home with them after -spending the school holiday week in. Walton. Mr. and Mrs. David Dunk, David and Darlene of Co- runna also visited at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krauter of near Huntsville visited last, week with Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald. Mr. William Blake has been a patient in the Clinton Public Hos- pital, we hope he is soon much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. -Fred Rutledge of Ottawa were visitors last week with the former's mother, Mrs. Roy Bennett. Danny Achilles, John Huether, peter Bennett and Neil Mitchell attended the Tyke Hockey Tour- nament in Listowel last Wed- nesday, during the school break. Mr. and Mrs. -John Watson of Bayfield visited Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W.J. Leerning. We are glad to hear Jennifer Kirkby is able to be home from the London Hospital with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kirkby and brother Paul, 4 Mrs. Ruth Huether and Mr. Gerald NIcArter, Brussels, ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether, Steven andJohn to Royal Oak, Michigan on Saturday to attend the Saunders - Rourke wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sanderson and family of Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Searle, Gail and Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duncan, Kitchener, were guests at the Saunders - Rourke wedding on Saturday at. Royal Oak, Michigan. • Visiting Sunday at the Manse with Rev. and Mrs. Derwyn Dock- en and Kristen were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doeken and Oscar. Heather McDonalq, Joyce Blake, Marie Nolan, Gail Traviss—Joan Bennett, Nancy Knight, Bruce Knight and Ray McNichol from the Walton area were among the twenty-four: members of the Drama Club of the Seaforth District High School who spent la5t week in London, England where they were on a theatre tour and sightseeing. They arrived back late Sunday night to Melton Airport, News of Cranbrook Correspondent 1VIrs.,Ma.6 Engel Brussels CREAMERY BUTTER HURON FOOD :PRODUCTS, LTD. IT'S ALWAYS BETTER WITH BUTTER Distributors of Seal Pure Ice Cream and Milk. Products, Phone 887-687Z Wes McEachern received word of the death of his Lorne McEachern, at Winnipeg, Weekend visitors with MY'.. and Mrs. Douglas Purdy Were Mr and Mrs. John Bauch and thildrene Stayner, Douglas Becker, Kitchener ) ViSited Mrs. Melvin Decker on :Sunday and his Seri .Kerry who spent` the holiday Week here, re,, turned With Mtn. Winston McEachern, Galt, visited on the weekend with his pati6tit, Mt. and Mrs. Mee tathotn. Mr: and Mtg. _Alvin Ma.eLentIOti, Listowel, visited at the same toriita,'biiiitiltracY and bantiy ,Taoldit4 all of Blediriltigdale, spent several days With their grandPareiitS, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Dunm Mrs. Doug., Whitfield, MrsLidtidott, AIse visited her sister s 15tititi. titt BRUSSELS Posy, MARt14: 18,