HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-03-28, Page 1Terry McCUtcheon, captain of the Brussels Mites, accepts the Listowel Mite Tournament "C" Championship trophy from Cliff Wilson, treasurer of the Listowel Minor Hockey Association. Worked in Huron 47Years John 'Snell of Brussels passed away Suddenly , at hiS hoMe here on Friday, March 23rd. He was in his 74th year. Mr. Snell was widely known throughout Huron COunty having been an employee of the County for 47 years. He WAS Bridge Superintendent frettn 1938 Until he retired in: Brussels in 1967. He IS survived by his wife, the former Mary smith. Millet,. one daughter Mrs. Geoffrey (Jean) Marston of Oshawa and two sans, Vern Of Kingston and Glen of Grey Township. The ftinetS1 service was held. Atari the M, L. Watt's Funeral Home, Brussels at 2;00 pont, 'on Monday, IVIarch 26t1i. bey'. L. B. Lebrew of brussels was the Officiating minister. A thenibtlai service was held at the Funeral Heine at 9:.00 p.m. On Sunday evening tinder the ass= pites of Forest Lodge AF ,&. AM No, 162' of wroketer Temporary entombment took plade in BfitsSelS- Burial Chapel. Pallbearers were Iteetiald and Carson Watson, Anson, Aus- sol i Leo 'and Hobert. :Ruttati, Plnweit' were carried by Lloyd and Arthur iluttan. . • TOP •101k PitObeCtli derritt Van 'Veen of ILL, Brussels was : 'among the top Alt dairy, producers honied at: the Meeting' Or the Dairyberd- iiiiprolettient :Assotiation held in: .„, tl 1 ESTABLISHED 1872 g Brussels Post BRUSSELS ONTARIO 102nd Year — Issue No. 13 Wednesday, March 28;1973 Advance plans to organize senior citizens association St. Johns Anglican congregation bids farewell to minister It is Easter Seal time. The Brussels Lions Club, who are sponsoring the local campaign, have mailed the seals, which are very attractive, to the people of this corn munity, and they are new awaiting your reponse to the appeal. What more worthy cause could there , be than Canada's Crippled Chilcren? With the help of all of us they can get the specialized treatment they need to live a happy fulfilled life. Be generous. Mail your donation now in the envelope you received along with your Easter Seals. Don't let a crippled child down because of your lack of response. Take this step now so some crippled child can walk through he years to come. * * * * * The Majestic W.I. are again taking charge of organizing the ancer Campaign for Brussels and the surrounding area during he month of April. It Would be gratefully appreciated if anyone who could volunteer their time as a canvasser would con- tact Jim ArnIsttong. Everyone an help by giVing' generbusly When a canvasser calls; Your tilers are needed now to con- Untie the battle againSt Cancer. cancer can be beaten. GiVehOpe- a boost. Your money fights ancer in Many ways. Of each dollar donated 58 cents is given to research, required for services for patients; Ina special ype of support and .eridotirage‘. bent cancer patients Often need; 11 cents goes to the itilpettatit ask of the edUcatiOribithe people f Ontario about cancer and-"the antler in which a person can fight the disease. only 6 tents OS let adininitttatiOn, and 5 cuts for campaign costa and '8 ea ts goes towards the proViSiOti f fonr patient ledges in Ontario. h.6 Society is a registered nadian charitable organization,a donations to it may be' claimed inteine tail 'deductions. * One often heatS complaints ut the condition of Sothe of r BrUSSel's Streets. Ifyou d been driving around Wine- hi streets lately you wouid ahge your thin& it -waS bUhl thinugh pot holes d jiggle wiggle over AndIarourid ugh broken striates, the tire In that advertises oft 'IV' the' tough road surfaces they create on which to -test the endurance quality of their tires could use them for their test, rides. * * * * * Where do the birds take re-, fuge when a belated winter storm hits? Prior to our recent return of winter our feathered friends were winging everywhere. Their cheerful chittering and chattering was welcome >music to our ears. Came the storm - suddenly all were silent. The birds were neither seen or heard. What became of them? where and how did they survive in all that freez- ing' rain, blustery snow and icy gales? For that matter where did our friendly squirrels go? They did not return to their winter haven in our attic space where their sometimes covort- ing about was alarming to visi- tors who did not know our furry tenants. * * * * * * The Mobile home industry must be booming, at least in this area of the country. Three or four of them at one time have been seen passing through our Village several times a week in the past month or two. If they have been going to dealers or private individuals we have not ascertained for this writer has not had the nerve to attempt to halt the cabs hauling them to inquire as to their destination. They may perhaps be headed for somewhere on our beautiful Lake Huron shoreline. How nice, and convelent we Might add, to have an erietgetie' and helpful man drop in at the pick up a broom,' then go to work the.dotilotisly tidying up the MUSS arid clutter we never seem: to 'find the time, or energy, to cope with day-by-day:, All that work with no other reconi- pn than a *attn. "thank tO One held in affeetiOnate, re-. Ord. * what kind Or language is used - when the dear little woman add, dearly puts her husband's, truck license through the washing ma- Chine?. HOW etittid he blame dear' 'Attie When lie left that so Iiiiportant paper Loose in his potkett If you titet, *ad tt We.thed don't Leave id a. rocket,, About 60 members • of St. John's Anglican Church gathered in the parish Hall on Thurs- day to honour Rev. and Mrs, Keith Stokes and family at a farewell social. Mr. Stokes' duties commence April 1st at St. John's in Leamington. Progressive euchre was en- joyed by the adults while, the About 60 Sr. Citizens of Brussels and surrounding area met in the Canadian Legion Hall in Brussels on Wednesday after- noon Of last week. Mrs.Leona Armstrong, president of the Ma- jestic W.I. welcomed them and opened the meeting with the sing- ing of ''When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" - Mrs. Walter Kerr was at the piano. The president of the Wingham Sr. Citizens, Mr. MacKersie, who was present along with a number of other Wingham citizens was called on to speak. He gave encoura.gement as well as valuable information concerning Senior Citizen Clubs including organization, types of meetings and fees. A nominating committee, con- sisting of Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Alf. Knight and Mrs. Calvin C am- eron were appointed to bring Ma slate of officers for the next meeting in April. Five games of euchre were played. High Lady - Mrs. Ruby Steiss; Low Lady - Mrs. Mac Engel; High Man - ClemSteffler; Low Man - Mrs. Tunney (playing as a man). Most lone hands - Marlene Pennington then expressed thanks on behalf of the 'Sunday School and Confir- 'illation Class and Charlene Ste- phenson presented Mr. Stokes with a gift from them. Mr. Stokes made a fitting reply thanking everyone and asking the congregation 'to remember him and his family in their prayers. • Mrs. Jessie Engel. Tickets were sold on three flowering African Violets donated by Frank Carter. Lucky ticket holders were Mrs. E. Parrish, Mrs. Beatrice Cardiff and Mrs. Ada Armstrong. Lunch was served by Mrs. Leona Armstrong, Mrs. Tunney, Mrs. Frank Shaw, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull and Mrs. Am y Speir. Confirms class of Ii The Sacrament of Confirma- tion was the occasion of a special service in St. John's Anglican Church in Brussels Friday even- ing.• The four congregations of the parish of Blyth, Brussels, Belgrave and Auburn joined to- gether to meet with Bishop Harold Appleyard for the service. St. John's choir was assisted by singers from Blyth and Belgrave, and were under the direction of Mrs. Bertha Elliott. Eleven young people received the Sacramental "Laying on of Hands" by Bishop Appleyard. Those confirmed were Jackie McWhirter, Juanita Smith, Brenda McCutcheon, Doris Miller, Marlene Pennington, Louise Alcock, PaulGowing, Tom Miller and Ted , Elliott, all of the Brussels congregation, and Linda Ives and. Jayne Watson of the Blyth congregation. I n his address to the young people the Bishop stressed the Rule of Life. • King - rule your life for the benefit of all. Bishop - prayer for the good of all people.' Lawyer - plead for mercy for all. Soldier - fight for the right for all. Workman - work'for the good of all. Following the service the congregation was invited to the Parish Hall where they had a chance to chat with Bishop Apple- yard. Advances tO °Maria 'finds MISS Barbara Johnston, daughter' of Mr, and Mrs. Olen Johnston of 11,R„ BlUeVale, topped the Grade 4 6 class iti the District i ,d" Canadian. Legion' public speaking finals held in Listowel on Barbara, A student at bririS. SeIS Public Sohoo1, won the right to compete in the ptOVineial area toilieSt to be held at tong bran& On April, IA., The provincial tinalt• will be held April 21st at Waterloo, OPP report investigations Recent inveStigatioris carried out by OPP of Winghana Detach- ment include!' TWO investigations under the Liquor Control Act With two persons charged. Twelve charges laid under the Highway Traffic Act with two warnings issued. Ten investigations under the Criminal Code with One petSOrk charged: Oil March 13 Kenneth W. McGowan of Queen street, Blyth, struck a car operated by Albert Watson Of Wilson greet, biyth. This accident occurred in front of Harem's Garage, Easley Street'in. Blyth. There were no ifijiitieS and total damage ,esti- mated at $1566.064 On March VI, John K. Big:- ging of Turnbeity Street, Bti184 8018, was travelling. west on #86 Highway and lost control' of his Vehidle. This Vehicle struck'- and broke Softie guide posts. This . accident' occurred near the Berth-Huron County Litie.There were no injuries anti tOtaldatnage 'estimated at $1g5.96, On March' it,. 19 A i 18 Ian. 154 Scott- of P.,11,#8, 131yth. betaine stuck in MAO' ttieW.L.8,KellY of 4416 North State Road, David ,- son,,Mithigari, was SOiitlibetitid on' #4 son,, at the 10 Concession Ott aSt Wawahosh and struck the Stott vehiclee there Were no i Junes,and total damage' esti,, mated: at: SIXIO,fitY, youngsters took some _,of their favourite games to play. Clarence McCutcheon also entertained the youngsters with several games of bingo. Sharen Stephenson read an address on behalf of the con- gregation and gifts wer e pre- sented by Clarence McCutcheon, Tom Bernard, Fred Stephenson and George Thornton.